Officials reveal another life lost to COVID-19

| 03/03/2022 | 43 Comments

(CNS): Public Health has revealed that an unvaccinated patient who had tested positive for COVID-19 died last week, bringing the death toll in Cayman as a result of the pandemic to 18. Officials said that the delay in reporting the death on 21 February was to confirm that SARS-CoV-2 was responsible.

No other details were revealed about the latest victim of the virus. There are still eight patients in the hospital as a result of COVID-19 three of which are fully vaccinated.

While the latest death and continued hospitalisations show the pandemic is not over, the most recent figures reflect a continued and significant decline in local transmission, with just 64 new cases reported over the first two days of March.

As of yesterday morning, there were 774 active cases in the community. To date, there have been over 19,900 cases in almost two years. Of these 242 people have been hospitalised.

Meanwhile, the weekly situation report detailing the status of the virus between 20 and 26 February showed that positive COVID-19 cases have declined by 77% over the last four weeks. There were 383 new cases last week after 2,581 official PCR tests were conducted, compared to 3,098 the week before.

Despite efforts to promote the vaccination to children and boosters to everyone, just over 400 people received a shot last week, including 79 children. Only 35% of those over 12 who are eligible have been boosted and the percentage of the entire population with at least one shot has stalled at 84%, though this is still a significant number and represents 96% of adults and children over 12.

See the full situational report from last week in the CNS Library.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (43)

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  1. Alfred says:

    I wonder what sort of fake news someone in their 60s would need to read before they could take the decision to pass on the vaccine.

  2. Anonymous says:

    It’s really appalling that none of Cabinet, Governor’s Office, CMO, DoT, HSA, DCI, CITA, Cayman Finance, have bothered to update and/or correct the misinformation for our territory on Worldmeters. Their last data link is from February 23rd, and it was wrong then too. Click on their link and send them an email.

    Newsflash: Worldmeters been one of the central data aggregators for Covid-related foreign travel advisories for at least the past 2 years of this global pandemic. You all have one central mission: to advocate for this territory! Do it!

  3. Michel Lemay says:

    Our hearfelt condolences to the family and friends, you will be missed.

  4. Just me. says:

    In the same time frame how, many lives lost due to cancer, heart attacks, car wrecks, diabetes, and all the rest? Look up the death rate in the Cayman Islands.

  5. Pol says:

    Unvaccinated deaths are the same as drivers who die not wearing seatbelts. Their own problem not ours.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Condolences to the family of the person this article mentions.

    The article also had some stats so I went to look up the comprehensive report. It seems Government is playing hardball!

    Looks like if we wont report, they wont report! They stopped doing daily and switched to weekly and now they are just not gonna share what they know.

    6:45 PM Friday night March 4, figures on the gov site are Feb 13-19.

    They know it’s over, they don’t even care enough to update their website anymore, Travel Cayman is days away from laying off their staff.

    Take the masks off, get your shots, let’s get going, it’s done.

    • Anonymous says:

      We are stuck with Travel Cayman. 2020 Pandemic allowed the Government to create scores of previously non-existent jobs for Caymanians out of thin air, you don’t just throw away an opportunity like this here.

    • Anonymous says:

      Monday at 3:30, still “latest” figures are Feb 13-19 on, they don’t care.

      Nor should we. Get the masks off and move on.

  7. Anonymous says:

    “The FDA is concerned about the risk of false results when using this unauthorized test.”

    Looks like the LFT tests we are all using on the island are not FDA approved. Quite concerning.

    • Anonymous says:

      This means that all the testing going on in schools is completely inaccurate since these test give both positive and negative false positives.

      Parents – stand up, stop testing and take those masks off your kids. The game is up – its over – it time to take control.

    • Anonymous says:

      Check where the LFTs we have on island are made. Didn’t the virus start there?

  8. Anonymous says:

    as far as I am aware you can only get boosted in Cayman if you are over 18 years old. Why is this?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Even if cruise ships were not coming back at the end of this month there are still some things we need to address:
    1. Pre-flight negative test to come to Cayman. Why is this still necessary? COVID is in our comunity, as is Omicron (so we know that a negative test before you get on the plan will not keep it out) and with no mandated testing after arrivals there is no way of knowing if travellers end up positive or not.
    2. Mask wearing and social distancing should both now be personal choice.
    3. Children taking the vaccination status of their parents should apply to domestic flights as well as international ones.
    4. The need to request permission to travel to Cayman, for Caymanians, should be removed. They can just show their vaccination cards when they check in.

  10. Anonymous says:


  11. Anonymous says:

    What is fully vaxxed? Is it also boosted? Thanks!

  12. Anonymous says:

    He died on his 63rd birthday. Very sad.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Still not reporting.

  14. anon says:

    Do we ever file this data with the WHO, our number seem to be static for weeks at a time.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Let’s read what the “experts” have to say on the comment thread.

    HSA and CIG have done a great job containing this to the best of their ability.

    Sad another life has gone due to this pandemic, but the reality is vaccines work.

    Continue wearing a mask and do your best to maintain social distance. We can do our part.

    Healthcare workers are burnt-out.

    • Anonymous says:

      Let’s give up the masks & the testing. They are letting thousands in from the cruise ships who will not be wearing masks & testing….

      • Anonymous says:

        Instead of giving up masks and testing looks like we have to double the effort. I am doing my part!!

        • Anonymous says:

          You can wear mine too, I won’t be wearing any mask if cruise shippers are allowed to roam our streets

          • Anonymous says:

            If cruise shippers are allowed to roam our streets then wouldn’t you be safer with a mask. Your argument makes absolutely no sense. Are you taking the risk to protest the cruise ship or what? Anyway go ahead and knock yourself out!

    • Plok says:

      The position is simple. If people choose to not have the vaccine that is their problem not ours. The only stats that matters are tje deaths of the fully vaccinated.

    • Really… says:

      No. Masks should be a choice. End the mandate. If it’s ok to bring back cruise ships then let people make their own decisions.

      • Anonymous says:

        And I’ll decide to drive on the right. How is that going to work out for your family in the oncoming car? There is a reason for masks. Hint, it is not to protect the wearer!

        • Anonymous says:

          Those who don’t want to wear masks are just selfish. We wear masks to protect each other. Why are so many people not willing to do that? Do away with the testing if you want but keep the mask mandates in place to protect the vulnerable, including seniors, children and those who can’t get vaxxed for medical reasons. Let’s practice Cayman Kind.

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