Traffic trouble leads to closure of BT Bypass

| 03/03/2022 | 43 Comments

(CNS): With the massive decrease over the last two weeks of people in isolation as a result of the pandemic, the level of traffic has quickly returned to pre-pandemic levels and rush hour is now worse than ever for those commuting from the Eastern Districts.

The situation in Bodden Town is causing safety concerns, as drivers try to beat the queues on Bodden Town Road and Shamrock Road by using the bypass. As a result, this road will now be closed between 5:30am and 8am on weekdays, police said.

Police said that due to the public complaints regarding safety, poor driving practices and traffic congestion between Anton Bodden Drive (located next to the Bodden Town Police Station) and Condor Road, there will be limited local access only to the road, which runs between the police station and the primary school, from Monday, 7 March, until further notice. Motorists are encouraged to continue on their route along Bodden Town Road.

Police said officers will be posted at the location during the morning commute, as they asked all drivers to cooperate with the change.

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Category: Local News

Comments (43)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    You just wait until all the car rental companies replace the fleets that they sold after lockdown.
    Those companies are the ones that should have a moratorium on bringing cars in.

  2. Anonymous says:

    As has already been pointed out, the roads should be altered so that it flows onto the bypass. Bodden Town retains its current road, but make it a 15 or 20 zone, with speed bumps or chicanes or similar to slow traffic down.

    If you need fuel, you can still get it. If you’re looking to get a jump on traffic, then forget it.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The traffic situation is going to be a big deal in the next election if it is not resolved. The last PPM Govt thought that telling people they were going to fix some areas in the Prospect and Hurley’s areas would get them more votes and they did nothing. So I don’t ever want to hear anything about a PPM comeback. This Govt going same route.

  4. Anonymous says:

    It is high time for Cayman to have a reliable 24 hour railway system with affordable fares that cuts across some of the island inland (trains) from East End to George Town. There are too many things on the roads and roads network (cars, buses, dump trucks, heavy equipment, school buses, motor cyclists, taxis, bicyclists, pedestrians, runners and cargo trailers) all jammed up and going to the same place at the same time and getting NOWHERE !!! Building new roads is really not the solution. Been doing this same old same old for decades and we still have the same exact problem. Try something new and different.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Twenty-five, years ago I said the only way this will work is make the duty higher. Forbid cars over five years old, then a public transport will be profitable for “Government.” Then you can control the drivers. Run it twenty-four day, Sunday to Monday. D

  6. Anonymous says:

    Not sure about the rest of you but I smell the ink of two fresh new Roundabouts coming!!

    All good points above:

    – Why close a road that was designed to elevate traffic (or was it?)
    – Why not close the localized road and keep the bypass for what it was supposedly designed for?
    – Why not finish the road?

    It is just amazing how everyday people can see points like these, but the people that make these knee-jerk decisions cannot??

    Final question: If closing the road is the solution, as another said what was the real purpose of the road?

    Build the road with entrances and exits every two miles with feeder roads on the side. Yes, it’s called a highway with exits. You can get on and off at the closest one or whichever you choose.
    If you continue to allow the same building habits as the old roads you will continue to have the same problems!

    Lastly, for the drivers. Drive the speed limit!!!! You are not doing anyone any favors by driving 20mph in a 40mph zone. Use your mirrors and when you see cars as far as your eyes can see behind you, that’s a hint. Pull da XXXX over and let people get where they are going!!

    • Anonymous says:

      NRA/PACT cannot close BT road as it passes by two very important petrol stations in main BT central. Doubt if the owners of these stations will be happy for traffic to be diverted to the By-pass Rd (Anton Bodden/Condor Road).

  7. Anonymous says:

    The previous administration had no desire to complete the road. They were too busy worrying about the needs of the rich.

    Hopefully this administration will finally get it done

    And for those who don’t understand. An EIA will be done to guide how the road will be built.

    Unlike the airport connector road, which doesn’t have to get an EIA, even though MANGROVES will be destroyed.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s somewhat hypocritical to fight against this road for the eastern districts, when you all were crying out for government to address the traffic woes you all had not too long ago.

      It was a “national crisis” I remember someone calling in on the radio stating. Took them “too long to get from their condo yo the airport”.

  8. Anonymous says:

    This is the first time that the eastern districts has had so many representatives in government.

    Something has to be done to make the traffic problems better.

    I believe a highway from somewhere in Bodden Town where you exit/enter to somewhere in George Town where you exit/enter is a better solution. So many places in the world have highways – why can’t Grand Cayman?

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree. Before the new road was done in WB, the cries from the residents along that entire stretch was one of epic proportion!!! It was all manner of urgency to address that traffic problem. And I agreed. The same should be done for the people in the eastern part of the of the island.

    • Anonymous says:

      Needs to be from Savannah to camana.

  9. Anonymous says:

    The traffic situation between BT & Savannah is way worse than between Savannah & GT. The latter is 20-25 minutes. The former is 1.5 – 2 hours. It needs fixing desperately, otherwise PACT will lose all voters east of Savannah.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s because Shamrock Road has so many roads off it. These little suburbs are home to lots of commuters. People on Shamrock are well meaning in that they stop to let people out. Unfortunately, this causes an absolute cluster as traffic concertinas hundreds of times behind them. There’s no easy solution.

      Public transport, with a dedicated bus lane/electric vehicle only, that’s actually policed, would help.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Stop moaning and get a better job and move North of Hurley’s roundabout like me.

    • Anonymous says:

      So sad they are people like you out there.

    • Anonymous says:

      You need to get a better job yourself, so you can be like me.

      I live on 7MB and because I’m so rich, I no longer need to work, so traffic isn’t an issue. If it was, I’d just my helicopter anyway.


  11. Anonymous says:

    Only in Cayman!! Build roads and extra lanes, just to close them!! Look at how many lanes are now closed off with canes or barriers!

    Traffic flowing into GT from Eastern Districts will ALWAYS be a problem as long as there is no viable public transport options!

    More carriageways and roads into GT only brings the same amount of traffic into the area at a faster rate – it DOES NOT diminish the amount of traffic. Until GT is no longer the main work centre or there is a real public transport system, there will be no changes.

    The “brains” in high places can’t see that???!!

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      7:30 I agree what ever happened to the go east initiative. Shetty Hospital was built were it is for a reason. Now I see their new cancer wing is to be built at camana bay. It will take just as long to get there during rush hour as to get to east end. Why arent the banks forced to build branches in Bodden Town. You cant even find a place to park but I guess if you have your own parking space you dont giver a s… about your customers. And speaking of the Bodden Town bypass All those dump trucks should be forced to use it sooner or later there is going to be one horrible accident in the middle of Bodden Town. But evidently the bypass was just built for the adjacent land owners. I could go on and on but no one cares about the average caymanian.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Bass Ackwards…

  13. Just wait until they close Cardinall Ave ! Most stupid thing ever !! And why did this Govt stop the road works for the new road from Eastern Ave to North Church St ???

  14. Anonymous says:

    ha ha ha….we deffo need a LOL button on this site.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Good move. They need to also stop drivers from using the Northward road to rejoin the traffic at Will T drive in an attempt to get ahead of the traffic between those two points. This is significantly slowing down traffic in the morning.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Wait until the hordes of cattle come off the cruise ships..

  17. Anonymous says:

    Probably the correct decision. But isn’t it ironic that a road designed to ease traffic has made things worse. Here’s and idea. Finish the road!

  18. Anonymous says:

    So instead of enforcing the law against miscreants, the police are going to inconvenience everyone. Have they lost their effing minds?

  19. C'mon Sense says:

    Should be the exact opposite. Restrict driving through the built up “first capital” and make everyone use the bypass. That is what a bypass is for. It is a miracle no one has been run down by dump trucks racing through the narrow town street.

    • They paved Paradise.... says:

      Yes yes yes! The junctions at each end of the by pass should be reconfigured so that ALL traffic flows smoothly through the by pass and not through BT.

    • Anonymous says:

      Bodden Town would be much improved by this.

    • Anonymous says:

      Now that is actually a good idea. It doesnt affect me but a good idea.

    • Anonymous says:

      I had the same thought. I suspect they aren’t because of the school on the bypass. But, to steal someone else’s idea, redesign the junctions so the traffic flows trough this bypass smoother than through BT proper and so that the school access is no longer directly onto the new busier road.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Awful situation.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Since it’s a bypass, why not route all traffic that way, with only local traffic going through BT?

    The bypass word is a clue.

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