Grocery store armed robbers jailed for 7+ years
(CNS): Randon Odell Davis (26) and Lincoln Donovan Sibron (22), both Jamaican nationals, were sent to jail on Friday for more than seven years after being convicted in June last year of armed robbery. The pair pleaded guilty to two counts of robbery and the possession of an imitation gun regarding a stick-up in February 2024 at Vidette’s Grocery, aka the ‘Pink Shop’, and the JN Money Transfer kiosk there on Reverend Blackman Road, just yards from the West Bay Police Station.
Justice Cheryll Richards found that the crime involved a degree of planning as the two robbers had hired a car to use as their getaway vehicle and had timed the robbery just as the money transfer window was closing but before the armoured van arrived to collect the cash.
The men, who were wearing masks, demanded and stole at gunpoint around CI$26,000, mostly from JN Money, as well as cash from the grocery till and two packs of cigarettes. But despite the planning, they were quickly tracked down and arrested.
With the help of members of the public, who were commended by the court, the RCIPS first tracked down Sibron, who was found hiding in a shed at the rear of a house in West Bay. Police then found Davis hiding in the bushes near a water treatment tank. Although he tried to run, police caught up with him, and he was also arrested that same night.
The police found over CI$15,000 in various banknotes in his trousers, secured with staples and collated in the same way the JN Money transfer clerk had wrapped the money for collection.
Soon afterwards, police found what they suspected was the getaway car abandoned not far from the robbery. Inside, they found an open pack of the Rothmans cigarettes, some cash and a torn portion of the money transfer deposit slip. Sibron’s fingerprints were found on the rearview mirror and one side of the pack of cigarettes. Davis’s fingerprints were found on the car doors.
Although both men initially denied the charges, they changed their pleas a few months later and admitted their crimes. Sibron was unemployed at the time and did not have a work permit to be here. Davis was working as a janitor, but having recently become a father, his living expenses were outstripping his earnings.
Neither of them had previous convictions, which, alongside their guilty pleas and some mitigation, was taken into consideration by the judge. Based on the circumstances of the crime and the sentencing guidelines, the judge arrived at a period of seven years and three months for the robberies to run concurrently.
They were also both sentenced to 30 months for the use of an imitation firearm, which will also run concurrently with the robbery sentence. The cash found on Davis was formally seized and will be returned to JN Money.
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imagine when construction is forced to slow down in Cayman – The Jamaican’s that now number 12-15K in the construction sector are going to wake this island up with a spree not seen before. Dont say LTD Da Unboozler never warned you!
Just wait for the aftermath of the next devastating hurricane. The looting by a certain sector of the population will be terrifying.
Is it true that “Vote for Saunders and Seymour” T-shirts are being distributed at both the HMP Northward gate and at the airport when the flights from Jamaica arrive?
woudnt doubt it, malicious rumors. Sanders defend yaself, or is it truly you and your dreams of Hindependence,
Seven years in jail for a poorly planned stick-up. That’s a masterclass in how to trade 15 minutes of crime for over 2,500 days of regret. Hope they enjoy their all-inclusive stay.
Are they going to remain here after their prison term? Asking a stupid question for another person.
Seven years and three months to reflect on why crime doesn’t pay… especially when your fingerprints are everywhere.
“Davis had recently become a father…” THAT is their plan, I heard a few Jamaican young men discussing this. They get here, then knock-up some stupid local girl so as to have “family connections”, which few of them support!! Just look at the photo/article on the front page of a local publication regarding Cayman’s first New years baby 2025!!
It’s clearly a scam and our Jamaican-run Department of Public Prosecutions look away. Not ever deportation orders!!??
I’ve been saying this for DECADES! Too many Caymanian girls with little to no self-esteem, getting knocked up by Jamaicans just using them to have permanent ties to the island. Once “dem ‘ave pickney dem” here, you can’t get rid of them. We should be putting birth control in the water instead of fluoride.
We need to figure out what possesses young Caymanian girls to lie down with guys that can offer them absolutely nothing.
XXXX These two thugs had the opportunity to work here and had they applied themselves and worked hard, they would have made a far better life for themselves here than they would have in Jamaica. But rather than seize that opportunity, when the going got tough they turned to violent crime. Living in a polite, peaceful society wasn’t enough to encourage them to be law-abiding, productive members of our society. Opportunity wasn’t enough. Becoming a father wasn’t enough. When are we going to stop issuing work permits to these people? Enough already.
Your Excellency,
It is with boundless pride (and an appropriate dose of bewilderment) that I announce the forthcoming return of two exemplary candidates for Absurdistan’s Hall of Eternal Ridiculousness: Messrs. Randon Odell Davis and Lincoln Donovan Sibron. These gentlemen have displayed a degree of imprudence so profound that it elevates the criminal performance to an art form worthy of our nation’s highest honors.
Their magnum opus—a daring heist at Vidette’s Grocery (fondly known as the Pink Shop)—resulted in a modest haul of CI$26,000, some petty cash, and two packs of cigarettes. Yet, it is not their meager bounty but their audacious choice of location—mere footsteps away from a police station—that secures their place in the annals of Absurdistani genius. Indeed, only the finest minds of our proud nation could execute such a feat with such breathtaking ineptitude.
In recognition of their contributions to the absurdity index, I propose their commissioning as Lieutenants in the Spork Armed Military’s Styrofoam Corps.
Armed with sporks forged from recycled styrofoam coffee cups, these brave souls will join the ranks of Absurdistan’s most innovative defenders.
Their upcoming service will include the Impending Campaign for the Reclamation of the Cayman Islands, where they shall lead a valiant flotilla of lead-laden sea bikes into battle.
These marvels of Absurdistani engineering, designed to sink under their own weight to the depth of the Trench, are a fitting symbol of our strategic brilliance—ensuring that even failure becomes a spectacle of triumph.
Their arrival must be celebrated with all due pomp. Picture the Grand Parade of Styrofoam Valor: kazoo orchestras serenading the masses, biodegradable glitter cannons launching chaotic splendor into the air, and spork-wielding soldiers demonstrating the ceremonial “Poke-and-Scoop Maneuver”—a move as impractical as it is iconic. Each honoree will receive an engraved spork bearing the proud motto: “Scoop, Stab, Endure.”
Let these men stand as a testament to the enduring power of the Absurditani elite intellect. They may not have mastered the art of crime, but their unparalleled capacity for self-sabotage and their unwavering commitment to nonsense have earned them a place among the greatest knights of absurdity in our enlightened nation.
With sporks raised high and lead-laden sea bikes at the ready,
The Secretary to the Ambassador of Absurdistan
There was no deportation order mentioned so I presume that means that when they are released after serving 5 months of their sentences they will immediately be sent to NAU to sponge off our society. We need to make deportation mandatory rather than a rare after thought.
Imported crime . Epic
Only then might these thugs think twice about doing their criminal activities.
A remand to prison for X time and the ability to come out and start over as if nothing happened, is an incentive NOT a discouragement for these types of thugs we are harbouring in our country.
Repatriated at Jamaica’s expense. We should compel a diplomatic arrangement whereby Jamaica accepts full responsibility for their bad apple hires, or see all their work permit opportunities canceled.
Nothing says ‘criminal genius’ like robbing a place next to a police station, leaving a trail of cash and smokes, and thinking ‘the bushes’ are an invisibility cloak. Honestly, the staples in the money might’ve been the most organized part of this entire fiasco.
deportation and forever barred from returning after serving sentences I hope
Nope. Prosecutors apparently never ask for it!
The prosecutors do not want us deporting criminals to their homelands it seems!
Where are the prosecutors from? Why are you expecting different results?
Imported criminals doing exactly what they are accustomed to doing in their homeland and we welcome them with open arms.
By now, we should have a strong diplomatic arrangement with Jamaica whereby on conviction, they automatically accept responsibility to collect their own criminals (at Jamaica’s expense) and repatriate them to serve time there, or loose access for their nationals to qualify for work permits in the Cayman Islands. Whatever Randon and Lincoln were supposed to be permitted to do, can likely be done by a polite and punctual filipino worker, for example.
I thumbs upped you before you recommended a filipino. I would prefer the devil than to get anymore of them here.
Saunders and Seymour wouldnt like that, they’d lose supporters.
J.J would miss handing out his Friday food supplies. His tears would cause a flood in BTE.
Didn’t have a work permit to be here. Well, now he can stay at a free hotel with roommates.
What ever happened to mandatory minimum sentencing rules of 10 years for a single bullet or gun (real or fake)? The psychological trauma of the threat to life to victims is the same whether the unfired gun was real or not. Any kind of armed robbery sentencing should start at 10 and go up from there, if we were making sense.
Deport the criminals!
After sentence, yes. But even better STOP THEM FROM COMING!
wish they wouldn/t give all of how they were caught, like with finger prints that just gives the next robbers ideas on how to hone their skill as what not to leave behind now they will all be wearing gloves.
Let’s be honest, it’s not as if wearing gloves to conceal your fingerprints is a closely guarded CSI secret is it?!
Clearly these two are not the sharpest tools in the shed!
Absolute clowns.
Clowns who need to be deported asap after serving their sentence and no nonsense about how one of them has a small child here etc etc. The child is better off without him.