Election office extends opening hours for voter registration
(CNS): Officials from the election office have said its hours of operation will be extended over the coming days until the deadline for voters to register on 15 January. There are still thousands of people in Cayman who are eligible to vote who have not yet chosen to sign up to exercise their democratic rights and the office is urging everyone who is qualified to take action and get their names on the register and take part in the 30 April General Election. The office will be open tomorrow Saturday 4 January and until 7pm from Monday 6 January to Friday 10 January.
According to the latest register published on New Years Day there are currently 23,829 people registered to vote and increase of just 300 since October. But with the latest ESO figures indicating a Caymanian population of around 40,000 from an estimated population of about 90,000 people currently living here, there are well-over 10,000 adults entitled to vote that have not registered.
For more information on how to register visit elections.ky or call 949-8047. you can also register to vote on line here.
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Category: Local News
Parents of new Voters regertering will need Birth Certificates of Both, even if the parents are also registered Voters.
It may be a democratic right to vote, but the eligibility to run for office is far from it. Rules in place to effectively keep the current cesspool of politicians for life have taken care of that. I am a Caymanian by status, not even my Caymanian children can run for office. The rules require you to have a Caymanian grandparent. So no, I will not be voting for the same corrupt government that regards me as a foreigner because I do not have a Caymanian grandparent, but wants my vote.
That is called Apartheid Cayman style.
Is this news to you? Or did you make a conscious decision to move to a land where all of this information was readily available before you moved to the best place you’ve ever had the privilege of living?
Fix data protection issues related to the electoral register. I do not want criminals globally to have online access to my residential address. First Class Civil Service is all talk…but has done nothing to fix this issue
So they can publish my home address on the internet? Help no.
Everyone in Cayman has your home address anyway, paranoid android.
Could not find any person named “Dart” on the Electoral Register.
Are you confused as to where Dart lives? This is not the “gotcha” that you were hoping for, I assure you. In fact, it proves my point: anyone in Cayman that wants to know where you live already does, registered or not.
Also can’t register while Status Board dithers.
Voting it’s a false illusion if choice aka waste of time.
Overtime pay justification. Yahoo.
The 6 R/O’s only get a small stipend. No O/T or any other perks.
You know who they are and go and knock their door!
At this point, I am far more concerned with who decides to run for public office. I want to vote for the best in the country, not the least bad in my constituency…
To vote for what? No thanks.
To vote against the port of course.
I’ll be doing a write in vote against beach vendors come referendum day.