André eyes premiership as he takes helm of new party

(CNS): André Ebanks, the former deputy premier and minister for financial services and social development, is taking the lead of a newly formed party that is hoping to contest around ten seats in the April General Election. The Caymanian Community Party (TCCP) officially launched on Wednesday, 15 January, with an initial slate of seven candidates who say they are committed to putting Caymanians and their community first.
Ebanks has been selected by the TCCP’s founding members as its leader and will be premier if they secure a majority. He said the party is promising to form an inclusive, accountable government and to take the country in a new direction.
The party membership currently includes five incumbent MPs: former premier Wayne Panton (NEW), and the four who recently resigned from the UPM: Ebanks (WBS), Katherine Ebanks-Wilks (WBC), Sabrina Turner (PRO) and Heather Bodden (SAV).
They have been joined by Osbourne Bodden, a former PPM member and minister who will be challenging Chris Saunders for his seat in Bodden Town West, and Emily DeCou, a young Caymanian who is well known in the community, particularly among younger voters, for her involvement in local environmental activism. In the 2021 General Election, she was the only serious challenger to the leader of the PPM at the time, Roy McTaggart, for the seat in George Town East. McTaggart won handily with 64% of the vote, but she will be taking him on again this year.
At least three more members are expected to join the party by Nomination Day on 3 March to give the group a fighting chance of forming the next government without having to be part of a coalition.
In a social media post, the group said, “We’re losing our way of life, and too many Caymanians are being left behind.” The TCCP plans to change that.
The party is setting out a shared policy platform to protect Caymanians, their culture and the country’s increasingly threatened natural environment. The group believes that a new approach to government is needed — one that puts the needs of the people, the economy and the environment on a strong, equal and sustainable footing.
“Our people are struggling to find their place in rapidly changing Cayman with soaring costs and fewer and fewer opportunities,” Ebanks said.
“Enough is enough. We must restore sound decision-making, stability and fairness so that every Caymanian can live with pride and dignity in their own homeland. The Caymanian Community Party is something different — it is built on the principles of listening to the voices of our people. We will build our community from the grassroots up; we will not be the party where leaders are dictating from the top,” he added.
The TCCP slate of candidates brings collective experience in both the private sector and government. In a press release they group described themselves as individuals who have stepped forward at critical moments to serve their communities with a focus on people-first solutions, guided by their commitment to good governance and accountability.
Ebanks and Panton filed the political party registration documents with the elections supervisor on Monday, paving the way for a collective challenge to the PPM, which is expected to field as many as 15 candidates.
While McKeeva Bush launched a political grouping last year, there has been no confirmation at this stage as to who else will be competing on the veteran politician’s platform. However, Rolston Anglin is understood to be throwing his hat in the ring in George Town North alongside his former UDP leader.
Meanwhile, Dan Scott, the regional managing partner at EY until he retired last year, is also said to be forming a political group and contesting at least ten seats.
This indicates a change of direction in local politics. After the collapse of the UDP in 2012, there was a surge in independent candidates and loose alignments that led to the last three governments being coalitions. The PPM led and was able to dominate the agenda for the 2013 government and most of the 2017 coalition administration before it collapsed at the end of 2020 due to the rift over McKeeva Bush’s conviction for assault.
The PACT coalition that formed a government in 2021 was totally made up of independent candidates who, apart from Panton and Heather Bodden, all ran separate campaigns. After Panton was ousted from the position of premier by his colleagues, the rest of PACT formed the UPM, which split apart in October last year amid reports of dysfunction within the administration.
Although the PACT/UPM coalition has held the reins of power over the last four years, it has clearly demonstrated the problem of governance when the Cabinet is simply not in agreement on policy.
When he was voted as the PACT leader, Panton was well known for his position on sustainability, environmental protection and the need to adapt to the existential threat of climate change. However, many members of his Cabinet quickly backed away from the policies he was trying to pursue because they were influenced by their financial backers.
As a result, finding consensus on anything became impossible. Even after Panton was ousted from the coalition due to pressure from powerful external forces that further divided the Cabinet, the next premier, Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, was also unable to hold the Cabinet together, leading to the resignation of the four members.
However, for the upcoming elections, the TCCP says it has a platform of common goals that will deliver for ordinary people, not powerful political financiers or private lobby groups. The members believe that, as a party with a shared vision and a cohesive strategy, they will be in a better position to deliver meaningful change because they can offer a structured platform and collective accountability.
The TCCP Constitution also provides for Constituency Associations, which give people an active role in participatory democracy throughout a four-year administration rather than once every four years at general election time.
“The Community Party represents a collective commitment to putting Caymanians first,” Panton said. “This is a movement of Caymanians, by Caymanians, for Caymanians. Together, we will create a future that celebrates our culture, strengthens our economy and our community, and ensures transparency
in governance.”
Panton said that the current UPM minority government’s legislative approach had been the opposite of that. “Recent decisions have demonstrated a lack of transparency and accountability,” he said. “The proposed erosion of environmental protections and public consultation is deeply concerning. TCCP will prioritise good governance to rebuild trust and ensure Cayman’s future is safeguarded.”
See the party launch video below:
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Category: 2025 General Elections, Elections, Politics
7:16 if the “driftwood ” left the country then there would be no one left. What you need to understand is that Caymanians are the minority now. Who will do your garden? Who will tend to you when you are sick? Who will do janitorial work? Who will do construction Manual labour? Who will stock shelves at the supermarkets? so please grow a brain and don’t say let’s get on the “Caymanian ” band wagon, because when the wheels fall off of it and the Caymanian has gone fishing, you’re going to need those “driftwood ” people to fix it. so please stop spewing your ignorance…..
With the greed n money grabs, Uncle is now the CI Czar.
All gone!
We really need Dan, Roy, Andre and Wayne to work together to form a coalition to govern in the best interest of Cayman.
Roy?! lol
Michael is a hard working SELLOUT.
You GT ladies n guys think he got your back. Think again bro!!!
He only see Green!!
Did anyone note that Heather did not show up for Marl Road or Radio Cayman interviews? First she was tired. Next she was helping out a constituent. Things that make you go hmmm…
Interesting observation. Was very suspicious she didn’t show up for that
Have you ever heard her in a debate or interview – go back to the Chamber interviews int he last election – she only did one and couldn’t answer a question . She is a nice woman but NOT a leader.
Nothing unexpected much like the nothing she’s done for Savannah overall in this last term….
“The Caymanian Community Party (TCCP) officially launched on Wednesday, 15 January, with an initial slate of seven candidates who say they are committed to putting Caymanians and their community first.” said every politrickal party ever formed in Cayman. S.S.D.D.
they na comin with no new ideas
Heather…after all the lies that she blamed her sister for…can’t be trusted. Went behind Wayne’s back and pushed through dredging in a marine park. Shame… Shame…
surprising how they don’t speak on that tho inna
My thoughts on Andre vs Dan are that from what I’ve observed, Andre seems to be open to other people’s opinions and thoughts. Whereas Dan strikes me as someone who will want it his way or nothing at all. I’m willing to give TCCP a chance in the hopes that they will have enough members elected to form the government, and have the ability to put forth what they are talking about once they flesh out their manifesto. But this will only happen if they get the majority seats. If not, then it will the same issue as now where its a bunch of different people with all different ideas and they aren’t able to come to a proper decision together.
Let’s be honest, the pool of talent isn’t big enough. We need both of them to work together for the good of Cayman.
What district is Dan running in?
Let’s hope that they can work together and put egos to the side. Dan is slated to run in the Brac.
I wish they were running together instead of a renamed PACT
Andre is grabbing anyone for power whereas Dan has been strategic selecting his team for the betterment of the country to insure the people have the best representation
Otherwise they would not associate with expat hating Osbourne Bodden. Andre’s mother is from Trinidad. Kathy’s mother is American. Sabrina’s father is Jamaican. Emily’s father is American. But note how swift that Osbourne person was to call Jamaican’s rubbish. Caymanians with status just remember that you are rubbish and driftwood to that moron. Bodden Town East did not want his ignorant behind twice. So now he is inflicting his cow cod weilding self on Bodden Town West.
Try so tell us how it feel nah. I give u a dollah
I am looking forward to Dan Scott rolling out his group. It will be a relief to all Caymanians that his party will be fielding enough candidates that can form the government without anyone else.
In other words clean sweep and no horse trading after election. We as voters need to make sure we vote the entire Cayman Islands National Party in across all three islands .
I fully support Dan’s group over the TCCP
You say that without knowing who his candidates are??? wow talk about another effed up 4 years ahead of us.
Dont get your hopes up, “tryin a ting” Rutty is no prize…
Be careful what you wish for, he’s very much like the failed Premier Wayne Panton….
Dan Scott team is going to clean up the election then clean up the mess on our islands
You are VERY wrong about Dan..
The above 4.19 post is in response to 3.31 saying “Dan wants it his own way”…
I agree with 11.23.
I’m a Newlands voter. Heather, you just lost my vote if you are with a party whose views are consistent with Osbourne Bodden’s regarding the stratification of Caymanians.
I have lived here for almost 50 years, and I will not support a party that promotes an agenda that says I am still not Caymanian enough, and even worse, that I am part of the problem they are trying to fix in the country.
Completely agreed. He was on Marl Road calling Jamaicans rubbish. Awful awful man
8.40… Good for Ozzie for saying it like it is.
It’s about time Caymanians stood up to the festering disease that no one dares mention.
Well said Ozzie.
Wayne is running in Newlands, Heather is in Savannah
Dan Scott all the way. His team is our only hope.
That team must be flying around in Wonder Woman’s jet.
Dan was appointed the Education czar and accomplished nothing.
Probably because he was blocked at every turn by the Minister and CS.
Why didn’t he state so publicly then?
2 Bracas de same
Election decisions used to be so simple.
You were either with Mac, or voted for anyone against him.
In April, we should concentrate on keeping the likes of Andre and Dan and their followers in the Majority, to combat the destruction of Cayman by Saunders, Kenneth, Mac and Seymour.
If those four get into a position to rule Cayman, then Cayman as we have known it will be completely destroyed, and replaced with a more corrupt version of Jamaica.
Everyone can write down 10 or 20 things that we all agree are wrong/unjest/unfair/need changing/etc (e.g. COS%; Health Care Costs; Drunk Driving; lack of Beach access for gen public on SMB; etc)
All the candidates for CCP/PPM/KGB/FBI/DNA whoever will all tell us everything they’re going to do (ignoring they’ve had various times in govt over he past 20 years and hoping we’ve forgotten that)
The problem at the end of the day isn’t only the candidates and their propensity to fall to their knees at the first suggestion of a condo in Geneva or a job for their child/aunt/spouse in CAmana Bay, etc
The problem is greed. Its pervasive. Its everywhere. Me and you both too. Greed.
End greed. Fix the problems.
End greed.
I Contrary to what many others may feel I actually respect André, Katherine, Sabrina and Heather for taking a stand against the wrongs they witnessed being done by others within then party. Good on them
The PACT government was formed from wrong doing. They brought in a women beating, sexual predator just to get a majority. You forget that?
they also failed the last 4 years. please unna try wote them out
same old PAC Government recycled….No vote fr me and my family….They did nothing to help Caymanians
TCCP – The Caymanian Communist Party.
When I saw part of the initials (CCP) i immediately thought they were trying to copy the Chinese Communist Party.
Anything I dislike is communism – I am very intelligent.
CCP was the Cyrillic equivalent of SSR (of USSR), the old Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for those with long memories. An unfortunate coincidence in the name of the new party. Just saying.
Except it had three C’s. But apart from that…
I vote in Prospect and I can tell you one thing, Sabrina is sure as hell not getting my vote. She has done nothing in this district since getting in. It’s up to you all to decide the fate of the others.
please vote for Michael Myles
He allll for himself bruuddah!
Him and Sabrina are just as bad as each other. Both out for themselves.
MP salaries are simply EXCESSIVE and we need to start a petition demanding they lower them.
You’re right. The salaries are obscene and excessive for most of the current crop of semi-literate blowhards, uneducated thugs, halfwits and criminals. However, who do you want running the place? Smart, educated people? People with successful careers or businesses? People with other options? Well respected professionals? How will we ever attract those people to throw their hat in the ring if we pay even less.
To 9:57pm:
The thing is, that they DO NOT RUN the place! There is very little MPs can change, beyond asking us whether we agree with amending laws or making new ones. Franz, the civil service and the Commissioner of Police fall under the Governor, so they cannot change much there. The Financial Secretary falls under the Premier, so they cannot change much there, either. They pass laws if the majority does not agree, and they cannot hire or fire civil servants either; so, in that context, their salaries are obscene.
Anyone that Johanna Moxam supports is going to lose.
Is he not running?
PIR to change their wage to hourly, based upon actual hours worked?
And no double dipping.
Problem is, you get what you pay for!
This is my last election in my 20’s. I refuse to give any of you my vote until I can see a written manifesto on what your plans are. The last 4 years have been nothing short of disastrous and an absolute joke. I am tired of this “feel good” and the “old Caymanian way” patriotic nonsense that is always talked about leading up to the elections. The only reason you people seem to have some nostalgic sweet memories is because when you were my age, you could actually afford to live here and have access to housing! Those of us, especially those 30 and under, are literally suffering on these islands. What are YOUR plans to do about it, and why didn’t you do something when you had the chance to these last 4 years?? Also, P.S. for the love of God, I pray someone can finally run in my constituency of BTE and finally get rid of John John once and for all; it almost feels like I live with a bunch of idiots in my voting constituency. HE NEEDS TO GO TONIGHT!
Thank you for your post! I don’t know anyone who could have made your points as well!
Hey. I could have made them as well.
But I won’t now. So then.
I would like to see constituents discussing the pressing issues face to face, objectively and respectfully amongst themselves, in addition to commenting here. Are we mature enough to do so?
We need the majority of Caymanians employed –> but we need to issue thousands of work permits to raise revenue.
We need land for Caymanians to build their homes –> but we need to raise millions in Stamp Duty revenue
We need education to improve –> but we cannot change the curriculum due to miles and miles of red tape
We need to stop destroying our natural resources –> but we sell them to the highest bidder
We need to issue far fewer Status –> but we allow people to stay on work permits past five years.
Show me one party with the cojones to do what must be done!
Its not exactly inspiring is it? Then again, if it stops the other career politicians from returning to power, i’m all for it, simply cannot fathom having Dart, sorry, ppm back in
Hothead Ossie Bodden has a checkered history of fighting and hurled abuse that we should all recall. Notably, he is on record holding contempt for “$%#@ing driftwood” Caymanians who now comprise a large proportion of the voter roster. Until he provides a statement clarifying who he will work for, and accepting the merit-based net contributor voter fabric of Cayman in 2025+, it’s going to be difficult to support this group. The CCP’s stated focus on “Generational Caymanians” and “Historic Values (intolerance?” risks disenfranchising 40-50% of voters in some districts.
Where did you see/read such stated focus?
“When we were growing up, things were different”
“We were a tight knit community”
“family lived close by”
“Enough is enough. Caymanians are struggling with the cost of living, and it’s time for bold action. We’re losing our way of life, and too many Caymanians are being left behind.”
“Today, we Caymanians are a minority in our own country”
I still don’t see what’s so wrong. The number of persons with the “right right to be called Caymanian” are less than the others folks. Note that refers to all Caymanian’s from 8 generations to 1 day, and many of those from all levels are struggling somewhat.
That’s just talk. Not a manifesto.
That’s just talk. We need to see a well thought out mainfesto that we can hold them up to.
My granny says this. This is not a manifesto.
On their Marl Road launch. Go watch the video!
A man who hates many of the driftwood voters. Good luck to his ignorant behind
Thats part of the problem, now you feel like you own the place. We came here by pain, you came by plane. Go vote in your own country.
and yet here we are, as uncomfortable as it may be, you invited us here, used us for your benefit, but never expected that one day we should ever have any rights or live equally.
Sounds eerily like the slave owner’s mentality, except the slaves weren’t invited. Still, they were expected to work for the master, pick the cotton, and raise the master’s child, yet could never be equal.
You were seen as subhuman to be discarded the day you no longer provided a tangible benefit.
Your success as a country came at a price, the price is diversity of population, that genie is out of the bottle and not going back in. The sooner Ozzie and company realize this, the sooner they will either make peace with it, or drop out of the race.
In fact, let’s make this a litmus test, if Ozzie gets in on his multi-generational rhetoric and disdain for first and second-generation Caymanians, then you still have power around here. If he falls flat on his face, well, welcome to the new Cayman where politicians can no longer simply ponder to the select few holding a past that no longer exist, but will have to embrace a new and inclusive society.
Net contributors that earned their status through lifetime commitments and merit have already qualified and proved to be deserving of their place in the fabric of these islands by the Immigration and CI Status Board. They don’t have their hands out asking for anything, but they still love Cayman, and get their say at the polls. The politicians that are running on a platform of abject preference against a large percentage of their own district voters, might not be toasting their success on elections day.
This IS our country now…
Caymanian Status Holders don’t feel as if they ‘own the place’. On the contrary, most feel blessed to live here, and feel as if they have a place in the society in which they have come to call home. Let’s face it — if you give up everything to live here and you stick around, you deserve to be considered part of the place, particularly so for Sister Island denizens.
We can’t have it both ways; we have always needed expats, and those who adapt to our life deserve a chance to stay. Already generational Caymanians occupy 95% of civil service jobs, and get stellar benefits. Fine. We are allowed to vote and scrap for a fraction of your benefits. We don’t feel like we own the place, but we think we deserve a say in how things go for our sacrifice.
That’s right! The ship has sailed. Caymanians are a minority now and those numbers will continue to decline. it’s inevitable and there is squat that we can do about it. We certainly cannot blame the expats for taking our land either. We are the ones that sold out to them.
Did Ozzie ever apologise for calling half the voters ‘driftwood’? I don’t believe he will gain any respect until he publicly apologises.
He should take that back. Only 30% are driftwood.
8.27pm Since 60% of our population is now from JA alone how do you come up with only 30%?
And if the driftwood has an issue about voting they can drift on their way back to whence they came, simple.
7:16 if the “driftwood ” left the country then there would be no one left. What you need to understand is that Caymanians are the minority now. Who will do your garden? Who will tend to you when you are sick? Who will do janitorial work? Who will do construction Manual labour? Who will stock shelves at the supermarkets? so please grow a brain and don’t say let’s get on the “Caymanian ” band wagon, because when the wheels fall off of it and the Caymanian has gone fishing, you’re going to need those “driftwood ” people to fix it. so please stop spewing your ignorance…..
Sounds good, now lets see what gets published in their manifesto.
Right now its a a lot of nebulous and vague words, If they can put forward a coherent and clear plan for tackling the issues they have outlined they will have my vote and as many people as i can convince.
The TCCP press release refers to a written TCCP constitution but does not indicate where the rest of us can read it to try and figure out what they put in writing. Any chance CNS could post it?
DAN and NICK all the way for the Brac
Andre I think that you are a good guy and I may be persuaded to give your group the benefit of the doubt and to vote for you if you publish your manifesto – otherwise no.
Vote them all out