MPs resigned over school, dump and beach erosion

(CNS): André Ebanks, Kathy Ebanks-Wilks, Sabrina Turner and Heather Bodden have all circulated the same talking points on social media about why they resigned from the UPM government this week, with the dump, the cost of the Cayman Brac school and conservation all on the list. On Friday evening, the four MPs posted a notice saying they had resigned because of too many differences on urgent matters of national importance.
They said that despite resigning from their official posts and the government bench, they remained MPs and would continue to represent their constituents.
In what is emerging as a coordinated campaign to create a new political group, the four all said a lack of transparency in major financial transactions such as ReGen was the motivation for their departure. While the government was in talks to withdraw from the controversial and costly dump deal with Dart, CNS understands that some members of the UPM had been talking separately about reviving the deal, though no one from Cabinet has yet commented on that issue.
The breakaway group also noted a lack of urgency in dealing with beach erosion, which has become a major point of concern across the country. The over-development of Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman’s most famous attraction, has led to a rapid increase in the loss of sand and the erosion of structures, which has shocked the community.
They also pointed to the disagreements within the government over amendments to the National Conservation Act. Planning Minister Jay Ebanks, Labour Minister Dwayne Seymour and McKeeva Bush MP have all been vocal critics of this important but already weak legislation and had been pressing to virtually gut the law.
Ebanks-Wilks, the climate minister before she resigned from the UPM Cabinet, had refused to make the changes to that legislation, given its importance to preserving the country’s natural resources.
The breakaway group also noted the high cost of the proposed new Cayman Brac high school, saying there was resistance among government’s inner circle to reasonable discussions about the escalating costs of the project, which was budgeted at around $52 million. Finally, the four stated that there was a “lack of courage” to consider the long-awaited Sexual Harassment Bill.
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Category: Politics
“The over-development of Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman’s most famous attraction, has led to a rapid increase in the loss of sand and the erosion of structures…” strikes me as a wildly inaccurate statement.
The development of buildings and seawalls too close to the high water mark back in the eighties and nineties is why the beach has disappeared from the southern end of seven mile beach.
Guido, Haven’t you got it yet. Stop being delusional. The dump will never be fixed though 2 or 3 weeks before the election next year there will be another announcement stating an agreement has been made. 😂 😝 😆
Maybe Sir Alden will announce it again.
The dump has been an agenda item our Govt for the entire 44yrs of my life on earth.
Since I was born, not only has Mt. Trashmore become a land marker for all vessels coming to our shores, it’s the first thing every single cruise ship experiences; our Govt, developers, CPA and wealthy f**tards have now succeeded in turning SMB into a dump.
Nothing every gets fixed in Cayman; it gets worse. Look around.
“would continue to represent their constituents”
The only thing Sabrina has done in Prospect since being elected is buy a new house, while her old one sits, roof looking like garbage with a broken-down Mercedes with flat tires sitting in the driveway. Who exactly is she representing?
I mean, that sounds like a pretty fair representation of much of Prospect. 🤷♂️
I live in Prospect and Marina Drive is looking as smart as it ever has since she has taken the seat. Also, many rang into the CMR show today to support their MP so you just seem to have sour grapes.
All they did to Marina Drive is add speed bumps. I live on Marina Drive and Prospect still needs to be cleaned up.
It needs to be bulldozed, filled to +7 and rebuilt from scratch.
You all seem so smitten with Andre, he is probably the sneakiest of the bunch. This move is simply designed to bring Wayne Panton back. Each of these deserters will join him, his PR consultant is actually putting together the social media campaign they are currently running and he is paying for it all. Once again he is using his money to try and grab power. STOP HIM!!!
At least he’s using his own money unlike the other dodgy side!
Remind us again who funded his last campaign.
I seriously hope they do. And contrary to what you say about Andre, I have known him along time and his quiet actions and integrity speak a lot louder than your jealous rant.
What Wayne does with Wayne money is Wayne biz.
What Juju and this crew do with our money is our biz.
For those who don’t read between the lines – Sabrina was given over an hour on today’s CMR show to try and convince us how wonderful she is and how is was PWD and everyone else’s fault that the mental heath facility is a complete disaster. Now that Wayne is paying the tab, CMR is more than happy to have his new ‘team’ on the show. Think about the people and companies she used to regularly trash on her show. All of a sudden she stopped. Now why was that i ask? A new SUV a second house she rents in WB, expensive trips. When will it stop??
Good, gets my support
Exactly what I be hearin for years if you want to get da job dun right den Dwayne da Rock Seymour needs to take charge. Best of da best Tanks Rock we all need you now more than ever
Oh god no. That donkey needs to go.
Dwayne de Rock for brains… solid rock.
waffle as usual. these 4 are as useless as the rest… they jumped ship 6 months from election to save face.
the fact that so many can’t see this is baffling. they rode the gravy train for 3+ years, now that they now UPM have no chance of getting back in office they want to be ‘courageous’. people are so gullible.
$52 million for a school in the Brac is such an absurd non serious conversation. If that’s an example of the thinking this government engages in, it makes sense these guys would drop out.
The Governor seems to be complicit in all of this too.
That can’t be right because the morons on here keep crying for direct rule, and there’s no way that would work if anyone from the UK was corrupt too 🙄😉😂
Reposting this here from an earlier article- I believe it has significance:
Zooming out of the political turmoil of the week, this article represents a vision and a blueprint of what an island nation can achieve. It’s possible if there are a group of visionary leaders who can rally together for Cayman.
Imagine. Imagine all the people…imagine what could be created. And there is a blueprint to follow… tailor it to the needs of Cayman… change course Cayman… the time is now- yesterday is dead and gone.
🏝️ 🌳 🚲 🏠 🐝 🙆🏽♀️ 🚌 🕍 🏞️ 🌞 ☮️
Good link, thanks for sharing. Singapore is a fantastic model. But it wouldn’t be where it is today without Lee Kuan Yew. I strongly recommend his autobiography:
“From Third World to First: The Singapore Story: 1965-2000”,
There are no Caymanian politicians anywhere near that caliber. As others have commented: with the possible exception of Andre and Wayne, Caymanian politicians are those who were unable to get proper, globally-employable jobs in other fields such as accounting. Consequently, Cayman is ruled by self-serving and often criminal incompetents, whose only objective is to secure the $$$$$$ six-figure salary that no one private sector client would ever waste on them.
I don’t know the solution, but I suspect that it must involve at least three things:
1. Electoral reform, both to remove tiny constituencies (JuJu is getting paid more the the UK prime minister, and she only got 266 votes!!) and also to prevent people like Kenny or Bush from ever standing for office again. Also a recall system, to allow MLAs who e.g. drink-drive into lampposts, or who beat women, to be sacked within months if not weeks.
2. Campaign finance laws both to ensure that low-intellect voters can not be bribed, and to ensure that candidates are only able to earn money from their political role.
3. Strong external oversight into all decisions, perhaps from some combination of a Cayman version of the Congressional Research Service (CRS), plus a totally up-gunned and re-staffed version of the Anti-Corruption Commission.
You must not be from here. Think you can impose your foreign ways for the betterment of society 😂
Well… “Cayman ways” does not look like its working! So you may want to consider how others have succeeded.
Singapore is run by people whose ethnicity is grounded on hard work Ethic to achieve their goals.
Add to that their acceptance of the British model of service and administration, which has resulted in their success.
See any difference now between how the two jurisdictions are run..?
Welcome to the new Parish of Absurdistan (formerly known as Cayman Islands)
Our little island lost in the middle of the Atlantic ocean and the Caribbean sea is presently ruled by like a three ring circus ! We not only have the court’s jesters sitting on the throne but they also are hell bent on ensuring that the coffers are empty come a more efficient and reliable administration lest they get re-elected which is a big probability however the public doesn’t want to even consider such an outcome.
Keep in mind that the present Ship of Fools will do everything in their power to shove the cruise port down our collective throat even with a resounding @NO” from a referendum!
The level of disconnection between our government and the public is IMHO so significant and glaring that I would not doubt their ability to wreck the economy and the country on the reef for decades to come!
The key achievement of the UPM is that they are yet to address a single serious issue that impacts us all and all we got so far is more and more waffle and public funds wasted in consultancies and reports that once delivered never see the light of day again when they are not withheld from the public outright !
Another example of us living in Absurdistan is the LPH power substation which is intended as a feed to the South Sound area (Aka flood central whenever a storm happens) , won’t be equipped with backups and that said substation is located in a spot so close to the water table thatthe pipes leading to that substation are constantly exposed to water . I guess our overlords at CUC kept that in mind while designing that … didn’t they ? Whoops! 😬.
I hope everyone is aware of Valencia apocalypse and what has led to it.
Bear in mind, most, if not all, of those deaths were entirely avoidable; they keep going on about how much rain fell in a short time, but this is not that unusual for this region. It’s a regular, cyclical phenomenon for which it is perfectly possible to plan and to mitigate. Their infrastructure resembles a forth world country, same scenario with England.
actually the issue in Valencia and elsewhere in Europe re:floods is not that the rains are anyway unusual, its that there’s been a policy europe wide to remove dam’s for some utterly nonsensical reason, and the floods come. Hundreds of dams have been removed in recent years across europe.
How do you square your assertion that it was a regular, cyclical phenomenon with the Spanish meteorological departments statistics showing an average years worth of rain fell in 8 hours? Are you saying it only rains in Valencia for 8 hrs each year?
just remember when elections come there are other people to vote for and some of them actually want to do good. Beware of the nationalist nonsense politicians or pro dock ones.
what are they doing about it?
What can they do about it? Cayman political class is out of touch with reality, out of ideas, has weak and inept “leaders”, they’re becoming increasingly dictatorial.
JOCC is an example of a “leader” for whom no laws are written. She does what she wants as if the Cayman Government coffers are her own. She does it with impunity
Again, what are they going to do about it?
Nada, zip, zilch, zero.
Turks and Caicos part two
The issues here are much bigger, deeper and sophisticated. The UK is ether oblivious, or complicit.
The UK will step in when required. It’s that simple.
It may be too little, too late. The tendrils of incompetence and potential corruption extend far into our organs of state. How long ago was Gasboy? How many stole fuel? How many were fired (let alone arrested and prosecuted?).
The UK is a bigger mess than Cayman.
Fact check: TRUE
At least they have some prospect of accountability and the rule of law.
The UK needs to impose some taxes on Cayman exempted businesses. Two birds will be dealt with by one stone.
They want to take out all of the scientific experience out of the Bill and for govt not to be subject to environmental impact assessments. They also want to waive development permission for many projects. Ask the Isaac person.
They hid the consultations about the NCA Bill from Kathy.
Andre finally realized he was out of place in the company of uneducated ,unprincipled and in a couple of cases, convicted criminals.
Can’t blame any of them for what they did to show the UPM club of highly paid unemployables ,to be unfit for high office.
Did elected Andre and accepted him as Deputy Premier because he was supposed to be a “Leader”. Would a leader not stand up in Parliament and expose the shenanigans?? True leaders don’t shy away from the hard stuff. They don’t go along with what’s not in the best interest of the people. They do something!! That does not mean throwing in the towel and leaving the county to suffer. Andre sat by as a part of this disfunction for last 3 years and said nothing. When ever there was a comment made about infighting, spending, etc. he convinced us all was well. What does the 4 of them resigning really do? It gives none of them access to what is going on in Caucus or Cabinet and presumably Andre’s voice of reason – or even better, ability to vote and stop the crazy spending and breach of policies is gone. Not sure who is advising these 4, however I’m not sure they really thought it through. Sad state of affairs for the county 🙁
Exactly, they didn’t think this through.
You need to understand how our government works. Hint – collective responsibility regardless of how an individual feels during discussion in caucus.
They worked with them for years and only now they realize that?
It is never the first straw that breaks the camel’s back.
No they didn’t. They resigned to set out their stalls for the upcoming campaign.
Good. I’ve been hoping they would since WP left, but hope they align with WP and some new blood, none of the others.
when are the public meetings?
They need to share with the people their plans to address the issues now that they’ve resigned
Not one single MP represents their constituents, they represent themselves and their self serving agendas for votes and that golden pension, not to mention the use of luxury SUV’s and immunity from alcohol testing. I want to see just one MP or party put corruption eradication at the top of things to fix, I’m still waiting.
What are they gonna do about it now tho?
All politicians are criminals.
Well we know the ones who definitely are criminals, and can’t help admire those who publicly step away from them.
All idiots are idiots.
So is the electorate (who puts them in power) mob bosses???
Trust? What trust?
The former minister for district administration and planning may be subject to an Anti-Corruption Committee (ACC) investigation after the auditor general raised concerns again about her use of public money on Cayman Brac. In his latest report, Alastair Swarbrick pointed to what could be a “breach of trust” by Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, who is currently the speaker of the House, over her direction to purchase a plot of land in her constituency.
Former Cayman Islands Minister of District Administration, Works, Lands and Agriculture Juliana O’Connor-Connolly “directed” in 2012 that government funds should be used to buy a $125,000 property on Cayman Brac, the auditor general’s office reported Thursday.
Despite the decline in government revenue and the additional strain on the public purse in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, government has found [‼️] almost CI$788,000 more for Cayman’s sports associations in a budget reshuffle. Many sports, from athletics to volleyball, will now get $150,000 per year, which is a massive boost for some. Sports Minister Juliana O’Connor-Connolly also revealed that the Cayman Islands Football Association (CIFA) will be getting the cash, too.
And yet, to date, neither Ms. O’Connor-Connolly nor her chief officer Kearney Gomez has been called before Mr. McTaggart’s committee to explain these expenditures.
Why not?”
no explanations were given about the massive write-offs of travel advances that were never reconciled and said to have been incurred by a senior official in that ministry. Nor was any light shone on why O’Connor-Connolly spent significant sums on hotel accommodation for herself and her former executive aide in her own constituency of Cayman Brac, even though she had a home on the island.
JOCC takes $1M in aid and cash to islands hit by Beryl
Leaving out the classic steamroller incident and private paving? This all looks like potential corruption. Has there been a formal investigation? Has it been determined that there is no wrongdoing? Perhaps the Commissioner of Police, ACC and Governor could formally comment?
It does seem that anyone feigning good governance around here should probably be sent to do unmentionable things to themselves.
The steamroller is mentioned in one of the links
How in the world was she appointed to her current position and why?
She got 266 votes in Brac, and that was enough.
Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
The electoral system is totally f##ked.
2:55, Simple, because she is the Best & Brightest of Caymanian society.
We are a politically talented wasteland.
Because politicians are generally the best and brightest of any of the countries they represent. 🙄🙄
Somebody should investigate how much land and property she and her family members have acquired since April 21st, 2021.
It is in the articles that are being mentioned in the OP comment. ACC didn’t investigate. Why?
Who investigates the investigators?
Why should this all be left to the ACC?
Don’t we have police?
If the police are not funded or sophisticated enough to deal with their responsibilities, don’t we have a Governor to ensure they are equipped and enabled?
WTF is going on!!!!
$52 million for a school for what, 150?, pupils? Madness. But what it really is, is $52 million for a monument to You Know Who. Btw, is it my imagination or don’t they have an Olympic size swimming pool and an international track on the Brac? Maybe I got that wrong, maybe there was just talk about it.
1/2 Olympic size pool. Not an international standard track.
But there is a track, right? Not international standards but a track.
Stay tuned. Juju trying her damndest to put a million dollar rubber surface on it.
What is the point of spending millions and having a track built to international standards when there are absolutely no track coaches on Brac to train the youth?
This is so dumb but what is new with Big Juju?
That track has been dug up. It’s not fitting to do anything on it now.
What if Big countries like USA or Canada, asking these same questions to Grand Cayman?
We are tuned like this bigger fish always this smaller fishes in this world just for them!
Sad to see this mentality…
Hopefully the school will also have a decent grocery shop in it for the amount of money they are spending. Brac is very pretty and I enjoy going there but how they can spend that much on a very much not needed school is absurd. For a fraction of the price they could fix up the schools and build a public swimming pool (not Olympic size) and they could charge $5 to cover at least some of the costs.
Not an Olympic size pool. A 25m pool that is out of service more than in.
Swim in the ocean Braccers.
What have 3 of these 4 done to fix it?
Only one of these 4 has been doing anything seemingly useful for the Islands. The others just jump around political party, suiting themself when they hear the song ending.
Andre has also essentically screwed himself here. He either joins PPM or sits as idependent and can do nothing. PPM hardly likely to give him any significant leadership and are the same old party as they were before.
André is a highly prized teammate, because he actually understands the responsibility, completes the workload, and does it for the people. From time to time, he can even hold his nose about who wants to appear to be in charge. We should value his feedback on the self-approving Premier pursuing her own objectives, with disregard for territorial priorities, even basic good order, and manners.
Andre is the most compentent and effective inister Cayman has seen in a long time.
He has led two Ministries, brought about long overdue legislative reform in both Financial Services and Social Development, traveled to represent Cayman and helped advocate to get us of the “Lists” all while being available to staff, industry and his constituents.
He remains calm and composed, he is intelligent, focused, productive; he is articulate and can be trusted to represent Cayman internationally.
HE should start his own party.
Nobody on the PPM can hold a candle to him.
And as for the UPM, all of them can go sit down.
I agree with all of this. Unfortunately, one man isn’t enough, when almost all the other candidates are corrupt, criminal, and/or utterly retarded.
God help us.
Andre helped create and supported the disaster of a government we have had for 3 years. Now as the election is close he runs away. He betrayed the PPM for personal gain. He betrayed Wayne to be Deputy Premier. And he has left Julie high and dry. He is a runner looking out for his own interest.
5:02. Andre was trained in the civil service that why is so effective.
All MP’ s should be trained by the civil service. Look at
Vassel Johnson
Alden Mclaughlin
Marco Archer
Linford Pierson
Tom Jefferson
All were civil servants.
Compare those men to
Get my point
But like, Linford before he lost his mind, right?
Happy Andre has stood up for what is right.
Took him years to stand up for what is right and seems to be politricks