Mother defends man convicted of raping her daughter

| 26/08/2024 | 24 Comments

(CNS): Noel Baker (50) was found guilty last week of raping a pre-teen girl on at least five occasions between March and September, but despite the verdict, the mother of the child has taken to social media to defend the rapist and accuse her daughter of lying. The woman cannot legally be identified by the press as this would lead to the identification of the child and would be in violation of an existing court order. However, the courts have issued a statement and are understood to be investigating the posts made by the mother.

Baker was found guilty last week on three charges of rape and two counts of indecent assault but these were ‘specimen charges’ as prosecutors contended that Baker was abusing the child regularly. The child had been too scared to tell her mother and had instead told a school counsellor, after which Baker was arrested. In the wake of the verdict, he was remanded in custody until his sentence hearing in November.

During the trial, the jury heard a specialist video interview with the child, during which she said she was afraid to tell her mother and did not think she would believe her. This was borne out during and after the trial when the mother took to social media protesting Baker’s innocence and blaming her daughter.

When Sandy Hill, the owner of Cayman Marl Road, questioned what was being done about the postings by the victim’s mother, given that the media cannot name her because it would identify the child, who is protected under the law, the courts issued a statement making it clear that the media gag order applies equally to everyone, including the child’s mother.

“During the criminal trial of Noel Baker, Richards J instructed the public, including the media, in open court, to adhere to reporting restrictions which can be found in section 12 of the Youth Justice Act (2021 Revision),” a spokesperson said in the statement.

“As such the media is reminded that, in addition to any primary content they may publish, any republication of third-party statements, content, photos which can identify or contribute to the identification of the victim, equally fall within the same restrictions. All members of the public are advised that ‘reporting restrictions’ apply to any person who publishes any information or makes any content available online.”

The media was told that we must not mention what connections there are between Baker and the child’s mother because that too could lead to identifying the girl. However, all the details that the courts said must not be published, including pictures of the child, have been posted by the child’s mother on various social media pages such as Facebook and Instagram.

The courts are now in possession of several of the posts by the girl’s mother that fall foul of the legislation and CNS understands that this has been passed on to the police and prosecutors.

The media is prevented from re-posting any of these social messages, which include allegations against other family members.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (24)

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  1. Patricia Bryan says:







  2. Say it like it is says:

    Did the “mother” not flee to the U.K.?. She would be tarred and feathered if she returned here.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Some women shouldn’t ever become mothers. I’m so sorry for this poor child. She’s been victimised twice. By the disgusting pedophile who used her for his own perversity and by her own mother – who doesn’t deserve the title and should be prosecuted for child abuse, endangerment and neglect.

  4. Anon says:

    That poor, poor child, my heart breaks for her. Not only to be abused and hurt so mercilessly by this monster, but to have her own mother defend this monster and turn against her is indefensible. The one person who should be protecting her, loving her and shielding her from something so horrific.

    I pray this girl has others around who can provide the love, comfort, morals and support that her mother so clearly lacks, and I hope she never has to see her again.

  5. Jus Dis says:

    Seems the girl had reason to be afraid then eh?!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Classic case of a mother choosing her boyfriend over her child. Lock her up!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Noah get the boat!

  8. Useless Politicians doing absolutely nothing for our People says:

    Saddest part is we have those in our government from elsewhere that are of the view that Mr Noel Baker is somehow a victim and should now be afforded yet another right to remain here and not be deported for his heinous crime and want to set yet another court to handle his removal at our expense . This unbelievable shit needs to stop Cayman and those coming up with this bullshit should join Mr Baker the convicted Rapist on his journey back to his Hell hole whence he came.

  9. Unsavoury Relationships says:

    These women usually have advisors/besties who encourage and even support this type of toxic and perverse relationships until the consequences come home and then they turn on them and destroy their character. This is yet another sad outcome but is a common place here now in Cayman. Their children are victimised twice by these terrible circumstances unfortunately these are the dangerous scenarios their unhappy or alcoholic or drug abusing friends have failed to tell them about.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Society is gone. It’s over.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Arrest her.poor child. What a horrible mother. no wonder she wouldn’t tell her.

  12. In pursuit of my soulmate from Hell says:

    This is what happens when these women and men minds start to focus on finding me ! They start to look for their alter ego lowlife partner to satisfy their needs and sexual desires and will go to great lengths and depravity to do so believing that they will find their happiness with this endeavour. Unfortunately it ends rather quickly and soon becomes a living hell for both them and their children where these awful and dangerous sexual predators their “advisors” or life coach friends encourage and tell them to congregate with becomes their own selfish nightmare when they realise their sexual appetite does stop at them. This is the classical case in point the best part is the same hypocritical unhappy advisors will now attack and destroy their character .

  13. Anonymous says:

    Let me guess, the mother is one of those low self esteem beings who has grabbed onto a man because that validates her existence even it it means sacrificing her own child! Sick Sick person (Vomit).

  14. Anon1 says:

    Wotless woman

  15. Anonymous says:

    What a wicked woman. Pray her daughter will be OK!

  16. Elvis says:

    Speechless. Poor child

  17. Anonymous says:

    Wow! What kind of human mother would do that to her own daughter. I hope the victim is getting all the support she needs. Shameful.

  18. Anonymous says:

    No matter how you slice it and exactly what the truth is, this situation is messed up and incredibly disturbing on all fronts.

  19. Anonymous says:

    These judges must be from those quaint times before the internet and social media.

  20. Anonymous says:


  21. Anonymous says:

    Jesus christ, this is insane.

    I’m beyond words to describe these people.


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