Anti-Sexual Harassment Bill still under review by MPs

| 14/08/2024 | 48 Comments

(CNS): The Anti-Sexual Harassment Bill, which has gone through multiple rounds of public consultation and stakeholder review since Cabinet approved drafting instructions for the legislation in 2022, is still under review. The minister responsible for gender affairs, Katherine Ebanks-Wilks, has revealed that the bill was reconsidered by Caucus just a few months ago and members of the government have asked for changes to the proposed legislation.

The idea of introducing such a bill in Cayman stretches back more than fifteen years. But the issue of people, mostly but not always women, dealing with sexual harassment, bullying and unwanted attention continues as successive governments have dragged their heels in passing the legislation.

Former premier Wayne Panton, who steered the draft bill through almost a year of public consultation in 2023, asked why it hadn’t been approved by Cabinet.

In response, Ebanks-Wilks said the Gender Affairs Unit had been asked to review the proposed law. She said the bill had been considered by Caucus in April this year and requested the unit to “explore additional options for reporting and adjudicating sexual harassment cases”. Once the ministry has completed the requested task, the bill will be returned to Cabinet for consideration, she said.

However, since parliament will very probably be prorogued in February or March at the very latest, the legislation is unlikely to be brought before the General Election. The consultation period was already extended and the bill redrafted last year, so it’s not clear why the issues that concern the MPs in Caucus were not addressed then.

More than 300 people and organisations submitted comments and engaged in the consultation process last year, and Panton had said at the time that he was pleased with the level of support.

“It shows that our country expects the government to address sexual harassment in a robust and well thought out way,” he said at the time. “Our government recognises the scale and scope of this legislation and therefore felt it necessary to ensure that everyone had an opportunity to give feedback — particularly the business community who will be asked to ensure many of the provisions of the bill are upheld.”

Nevertheless, the bill has been held up once again because the business community is challenging the provisions designed to protect all workers from inappropriate behaviour and harassment as they go about their work.

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Comments (48)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    the article states:
    “Former premier Wayne Panton, who steered the draft bill through almost a year of public consultation in 2023, asked why it hadn’t been approved by Cabinet.”

    Wayne should ask himself why this languished under his watch. He was a signature poece of legislation fof him. Yet he failed to get it done.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why would these jokers pass a law that will police their behaviour? Poor Kathy she must regret leaving the Speaker chair every day.

      Imagine leaving the speaker post taking on Ministry with one department DOE having to stop regent which will plague us for the next 200 years. Plus you you can’t even get a Bill like this to parliament.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you a donkey? The man was asking why after completing nearly a year of public consultation and having the bill revised to reflect those comments, the current Gov has seen nine months elapse and have done nothing about it!

      Juliana, Katherine, Sabrina and Heather. Four women in CIG and this cant be brought to Parliament yet??

      Of course that likely means that Juliana doesnt support it. If she would put Mcbeater as a junior minister that tells you where her principles and priorities are!

      • Anonymous says:

        You conveniently neglect to mention who brought him on to the team and appointed him speaker, all in the name of power.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I encourage everyone to dig out the previously published copy of the bill and read it and send your opinions to the Ministers (all of them).

    I would further encourage a thoughtful reading and asking yourself ‘is this really a good approach’. It is patterned off of the Civil Service policy and that is weak. Cayman deserves better law than the draft. If you think you know what that is write the Ministry. They are reviewing it now by their own admission so there is an opportunity here for change.

    • Patricia Bryan says:

      @7:01 am I haven’t read the now named “Anti-Sexual Harassment…” (which I wonder is what you refer to) however the Sexual Harassment Act 2023 which is the original document, was not too bad of a ‘draft’. I will have a read of the ‘new’/revised document to compare. Good comment!

      • Anonymous says:

        It may look good but it will not work good. It puts too much reliance on managers to be judges. Yes the Bill gets there eventually, or at least to a tribunal (not great) but there are too many layers of complication. Keep it simple. Make sexual harassment illegal and directly reportable to the authorities for prosecution.

        Though I understand if, for practical purposes, it may be fair to say that this Bill is better than nothing (which is what we have now) so pass the Bill and then start work on version 2.

  3. Patricia Bryan says:

    One only has to read the very simplied, draft of the Act to understand why the “business community” is pushing back. It will protect patrons and staff, but also make businesses and other places such as schools, churches, landlords, etc. legally accountable for certain behaviours.
    Governments need to take this raging bull by the horn and move ahead. This if sensibly challenged is on the cusp of becoming a human rights issue as people no longer feel safe in these places, no longer feel that they want to tolerate certain behaviours, jokes and snide remarks. Even the MPs have been subjected to these incidents. Yet we hear one or two themselves perpetrate these actions. UNLESS the PEOPLE speak up and demand of governments, any government in office, to pass this then it will continue to be a see-saw for maybe the next one or two administrations. No one says anything until something happens to them or someone close to. Get off social media, off CNS, WhatsApp whatever and go to the source. Withhold your vote until you see results. Look around at the rest of the world. What are they doing? Going to their leaders. Can the business community have that much power in something which affects the average person?!

    Respectfully everyone knows how I feel about this piece of legislation and have been advocating for its passage. There should not be a selection of how to pass and put in force certain Acts, Acts which is clear and eminent to be Sound solutions for social issues that affect everyone on a daily basis. I am sure many MPS themselves have been subjected to sexual harassment and some form or another. they have the power to pass certain things there’s been the public consultation. you the voters go to your MPS and ask them to honestly tell you what their feelings were in cabinet or caucus about this piece of legislation hold them accountable to it. respectfully and without prejudice to all MPS separate and apart I can do no better but encourage the voters to do this. this can be passed before the next election if there was really really the interest to do so and consider the voters not just the business community.
    What’s going to begin happening is people are just simply going to start suing each other and businesses and schools, and churches and landlords, filing a small clean suit for $25 or going to the DPP themselves and asking as a member of the public that they want to file charges for being sexually harassed. See the Penal Code. See the Gender Equality Act.
    I am just simply frustrated over this. But as stated above, too many will have to be liable for their properties, businesses and what happens therein, and those places just do not want to be. To heck with who utilizes them.

    THANK YOU @CNS for this well written article.

  4. Anonymous says:

    None of this would even be an issue if they were back in the kitchen where they should be.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I hope this new law protects men as well from sexual harassment.

    The double standard is appalling.

  6. Fabio says:

    GOOD! Cause I’m tired of all these women grabbing my behind cat calls and naughty eyes when I’m thonging on Seven Mile.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Ha,ha,ha! With McKeeva being the Svengali of the House, does anyone expect this to pass anytime soon?

  8. Anonymous says:

    I hope men are protected as well under this law.

    Sexual harrassment goes both ways.

  9. Anonymous says:

    When the employee handbook includes the word “rape” in it at all you know there are serious problems on these Islands.

    I almost fell off my chair as how ludicrous it was to be even mentioned at all.

    So this doesn’t surprise me one bit. Sexual harassment is an accepted par for the course on these Islands, starts with the work permit power trip and builds from there.

  10. Anonymous says:

    A certain MLA will use this document to spank a young lady at the next big tourism conference

  11. Anonymous says:

    Well this is getting kicked into the long grass

  12. Anonymous says:

    What are they looking for? Could it be they are huddling and looking for their names. Or could it be they are finding It confusing to read. As we used to say ” A Philadelphia lawyer could have proof read that already”

  13. Anonymous says:

    Let’s not forget who got off for groping the waitress in Miami claiming it was a “cultural” misunderstanding. Likely they’re letting it gather dust so they, their families and friends can continue their “cultural” legacy… SMH.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am Caymanian born and bred and it sure wasn’t part of my culture, must be in his neck of the woods. Don’t want any of them speaking on my behalf.

  14. Anonymous says:

    If it doesn’t make money for government, they aren’t interested.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Not very demure.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Something else this group of mismatched morons, led by McBeater the Abuser himself, will never agree to!

  17. Cayman’s Ministry of Silly Walks says:

    “ 🎶 Dans la forêt, il y a des sangliers, 🎶 Et les sangliers c’est bon 🎶 ! Surtout avec des champignons 🎶 Darlidada ! “ Unknown Astérix bard .

    More seriously, do we expect the worst violators of sexual harassment conduct under the sun to become paragons of virtue?

    Another day in the finest specimens of Sus Scrofa Linnaeus (Wild boar’s scientific designation) at the through !

    Do we seriously expect moon 🌕 boy , the barmaid strangler , the recidivist wife beater and al , to uphold themselves to a strict code of conduct ? They clearly cannot manage their appetites when it comes down to the flesh (I wonder what a large jar of Vaseline was doing in a government funded vehicle was doing there of all places , one can only wonder 💭!)

  18. Anonymous says:

    Young Caymanian male here.. I was sexually harassed by a pair of old cougars in the work place. It happens to men as well!

  19. Anonymous says:

    Hey Wayne, remember her?

    Nah, didn’t think so.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Is she supported? Really?

    • Anonymous says:

      Not by the PPM and not by this Gov controlled by rogues led by the biggest hypocrite of all. Zero integrity across the board.

  21. Anonymous says:

    whats wrong with being sexy?

  22. Anonymous says:

    MPs be like whoa, hold my drink, let’s not get carried away here.

  23. Anonymous says:

    This should be a doddle to finalise. With all the in-house expertise in Parliament House.

  24. Anonymous says:

    cig and civil service incompetence as usual…
    any comment mrs governor?

  25. Anonymous says:

    McKeeva will never allow a bill which could be used against him.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Honorable Bush will chair that committee with Honorable Seymour and Saunders acting as his deputies. Don’t you confused people worry your little heads about it, this bill will go nowhere.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Of course it is. And it will be until the elections. Kicking the can down the road … can anybody name three achievements from this government?

    • Anonymous says:

      1) Spend money
      2) Cancel the dump deal with Dart (possible lawsuit)
      3) Waste more money
      Good enough for you mate?
      Oh don’t forget smashing up government vehicles!

    • Anonymous says:

      I tried, came down with a migraine, nada!

  28. Anonymous says:

    Disgraceful that this could be so persistently contentious, but it tells you everything you need to know about the misogynist mindset of our MPs and senior civil servants.

  29. Cheese Face says:

    An Anti-Sexual Harassment Bill drafted by a bunch of sexual deviants? Brilliant…..


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