US men jailed for 1½ years for credit-card fraud

| 22/07/2024 | 15 Comments

CNS: Three American men, Dave Obaseki, Michael Capers and Sean Luke, who recently pleaded guilty to using stolen credit card details to fraudulently purchase 73 items on Grand Cayman have each been sentenced to 18 months in jail. The affected businesses have either had seized items returned or compensation orders granted, the RCIPS said.

The men, aged 32, 32, and 33, were arrested on Tuesday, 19 March, after making suspected fraudulent credit card purchases totalling over CI$50,000 in value. They were later charged with three counts each of obtaining property by deception.

After their arrest, the police searched the premises where the men were located and seized several items, including expensive jewellery, perfumes, and electronics such as iPads and iPhones.

The conviction and sentencing of the men follows a multi-faceted investigation led by the RCIPS Financial Crime Investigation Unit (FCIU), which involved coordinating with international partners to identify overseas victims whose credit card details were among those stolen.

“We would like to give a special thank you to everyone who assisted in this investigation, from our international partners to the front-line officers who responded to the initial report, to our colleagues in the Digital Forensics Hub and the Cayman Islands Bureau of Financial Investigations,” said Detective Sergeant Nevron Bradshaw of the FCIU.

“We are especially thankful to the staff of the affected businesses, who willingly cooperated with us and provided essential evidence. Their assistance was crucial in allowing us to progress the investigation quickly so that charges could be laid in a timely manner and with such strong supporting evidence as to result in guilty pleas. This result sends a message that such activity will not be tolerated in the Cayman Islands,” he added.

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Category: Courts, Crime, Police

Comments (15)

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  1. Bird says:

    Reality check you are dead on target .its an absolute disgrace police and a CBC calling on the “Public”to located 2 Brazilian National on this little island WOW !Place is totally out of control not surprise though look at who is in charge from the fool fool minister right up to the top echelon of our government. Dingbatsirus !

  2. Anonymous says:

    Everybody now coming here to do Fraud how can you not find 2 foreigners on this small little island a total disgrace too many competing interest here now .STOP this immigration Foolishness started sending these people back H O M. E !

  3. Anonymous says:

    Whereas if you are a government minister, discovered abusing public trust with a government credit card, all you do is pay back the money you stole, months later, with one of your personal cheques, and the investigation just goes away. No harm, no foul…stay in power another 12 years, racking up additional felonies.

  4. Cayman Reality Check $$ says:

    Stop this immigration bullshit of allowing in and everybody to come here to our shores and this terrible $#@% would not be happening here plain and simple. Not trying to steal their little thunder from them but this was a common thing back in the day with the old CCB Commercial Crime Branch team who had some solid operators who took down massive fraud schemes here and overseas with the help of immigration enforcement teams not this worc and cbc joke we have today ! Those guys had their $#@% together no Nigerians showed up here with their 419 schemes that did get taken out. Real sad what this place has come to when we got to pound our chest about a minor 50 K credit card scam. The government corruption pariahs were running scare too most days not operating like they do now with impunity and with no deterrent or consequences or repercussions either. Sad what Cayman has come too these days.

    • Anonymous says:

      does it say that these men lived and or immigrated here? they could have been here on vacation as far as the information the article provides.

      • Anonymous says:

        Where were they staying. They had to say so on their immigration forms, or doesn’t CBC care when people lie?

    • Anonymous says:

      Our politicians are guilty of much bigger serial theft. Where is that outrage?

  5. No more charts says:

    World class performance.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Well done. Arrest to conviction and sentencing in 4 months. Please can we see more of that?

    • Anonymous says:

      Hopefully prompt and effective application of our law enforcement and judicial system is not reserved only for American tourists (Skylar Mack, Dave Obaseki, Michael Capers and Sean Luke).

      • Anonymous says:

        Get over yourself and tell your people to behave better when they have the privilege of visiting our islands.

        • Anonymous says:

          We seem to be uncannily effective at prosecuting Americans. Seems to take many years for other nationalities (including Caymanians). Perhaps I am imagining things.

        • Anonymous says:

          Meanwhile, Parliamentarians get a free pass…

          • Anonymous says:

            Same story the whole world over, unfortunately. A timely US-centric example is that the US President can now legally assassinate people without any repercussions (amongst other things): “Under this new standard, a president can go on a four-to-eight-year crime spree, steal all the money and murder all the people they can get their hands on, all under guise of presumptive “official” behavior, and then retire from public life, never to be held accountable for their crimes while in office. That, according to the court, is what the Constitution requires. ”

        • Anonymous says:

          Please. Have you seen the “work” of our MPs?


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