Unexpected GT road closure causes traffic chaos

| 06/06/2024 | 31 Comments
Roadworks on Edward St, George Town, on 6 June

(CNS): Edward Street in downtown George Town closed unexpectedly Thursday morning, catching commuters unaware and causing traffic chaos. A media release from the planning ministry about this closure was not circulated until late Wednesday night, and the police issued notices and alerts after 10:00am that the road would be closed until Friday afternoon. The closure is to accommodate well-drilling by the Victoria’s Secret store, part of the George Town Revitalisation project.

At around noon, the RCIPS issued a traffic advisory stating that Edward Street, between Main Street and Shedden Road, remains closed to traffic due to ongoing road works. The closure is expected to remain in place overnight and into the afternoon tomorrow, 7 June. Traffic diversions were eventually put in place for traffic travelling westbound along Elgin Avenue.

“Motorists should continue to expect significant delays when travelling in the area and are advised to take alternate routes where possible,” the police warned before issuing an update at around 3:00pm stating that the road was expected to reopen Thursday.

The press release, sent Wednesday night from the planning ministry and the National Roads Authority, said that congestion would impact daily routines and traffic flow in George Town in the coming weeks as the revitalization project moves into another new phase.

CUC work has also started on the Post Office Parking lot, which is expected to take two weeks. Work at the intersection of Edward Street and Shedden Road starts Saturday and will see more road closures. Further CUC work will also begin there on 17 June.

Residents and businesses are urged to stay informed and plan accordingly to minimise disruption, officials said, though Thursday’s disruption was largely due to the complete lack of information on the plans to close Edward Street.

CNS has contacted the ministry in relation to the delays and we are awaiting a response.

See the release from the ministry below:

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Comments (31)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Who do I send receipts to for recompense for having to buy new tyres due to months of potholes?

  2. Anonymous says:

    The GT revitalization project is the biggest farce and keep-busy project I’ve ever seen.

    It brings zero real improvement to George Town at all and yet costs millions of dollars. It needs to be scrapped 100% and everyone in charge of it laid off immediately.

    Back to the drawing board and maybe this time use qualified people to envision and execute it.


  3. Anonymous says:

    “Residents and businesses are urged to stay informed and plan accordingly to minimise disruption, officials said, …”

    in other words, residents and businesses should buy a crystal ball or hire a psychic.

  4. Anonymous says:

    the traffic was result of an accident between a dump truck and a Honda fit on the water front which blocked the road. we all had to turn back and go through fort street and Edward Street which was clear of traffic.

    • Anonymous says:

      SO the police notice that Edward Street is closed, and the photo above, are just something CNS made up?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Such a waste. Panton drive is closed at one end. No parking and the paved areas had the few parking spots removed in front of the perfume shops.

  6. Anonymous says:

    So, the “Planning” ministry cant even execute a plan to issue a notice about known roadworks, and give the public enough time to be notified.

    Who is the GT Manager again? CL? And who is his Deputy Chief Officer again? TH?

    Well, with those two in charge, you can put money on the bet that 1) not much will get done, and 2) whatever is being done will be delayed a long time at the expense of the public.

    • SSM345 says:

      Planning department is around 200yds away at the Govt administration building and can see the work being carried out from the 2nd / 3rd floor…..

  7. Anonymous says:

    “Unexpected”, CNS? Nothing is unexpected when CIG or the public services are involved!

    This “six month” project will take 12 – 18 months!

    • Anonymous says:

      this “six month” project started in November 2023.

    • neverwannabeacivilservant says:

      What about the North Church St Link Rd, started 5 yearss ago and now in permanent hibernation with no reason given. The only news we get from Govt is a constant flow of Civil Service promotions as rewards for all this incompetence.

  8. Anonymous says:

    GT has been a complete mess for months

  9. Anonymous says:

    Why is this still going on? Should have been finished months ago…

  10. Slow Roller says:

    Sprinkle in a broken down dump truck and awful traffic control by the inept police for more misery.

    Quality of life in the dumps.

  11. Anonymous says:

    “… well-drilling by the Victoria’s Secret store,” what exactly is that?

  12. Anonymous says:

    There are definitely two companies in the Cayman Islands who rent portable work lights.

    Can someone at the ministry please check out getting access to some of these lights instead of all the traffic cones that seem to be sprouting up around Grand Cayman

  13. Anonymous says:

    Don’t forget that opposite the cricket pitch you also had paving work being done. Something else that could have waited until Sunday, but no, we have high vis guys running out into the road holding stop signs across 4 lanes of traffic. Joke.

  14. John says:

    Simply stunning! The site has been noticeable by the complete lack of work for the last few weeks while 2 excavators sit idle (presumably rented to do nothing) and then the imbeciles block the only route through central George Town with no notice. It was as badly planned as the alleged improvements to George Town.

    Rather than throw its money away on this abysmal project, why not have a huge fire into which millions of dollars can be thrown and we can gather round for a Grand Wiener Roast

  15. Anonymous says:

    Miraculously, as it turns out, the commenters weren’t wrong.


  16. Anonymous says:

    And why can’t we have diversion signs placed strategically beforehand on all road leading to the road closure? They are simple, straight forward and inexpensive.

  17. Anonymous says:


  18. Anonymous says:

    I do not understand for the life of me why roadworks aren’t done overnight. The chaos and misery they cause by starting road works slap bang on rush hour is crazy.
    The Cayman way is to take the logical answer to everything and throw it in the bin.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nighttime would be much cooler for the workers and the equipment also.

    • Anonymous says:

      No forward planning, no consideration for public interests , no accountability, typical civil servants making decisions in a vacuum, then collecting pay for just showing up….late.

    • SSM345 says:

      I believe that “logical answer’ is referred to as “Good Ole Caymanian Commonsense frum the Sacred Wessell”.

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