NiCE worker dies at morning briefing

| 15/04/2024 | 8 Comments

(CNS): An individual who was part of the latest group of government workers contracted to the temporary NiCE clean-up programme died at the morning briefing on Monday. The local man has not been identified as officials from the ministry responsible for public works said his family had yet to be notified. The man was said to have collapsed during the session. Supervisors called 911 and administered CPR until the emergency services arrived.

“Despite these efforts, the individual unfortunately passed away shortly after their arrival,” A ministry spokesperson stated in a release. “We extend our deepest sympathies to the family of the deceased and pledge our full support during this difficult period.”

The planning ministry stated that it was committed to ensuring that all programme environments are safe and supportive for all participants. A full review of today’s incident will be conducted to prevent such occurrences in the future, officials added. “We appreciate the swift response of our emergency services and thank our community for their support and understanding during this time.”

The government’s National Community Enhancement (NiCE) programme began in 2015 and now occurs on occasions throughout the year. It employs local people who are out of work for two to three weeks at a time to clean up and carry out maintenance work along the roadsides, parks, beaches and other public spaces.

Further details will be provided as they become available, officials stated in the release.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Very sad.

    Re the NICE program, Cayman needs a feral chicken management strategy, like, 20 years ago. They are a filthy health hazard, do damage to landscaping and private property, and are a nuisance which impacts nocturnal community peace and quiet, the right to rest, and wake to perform the next day. That by extension makes their ever-expanding population a drag on territorial GDP. Do something about it please. Especially if there is a concerted need of NICE program employment opportunities. Lots to do, if we look around. Build the bike corridors while you’re at it.

  2. Anonymous says:

    So sad to hear this. That same morning CMR was on one of her rants about the wutless NICE workers and how they get paid for doing nothing. Meanwhile someone passed away while trying to hustle a few dollars.

    She should remember you never know when your number is coming up and show some humility. Most of the NICE crew work very hard in the hot sun all day to do some honest work!

  3. Anonymous says:

    RIP I hope the nice program resident drug dealer is shut down now finally. This little place gone Cayman not coming back either.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Sad. Condolences to the family.


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