Police still seeking witnesses in football shooting

| 16/04/2024 | 34 Comments
Aftermath of shooting at Ed Bush Stadium in West Bay

(CNS): Seven weeks after seven people were shot at the Ed Bush football stadium in West Bay, the police are still looking for information and for witnesses to come forward. Although there is a reward of up to $250,000 for anyone who helps police with the evidence needed for a conviction, no one has yet been charged with the shocking mass shooting on Sunday, 25 February. Four men have been arrested in connection with the incident but they have all been released on bail. The police told CNS Monday that the case remains under active investigation.

“The police encourage anyone with any information regarding the incident that has not yet come forward to do so by making contact with the police. This can be done by contacting your nearest police station, or anonymously via the RCIPS website or Cayman Crime Stoppers website,” an RCIPS spokesperson said.

The people who were shot are recovering, police said. Football games have since resumed and additional CCTV cameras have been installed at the stadium, where there are now security officers on site when the pitch is in use. The hedge has been trimmed back where the gunman is believed to have hidden before he fired on a group of around twenty spectators watching the match between Academy SC and Elite SC at the northeast corner of the field, close to the changing rooms.

Police believe the man, who used a 9mm weapon, was aiming at two men within that small group at the stadium, where there were around 300 people, many in family groups. The gunman is believed to have made his way to the stadium across an open piece of land adjoining the field and opened fire at the group, hitting seven people before running away in what is believed to be a gang-related attempted murder.

Anyone with information is asked to call the West Bay Police Station on 949-3999. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS confidential tip line at 949-7777, or the website or to Cayman crime stoppers.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Judge only trials, justice cannot be truly served in such a small community as ours without this option being more generally used at the option of the prosecution rather than the defense, which I believe is currently the case.

    Please someone with legal knowledge clarify this.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Cayman will never again be in contention to host a CONCACAF tournament if this goes unanswered. Ed Bush along with other CIFA pitches have routinely needed to hire security guards, to handle the normal amount of sideline match disorder and violence against referees, coaches, players, and fans – what about starting with them?

  3. Anonymous says:

    There’s something wrong with the evidentiary standard in Cayman, that even high quality camera footage isn’t more readably admissible. Instead, the least-reliable and most personally-endangering eye-witness account (now contaminated by 8 weeks of refutable abstraction) is generally preferred. That’s certainly one way to ensure bad guys remain on the loose. Who does that serve?

  4. Anonymous says:

    It seems the requisite time has now passed for this to be pushed firmly onto the back-burner. Probably will result in court cases that will collapse.

    I get the issue about coming forward and risking being hung out to dry, but, if people don’t won’t come forward for this, we’re truly screwed. Shooters will become more emboldened, we’ll finally have ourself a slice of USA style shootings. I predict a school shooting within a decade of this foolishness if this isn’t dealt with properly. We accept guns as a norm, we’re done for. People here can’t drive automatic cars on a straight road; if we don’t curb gun culture and ownership it’s a one way ticket to ‘any other Caribbean island riddled with crime’.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Remember the young man, who had been a crown court witness, that was murdered on 7 mile beach in 2022. Is it any wonder people are afraid to come forward and give evidence. No financial reward is worth risking your or your families lifes. I completely understand the moral dilemma of what is the right thing to do but practically very few people want to be looking over their shoulder forever.

    • Anonymous says:

      …and another guy, yards from the 24/7 guardhouse at the Governors.

    • Anonymous says:

      A criminal with a loooooooong rap sheet, not your everyday bystander.

      • Anonymous says:

        you say that as if it has any bearing on the RCIPS ability to protect witnesses.

        • Anonymous says:

          Maybe don’t meet up with scumbags at a quiet area of a beach at night. Not much RCIPS can do about that. The fact he gave evidence against others from his position is hardly the same as an onlooker coming forward.

          • Anonymous says:

            same result though. you give evidence in open court you’re at the same risk upstanding citizen or not.

  6. Anonymous says:

    So who we gonna TRUST to tell?

    Surely not the jokers in West Bay Station, or CID, or the Community Policing jokers?!

    Witness Protection from gang reprisals?!RIP

    We cant even get proper burglaries investigated.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Hundreds of people at the stadium, including folks that knew the shooter.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Yeah, testify in court and reveal you and your family’s identity only to be put in witness protection. Oh here’s 250k that will last a few years. Then the shooter will be out in less than 15 years.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hit the nail on the head. It’s just not worth it. That money can’t buy you anything not even a house and the suspects will probably put a hit out on you. I don’t know anything but if I did I wouldn’t come forward either.

  9. A regular Joe says:

    So much for the “Proud” and “Entitled” ones huh …

  10. Anonymous says:

    Breathalyzed John John yet?

    • Anonymous says:

      No. It seems we may be corrupt, even in our organs of government falling under the direct supervision of the Governor. Can someone please explain?

      • Anonymous says:

        The Governor is currently on a 4 year holiday in the Cayman Islands. In the mean time if your enquiry is urgent please forward your concerns to the SIPl Commission who will spring into action.

        • anon says:

          8.44am In your case ignorance is bliss and every time we have a problem caused by Caymanians your ilk will blame the Governor. The Governor will only step in as a last resort as happened in the Turks and Caicos.

          • Anonymous says:

            Caused by Caymanians? You have lost the plot!

            Caymanians are very few and far between in the legal department, the police, the schools or or even the judiciary.

            A great many of these issues have NOT been caused by Caymanians.

            • anon says:

              8.19am So are you suggesting that most of these gang related incidents in West Bay have nothing to do with Caymanians. However my point really was that the Governor does not run this country, Caymanians do, which is right and proper.

              • Anonymous says:

                Damien Ming. First recorded gang leader in Cayman. Mistaken by incompetent authorities as being Caymanian from West Bay. In fact he was a Jamaican.

                Do pay attention.

    • Anonymous says:

      No. Too busy thinking about maybe, perhaps, possibly, investigating certain cabinet status grants, maybe.

    • Anonymous says:

      There is so much entitlement, it MUST have been the lightpole’s fault.

  11. Anonymous says:

    yawn…why bother if the locals at risk ain’t going to help….


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