HSA ambulance moves to Bodden Town church

| 19/02/2024 | 29 Comments
EMS station at the Church of God Bodden Town

(CNS): An arrangement between the Health Services Authority, the Ministry of Health and Pastor Winston Rose has led to the opening of a temporary EMS service at the Church of God Chapel Bodden Town to serve the Eastern Districts. According to a release from the HSA, the new service has already started and is operational from 7:00am to 7:00pm, seven days per week.

The HSA noted that last year, it acquired six new ambulances with major design upgrades and advanced medical equipment to improve patient safety and experience, as well as fleet efficiency, reliability and response times.

It has doubled the space for EMS operations at the George Town Hospital and formed an agreement with the Bodden Town Chapel Community Centre to be the permanent location of the Bodden Town EMS station once construction is complete. Currently, there are three EMS stations: the George Town Hospital and the district health centres in North Side and West Bay.

The HSA has also provided training opportunities through its Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Programme, a fully funded and accredited programme for Caymanians seeking to start a career in EMS. Graduates of this programme who have joined the HSA have made this department expansion possible.

EMS Manager Stephen Duval noted that one of the eight HSA ambulances is stationed at the temporary Bodden Town location, which will service the area from Prospect to East End. “We are grateful for using the church site, which will enhance our capacity and response times in an emergency,” he said.

Pastor Rose said his church was happy to provide the location for the EMS team “to help enable them to expand services within the community”. HSA CEO Lizzette Yearwood thanked the church “for granting us the use of the location to serve the people of the Eastern District while the permanent location is under construction”.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (29)

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  1. Rick says:

    Strange…wouldn’t the Bodden Town Clinic be a better location, located next to a police station and Civic Centre and with all amenities?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Here’s an eye opener for the people of the Cayman Islands. Billon dollars in property sales, billion dollar government budget, million dollar airport renovations and runway extension, million Cayman Brac High School, etc, and not even a proper sub hospital for the eastern districts.

    Welcome to Cayman!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yep, I understand that the Pack government scuttled the plans to improve and expand the clinic in Bodden Town into a fully functioning Clinic. Hopefully there would also have had a covered bay for the ambulance to be housed when not in use instead of it being stuck out front of the Church like a mini bus loading and unloading passengers. How much thought process was incurred here?

    • Anonymous says:

      or hurricane shelters

  3. Anonymous says:

    Where are the facilities for the crews????

    • Anonymous says:

      5 gallon bucket and a grape leaf bobo

    • Anonymous says:

      EXactly! Bathroom facilities, lunch facilities, rest area? Will they have keys for the church? Will they sit in the vehicle until they get a call to go out? Will they keep the engine running from 7 am to 7pm? Who will pay for the fuel? Will they come back with the answers? Who thought this through or not? There are more questions than answers! Holy Father we need help?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Bodden Town actually needs police on duty, in the handful of spots everybody knows, right after pay day, so that these predictable shoot-out and stabbing ambulance runs aren’t as necessary. Aka protecting and serving.

  5. Anonymous says:

    the new service has already started and is operational from 7:00am to 7:00pm, seven days per week. Please note that persons requiring EMS should plan their medical emergencies according to the hours of operations. Only in Cayman 🤪🤪🤪

  6. Anonymous says:

    Now you need to ask the nice FOI manager how much the church is getting paid for this kind community gesture.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Anon 7:07 pm that will be the same god you call to when you have a problem ! if you don’t believe let it be or maybe you’re one of those people that get off on being negative

  8. Anonymous says:

    If god was real they’d be taking their passengers to the church, not the hospital.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Can someone please answer me this question:

    Who owns the new Bodden Town Church, still under construction, that the CIG has pumped 3+million into?


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