CBC cargo office set to re-open after plumbing trouble
(CNS): The Customs and Border Control (CBC) Cargo Processing Office on Owen Roberts Drive in George Town, which was forced to close early on Wednesday due to a plumbing problem, was expected to re-open Thursday morning at 8:30am. According to a CBC release, Public Works was enlisted to remedy the situation and pave the way for operations to resume.
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Category: Local News
Somebody layed the pipe wrong it seems.
Clearing packages quickly and efficiently, collecting duty where necessary, is part of the essential roles fueling local commerce, yet CBC runs the warehouse like a short-staffed Dairy Queen. Scale it up properly. Manage any employees that aren’t pulling their weight. There’s something wrong with management if a plumbing issue brings the whole show to a standstill. What is the post-storm contingency plan? Is there no backup plan?
There’s only one reason why packages and parcels take so long to clear customs, and it’s not plumbing.
I blame your customs agent. I clear my own cargo and customs has processed my last two declarations within two hours of submission.
They are not the culprit.
Is THIS what caused some stations to run out of petrol last week? I was told CBC had delays in clearing the new gas shipments but I thought they meant petrol!
This article is flush with jokes.
I always described this department as full of sh!t, but didn’t mean it that literally.
I’ll see myself out.
Well that’s just shitty now, isn’t it?
We’ve had a FedEx International Priority package with pre-alerted duty free item embarrassingly stuck at HM Customs for four full business days. This place is dysfunctional at a level like nowhere else in the world. Earlier this week, we finally cleared a small package from APO that HM Customs had for 2 months. It’s not just the plumbing that needs fixing over there. Someone needs to pump some oxygen in there.
Everything Cayman does, Bermuda does it better.
In Bermuda.
• public transportation is excellent
• they deliver mail to residential and business addresses
• getting a package from the post office is a breeze
• their airport is great
• they don’t have an open air stinking dump
• thye reatrict automobile purchases because they have excellent public transportation
Are Bermudians inherently mentally superior?
Yet there are more Bermudians in Cayman than there are Caymanians in Bermuda. Curious.
I think you might mean that their politicians are morally and ethically superior and maybe not as corrupt?
8:53 am while what yousaid about the particular aspects of Bermuda have a truthful ring to rhem, your lattter comment as to superiodity smacks of bias, excessive coolaid consumption and total unadulterated
.ump kissing on your part. why dont you take yya self fromm our kitchen. Thank you
They are looking for ways to increase their revenues so now you’ll get billed handsomely for storage charges. Gotta have better parties and pay raises…
Somebody mustve dropped too much deuces in the toilet