Shot fired into window of Lower Valley bedroom

| 10/01/2024 | 13 Comments

(CNS): A resident of Lower Valley in Bodden Town was woken up in the early hours of Wednesday morning by a gun fired into his bedroom window. The man was asleep when, at around 1am, he woke up to what sounded like a gunshot. After taking a look around, he spotted bullet holes in the wall and the ceiling of the bedroom he was sleeping in, police said in a press release. No one was physically injured in the shooting, which happened some six hours after a man was shot in the leg during a drive-by shooting in Windsor Park.

This shooting is now under investigation, and anyone who may have witnessed the incident or have any information is asked to call 911 or Bodden Town CID at 947-2220. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously to

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (13)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I cant help but think that some of these criminals have become emboldened by the fact that we have elected so many criminals.

  2. Anonymous says:

    It’s the stray bullets that are concerning.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Nobody has ever shot bullets into my room. After reading this, I’m still not in fear of it happening.

    I’m going out on a limb here and guessing the victim is probably well known to law enforcement already.

  4. Anonymous says:

    As a resident of Lower Valley, this is concerning. Can the police not identify at least the road these incidents happen. Stop generalizing the location and be more specific, so that residents can be aware. As with residents in all areas of the country, we might be walking a dog, chilling in our yard, taking out the trash and be feet away from where the incident happened. Commissioner Walton, let’s get back to West Indian style of policing and do away with the antiquated UK style.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ah yes, that beacon of success, West Indian policing!

    • Anonymous says:

      What difference would it really make if you knew any of those details? None.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Stop generalising the location”. Fair point. Both CNS and the Compass like to use the term Bodden Town” ( usually “ a Bodden Town man”) when describing a place or person which could refer to anywhere from Savannah to Breakers. To make matters worse, and yes it’s a secondary point, the “Bodden Town man” is usually a Jamaican.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Don’t come to cayman. It’s awful here…
    Over crowded, lead by greedy/corrupt MP’s, overrun by illiterate thugs with guns, hot as hell, ruined by over development and full of disease carrying mosquitoes. Did I miss anything?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Gone to the dogs…

    • Anonymous says:

      agreed. but when do we as law abiding citizens start taking it back from the dogs? When do we band together and start demanding change by making those we elect to positions of power feel fearful of losing it? When do we start protesting for a reduction in politicians salaries or protesting for their removal when they, I don’t know, blatantly skirt the law?

      Is it that we are lacking someone to stand behind and lead the ? Is that we are lacking the ideas and solutions to the problems, so we cannot articulate a cause properly? Are we too busy doing our daily lives that we can’t act now and will suffer the fate of watching it crumble then wanting to do something when it is too late?

      • DaWhaYaGet says:

        I think politicians should work for minimum wages and be paid extra only if they accomplish what they were voted into office to do (the things they said they were going to do).

        We should lockup politicians that make poor choice/judgement that lead to community, environmental and economic instability that cause hardships on the greater community. I bet that clause in the constitution will make them sing a different tune in the LA.


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