Man throws chemical in co-worker’s face

| 31/01/2024

(CNS): A 29-year-old man from Bodden Town was arrested last night on suspicion of causing serious injury to a man he was working with by throwing a fluid of some kind in his face. The police said that shortly before 8:00am on Monday, 29 January, medical staff at the government hospital in George Town reported that a man was receiving treatment for a serious chemical burn to his face.

The attending officers were told that the victim and a co-worker, who were both working at a complex on South Sound Road, in the vicinity of Grand Harbour, became involved in an altercation, during which the co-worker reportedly took a bottle of fluid from his vehicle and threw it on the victims face, causing it to burn.

The victim called 911 and an ambulance transported the man to the hospital to receive treatment. Officers attended the complex to locate the co-worker but he wasn’t there. However, just before 7:00pm that same day, he turned himself into the George Town Police Station. He was arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm, and transported to the detention centre for processing.

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