DoE director among Caymanians receiving royal gongs

| 02/01/2024 | 16 Comments
DoE Director Gina Ebanks-Petrie uncovers a turtle nest in 2020

(CNS): After 40 years of relentless work, often criticised and targeted for her efforts, Gina Ebanks-Petrie, the director of the Department of Environment, has been recognised in the King’s New Year Honours List with an MBE for services to the environment and to the community in the Cayman Islands in recognition of her efforts to protect the islands’ dwindling natural resources in the face of unrelenting development.

Two local people received an OBE: Robert James Berry, the director of the Financial Reporting Authority, for services to the UK sanctions regime and global financial standards in the Cayman Islands, and Moses Kirkconnell MP (CBWLC) for services to the Caymanian people, to the tourism industry and to District Administration.

Sharon Martin, a retired teacher, received an MBE for services to education and to the community, and Valerie Wood, a horticulture volunteer at the Queen Elizabeth II Royal Botanic Park, received British Empire Medal for services to the community.

Governor Jane Owen also announced that she had selected two King’s Certificate and Badge of Honour awardees: Melissa Martinez-Ebanks for services to the Cayman Islands Postal Service and Morgan DaCosta for voluntary service and service to cultural preservation and development.

These honours are awarded locally by governors in some British Overseas Territories to people who have made outstanding contributions to their territory.

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Comments (16)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Congrats to all! 👏👏👏👏👏

  2. Gisela says:

    Congratulations Ms Gina, well deserved. Your commitment to the environment, which is the bread and butter of the Islands, is nonpareil.

    Hopefully current and future leaders will understand this importance.

    And to the same 3 people with thumbs down on every comment. You are pathetically sad.

    • Anonymous says:

      Certainly more deserving than the guy who got the MBE for inviting the governor to black tie parties.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Gina. The award won’t ease your frustration of having to deal with the pitiful planning boards over the past 40 years, nor will it give you much confidence that things will change for the better on the environment. However I suppose the Award will remind you that you didn’t and cannot give up your very important work. Hopefully there is someone out in the LA who will be jealous of you enough to do something, anything to assist you and by so doing might be in line for an award as well. Miracles still happen. You are simply the best !

  4. Anonymous says:

    Very well deserved. Now can someone please tell me why an allegedly cocaine sniffing pablo escobar supporting politician who made a cameo appearance in his traffickers book for selling him a shipping vessel for $400k also got an award?

    • Anonymous says:

      And why is a convicted drug dealer a minister in current government.?
      Because you voted for him.

    • Anonymous says:

      7:48 am, he must have got the award gor helping himself, for the last 12 years NOTHING was done for C B W and L C. Only part of the Bluff without roads is from W E School west. shame, shame.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hooray. I always feel like the new year is properly upon us when CNS does its annual “Gongs” headline.

  6. Donnie says:

    CNS,please move this story to the top of the page and keep it there for atleast a week.
    Mrs Ebanks-Petrie is most deserving of this recognition. Without her vigilance and courage, we should all shudder at where we would be environment-wise.
    Thank you ma’am and may your New Year be filled with success in your endeavors, good health and happiness. You deserve those and much more

  7. Anonymous says:


  8. Mumbichi says:

    Long overdue Miss Gina. God bless you and keep you safe (so you can work your tail off again for us and again and again).

    Thank you. Truly. Thank you.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Completely deserving.

  10. Anonymous says:

    It should read… “After 40 years of being ignored and rejected by politicians.”

    Our members of parliament hate the DOE and everything it stands for.

    • Anonymous says:

      Congratulations Gina..
      You have been doing a difficult job which could not please everyone, but have been steadfast in your best endeavors ,and certainly deserve this recognition.
      Miss Bessie and Mr Benson would be very proud of you.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Very well deserved for Ms Ebanks-Petrie. Very happy with the people that put this nomination together; and that it got accepted.

  12. Ezra says:

    Congratulations to Mrs. Petrie . Thank you for your service to this our Homeland Cayman.


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