Bus donated anonymously to Sunrise Centre

| 15/01/2024 | 11 Comments
  • Sunrise Adult Training Centre, Cayman News Service
  • Sunrise Adult Training Centre, Cayman News Service
  • Sunrise Adult Training Centre, Cayman News Service

CNS: A generous anonymous donor has purchased a wheelchair-accessible minibus, worth an estimated CI$85,000, for the Sunrise Adult Training Centre (SATC). Sunrise provides comprehensive support and training for adults with diverse abilities, and the Ministry of Social Development said in a release that the bus “will significantly enhance the centre’s ability to serve its clients and foster inclusivity for all”.

The Toyota Coaster was purchased through local dealership Vampt Motors, which facilitated the logistics of the purchase, according to a Vampt spokesperson, who said that the vehicle, originally a 26-seater bus, had been modified to accommodate wheelchairs and can now seat 16 people.

The ministry explained that the bus “includes innovative design features to accommodate clients with mobility impairments, including those who use wheelchairs and mobility aids, and will empower the Centre to expand its outreach and support services”. It will also allow Sunrise to “plan more community outings and activities, promoting a greater sense of inclusion and belonging”.

“This wheelchair-accessible bus is more than just a means of transportation; it symbolises a commitment to inclusivity and empowerment,” said SATC Director Kimberly Voaden. “With this gift, we can enhance the lives of our clients by providing them with new opportunities to engage with the community and participate in activities that promote personal growth and social integration.”

Deputy Premier and Social Development Minister André Ebanks thanked the anonymous donor, as well as the local dealers, and noted how such gifts can “directly contribute to social development”.

“We are profoundly grateful for this incredible gesture of kindness and support from our donor, as well as the expertise and assistance received from Vampt Motors, Toyota and the Department of Vehicles and Equipment Services (DVES),” Voaden said.

According to a release from Vampt, almost seventy Sunrise clients are enrolled in its in-house Recreational and Vocational Programmes. “In many cases, if our clients, especially wheelchair-users, cannot access transportation, they are not able to attend,” Voaden is quoted as saying. “We are beyond thrilled to have this donation, as without it, we would not have this transportation solution.”

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Category: Community, Education, Local News

Comments (11)

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  1. WBW Czar. says:

    I am really curious to see what the average amount spent per these “clients” really is. Perhaps it it time for an audit?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thank you … kind donor.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’m genuinely shocked it was anonymous given the embarrassingly obsequious back slapping that usually goes on here when the fabulously wealthy donate a few pennies. What a fantastic and generous gesture, thankyou anon!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Kenny new car could have paid for this.

  5. Anonymous says:

    It’s lovely, and I’m sure very much appreciated but it also shows how it takes a charitable donation for something government should already be providing. The same government about to embark on building several follies.

  6. Anonymous says:

    A disgrace that this much needed bus had to be donated and not provided by the government as it is their respondibility.

    • Anonymous says:

      They have a wheelchair accessible bus already. This is just a brand new one that fits more people and is easier to get in and out of to my understanding. I used to think the same so I see where you are coming from, but if people want to donate, we should encourage that. This leaves more funds in the budget for other projects this Training Centre needs to grow and prosper.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Thank you, anonymous donor!

  8. Anonymous says:

    What a kind gesture! There’s been a lot to worry about on our island recently with the spate of crime and violence. But acts like this remind us that there are some truly good and kind people among us.

  9. Anonymous says:

    WELL DONE anonymous donor, you have restored my faith in humanity!


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