Three young runaways all still missing

| 10/11/2023 | 2 Comments
Jahsmine Ebanks and Kiara Watson

(CNS): Police are asking the public to help them find Kiara Watson, who is just 11 years old and has been missing for ten days from a children’s home where she is currently staying. She went missing with Jahsmine Ebanks (16), who has also not been located. Since then, Joshua Whittaker (15) was reported missing on Sunday. Police are urging all three children to contact the police or return to the homes where they are staying immediately.

Joshua was last seen when he left his home in George Town around midday on Friday, 3 November. He is about 6’5”, of slim build, with a light brown complexion.

Jahsmine and Kiara went missing while they were out along Seafarers Way, George Town. Jahsmine has a dark complexion and is about 5″1 with a medium build. At the time that she was last seen, she was wearing a black hoodie over a tiger-print blouse, blue jeans and black slippers.

Joshua Whittaker

Kiara also has a dark complexion and is around 5″3, with a medium build. She was last seen wearing a black hoodie over a red spaghetti-strap blouse and grey shorts.

The RCIPS said anyone who harbours or conceals a young person is guilty of an offence and is liable, on conviction, to being fined $2,000 and to imprisonment for three months. 

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of these three children is asked to call the George Town Police Station at 949-4222 or the MASH Unit at 649-6000.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    In a first world country how does an 11 year old go missing for 10 days?

  2. Anonymous says:

    If CNS is correct a 6’5″ 15 year old will be found quickly.

    CNS: This was the height supplied by the RCIPS, but yes that is tall, so we have asked them to confirm. We’ll let you know.


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