Civil servant seeks $750k for minister’s crude joke

| 23/10/2023 | 235 Comments
Cayman News Service
Culture Minister Bernie Bush

(CNS): Bernie Bush, the minister for youth, sports and culture, has issued a written apology to a well-known female public servant over a dirty joke he made to her, which she has said left her shocked and upset. Despite the written apology, the woman is seeking CI$750,000 in financial compensation from the government over the incident and what she alleges is the poor management of it by officials.

The local woman said Bush told the joke and pointed at his crotch as he did so, which happened in the Government Administration Building on 28 February, when civil servants were taking pictures in preparation for International Women’s Day a week later.

She has stated that over the months since the incident, she has suffered increasing stress and anxiety, impacting all aspects of her life. She claims that Bush’s verbal apology was given in anger and it then took several more weeks for her to get a written apology, which she received in May.

However, she later concluded that this was insufficient and that more action should be taken by the government. She told CNS that not only should perpetrators of this type of harassment be made to pay for the anxiety they cause women at work, but that she should be compensated for the victim blaming and shaming she claims has followed since she complained to Deputy Governor Franz Manderson about the minister’s behaviour.

Given the allegation of victim blaming, CNS is not identifying the woman.

Minister Bush told CNS he accepted that he had told the “off-colour, silly joke” to the civil servant, whom he knows well. In his letter of apology, he had said it was unprofessional but was intended as a joke and meant no harm. He said he never imagined she would have been offended because he had told the joke many times over the years to her and to many other women.

But he accepted it was inappropriate at the time, so he apologised directly to her when she said she had been upset and again later in writing. He said that, given the turn of events, he couldn’t say more at this time but would be commenting in full during next month’s parliamentary meeting.

Last year, Bush was placed on two weeks unpaid leave and fired from the Ministry of Home Affairs after he was accused of interfering with the recruitment of the chief fire officer as well as for other inappropriate comments to civil servants, which the premier found had breached the Ministerial Code of Conduct. Officials have confirmed that since then and until now, no other formal complaints have been received about Bush.

Speaking to CNS this weekend, the woman said the situation had been handled poorly after Bush gave an angry, reluctant apology, followed several weeks later by a far from genuine written apology. Although she has not said Bush should have been fired from Cabinet, she believes there should be further sanctions. As a result, she made a decision to take further action and, ultimately, the request for compensation.

Her letter requesting the money, which CNS acquired as a result of it circulating on social media, was addressed to the Office of the Premier. It outlines her side of the events surrounding this incident, her past trauma, past experience with workplace sexual harassment and her concerns that Bush has a history of making inappropriate jokes and comments and he was not being held to account.

She said that the minister’s joke “at her expense” came at a time when she believed she had moved forward with her past traumas, but this set her back far more than she could have anticipated. As a result, she has returned to counselling and has incurred the expense of a lawyer she hired to protect her interests, which is why she is seeking financial compensation.

She told CNS that, several years ago, she endured serious and sustained sexual harassment from a supervisor in another government job, which took almost three years to resolve in her favour after the perpetrator was fired.

This had caused significant stress, she said, and going through the same situation again, she knew she needed an attorney. But she said it has also triggered emotional issues relating back to childhood trauma and threatened her many years of sobriety after battling addiction.

She had returned to regular counselling to help her navigate the resurgence of anxiety and emotional trauma, compounded by Bush’s efforts to shift the blame onto her for being offended, she said, noting that she may need to continue this counselling indefinitely, which could prove very costly — all as a result of the poor joke.

The joke was certainly poor. Bush had asked the government employee to lend him $5 so he could replace the condoms he bought the previous evening because they were too big for him.

In the first instance, the woman had complained directly to DG Manderson, who is head of the civil service, who informed Premier Wayne Panton. Bush immediately gave the apology, but the woman claims this was made under duress.

In response to our request for comment, Panton said that each time this matter was brought to his attention — in February, in May and again in August — either he or someone acting on his behalf addressed the issue.

“In February, I received a verbal briefing on the matter. I then spoke with the Minister and understood that he had apologised and the issue had been resolved,” Panton said. “On 4 May, during my absence, the Hon Deputy Premier was advised by the head of the civil service that the said employee had expressed her dissatisfaction with the Minister’s earlier verbal apology. Following this advice, the Deputy Premier contacted Senior Staff in my office to assist in having a written apology provided to the employee. I was briefed on the matter by the Deputy Premier via a phone call.”

The premier said that he had received written confirmation from his office later that evening that the employee was satisfied with the outcome and the way in which the matter was handled. “In late August, I again received indication of dissatisfaction and, for the first time, a written complaint from the employee. She received a response within a week,” he stated.

“For the good of all the parties involved and given the sensitive nature of the matter, I continue to exercise restraint in my comments,” the premier added.

In a statement to the Cayman Compass on Friday, Manderson stressed that the responsibility for overseeing ministers’ behaviour lies with the premier.

“I can verify that any concerns brought to my attention regarding Ministers’ conduct have been forwarded to the Premier. I can also affirm that the Premier has taken these reports seriously and handled them appropriately,” he stated. “As Head of the Civil Service, I am responsible for the welfare of staff. This responsibility is something carried out diligently and promptly.”

Meanwhile, the government has presented the Sexual Harassment Bill for public consultation, which is expected to go before parliament next month. It implies that inappropriate jokes can be sexual harassment, depending on the circumstances. “Sexual harassment encompasses a wide range of inappropriate conduct or acts including “sexual pranks… repeated sexual teasing, jokes, or innuendo”.

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Comments (235)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I get that someone should be punished here, but $750,000 of the public purse to pay this lady for Bernie’s screwup is ridiculous. Think of how many Caymanian children that $750,000 could put through private schools and universities.

    Plus, if government sets a precedent of forking over cash every time one of its boneheads says something inappropriate, we better be prepared to write a lot of checks. People are going to see dollar signs and just the women Mac has hit on alone would bankrupt the country.

    • Patricia Bryan says:

      @3:49 pm I’m not saying that government should be forking over money every time one of their boneheads behaves in a certain way but look around check the media sources check the Judicial website and you will see this is where the legal system is maturing, evolving, in the Cayman Islands. It is why I started a talk show promoting legal topics. And it’s just as well because that is the only recourse to keep people accountable. Through either the Criminal or the Civil system. Our legislators our leaders especially the ones in position of trust with children and women and senior citizens they must hold themselves to a certain standard. It is only this jurisdiction, only the Cayman Islands, where we have not matured, evolved, where we are not up to International standards with many societal issues. Nothing wrong with making a mature adult joke; we’ve all done so but this is crudeness vulgarness. When one look up the definition of sexual harassment the admitted words of the person fall very clearly in that definition yet they’re not stepping down not even from the ministerial position. Oftentimes no amount of money can quantify the effects of certain behaviors. We have to stop acting as if a situation could never happen to us or one of ours. We must stop first and think if this was someone close to me and I heard this person had said these things to her how would I feel? That should always be the question.

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree with alot you said, but I have to disagree with that “It is only this jurisdiction, only the Cayman Islands … where we are not up to International standards with many societal issues” because we only need to look at other countries like Turks and Jamaica (I am sure there are other countries as well). I just applaud that woman, whoever she is, for at least bringing it the country’s attention (even if she gets nothing from it, which she probably wont).

    • Anonymous says:

      I do agree that $750,000 is a bit much, so maybe ask that they suspend him without pay again or find another way to show the woman that she is supported and that our “Leaders” do not condone this type of behaviour in the workplace, especially from a Minister.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Are Heather the fair weather Christian, Sabrina the MLK soundbite expert and Kathy the “I got what I want no go away” Speaker, going to speak up any time soon? Are you girls all ok with this ? Silence is consent ladies and these votes are not going to cast themselves! Come and earn them please!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    At least the Culture Minister represents his culture.
    We have been crying out for consistency from our politicians and finally they have delivered.

  4. annoying says:

    “But he accepted it was inappropriate at the time” So is the Minister inferring there is a time when it is appropriate?

    “He said he never imagined she would have been offended because he had told the joke many times over the years to her and to many other women” Really?

    “The joke was certainly poor. Bush had asked the government employee to lend him $5 so he could replace the condoms he bought the previous evening because they were too big for him” It really is a tasteless statement, not a joke at all.

    One would think our MP’S could restrain from this unacceptable obnoxious behaviour knowing very well a huge paycheck is being collected every Month for doing absolutely nothing at the very least.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Make him pay for it!
    So tired of theses CIG crooks doing damage and the public just suing them. Hey public get a clue your just suing your self and cig gets off like always.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Why do Caymanians keep voting for these absolute clowns who continue to cause embarrassment? Do they not realise these people make you like backwater, third world yocals?

    • Anonymous says:

      Meanwhile Donald “grab her by the 🐈” will be the next American President again, hopefully you’re not insinuating that we should seek to be like America?

      • Anonymous says:

        The Donald is facing 91 criminal charges, spread over 4 sets of indictments, amounting to over 260 years in jail. His co-conspiring counsel are all cutting plea deals. He will never set foot on the White House grounds again.

    • Anonymous says:

      There’s no one else to vote for 10:19. These are the only ones that run….failures in everything else they do but get elected and BOOYA!!

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s the third world product of illiterate Jamaicans with status who form ghettos and vote for their own kind. Why else vote for Kenneth over Marco Archer, why vote for Seymour and Saunders, why tolerate Mac and Bernie..?
      So long as we keep giving uneducated economic migrants status, we are going to have undesirables elected to ruin , not run, RUIN, Cayman.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ummmm @9:02, Have you seen the Caymanians in George Town central? The majority, if not all of em are the “Born” and “generational” Caymanians. But it is typical of people like you to keep blaming Jamaicans for everything that is bad in this country. Remember Jamaicans or any other nationality cant come here, live, stay, work and eventually vote if Caymanians do not allow it. I tell you wah, close the border, do not accept any foreigners and marry your own and see if the sexual harassment will stop then. If this is what a Caymanian Minister does when he is high in position and all eyes are on him, I can only imagine what he does or says when no one is looking. And who were they supposed to vote for instead of Saunders?

  7. Guy. says:

    If a guy that a woman is attracted to tells her she is attractive, she’ll welcome it and be flattered, but if a guy she’s not attracted to does it, she’ll consider it harassment. You can’t have it both ways ladies! Either it is offensive or it isn’t!

    • Anonymous says:

      Not many people as successful at relationships as you are.

    • Anonymous says:

      You do pose a relevant point, which, it is submitted, can be influenced by various factors (including subjective features of each person involved as to what is appropriate, whether it is a public or private setting and calibration of one’s moral compass).

    • Anonymous says:

      Excepting that he wasn’t just some random guy and he didn’t tell her she was attractive. He is someone in power, and she was an employee.

  8. Anonymous says:

    As a white male professional in the financial industry, I am afraid to say or do anything anymore, as it appears that every word and gesture offends somebody. I’m afraid to say “black person” because a black person might be offended. I’m afraid to call someone a “girl” or a “woman” because they might not “identify” as such. I’m afraid to say that a gay colleague is gay, because they might see it as harassment, even though they actually are gay. I’m afraid to tell a female colleague that she looks nice today, because I’ll be accused of sexual harassment. This woke society today is difficult to navigate.

    • Anonymous says:

      Here let me school ya:

      1. Why do you feel the need to identify someone by their skin colour ? Isnt their name rank and serial number sufficient ? Do the Black co-workers describe you as XXX the White guy in Accounts ?

      2. Same as above for the Gay co-worker. Its really none of ya biz!!

      3. Save the compliments for social events out of the office. You are there to work not make comments about Ms Ebanks pretty frock!

      Hope this helps ?

    • anonymous says:

      Bro, get a grip. If you can’t get through the day without talking about your dick and grabbing your crotch you probably shouldn’t be in a place of work. Don’t pretend this is about anything ‘woke’

    • Anonymous says:

      Not harassing women, not being racist, and behaving like a decent human is only difficult for idiots, sociopaths, and ***holes. Which one are you?

      Stop watching Fox News and grow up.

      • Anonymous says:

        Completely agree with all you said, except the very last sentence. However, your point, which is valid, is completely understood.

        Nothing wrong with watching Fox news. Why not keep up-to-date on both conservative and liberal news in the USA?

        • Anonymous says:

          Fox News isn’t news, it’s MAGA inspired lies. Now that Trumpworld is imploding thanks to his lawyers and chief of staff admitting they were all lying, Fox might…might…return to a legitimate conservative news outlet but it is not that now.

    • Anonymous says:

      How about going to work, doing your job and minding your business? If you want to let people know that you’re a gay white male professional that’s fine. But no need to ‘tell’ anyone else who or what they are, don’t you think they already know?

  9. Caymanian that calls it how it is says:

    unfortunately, our politicians represent the average psychological development of the constituents they represent. We are not a classy, psychologically mature group of people.

    The question is how do we change that moving forward? I say education and political reform but how and who… Who knows. This place is low-key fkd if youre really paying attention to what is going on.

    📉 Look at the high bar set to be a politician in places like Singapore and compare that to cayman where any classless piece of crap can run and win. I mean just look at george town.. we lost archer for coke boy Kenny. Look at west bay for the last 3 decades… Look at the dump… Look at industrial park… Look at juju and her chokehold on our education system like we are being held intellectually hostage by braccas. Come on ppl when the f*** are we going to stop electing the worst of us to represent us?

    Find some dignity and pride yo. Until we collectively raise our standards, it’s not going to get any better for us a community.

    Tldr: f these classless uneducated voters, who consistently vote in classless, unprofessional, unqualified stains that do little more than fatten their bank accounts at our expense while simultaneously embarrassing us internationally.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Like many MPs, born without shame and self awareness, Bernie shouldn’t be anywhere near youth sports, mentorship programs, gender affairs, racial equality topics, or any other arena involving fair play. He doesn’t possess the mental capacity and moral fiber to check himself before his mouth opens. Voters need to change the rules so that these intolerables are no longer eligible to achieve high office, form policy, hire and fire, or handle money.

  11. Anon. says:

    The guys is an idiot for making the joke in the first place. No argument whatsoever. But $750k for her trauma is ridiculous.
    Clearly she’s taking advantage of the situation.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m no so sure. How much has the public invested in MPs promoted above their intellect? Tens of millions in public funds that we should all want back. Bernie is out there cracking unrepentant chauvinistic penis jokes while setting up for a promotional photo for international women’s day – he owes all the women of Cayman an apology. He owes men a better example.

  12. anonymous says:

    Now doesn’t this put Wayne in yet another pickle. To the right thing and get rid of Bernie ( which is what he should have done the last time when he ‘suspended’ him for his inappropriate behavior) would require him to pull Kathy out of the speaker chair so he has the numbers to maintain a majority. Kathy won’t agree to do that, so we all know he need for power trumps doing the right thing, therefor i suspect he will do nothing to preserve his power and the blame will shift to the victim of this atrocity.
    When you sleep with fleas you get bit. Wake up voters and don’t be fooled by these fools, who want nothing more than power and to line their pockets.
    #PACTNeedsToGo before its too late to salvage the wreckage!

    • Anonymous says:

      Voters need to change the Election Law rules so that ill-qualified are no longer eligible to represent the Cayman Islands of today. The Cayman of today is an industry leader, and tourism oasis, fighting against intolerable drag to move forward through time. Let our examples be truth, compassion, and law abidance! Imagine how different that would look. Voters have to change it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Voters first need to identify and accept that these are flaws in character.
        People who vote for the likes of Bernie, Jay, Mac, Seymour Kenneth and Saunders , are themselves largely uneducated and don’t understand propriety, duty and Integrity. CNS readers who do recognize those traits are not, in general, their supporters.
        That is how these people get re-elected, and will continue in office, because their voter base is expanding at an alarming rate. Thanks Mac.

      • Anonymous says:

        voters demand election reform!

        write to your MP and ask them to change the elections law!


    • Anonymous says:

      He should pull her out, she is almost useless there any way, get someone from the outside to be Speaker. I nominate Ezzard for the position.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I wonder how Bernie Bush would like it if someone did like he did to a significant female figure in his life – perhaps his Mom, maybe a sister, maybe a daughter – you get the point.

    Seems like politicians with this last name and from the same area of the island think it is okay to act the way they do.

    Any decent person would resign from his post – repeat any decent person would resign from his post.

  14. Anonymous says:

    They can’t even deal with Mack. I doubt anything will be done for this Bush. Sad.

  15. Anonymous says:

    World Class My Ass!
    😂 😂 😂 😂

  16. Anonymous says:

    Hell…there goes Wayne’s Land Rover and chauffer.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Under the new Act the minister would already be guilty of sexual harrasment because he has

    “making an unwelcome sexual comment to a person;”
    “making an unwelcome sexual gesture to a person;”

    The new Act also provides for the following punishment:

    “Where the Tribunal makes an order for the payment of compensation to a complainant the sum payable may be recovered by the complainant in court as a civil debt.”

    Based on the facts detailed in the CNS story, a decent lawyer would not have a hard time securing a very large payment for damages so lets not dismiss the $750K because legal fees would also be included!

    Wayne buddy – time to show that you stand behind your words #sheissupported all the time and not just when its convenient.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Utter buffoon. Another dinosaur who needs to be let go as soon as possible.

    Any more sleaze and we could have some potential tory ministers in the making.

  19. Anonymous says:

    You get what you vote for.

  20. Anonymous says:

    All Bernie appears to have said is that he has a small dick.
    Not sure why this would cause anyone anxiety.

    • Anonymous says:

      He is a Minister if Government.
      High standards and appropriate behavior are justifiably expected of someone who has been elected to high office.
      He should be setting an example, not abusing the privilege of office .

    • Anonymous says:

      Not sure why he has to always being it up. I don’t think anyone besides him cares about his anatomy.

    • Anonymous says:

      If that i dividual is so easily stresses maybe she should seek less stressful employment outside the civil service.

      • Anonymous says:

        The real world outside of civil service is way more stressful!! You need to work really hard to keep your job & get targets set that must be met to get salary increases. No promotions just for staying in the department long enough.
        It’s also full of idiots thinking they are gods gift to women & speaking to them inappropriately and touching them inappropriately. But they are smart enough to only do these things when there are no witnesses around.

    • Anonymous says:

      No one needs to know about his private parts. Get it? Private. That’s the point. It’s offensiveS He needs to keep his nasty mouth shit and do his job.

  21. Anonymous says:

    I do hope that this could represent a milestone case in sexual harassment at one’s places of work.

    What one perceives as harassment by one, can be perceived as lesser by another. However it does not lessen the fact that both women and men are harassed by persons in positions of poverty. Their advances being completely our of line with a person’s wishes.

    But… I have to say.. Couldn’t have happened to a more disgusting, lewd, racist POS.

    • Anonymous says:

      You mean positions of power?

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, I did. A typo on this little phones keyboard. I noticed it after it was posted. But I do believe the reader(s) of the post would decipher what was intended.

        Same with “our” which was intended to be “out” of line.

        Grateful for the grammar police.

    • Anonymous says:

      how does my asking a colleage for a loan to buy condoms turn into sexual harasment?

      guess we no longer practice safe sex.

    • Anonymous says:

      how is asking for $5.00 to buy condoms sexual harasment?. he never asked to use the conddoms to have sex with her?

      bernie laywer read above and pay me the consultant fee.

      her story might change after reading the above and change her version of the event.

      • Anonymous says:

        This is not appropriate behavior for someone who holds such a high and honorable office

      • Anonymous says:

        Inappropriate behaviour for the workplace which is why the law needs to pass. Too many of you morons walking around not knowing any better. Who raised you perverts?

      • Anonymous says:

        pretty sure we all know he needs no loan to buy condoms and the only resulting intent is sexual harassment. Let’s not be coy here.

  22. Elvis says:

    The guy is a disgrace, always has been, very rude and crude. Absolutely no place in govt.
    Nothing will happen to him trust me

    • Anonymous says:

      no place in govt? govt the world over are filled with them, it’s as if that’s their natural habitat.

      • Anonymous says:

        voters demand election reform!

        write to your MP and ask them to change the elections law!


    • Anonymous says:

      I understand some of the elected past and present spend their time in the LA watching porn! No wonder there debates were just utter nonsense.

  23. Anonymous says:

    It is sexual harrassment.

    $750K? Unrealistic.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Is SHE supported Wayne?

  25. Anonymous says:

    Here are three types of workplace harassment, examples, and solutions to help you educate your employees for preventing workplace harassment.

  26. Anonymous says:

    This man is an absolute disgrace, I remember being at an official visit where he chose a vegetarian lunch dish over the chicken option, when asked conversationally if he didn’t eat chicken, he replied “I eat pu$$y”. This is the type of individual that voters have elected to run this country. It has to stop. We need to see a change next election.

    • Anonymous says:

      Many people voted for change based on Wayne’s campaign speeches. Look what mess we ended up in.

    • Anon says:

      Not lewd but insulting. Last year the man stood before the crowd of people (who had to listen to the likes of him to get to awards) who had just finished swimming a mile, and pledge to do it next (this year). Doubt there was 5 in the crowd who believe the blowhard.
      Then another politician w a dubious relationship with the truth + reality, K Bryan, vowed the same thing. No shows, surprise, surprise.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Come on Wayne, even you must see that it time to get rid of that several of your ministers.

  28. Anonymous says:

    I fully support her demands. However, since Bernie voluntarily signed the Code of Conduct any compensation should be taken from his salary, Ministerial Pension, and any other source of wealth he may have.

  29. Anonymous says:

    I’ll tell you what’s pathetic is pansies that can’t take a joke. Society needs a bit of pre-internet 1990s freedom of speech instead of “oh I’m so sensitive and offended quickly I must go to my safe place” wokeness sissy crap. Man up.
    Bernie is a good guy.
    Dave Chappelle’s argument of freedom of speech is spot on in stark contrast to woke pansy attempted cancel culture

    • Anonymous says:

      No only is he know for making lewd jokes and comments, he is know to have directed those comments at underaged girls.

      • Anonymous says:

        If he has directed such “comments at underage girls”, then that is a very serious issue that needs to be addressed fully.

    • Anonymous says:

      You and people like you are the reason a large financial penalty is necessary. Words, basic decency, and common sense just don’t get through. Maybe a few big lawsuits will finally change this ridiculous inexcusable behavior that we all know is pervasive in Cayman.

      • Anonymous says:

        CIG is now learning the hard way through legal proceedings, especially since the Bill of Rights in the Constitution came into effect, that litigation costs and settlements will need to be paid out of the public purse until public officials stop acting unlawfully and unconstitutionally. Common sense should dictate this, but common sense is not so common anymore.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe you should extend your research beyond David Chappelle, sounding of the same mysoginist ilk – need a dictionary?

      Signs of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
      Whilst not an exhaustive list, some common signs of sexual harassment include: Unwelcome sexual advances, touching and all forms of sexual assault. Sexual comments and jokes, both when you are the subject of the joke and when you’re not. Unwelcome non-sexual touching.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s not just a “joke”, it is an inappropriate utterance by a Minister of OUR Government, who should be held to the highest ethical standards.
      It is a demonstration of morally bankrupt leadership which is totally out of order, and unacceptable in our society .

    • Anonymous says:

      Society demands and should have a respectable government with respectable members, this guy is not an honourable member and is a disgrace to the Cayman Islands, as others and us not a comedian!

      What era are you from ‘sissy”pansy’ LOL

    • Anonymous says:

      tldr; I should be allowed to wave my dick around because something something wokeness and my comfort is threatened by the thought of having to recognize a sacred vessel as my contemporary

    • Anonymous says:

      You are a piece of gassrshiiite, parasite you!!

  30. Anonymous says:

    Standard MLA behavior these days.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Ridiculous. I’m also curious how she came up with the number of $750k. XXXXXX an apology from the person responsible and punishment to him would suffice. If she thinks she is entitled to this amount of compensation for a lewd joke, pursuing a career in politics definitely isn’t for her.

    • Anonymous says:

      One also has to wonder if the money she is asking for if received will suddenly cure her so called “trauma”. Ridiculous way to try and get money from the Government.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wants big money from tax payers for a small thing .

  32. Anonymous says:

    another glorious day for the civil service….
    incompetence and stupidity on all sides

  33. Anonymous says:

    As predicted, everyone losing sight of Bernie’s behaviour and actions based on their distaste of the victim’s response to it. Whether or not a victim is seeking compensation for perceived damages does not change that he did what he did.

    Wasn’t Chris Saunders purportedly removed by the Premier for alleged sexual harassment and inappropriate behaviour? Why not Minister Bernie Bush? Or does the Premier largely only draw lines in the sand when he still holds the voting margin that he can afford to do so?

    Is the Premier going to allow and stand by the intent of Minister Bernie Bush to hide behind the protection of Parliamentary Privilege when he chooses to comment “in full” at the next Parliamentary meeting? What is he planning to say that he can’t do so in a public forum where he can be held to more account than his voting constituents’ in the next election cycle?

    This whole reinvention of his interaction as an “inappropriate joke” is just gaslighting sexual harassment and the abuse of patriarchal power differential. It’s time we stopped excusing cretins as just being old boys or other such nonsense.


      This was NOT sexual harassment! The two persons are friends. Bernie Bush has helped her in ways nobody commenting has done XXXXX.
      This is a cash grab. The media should print the letters she has written and name her XXXXXXX. I accept Bush deserves the heat for stupid and inappropriate jokes but this was not sexual harassment.

      If it was Franz Manderson and Wayne Panton would have dealt with it accordingly.

      This is not USA or Canada. Cayman must never become a land of snow flakes!

      • Anonymous says:

        The older generation was not brave enough to go public with this sort of thing. They would prefer to ” not cause any waves” but instead let it pass. I am glad that younger more enlightened persons will not be ashamed ( she didn’t do anything wrong) to speak out but instead hold these bastards feet fo the fire.! he is just a nasty person.

      • Anonymous says:

        So because he helped her in the past he should get a free pass? Is that how we treat rape victims too ? The man is a parasite

      • Anonymous says:

        Go on then, define what sexual harassment is for you. Did he have to actually pull it out instead of grabbing it in front of her?

        Since you believe it a stupid joke, walk me through what you believe made it funny.

      • Anonymous says:

        Woke has nothing to do with it.

        It is sexual harassment.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think you need to calm down. You’re sounding unhinged.

    • Anonymous says:

      There are no infallible people in this world. There is a continuum of behaviors. Horrific and absolutely despicable at one end, and delightful at the other.

      The Minister’s conduct is not good. It is unbefitting his office. It is unacceptable.

      It is not horrific and absolutely despicable.

      It warrants an apology – and a warning that no repetition will be tolerated. No more.

      A sexual assault would warrant an arrest and termination. Sexual harassment would warrant termination.

      A stupid and immature joke warrants public embarrassment (as well as the apology and warning). I think that is where we are on this one.

      Obviously there may be other facts.

      • Anonymous says:

        Tell me you’re male without telling me you’re male.

        • Anonymous says:

          Tell me you’re a feminist without……..

        • Anonymous says:

          That would require me pointing towards something and you calling for my arrest and confiscation of assets. And were I to gesture towards my breasts – what then?

      • Anonymous says:

        Why does it have to be horrific to warrant being removed from one of the highest public positions in our country?

        You’re trying to say that a warning is required to tell a government Minister that they should not reference their genitalia in the workplace?

        Is that not in their orientation programme?

        • Anonymous says:

          How do you know you’ve offended someone if you don’t talk about it? Someone has to tell you. Repetition would warrant harassment.

          • Anonymous says:

            Okay. For the avoidance of doubt, let’s all mark October 24, 2023 as the day that the poster from 9:03am realized they should not be grabbing and referencing their genitalia in the workplace. Prior to this day there was such ambiguity as it was unclear to them whether it could be considered appropriate.

        • Ima Speak says:

          Or shouldn’t it be to have common sense to have common decency towards a professional/college in the workplace or anyone for that matter? Bernie is a full-grown man and now an MP, these are the kinds of behaviours an adult should cease once they know better, so much more so for a Gov’t member to put aside once they are in public office. Jokes are funny, laughable comments, stories or gestures however clearly this is inappropriate, offensive behaviour by a man towards a woman, therefore sexaul harassment it is called. Please remember for some what is a cure, is a poison for others…so lay off the rude & insensitive remarks towards the lady. Only thing I see wrong that she has done is suing the “PACT” government…it should be him that she holds liable to pay her damages out of his pocket, even if it is for the rest of his life he have to pay it or it dries out his pension before he can leave office and use it! I know Mr. Power-hungry Premier Panton will not let him go and step down right afterwards in shame…no way that will happen. I would love to see the Courts award her 1 million Cayman dollars, so she can pay some of these vagrants to shut up and drop into a deep hole somewhere far!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Thank you for a sensible post.

    • Anonymous says:

      Everyone in a position of Authority, is duty bound to display and practice the highest standards in morals, manners and ethical behavior.
      Leaders must set an example of social decency in all of their activities and public behavior.
      Tragically, for Cayman , one politician in particular has survived for decades committing every kind of offense , that the voting public has become desensitized to crime and corruption committed by low people, in high places.

    • Anonymous says:

      Elect uneducated low life , and Da wa you get.
      Anyone surprised..?

      • Anonymous says:

        There are many uneducated MP’s that bought their election results. Cayman deserves the leaders it elects

    • Anonymous says:

      Someone should remind Mr Bush that Parlaimentary Priv doesnt cover breaking the law!!! He shuld be very careful what he says. The victim should file her court action prior to the next Parliamentary meeting so that the matter becomes subjudicy an cant be commented on in an attempt to victim blame and or sway a potential juror. You know… the way CMR does it on a regular basis.

  34. cayman coyote says:

    I am offended that the dump is still growing with discarded compostables and single use plastics and without an incinerator/cogeneration system to reduce the piles of waste we amass, AND I am offended that feeding a chicken results is a larger penalty than littering…. sharpening my litigation pencil !

  35. Anonymous says:

    Sorry lady, no one is going to award you that amount of money over lewd comments.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe not. But the hassle of dealing with the monetary request might just make men like Bush realize they need to check their sexist and entitled mouths — and maybe, just maybe, start changing the way they should think. No decent man would say anything to a woman that he wouldn’t want said to his wife, daughter or mother. Then again, maybe he’s not a decent man.

    • Anonymous says:

      After Mac paid over $2 Million for cancelling the port contract (to give it to CHEC).
      Saunders paid over $1million for cancelling the medical supplies contract.
      The judge got over $2 Million wrongful something.
      Many more payments details unknown, Govt might be running short of cash to settle its mistakes ….and it’s free money, because NONE OF THEM is accountable.

    • Anonymous says:

      Then again words are one thing, actions are another entirely. Let’s see what happens to McBeater in his trial next month. Most likely another mention and delay again. I hear he’s about to be stricken with convenient mobility and poverty issues again.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think we all can agree it was wrong but compensation! Fine him that amount but give it to a charity to ensure this is just not a cash grab.

  36. Anonymous says:

    She was wronged and Bernie Bush should be found guilty and sentenced for insulting the modesty of a female to its fullest extent since he is a serial harrasser.

    The appropriate thing for her to do is file a police report and then file a civil suit asking for damages from Bernie Bush.

    Instead, she is causing Caymanians severe emotional distress by thinking we owe her anything except our pity.

    Sue Bernie Bush for monetary damages and not us who are your friends, neighbors, and supporters. Otherwise, you change from victim to lowly money grubber.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who on earth is suffering from severe emotional distress because she is asking for compensation for being sexually harassed?

    • Cancel the cancel culture now says:

      Wronged how by a joke he told about himself and his small stature to manhood department and tasteless sense of humor?

      Don’t bring that cancel culture nonsense over here. Keep that in wherever you came from.

  37. Anonymous says:

    This Lawsuit is the reason why I stand 100% against the new sexual harassment bill, as if you’re a gentleman who decides to open a door for an “Independent Woman” you are more likely to be sued for causing distress if she finds such an act offensive.

    Funnily enough, I can predict her win of the $750K payout and believe me, this will open a huge can of worms for others to copycat her tact in the near future.

    • Anonymous says:

      There’s a big difference between common courtesy and expecting a woman to think dick jokes are funny.

      • Anonymous says:

        To be fair – dick jokes can be funny. I challenge all to consider whether they have ever laughed at one.

        • Anonymous says:

          We are not all Cabinet Ministers – the context is also important. He was in the Government Admin Building and on official duty!!

          • Anonymous says:

            He was not on official duty. He was going shopping for condoms. That is not part of the job description.

        • Anonymous says:

          I’ve always found them a little cheesy.

      • Depends says:

        Depends on the woman her mode and self worth and confidence. Plus the moon and tides

      • Anonymous says:

        What if my male boss tells a dick joke to me, his male employee? Does that make it different? It is no less offensive, but the difference is that I can’t cause the citizens of Cayman to pay me hundreds of thousands of dollars for it.

        This should be a civil suit, and not taken from the public purse. Yes, I think it’s horrible and offensive. No, I don’t think the damage is worth thousands of dollars, let alone hundreds of thousands. Ridiculous.

      • Anonymous says:

        Some women and their colorful jokes will make some men blush!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Grow up. Stop being a dummy.

  38. Anonymous says:

    I’ve heard this minister make really crude offensive comments many times. They are not jokes to the person on the receiving end or people who hear it. Its not one off. Like the other Bush, he can’t help himself.

    • Anonymous says:

      The other Bush had the “It’s a cultural thing” defence……
      IF, by ‘cultural’ he meant, uneducated, unprincipled, lacking principles and integrity, entitled buffoon behavior, then I would agree with him that this too is a “Cultural thing”.

    • Anonymous says:

      He made racial jokes to white people too

      • 7th Generation Caymanian says:

        Reading the blogs let’s be honest many “Expats” make racist, uneducated, inappropriate comments and jokes which insult Caymanians, our culture and heritage all the time in the work place. It happens in private and has been going on in social clubs dinner parties and in social circles for decades.

        For example something as simple as eating turtle meat is “disgusting” or offensive. My question is if everybody that chooses to come here to work and hope to get PR dislikes Caymanians, its leaders and things that are unique to Cayman – WHY did you make the decision to willingly move to this country if you dislike the people you found here so much and have nothing good to say about Caymanian people?

        Go fix the USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, France, Austria, Switzerland, Brazil, Romania, South Africa, Australia, Zimbabwe, New Zealand, Mexico, Chile Holland, Germany, Jamaica, Barbados, Guyana, Trinidad to name a few of the places that you left for a better life.

        Poor leaders and inappropriate behaviour, corruption and extortion exists in all systems and all countries but apparently only Caymanians are held accountable by anonymous bloggers.

        This case is not about sexual harassment it’s about at its core two immature West Bayers that were once friends who shared many lewd jokes as is their common type of banter and communication style having a public spat.

        There are several flights back home take it and go because the majority of the expatriate community are not about trying to integrate with or respecting Caymanians. It’s about making fun of and instilling western new age principles that make everyone super sensitive and walk on egg shells.

        The joke was inappropriate but the reaction is all political theatre and an attempt to extort 750k from the system. If the victim can attempt to destroy a person in the public domain they can and should be named publicly.

        This is Cayman we do things differently.

        • Anonymous says:

          Muppet 😂

        • Anonymous says:

          7th Gen

          Thank you for speaking straight to the issues we want to ignore. Cayman is a racist place full of new comers that do not respect Caymanians. The things said and done to locals in the work place by these people should be criminal but nobody wants that convo

        • Anonymous says:

          Please do not speak for all of us. I am Caymanian and I detest his behavior. This is not a matter of”them and us”. This is about decency and respectability.

        • Anonymous says:

          6.15..You seem to have ignored the lady seeking the $750K is a Caymanian civil servant who does not subscribe to the “we do things differently here”.

      • Anonymous says:

        Many times .

      • Anonymous says:

        All the time. And that is ok?

  39. Anonymous says:

    I got unlawfully pulled over by a k9 police officer to simply “have a conversation”, and knowing my rights, I refused his conversation request after multiple requests to speak with him. I know I’m beautiful, but sir, is this your approach? To initiate traffic stops on women and act all big and boasty to flirt?

    After I refused his conversation for the 7th time, no documents required. No search required. No breathalyzer required. Only in Cayman.

    If she so much as gets a damn patteh out of this, I will also sue and milk the entire RCIPS budget. That traffic stop was SO embarrassing, unjustified and inappropriate.

    • Anonymous says:

      You should do that irrespective of this lady’s claim. Only when all the victims of this kind of harassment stand up will we hopefully see an end to it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sounds like you were stopped by a dog rather than a k9 police officer.

    • Anonymous says:

      Do it

    • Anonymous says:

      Bet it was a Jamaican policeman.
      Jamaican men believe a smile from a white woman is an invitation to have his baby.

      • Anonymous says:

        So do Caymanian men!

      • Anonymous says:

        OP here, rather someone else said it, but yes, he’s Jamaican! This is also the only nationality that finds it appropriate to cat call me as I’m using an ATM.

        They hate it when Caymanians complain about Jamaican behavior but it’s their own people coming here to our home and causing such a negative reputation – from thieves to uninsured drivers, straight up to police.

      • Anonymous says:

        That is a racist comment!

    • Anonymous says:

      All traffic stops should be logged with 911.

      Police have the authority to pull over any vehicle they wish, so there’s no ‘unlawful’ stop. However, if the interaction wasn’t professional, please complain. This would then stop these things from happening to others.

      • Anonymous says:

        Just because you can pull over a beautiful woman for a chat, doesn’t mean you should use your authority to do so.

  40. Anonymous says:

    “For the good of all the parties involved and given the sensitive nature of the matter, I continue to exercise restraint in my comments,” the premier added.

    What is this, some kind of threat….to the victim? The Premier’s comment is taunting and inappropriate. Minister (and I hate to preface that with “Honourable”) has a history of this type of inappropriate behaviour, was called out for by the Premier…why is the Premier being so lax here?

    And shame on Franz too. While he says the responsibility for disciplining Cabinet members is the Premier, Franz goes on to say that the Premier handle this matter appropriately! Let me think, it Franz was responsible for disciplining a civil servant for this kind of behaviour, I’m sure he would have acted far more sternly than the Premier did in this case.

  41. anonymous says:

    Wonderful that the Minister who keeps inviting himself to youth sporting events to be around our young sports teams (despite providing no support whatsoever to these teams unless he happens to know someone who is involved who wants some money) is able to act so maturely and with such good character.
    Seriously every time you think our Ministers can’t be more pathetic they manage to find another way

  42. Anonymous says:

    If government had to make a 750k payment for every one of Bernie’s crap jokes, we’d be as broke as the United States of America. Literally trillions in debt.

    • Anonymous says:

      and that’s just for Bernie…

    • Anonymous says:

      SO this is why she should be awarded a hefty payment. 750 might be extreme, but I hope she gets at least 6 figures.

    • Anonymous says:

      Compared to the other things Bernie has been involved in over the years, this is positively vanilla. In generality, its incredibly sad that the leaders of these wonderful islands are either crooks, misogynists or idiots, sometimes a combination of all.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like new property purchase to me :).

    I mean, idk why these things can’t happen to me……Oh wait! I do, I’m not soft and no mention of the male appendage, is going to traumatize me to the extent that I will need indefinite counselling.

    I can acknowledge and agree that the conduct of these elected officials falls short of high school behaviour, but to say that a crude joke would cause me sleepless nights and to regress to my addiction is a bit much.

    And I know people are going to say; “yea but she suffered harassment from a previous boss”. I want to know what constitutes that harassment. Because if it is just more of the same thing (i.e. someone making jokes or saying crude stuff out loud) that is a you problem. If its your boss making sexual advances, or requesting favors from you “or else,” then I understand. But if they are just speaking and its inappropriate for the place, then you need to not be around. Persons be expecting everything to be perfect to their liking, and everyone must conduct themselves to your liking….no, the only thing you can control is you. if they are speaking and you dont like the topic or the tone, then leave.

    Even if someone was speaking to me directly and saying things I didnt like, I would just walk away.

    If it was a case of repeated unwanted sexual advances, go on amazon and buy one of those little audio recorders, for US$40 and keep it on you to catch them 😉

    • Anonymous says:

      10:47 am Are you for real man? This woman is not only standing up for her rights, but those of every other person (male, female or otherwise) who is subjected to sexual harassment. And here you go with the victim-blaming, the main reason these terrible incidents go unreported. Shame on you.

    • Anon says:

      The thing with sexual harassment is it can be subjective in what is considered offensive. What you may find offensive vs what others could be very different and from your description it sounds like you wouldn’t be offended by this joke. That said, how you react in a situation has no baring on how others may react and it does not invalidate this womans right to be offended.

      Sexual harassment can be debilitating and for that reason, sexual harassment policies exist in workplaces to protect all employees. From the sounds of it the minister often makes these jokes to female staff which is concerning because he obviously doesn’t see it as a problem nor as he likely been reprimanded for it in the past. If he doesn’t see it as a problem, he is unlikely to correct his behaviour and unlikely not to retaliate against accusers. The fear of retaliation leaves people feeling like they have no choice but to brush it off/laugh it off and ignore it. This woman works in a government building which should hold itself to the highest standards when it comes to respect and professionalism. She isn’t working in a bar hearing off coloured comments from her patrons. She has the right to come to work everyday and not be asked by a senior government official for 5$ to buy condoms for his small penis while gesturing to said penis. It’s not too much to ask for.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think that anyone outside the sex work industry and the medical/healthcare industry (in a very particular patient education or inquiry context) has a right not to expect to hear comments, jokes, or pronouncement in their workplace about genitals, genital characteristics, or prophylactics.

      • Anonymous says:

        ‘The thing with sexual harassment is it can be subjective in what is considered offensive’

        This is the thing 12:19, where do you draw the line. I would argue that a person is allowing themselves to become offended and that an offender may be completely unaware of what constitutes offensive behaviour, such aa opening a door. Broaden your minds a little instead of being dumbed by subjective perception.

        Another element is since when has sex become an offensive category to be steered away from. It’s been the beginning of human civilisation since day one. For the sake of argument I could be offended by the billions of dollars consumed by the fashion industry that to a point dictates the impressively gross garments we should wear, why is a women required to cover herself when a man can go shirtless ? – it’s because you’ve been told it’s offensive and are confirming to the social propaganda. Forget being offended, consider how you’ve been manipulated instead.

    • Anonymous says:

      There is the problem, just walk away? To let these ‘cock’roaches do it over and over again!

      • life's tough get a helmet says:

        lol @2:20PM yes, walk away with your virgin ears and soft innards that can stand to hear about male genitals. And she knew him well enough, should have just told him to STFU with the stupid joke already.

        look anyone with piece of a brain can agree Bernie is in the wrong, completely out of order and uncalled for. But I also believe 2 things can be true at the same time. For example, she is milking the situation because how is it that he made the joke in her presence before and she never had an issue with it? How is it that she was fine with the verbal apology, then was like, hmmm no…got the written apology, was fine with that, and then was like hmmm no, and now she want 750K? If she get that and blow that on vacation she going come back and say hmmm no that wasnt enough.

        And you all realize that she is suing herself right? and all of us with her, so when errebody cry out that cost of living is so high, duties gone up, etc etc, is because of stuff like this.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t know what or anything about sexual harrassment then, unless you do the same!

  44. Anonymous says:

    Just the type of person we want in charge of youth, sports and culture.

    Welcome to wonderland.

  45. Anon says:

    Well that’s a lot of $$ she wants, but he’ll just do something dopey or inappropriate again, costing Govt thus all of us, time + $$$

  46. Anonymous says:

    Madness. Seemingly, all ‘round.

    “Reasonable, Rational, Proportionate, Fair?”

    The Caymanian public should stand up to sexual harassment.

    The Caymanian public should also stand up to any attempt at a shakedown.

    This was a terrible joke – but was it really sexual harassment? Are we really having this debate in public? Just how broken are our systems of governance?

    Are we really going to be distracted by this while our children are not being prepared for the job market, foreign cultures are displacing Caymanians from not only jobs but also entire elements of society, growing numbers of people are unable to feed, house, and clothe themselves, we have a cost of living crisis, our pensions have been gutted, and criminality is suddenly evident everywhere we turn – and THIS is what our leaders are dealing with?

    There should be a fair tribunal that deals with complaints and does timely justice to the parties. That there does not seem to be one – or if there is – not one that can be quickly accessed, is truly disgusting.

    • Anonymous says:

      The irony that Bernie Bush is minister of culture for the Cayman Islands seem to be lost on you

    • Anonymous says:

      ‘This was a terrible joke – but was it really sexual harassment? Are we really having this debate in public? Just how broken are our systems of governance?’

      Educate yourself in 2023 otherwise how do you
      expect to educate your children!!

      • Anonymous says:

        How do I expect to educate my children?

        By exposing them to different viewpoints , challenging their perceptions, and equipping them with the skills to make up their own minds, in furtherance of creating a fairer, safer and more cooperative society than they found.

        NEVER by telling them what they think.

      • Patricia Bryan says:

        2:48 p.m.please google or Siri sexual harassment, or search for the Sexual Harassment Bill presently in the table by government and you can find the definition of the two words. Or you can look up “Legal Talk with Patricia Bryan” on youtube to listen to the episode discussing the Bill.

    • Anonymous says:

      Suppose the lady was your daughter, sister,mother? Would you be so nonchalant? All the ills you mentioned are bad but so are his contents.

  47. Anonymous says:

    Bernie needs to grow up this is a different time in Cayman.

    The XXXX lady needs to stop telling everybody XXXXX about this matter and sharing copies of her letter.

    This is a private matter. Her actions are self serving and unprofessional.

    It is very clear this is about trying to get big bucks no matter what from anybody

  48. Anonymous says:

    750k for a one off joke? is this really where we want society to go? physical assault, sure, sustained verbal assault, have at it, but a one time joke?

    • Anonymous says:

      CNS: “Minister Bush told CNS he accepted that he had told the “off-colour, silly joke” to the civil servant, whom he knows well. In his letter of apology, he had said it was unprofessional but was intended as a joke and meant no harm. He said he never imagined she would have been offended because he had told the joke many times over the years to her and to many other women.”

      “…her concerns that Bush has a history of making inappropriate jokes and comments and he was not being held to account.”

    • Anonymous says:

      It is not one off and it is not funny. He’s a pervert and he needs to step down. The very fact that he is in a position of power and knows it, which enables him to continue makes his behavior even more egregious. So sick of PACTs toxic government. I can’t believe this man is allowed to be around children.

  49. Ambassador of Absurdistan says:

    Just Another Day in Absurdistan

  50. Anonymous says:

    I get offended by the corruption and incompetence of the elected MP’s and the “world class civil service”.

    Can anybody please advise where I can collect my 1.5million for the emotional distress plus pain and suffering I experience that makes me consider drastic steps and deep counseling?


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