EIA implies low environmental impact for ReGen WTE

| 21/08/2023 | 42 Comments
Artist’s rendition of the WTE facility

(CNS): Given the poor conditions and historical problems associated with the George Town dump and the lack of a proper landfill liner, the development of a waste-to-energy facility is likely to benefit rather than harm the natural marine and terrestrial resources in the area, according to the draft environmental impact assessment (EIA). Around 1.7 acres of mangrove and 33 acres of other vegetation will be lost but the scientists who authored the document said the project is unlikely to make things worse.

GHD, the authors of the Draft Environmental Statement for the ReGen project, stated that construction and operation of the integrated solid waste management system (ISWMS) are “expected to result in net, long-term environmental benefits compared to the unsustainable design and impacts to soil and groundwater quality of the current George Town Landfill”.

The entire document is now available (see links below) and, in anticipation of a final agreement in September, a public consultation period began on Friday. Members of the public have just over two more weeks to submit comments until the consultation period ends on midnight, 7 September. Dart, which is leading the consortium to transform Cayman’s rubbish problem, is also hosting three town hall meetings about the report next week.

The full draft document is 1,764 pages long and contains a plethora of technical information. But the key findings appear to indicate that the current situation at the dump is so bad that the rollout of the proposed facility will be an improvement with little negative impact on the environment.

The report notes an unlikely possibility of direct marine discharge of cooling water to the North Sound if alternatives prove not to be feasible. However with mitigation measures, this should not adversely impact the marine habitat, the scientists stated.

The EIA found that the contamination within the footprint of the proposed ReGen project is most likely associated with historic waste handling and disposal activities at the landfill. Potential contaminants located at various areas of the site include oil, metals, combustion products, asbestos, arsine gas, pesticides, paints and solvents, organic vapours and landfill/ground gases.

The authors said that the existing infrastructure at the George Town Landfill Facility (GTLF), comprising non-engineered landfill and ageing recycling and recovery facilities, does not meet the solid waste disposal and processing needs of the government’s National Solid Waste Management Strategy.

“The existing outdated waste management methodology and regime is impacting the environment and residents in the vicinity of GTLF,” they said. “Some of the more noticeable impacts in the vicinity are odour, visual, source of mosquitoes and other pests and toxic smoke plumes due to landfill fires.”

ReGen is described as a modern controlled mass burn facility that will convert combustible, non-recyclable waste to chemically inactive ash, reducing landfill needs by 90%. The heat emitted from the combustion of waste will be captured to produce electricity. The air pollution control and continuous emissions monitoring systems will ensure that it meets future standards, and does not pose an adverse effect on the environment.

The government has still not finalised its deal with Dart for this project and talks have gone on for more than five years. However, Dart began work remediating and capping a significant chunk of the original dump three years ago.

See details about the public meetings, download the document and see where hard copies are available on the ReGen site.

Note that the full document on the ReGen site is very large (108MB).
A compressed copy (44MB) is in the CNS Library, and can be viewed without downloading.

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Category: Environmental Health, Health

Comments (42)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Only thing we need to do is get it out of the hands of the government. The faster the better. They are just gonna make if worse and worse if they keep running it.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The dump is not thr only pressing environmental problem. The Water Authority’s Sewage Treatment facility located behind the dump is an issue as it emits toxic gas that does not pass WHO standard emission levels. Water Authority Board is aware and so is CIG. World Class Civil Service does not want to deal as they pass it on as Water Authority’s problem. Out of sight and out of mind. Hon Minister Panton why is your ministry silent?

    • Anonymous says:

      ✅Radiation Act doesn’t exist (enacted in 1972 in Bermuda). Too many health care facilities in Cayman employ radiation for diagnostics and treatment. From veterinarians and dentists to hospitals.
      Health City new cancer treatment center would increase radiation exposure risk dramatically with no rules, regulations, monitoring and enforcement.
      I don’t know if a scanning device purchased by the Cayman Islands Customs department in 2011 is being employed.
      I don’t know if Customs and Border Control Service new High-tech Cargo Scanner (high-energy x-ray imaging) purchased in 2022 is being employed.
      There’re no administrative codes in cayman regulating x-ray usage in healthcare or other industries.
      ✅ Clean Air Act doesn’t exist. Can’t run WTE without regulating emissions
      ✅ majority of private sewage treatment systems still do not meet the legal standard of quality. No legal enforcement action against owners of defective wastewater systems

    • Anonymous says:

      I wonder if it exists within OfReg’s mandate to oversee how and if Water Authority conforms to WHO standards? My assumption is that Water Authority is self governing and are very clandestine about what they discharge into the air not to mention the so called “treated sewage” they inject into deep wells at the treatment plant. I’d like someone to prove my assumption wrong with actual data. Being a statutory body of CIG shouldn’t they be transparent about their operations that the public fund? Seems the more politicians profess that CIG is transparent the more opaque it becomes. Is it due to sun damage?

    • Anonymous says:

      Water Authority prefers the bury your head in the sand approach.

      Any comment DOE? A little too quiet on this one for some strange reason

  3. Anonymous says:

    It will be broken within the first year of operation. Hopefully they can design a ski slope on top of it like the one in Sweden so we can get some other use out of it,

    This is a territory where everything owned by the govt is run into the ground and allowed to fall into disrepair. Just like we can expect the weather radar to be out of service annually. Like clockwork.

  4. Anonymous says:

    This is the environmental report. What we need is the release of the Auditor General’s report so the public can properly evaluate the feasibility and value for money of the project for the country. What guarantees are needed to ensure health standards, operations and projected end of life without repayment?

    Does anyone know if the second uncapped landfill is included in the remediation and project cost given the project start is several years overdue so the scope is now somewhat larger?

    As much as I believe that the Dart organisation wants to fix the problem this is only for financial gain rather than for being concerned about our health. Building residences, a school and a cancer hospital next to a health hazard says a lot.

    • Anonymous says:

      Of course Dart is doing it for financial gain or to increase the value of their surrounding properties. Who else can take this on? CIG has let this fester for 50 years, do we leave it to them to sort out? At least Dart has a vested interest in getting this problem solved. CIG’s number one skill is kicking the can down the road and yes it is going to cost us, thank the voters in Bodden Town.

  5. Anonymous says:

    We need a solution but not this one if we can’t afford it!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Part I.
    In cities around the world there is growing public opposition to solid waste incineration. Waste incineration creates air pollution and requires strong (‼️) environmental controls which are typically the most expensive 💰💰💰operational cost.

    When operators of incineration facilities struggle to make returns, they will often try to reduce or shut down (‼️) these environmental controls, putting the nearby population at significant risk. Cities that lack strong environmental controls, monitoring and enforcement capabilities (Cayman‼️), or where a third party needs to make a return on their investment from operational revenues, should not ❌build these facilities.

    ‼️These systems are complex, requiring highly skilled staff to ensure optimal technical and environmental performance, and regular maintenance. Finding qualified plant operations personnel is another challenge faced by many facilities.

    Repeating this again: Finding qualified plant operations personnel is another challenge faced by many facilities. ‼️

    The number of power plant operator job openings in the field is growing. Most WTE plants don’t run themselves, they usually take knowledgeable workers to monitor processes and adjust plant equipment to optimize power production.

    🔴WtE plant managers often tell that among their biggest challenges are recruiting and retaining high-quality, well-qualified skilled technicians and engineers.

    WTE ASH 101
    🚧WTE incineration, while sustainable in the sense that it uses waste materials as an energy source and thereby reduces waste-to-landfill conversion and fossil-fuel utilization, it does generate a significant (‼️) amount of waste ash per input volume.

    🚧WTE incineration ash can be divided into two main categories: incinerator bottom ash and air pollution control residues. These two types of incineration ash differ in their mode of generation as well as in their subsequent utilization and disposal.

    Bottom ash typically contains valuable glass, porcelain, and metal components that can be reclaimed.

    Air pollution control residues (APCR) is also referred to as fly ash must be processed effectively to prevent polluting the surrounding area.

    ‼️Because of the vast quantities of ash produced during WTE incineration, effective methods of ash disposal and utilization are imperative.

    Removing this ash is done through a number of different chemical and physical treatment processes to ensure that the final gas which leaves the factory is just water vapour and Co2, i.e. completely safe (‼️) for the surrounding population.

  7. Anonymous says:

    It is now time for Caymanians to face the truth and admit they elected the wrong set of independents, not realising that they would would allow Kenneth to herd them together and annoint Wayne supreme leader. Money and power brought this Government of “only in my wildest dreams” incompetents together. Not talent, brains, ability etc. Case in point…

    Bernie Bush – cant string two sentences together without a teleprompter. Like to impress people with the length of his tongue. (Its a hell of a talent).

    Jay Ebanks – Eating his way to stardom, dictionary definition of a “Dolt”.

    Sabrina Turner – Thinks she is Martin Luther King 2.0 while also believing that attending nursing school makes her an excellent choice for Minister of Health.

    Kenneth Bryan – Man with the biggest ego, the squeaky wheel, the pig that squeals, the announcer of everything and accomplisher of nada, convicted drug dealer, caught in a sting by undercover officers posing as girls out looking for a good time.

    Heather Bodden – Sigh is she even still elected?

    Isaac Rankine – Just realising that Arden does indeed wear big shoes. Can’t even sit at the big boys table, just along for the benefits and praying the Govt holds together till next election.

    Andre Ebanks – Just as happy as a hog in sh#! in WBS, not too many indigenous folks living and voting there and the new Caymanians dont want him breaking down their front door. Got his orders on election day and is quietly fulfilling the expat agenda (happily). Fancies himself a West Bay Obama.

    Dwayne (Jon Jon) Seymour – Willing to go with whatever and whomever works best for Jon Jon. Not interested in bringing one motion or law that will significantly improve anyones life other than the already stupid rich mostly foreigners among us. Likes to think of himself as a poet.

    Wayne – Drowning in inability and lack of accomplishment, think he can overome the disapointment he has become by usng a cyber bully to promote his vision.

    Think about this lineup, look at the picture of the WTE Plant and ask yourselves… do we really expect PACT to accomplish such a significant, important and monumental project? Most of them have not been inside a building of similar size.

    • Anonymous says:

      It could be worse…

      • Anonymous says:

        We had 8 years of worse just before PACT got in place. People have extremely short memories. The highlight of the previous administration’s accomplishments is literally “we listened to smart doctors during a pandemic and it worked.”
        At least, it’s between that and allowing CUC’s top dog’s brother to manage the infrastructure of our island and effectively give them free reign to continue screwing the local population. No possible conflicts of interest in that configuration, no sirree.

        • Anonymous says:

          Listen.. Squeal all you want, all I know is people didnt suffer like this under the PPM. Yes they lost their way when they joined with Mac but Alden was disciplined, methodical and practical. At no point during their leadership did I fear the Government would go broke or not be able to comply with the FFR. Wayne hasnt had a full term yet and look at this mess we are in. They are spending money like it was being printed at GAB. Kenneth alone seems to have run off with the checkbook. I do not feel secure under PACT.

        • Anonymous says:

          Comparing this current disaster of a Government to the Progressives is an insult to every intelligent person in Cayman. If you cannot see that PACT is not working you are either getting favours done, are getting handouts or are simply living in denial because you believed the hype. What have they accomplished? What major legislative advances have they brought ? Legislators legislate, that is their job, these people have been to parliament about 4 times since the elections, that means none of the wonderful changes they promised are being implemented.

          Pension withdrawals
          Referendum on gambling and marijuana
          Stamp duty reductions
          Cost of living relief
          Plastic free initiative
          Planning changes to benefit Caymanians
          etc etc

          these all require legislation and it appears as if the Government is simply not capable of driving change.

          The few good things they have managed to get done came straight out of the PPM manual.

          I am voting PPM next election, I have already made up my mind. You may not like them personally but they get shit done. That is why they are there! to work not jump on the radio making announcements that the Premier is not in support of eg. Increasing the money for home repairs immediately after the Premier asked for a cost cutting exercise.

          The inmates are running the asylum for sure!!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Will be able to power Grand for a month when all those copies of the report are incinerated.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Don’t worry, when Dart wants to expand Camana Bay, the dump will get cleaned up in a week. They’re stalling right now.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Wayne & Co – stop procrastinating and fix the dump already.

  11. Monopolly says:

    Dart is not the solution now. Dart was not the solution then.

    Dart is not the solution. Dart is the pollution.

  12. Anonymous says:

    On today’s episode of Stating The Bloody Obvious….

  13. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Dart!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Waste of money and time report. Fix the damn dump.

  15. Anonymous says:

    a wte plant????…we can’t even afford a glass crusher!!!!
    welcome to wonderland

  16. Anonymous says:

    yawn…just get on with it.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Waste to Energy. Imagine the power that could be generated if we used politicians as fuel. Failing that, Honda Civics, Accords, and Changans!

  18. Anonymous says:

    “ will convert combustible, non-recyclable waste to chemically inactive ash, reducing landfill needs by 90%. The heat emitted from the combustion of waste will be captured to produce electricity. The air pollution control and continuous emissions monitoring systems will ensure that it meets future standards, and does not pose an adverse effect on the environment.”
    Who in their right mind would believe these statements?
    By the way, “future standards “? What is that?
    “Chemically inactive ash”? Is it a joke?
    Everything they do in Cayman is f…d up, even the simplest things. You want them to run, maintain, monitor and control WtEp?

    • Anonymous says:

      Statements like those made in a cheesy midnight teleshopping paid advertisement. We are all urged to enthusiastically to drink the magic Kool-aid, besides, chemically inactive ash makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  19. Mount trashy says:

    Govt asleep at the wheel for years. Deal shouldve been done years ago. They blame complexity of the deal for the time taken. How many hours per week are they working? Perhaps work longer hours and the deal would be done quicker. Simple. Fix the dump.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Holy smokes. Current dump bad, New dump better. 1764 pages in the no shit Sherlock file. How much did that beauty cost?

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t worry it’s included in the bundled price deal we’ll all be on the serious hook for in the coming decades.

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