Cyclist injured in hit-and-run with truck

| 24/08/2023 | 35 Comments

(CNS): Police are investigating a hit-and-run involving a cyclist and a truck on the Esterley Tibbetts Highway at the junction with Snug Harbour Drive on Tuesday evening. Officers are also warning drivers that they need to remain at the scene when involved in a collision. In this case, the cyclist was hit by a Dodge Ram truck at about 6:20pm, and although the driver got out of the truck, he left soon afterwards.

When police arrived, the woman who had been riding the bicycle was being treated by the emergency services for an injury to her arm. Police learned that the driver, who had reportedly pulled out of Snug Harbour and hit the bike, had left after staying for only a short time. He did not provide his details to the cyclist.

However, the police later identified the driver of the truck, and the incident is now under investigation.

According to the Traffic Act (2021 Revision), the driver of a vehicle is required to stop and provide their personal, vehicle and insurance information if they are involved in a collision where another person is injured or another vehicle or property is damaged, the RCIPS said.

Alternatively, they must report the collision at a police station or to a police constable as soon as possible but no more than 24 hours after the crash. Drivers who fail to do so may be arrested and prosecuted, which could result in a fine, imprisonment or both upon conviction.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (35)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    There is a single unconnected unmarked northbound cycle lane on west side of West Bay Road from Captain’s Bakery to Ritz Carlton, then it stops. No southbound lane. No roundabout consideration. There isn’t even a sidewalk on the street-lit east side of West Bay Road in the heart of our Hotel/Tourism District. There shouldn’t be cyclists riding on the unprotected shoulders of the ETH freeway ever, but the NRA and our MPs fail to deliver the cycling infrastructure we paid for since 2015, even against fatalities and injuries. CITA stakeholders, the Triathlon association, cycling shops, and workforce commuters need to make this incompetence a front page issue before a tourist gets killed and turns this neglect into an avoidable international incident.

  2. anonymous says:

    Every day i drive that road numerous times – its like a race track. I have not seen a cop is months. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel to hand out speeding tickets. BUT they don’t because these cops don’t want to get out of their AC cars. Its a crying shame what the police presence has become. Crime ( including speeding) is rampant and has become a way of life. Bring back some law enforcement! The PACT government doesn’t care about the people – only themselves and what they can get. Thugs and crooks – think hard at the poles people.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Not all cops are the same. A traffic cop friend of mine seeing what he suspected was a stolen motor bike, being without a car at the time, flagged down a taxi, gave chase and made an arrest.

  4. Sandman says:

    We need to have narrower roads with safe and separated bicycle lanes. The roads and roundabouts need to be made smaller to force people to slow down. Pedestrians, cyclists and even drivers are all too often being injured and killed on these roads. It goes without question that the roads in Grand Cayman are deadly! Why do we continue to design and build roads that kill people? Why is there nothing being done about this? I encourage the government to spend their efforts and money on redesigning our communities to be centered around a network of pedestrian, bicycle and public transportation, and not single person cars. A bicycle will cost someone about $500 all in, as opposed to a car that will cost upwards of $5000 plus regular gas costs and yearly fees. Think of the financial freedom that we could give our people with the option of safe bicycle transport. We must make it safer! Here is a link to some basic fundamentals of good street design that prioritize ALL modes of transport. This will save lives. It will also give freedom to any that does not drive an oversized, gas guzzling dodge pick up truck!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hitting someone, ok that’s bad but accidents happen, could be for lots of reasons and could happen to any of us. Leaving the person to die in the road though, wow, that’s plain evil. Lock these bastards up and throw away the key.

  6. Anonymous says:

    To be fair to these drivers, Wayne and the RCIPS have made it clear that it’s acceptable to leave the scene of an accident without facing any consequences

  7. Anonymous says:

    Another hit and run?

    NO WAY!!!!

    Every accident is a hit and run here.


    • Anonymous says:

      well, Even the last fatality the guy that was driving that killed the guy on esterly tibbetts tried to leave the scene of a crime. if it wasn’t for someone else there he would have left. his friend was dying or was dead. who are these people? disgusting humans.

  8. Anonymous says:

    The NRA needs to deliver the bike lanes that were budgeted from 2015 in every road plan. Where are they?!? Where did that money go?!?

  9. Cheese Face says:

    There are no traffic police, utter lawlessness on the roads and not a thing done about it. I literally have several attempts on my life every morning. Nothing will be done, the RCIPS are completely useless, overfunded and corrupt. I’ve actually stopped caring.

  10. Anonymous says:

    If police would come out and have a presence and do more traffic patrols, we might have a safer island and roads to enjoy

  11. Anonymous says:

    Occifur, I swear I thought she was one of Cayman’s dancing power poles.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I mean, if seatbelt laws were enforced then that would fund about half the police expenditures for the year.

    Don’t enforce laws, either scrap them, or start actually enforcing them, or you will continue the mayhem and stupidity.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I’ve just commuted behind a construction vehicle. One of those Japanese ELF trucks, super slow diesel things. It had no license plate at the back, one of the 4 tyres was completely bald, light cluster broken on one side, with no working brake lights on both sides. How is it even possible that this heap of crap is allowed to be on the road unchallenged???

    This isn’t even the first vehicle this afternoon I’ve been behind with zero brake lights. Traffic police, I know you’re wrapped up with idiots crashing, and catching speeders at predictable locations, but it’s anyone actually doing anything about junkers on the road???

    • Anonymous says:

      they drive by them. the cops don’t do anything here but attend to calls because that’s the only oversight for them. no one holds them accountable to actually police.

    • Anonymous says:

      never going to happen, the cops are on the same roads with these trucks, along with all sorts of vehicles with illegal window tint, no front plates, illegal lighting, following too closely etc, etc

      free for all

  14. Anonymous says:

    Start a road safety campaign to protect cyclists!

    • Anonymous says:

      Or just remove bad drivers from the road by revoking their licences, taking their cars, and fining them heavily. Enforce the laws and things get better – funny that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Some green boxes on the road with bicycles painted inside them should do the trick.

      • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        Is this your first day here?

      • Anonymous says:

        The people here don’t care if they run over an actual human. Every accident is a hit and run.

        Do you really think the local drivers give a rats ass about paint on the road?

        They won’t know what it means, even if it is explained to them and no one will care. They will drive right over your green boxes. The same way that no other rules of the road are observed here.

    • Anonymous says:

      avtivate the cosultants!

  15. Anonymous says:

    That section of road between the Ritz and Britannia roundabouts is incredibly dangerous. On the long bend people are usually well over the speed limit as they race by the Snug Harbour entrance.

    • Anonymous says:

      same for the roundabout from camana bay to alt roundabout, and its not just the idiots in hondas, plenty of luxury suvs do it too daily

    • Anonymous says:

      the road is not dangerous…its the speeding idiots who are dangerous

  16. Anonymous says:

    Make the roads safer for cyclists. It will help reduce traffic, cut down on obesity and reduce deaths and injuries!

    • Fellow road user says:

      Agreed. Also it would be a lot safer for cyclists if the stop lines for side roads were not at the far side of the bicycle lane. As it is on Snug Harbour Drive, and many other side roads, the stop lines are after a vehicle has driven right across the bicycle lane.

    • Anonymous says:

      dream on

  17. Anonymous says:

    if i had dashcam footage…would the police want it?


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