One of three stolen boats still missing

| 14/06/2023 | 8 Comments
boat stolen in Cayman Islands, Cayman News Service
Vessel similar to boat stolen 11 June and still missing

(CNS): Three boats were stolen over the weekend, despite numerous alerts from the RCIPS this month about a spike in acquisitive crime. While two of the boats have been found, a white 16ft South Sea boat with blue stripes that was stolen from the Conch Point Road area in West Bay is still missing. The police are urging owners to increase security and check their vessels frequently.

The vessel that is still missing was last seen on Monday, 5 June, but the owner did not find out that it was missing until Saturday, 10 June. The police are still trying to find this boat while investigating all three boat thefts.

On Saturday, 10 June, a report was made about the theft of a 35ft blue and white Suzuki Outboard boat from its docking area on Water Street in Newlands. The boat was found by the owner at Duck Pond, a short distance away in the North Sound Estates.

Then on Sunday, the police on Cayman Brac were alerted to a suspicious vessel that was seen offshore in the White Bay Road area, which turned out to be a vessel that had been stolen in Grand Cayman and taken to the Brac.

Cayman Brac police officers and officers from the Firearm Response Unit were transported on a Customs and Border Control vessel with the assistance of CBC personnel to the vessel. It was searched and then towed to the Cayman Brac Police Station while investigations continue. There was no one on board the vessel at the time of search and recovery.

All three thefts are being investigated by the relevant district police teams. Anyone with any information or who may have witnessed anything suspicious around the time and location these incidents occurred is asked to contact the police at the West Bay station at 949-3999, Bodden Town at 947-2220 or Cayman Brac Police at 948-0881.

Anonymous tips on all three incidents can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website.

See the RCIPS crime prevention and protection for boats here.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (8)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Ofc, there is a partially obstructed Florida serial number on that bow…is it too hard for our thesaurus-searching “acquisitive crime” detectives to restate that basic identifier to the public? Is it FL1124TKA? Pictues of other missing boats? A link? Come on.

    CNS: The picture is of a similar vessel, not the actual vessel stolen – see the caption.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Our boat was stolen and then mostly recovered with public’s help. Over a 9 month case file, where perpetrators were known, Caymanian thieves were not charged by DPP or arrested by RCIPS because they were on a national team, and “property was recovered” they said, less a few important and valuable bits. Welcome to Cayman.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Some people want to get to Cayman Brac without going through airport security!

    • Anonymous says:

      check the troublemaking brothers from the Point.

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s not like they are the only ones. Cayman Brac is full of criminals. There is at least 6 drug dealers alone

      • Anonymous says:

        If you wan talk bout is sign ya name na?

        Legalize the herb and we’d have a legitimate agricultural industry established which caters to recreational tourists and medical users.

        Instead zero opportunities are offered to our generation as we watch the previous generations sell out our islands to wealthy foreigners that gentrify the place we call home.

        Do better. No weed no vote.

        We are legion.

        • Anonymous says:

          This younger generation are not hard working like the old ones.They are lots of job like front desk jobs that expats have. At West End good office jobs one company alone have 3 expats working. others have2 or more expats working. they claim they can’t get Caymanian to work.

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