New governor due to be sworn in on arrival

| 20/04/2023 | 50 Comments
Cayman News Service
Jane Owen

(CNS): The new Cayman Islands governor, Jane Owen (59), is scheduled to arrive on Friday to begin her official placement as the UK’s representative. She will be welcomed by members of the government at Owen Roberts International Airport before being taken to the House of Parliament, where she will be sworn in that afternoon. A welcome reception will also be held for Owen at Pedro St. James on Saturday evening.

“On behalf of the government and the people of the Cayman Islands, I am delighted to extend a very warm welcome to the Governor Designate,” Premier Wayne Panton said. “We look forward to introducing her to each of our three beautiful islands and our wonderful, warm people. We plan to facilitate a smooth transition into her official duties and arrange for her to meet various government, business and community leaders as she settles into her new role.”

Governor Owen will spend her first week in a series of introductory meetings with Cabinet and senior government officials and will chair her first Cabinet meeting. An all-day Sister Islands visit is scheduled for Saturday, April 29., when she will tour both Cayman Brac and Little Cayman with the premier and other government officials.

Owen will also attend a Jasmine fundraiser and take part in the Deputy Governor’s 5K event in her first weeks.

But just two weeks after her arrival, she will be heading back to London with the premier to attend the King Charles’ coronation at Westminster Abbey on Saturday, 6 May. They will remain in the UK after the royal event to attend the Joint Ministerial Council.

Owen, who is expected to serve at least three years, is a career diplomat who joined the foreign office in 1987. Her last diplomatic post before her appointment as governor here was as the British ambassador for Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

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  1. Al Catraaz says:

    Shouldn’t we wait a few months before swearing at her?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Could put a cushion on a deck chair for four years and you’d match the last two governors’ achievements. I just can’t work out if London sends us ineffectual non-entities because they want us to fail or if they send decent people, who then drown in the swamp of CIG idiocy.

    • Anonymous says:

      Last job was UK Ambassador to Switzerland. Not too shabby.

    • Some guy with odd shoes says:

      For the most part, we don’t deserve the folk we are given as Governors. You all think they should affect great changes, but that is not their purview. The UK allows us to rule ourselves, for better or (often) worse. The Governor is to provide oversight.

      Our problems are ours, and we should have the intellect to fix them. SHOULD HAVE.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is definitely CIG idiocy.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I wonder if they’ll wheel Mac out to let her know that a ‘cockroach has no place in a rooster fight’ like he said to the previous one.

    She maybe well qualified but I’m sure she’ll take one look at her new accommodation and decide it might not be worth making a fuss. I’m sure she’s already been told about maintaining the status quo.

    • Anonymous says:

      I can’t remember what he said, but it was something like “know your place” when he ‘welcomed’ the one before too.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Does she know in advance that cockroaches have no place in rooster fights, and she should wash her feet good before disembarking the plane?

  5. Anonymous says:

    At least she won’t have to endure a sit down with Don MacBeater and be told a a cockroach has no place in a rooster fight. I could be wrong, maybe the new Don Jon Jon will be standing in and dictating how it go?

    • Anonymous says:

      Jon Jon will say (in multiple languages) that “a donkey has no place in a traffic jam, so get a horse or ride a bicycle to Gun Square, Bodden because that is environmentally friendlier than an electric vehicle. I hope answers your question.”

  6. Anonymous says:

    She is in for a rude awakening.

    • Anonymous says:

      Has anyone noticed how smooth and quiet everything has been for the past 3 weeks.

      who has been leading these islands? Let me see if you have figured it out yet?

      Franz Manderson. I pray this man never retires. Cayman is going to regret the day he does. It is obvious from the comments here that not one of you know who you are commenting about.

      • Anonymous says:

        Are you Franz Manderson’s campaign manager for his run for Parliament in 2025?

        Or are you just misinformed and naive?

        • Anonymous says:

          8:42 I doubt Mr Manderson will want to run. If he does he will win in any district.

          I see you have a hard time facing facts. Mr Manderson is a highly capable man.

      • Anonymous says:

        Dillusional much?

  7. Anonymous says:


  8. Anonymous says:

    Please fix the RCIPS

    • Anonymous says:

      And the damn dump.

    • Anonymous says:

      do agree with you but what would you suggest ? the police should be independent of government influence when making the decisions who to prosecute but in reality the malign influence of “politicians” and civil service has historically up to present day torpedoed any real change here that might actually be what the community wants. not going to defend rcips, because many of their officers from the top down are appalling but if we want change it has to be through the entirety of the world class cig.

      • Anonymous says:

        Being free of political influence should not be the same as running things any way you want. There is no accountability. Same problem in the UK.

    • Anonymous says:

      And Hurleys bottleneck

    • Anonymous says:

      Please enact and enforce SIPL and the 2009 tenancy law.

  9. Anonymous says:

    she will be just like most recent governors who will do little and ignore blatant bad governance by the local idiot mla’s…

    • Anonymous says:

      Yep, the last one was pathetic, just focused on building up his social media and CV and appeasing disgraceful politicians.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, the last one was pathetic and so was the woman before him! The first thing she needs to do is deal with Franz and his first class civil service! Once she gets that done at least half of these islands problems will be resolved. Let us see if she will she will have the smarts and brass to do that!

        • Anonymous says:

          1:23 jealously is a a really bad thing.

          chances are you owe Franz and his team your life. When you were hiding in your house during the Pandemic he was on the front line. they also created the best reopening plan in the world.

          shame on you.

        • Anonymous says:

          That’s what got the Muslim governor fired.

        • Anonymous says:

          1:23b what rubbish. How can you be so out of touch with reality. I pity you.

        • Anonymous says:

          1:23 no one in their right mind thinks you are correct.

          Get a life.

        • Anonymous says:

          Modern governors are under instructions from London to let the natives run things themselves. Seems sensible to me in this day and age but how is it working out do you think?

    • Anonymous says:

      I sure hope not.

      She needs to kick the senior echelons of the civil service into shape, getting rid of those who don’t know which direction is up!

      • Anonymous says:

        Especially the police. The last guy had no interest. Just let things slide.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think she needs training on how to effectively use a cow cod to beat our clown politicians into shape. This is probably the only thing that our politicians fear, besides having to earn an honest living.
        We used to get the cane in private school, and believe me it works.
        Show’em some stick Gov. & good luck.

    • Anonymous says:

      Did you get up on the bad side of the bed this morning?

    • Anonymous says:

      anyone remember when our Deputy Governor acted as Governor for over 6 mths a few years ago? Most of us won’t because everything went so smoothly.

      • Anonymous says:

        Everything always go smoothly when nothing is expected and everyone is left to their own devices.


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