Twenty more Cubans deported to Havana

| 01/02/2023 | 24 Comments
Cuban migrants, Cayman News Service
Cubans board the repatriation flight on Tuesday

(CNS): Another group of Cuban migrants whose asylum claims were denied were repatriated Tuesday to Havana on a Cayman Airways charter flight. The 15 men and five women, including two minors and a former prisoner from HMP Northward, left Grand Cayman at 8:15am on 31 January and were back in Cuba just half an hour later. Among the group were six people processed under the recent changes to the law whereby repatriation can be expedited for those who are clearly unqualified for protection under the refugee convention.

Customs and Border Control Director Charles Clifford thanked all those involved in successfully executing the repatriation operation. “Such operations are successful because of our strong working relationship with our partner agencies, and additional repatriation operations are planned,” he said.

One of the deported migrants had served time in Northward for criminal offences, officials noted. There are another three migrants currently in the prison for escaping lawful custody from the CBC Detention Centre.

Despite the recent increase in repatriations, with the significant increase in the arrival of Cuban migrants last year in Cayman waters, there are still estimated to be well over 300 people under CBC supervision. CNS has requested the latest figure from CBC officials, and we are awaiting a response.

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Comments (24)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I wonder how long before the Caymans are just Cuba or Haiti. At best like Jamaica

  2. Anonymous says:

    On January 5th, the US Customs and Border Protection in partnership with the Department of Homeland Security, introduced a much improved, kinder, and more thoughtful family reunification parole probation program, now the “Carrier Liason Program”, which has led to a 97% drop in arrivals to the southern border in just the last 30 days.

    Cayman’s CBC should print out this flier and hand it to everyone currently in detention. They can call a USA relative and have them apply, and buy them an airline ticket on a CBP DocVal approved-Air Carrier. Cayman Airways should try to qualify for an “A” Code under that program.

    • Anonymous says:

      after 7M has entered the US illegally. Check what streets of NYC look like.

      • Anonymous says:

        Spare us the racism. The USA (and in fact all the West)needs more taxpayers. This program allows economic migrants a legitimate way to write their chapter of the American dream, without having to risk life or limb, or get mixed up with narcos and human trafficking rings. A 97% drop in arrivals in just one month is extraordinary by any measure.

      • Anonymous says:

        In December 2022, DHS stopped 251,487 migrant crossings along southern border with Mexico, which m/m was up 7% over November 2022 at 234,896, and 40% above 179,253 of December 2021. In January 2023, after the parole initiative was announced, the numbers were just over 7,500, the lowest attempted crossing numbers since February 2021 and a 97% drop. Not sure how anyone can try to Qanon-spin that into anything other than a success story, but some will of course MAGA-try with a #letsgoBrandon

  3. Anonymous says:

    Only 20? Why didn’t they fill the plane?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Yes Good riddance now I won’t be harassed or solicited outside my favorite restaurant by these economic pirates selling services from their wives and girlfriends it’s disgrace what is really going on this little island nowadays .This Pact govt and its leader are totally out of touch or worst corrupt and are a utter disgrace. World class civil service my @$$ .

  5. Anonymous says:

    Do they get imprisoned when they return? Or just set free. Anyone know what happens to them?

    • Anonymous says:

      It depends who you ask, but CBC doesn’t seem to care.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m sure they are “reeducated” on the glorious wonders of their socialist utopia

    • Linda Dixon says:

      Who cares! If someone or anyone wants in Cayman then they should have to go through the same process as EVERYONE. Not fair to let anyone slide! A lot of people who live in Cayman from other countries have spent and invested a lot of money to live, buy, build and retire there. These people are NO different! AND they have NO money. Send each and everyone back asap or let us all from anywhere else get residency too!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes…. They catch the first boat they can and head back to the Caymans. Do we need more people from Cuba? I don’t believe we do. What the Caymans need more than anything else are honest leaders.

      • Anonymous says:

        “the Caymans” need people who respect it and contribute in a positive way.
        and also who know how to refer to it.
        (hint, it’s not with the term “the Caymans”)

        • Anonymous says:

          Cayman may need people who respect it and contribute. But despite a PR test based around those attributes, Cayman doesn’t really want them. Happy to take their labour, less happy to welcome them to the family.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cayman Islands, not the caymans

      • Anonymous says:

        What we need is for you to use the correct words. THE CAYMAN ISLANDS. Not that hard!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Good riddance.

    • Anonymous says:

      Now for the rest of them. I’d feel more sympathy if they weren’t such an ungrateful and entitled lot!

  7. Deporting poor migrants…
    We want Rich Migrants?

    • Anonymous says:

      Try so stop talking shit!

      You ga da money to feed, clothe and house them awa?

    • Linda Dixon says:

      If Cayman lets these “poor” people stay then your “Rich” are bound to leave and sell! It’s a good way to destroy your country all the way around is by letting others in without the proper guidelines you made everyone else bide by! Take your pick! Cayman will be busting with them like the US is! NOT FAIR TO THOSE WHOM ARE WAITING TO RETIRE IN CAYMAN.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh Linda, do turn off Faux News for a bit. The United States is a massive country and is certainly not bursting at the seams, unlike Grand Cayman.


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