Wanted gunman charged and remanded in jail

| 18/11/2022
Cayman News Service
Luisto Eusebio Hernandez

(CNS): Luisto Eusebio Hernandez (27), who has been on the run from police since July, has been tracked down in Bodden Town and charged with attempted murder and possession of an unlicensed firearm in connection with a shooting in Windsor Park in April. Police said that Hernandez was found on Monday, 14 November, and a 22-year-old woman at the address was also arrested on suspicion of defeating the course of justice for assisting him in evading the police. She was later bailed pending further investigation.

Hernandez appeared in court in relation to the charges on Thursday and was remanded in custody pending a further appearance on 25 November. The charges relate to a shooting on Oakland Close in George Town on 20 April, when a local man was shot in the stomach. Although seriously wounded, the man survived the injury.

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