Visiting entertainers now need permits to perform
(CNS): Overseas entertainers, artists, dancers and musicians will no longer be able to perform in the Cayman Islands through the grant of a visitor’s work visa. In order to facilitate greater scrutiny of those seeking to play or perform here, promoters and agents are now required to apply to WORC for a temporary work permit, which includes providing a valid police clearance certificate, on behalf of their acts, according to a release from WORC. The new rule has been implemented with immediate effect.
WORC Acting Interim Director Jeremy Scott said that WORC will prioritise these applications, but he urged people to ensure they submit the right paperwork.
“We recognise that those who sponsor or promote visiting artists have become used to obtaining permission for their acts to perform in the islands quickly in the past under the visitor’s work permit scheme, and we are therefore putting in place business processes that will allow decisions for such applications to be done within a suitable timeframe,” he said. “However, it is essential that applicants ensure that all required information and supporting documentation is provided at time of applying.”
Although such applications will be prioritised to avoid any potential problems, applications should be submitted at least fourteen days before the intended date of arrival, the release said.
WORC also said that applicants for all work permits, permenant residency, Caymanian status, extensions, business visitor’s visas and special economic zone applications need need to submit a new medical declaration letter. The need for people to complete medical tests has not changed. What has changed are the documents that need to be submitted with the immigration application for processing.
“The new medical declaration cover letter needs to be completed and signed by a medical practitioner. In the event that adverse results are found after the necessary medical tests, the medical practitioner is required to report those findings to the relevant authorities,” officials said. “Only practitioners fully registered as a medical doctor from the United Kingdom, United States or Canada will be accepted.”
For personsople coming from other countries, WORC will offer a temporary condition to allow the person to enter. However, this condition requires the medical to be performed and submitted to the department within seven calendar days of arrival. Non-adherence can result in revocation.
The grace period continues for this new initiative until the end of November. Applications received after 1 December without the medical declaration cover letter will not be accepted for processing.
Anyone with questions or queries can review the frequently asked questions here or contact customer care toll free at 1-800-534-9672 or 945-9672.
Application forms and required supporting documents for temporary work permits can be downloaded on the WORC website forms page.
Payments can be made at the WORC office, Apollo House West located at 87 Mary Street, George Town, or online using the JobsCayman portal.
Contact WORC’s Customer Care at 1-800-534-9672 or 945-9672 or email for more information.
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Category: Art & Entertainment, Business, Local News
….and meantime we wait for 4 months for professional services permits—-lack of resources. Now we will pull people to look expeditiously at TWPs for performers…
As a caymanian, my people will never cease in finding someway to put themselves in the middle of something to be a gatekeeper.
We have literally noone noteworthy in any industry that represents us and we are fodder on the global stage. But to satisfy our ego while being absolutely useless, we set up processes that require some type of approval by a board or require references from “prominent members of the community” which we all know is the old guard of the islands, the same old people who have no entrepreneurial spirit and who cannot build anything other than condos or just sell the land to someone else.
All of the ideas comes from outside this island because we aren’t intelligent nor honest enough to acknowledge our faults and build ourselves up, but my god if we don’t have a superiority complex.
This, just like every other regulatory decision, is short sighted and focused on someone’s need to inflate their self importance. There is no concern about the utility, the development of the industry or the protection of anyone. Its all about someone feeling good about being in charge and making money.
When will we realize if all we do is be gatekeepers, at some point we are going to be useless and overlooked.
At the annoyance saturation point, people will go elsewhere. There is a minority desire to narrow the gap to that point, instead of rationally building distance. It’s motivated by a repossession mentality that dates back to the professional insurance scams, wrecking and salvage days…not necessarily in the past.
Good post 8:09, – but ‘When will we realize if all we do is be gatekeepers, at some point we are going to be useless and overlooked.’ is easily argued that it already is and has been. The PPM attempting to negotiate with Dart surely is a lead piece.
It’s around a quarter of Cayman’s voters that want to live in 1650. They want to salvage other people’s property, and bring back public hangings. Gay people don’t exist in their world, foreigners are shunned, and everyone eats turtle and takes what they want from the ocean. Ankle-length dresses, no bare shoulders, maybe a seasonal quadrille, and definitely no soca. Every now and then, one of their players makes a big move against civilization, and this is one of them. It’s up to the other three quarters to correct these regressions.
Govt should focus on removing barriers for commerce, not putting up more!
Entertainment is also symbiotic to the Tourism market share we lost and claim we are trying to scavenge back from competitor vacation spots post-COVID. That was the whole point of the LAX route. Unfortunate that we still have children running things going into 2023.
can’t believe how ignorant the masses are about the true intent here – so called “artists” were ABUSING the lax system here via the visitor work Visas facility so government stepped up by tightening that law to protect the country from those that should not even be allowed here let alone perform and be paid for it – NEWS FLASH not every entertainer out there has a criminal record and some actually respect the law of the land they plan to visit – this change won’t affect them at all. who the hell wants to live in the lawless wild west?? Maybe our neighbours whose government like to declare state of emergency to deal with their problems, go watch these stupid “concerts” over there and pray you get back to safe lil Cayman in one piece! those are the trash we are trying to keep from our shores!
This is “throwing the baby out with the bath water”, since it will adversely and irrationally restrict entertainment options for everyone. Why couldn’t CIG coordinate with and reign-in DCI if certain events weren’t wanted any more? Wouldn’t that have been an easier and more specific path to the same outcome, without the collateral damage?
I think government officials need to jump through more hoops when they leave island and return. You can never be certain they are who they say they are. Add on a $500 fee for all the drug testing etc including in the screening and body cavity searches. They can get a lollipop after the process while they wait for the test results. Cayman Islands citizenship safety should be the utmost priority!
Didn’t they launch an initiative 2 weeks ago to get artists to come down and record here? Did one branch of CIG just shoot another in the foot?
Yes, the days of Lions Benzarama with all those stars and more. Then there wwere Third World, Chalice, Lucky Dube, etc. and real reggae musicians, great soca bands …
……..then came dancehall!
Yes, many of the old guard of real musicians and performers have gone on or stopped touring, but most of what is viably available to bring to Cayman these days is lewd crap!
Now, if this new change will be applied equally and hopefully sift-out some of the BS imported live and DJ “performers” who do regular shows in Cayman, I’m for that.
The flip-side is that regionally or internationally-known “tasteful” acts will be impacted the same and discouraged.
Kaboo? Never again!
Taste of Cayman “tribute band” headliners? Forget it!
Meanwhile, CMEA has stifled “local” music!
Way to go!
Anyone remember when the likes of Charlie Pride, Third World, Don Williams, George Strait, Randy Travis, Maxi Priest used to come here and play? Wonderful times. Now…nothing. Going to be even less now. Those were the days!
Those were indeed the days, however their peaceful ilk no longer vie for our community. The incoming performers need to be vetted. Some of our incoming performers espouse violence and while I am not against their performing here, I want their works to be searched for illegal content.
And Sinbad at Royal Palms…oh wait, never mind.
Kenny must be throwing a fit, the inaugural flight, pomp & pageantry to allure Hollywood down here only happened last week !

Binary gender confirm, HIV test, TB X-ray, vaccination records, fees…applied to the very few honored visiting artist guests we can successfully convince to come here to provide a little joy. Does the rest of PACT Cabinet agree with Chris Saunders on this?
Music will die….ticket prices will through the roof. we need do same for overseas Church pastors as well.
they are performers!!
Is there going to be actual vetting and security checks of the applicants though?
About time we “started” to stop these dancehall acts. Everyone that attends these either has a knife, machete, or acid.
Mission accomplished on banning Dancehall, Soca, Reggae, and repelling every other successful “foreign” creative along with it. #KAPUT2023 #Caymankind
Says the person who has probably never been to a show.
Free up all visiting entertainers especially on the Brac and Little Cayman, no fees and ease of arrivals they don’t stay long and with all the fees Govt wants we can’t even afford to cover the costs to get entertainment on the sister islands. I guess the Government just does not care for its society’s enjoyment. They just Take and Take.
This place takes itself way too seriously. What a joke.
Could you imagine the job adverts that would be required for a musical act if they were coming longer.
Applicant: Bruce Springsteen
Requirements: must be Bruce Springsteen
One poster mentioned the problems with some dancehall artists etc, but that can be handled when the event is approved or not. No need to have every single performer deal with this.
In a lot of countries getting a police clearance for yourself is not a common thing. Very often has to be requested by a company or other law enforcement agency. Same thing if you try and get yourself drug tested.
All very silly
Absolutely useless. Concentrate on fixing WORC than this tiny section of the economy. There are virtually no Caymanian acts that are worth paying an entrance fee for. Useless, and unfortunately typical of CIG at the moment.
My experience with WORC, is probably one of the worst, I have dealt with while living here. They get the paperwork, then sit on it for months without any progress, most times.
Then request updated paperwork with current dates. Another world class farce.
Cayman being a small island can be limited and boring at times. This decision is pathetic and further reduces foreign entertainment coming to Cayman with this permit red tape BS. This should be immediately reversed.
more red tape to justify the existence of a few more civil service jobs……zzzzzzzzzzzz
That’s exactly what this is!
Visiting entertainers don’t stay in Cayman for 7 days. 12-48 hours at most, and now zero due to Talibanesque policy that protects nobody with any comparable ability.
Whether you like it or not or whether it does or not suit you it is the Law now 8:39 aerswipe.
You like many others believe in this Laise a faire open door policy. Of yesteryear. It’s over ya hear and there may be morecoming. It’s time Cayman rise up and take ya stand Cayman. We just mprotecting whstbis ours as it should have been will now be and May we. All flourish in our own land!
This is a case of yesteryear law being reintroduced here. These are the old regs changed in recent years to this new laissez-faire approach you seem to loathe so much.
How does it go? With “the stroke of a pen”, quality of life and value proposition in Cayman nose dives.
Say goodbye to any concerts from December on…..
And just like that Cayman Islands have no more visiting musicians. Well done. Keep Cayman third world.
Most that come here are out of order Dancehall “artists” who encourage bad behaviour and do everything but sing. So good for this change.
I suppose you are also the one that posts all the crime etc is done by expats. Heaven forbid a Caymanian would break the law.
So ban specific artists if you find their lyrics such a threat. This appears to amount to a total ban.
And just like that we say good to some of the garbage that visit our shores in the guise of entertainment.
CITA and Cayman Finance should pay attention and think on all the conference attendees that pour into the Cayman Islands this time of year on working visits that put in more clock time than the short sets played by very rare top tier visiting musicians. Where does this stop? Why is it targeting entertainers? Will policy expand to impede other short term business travelers? XXXX
Does Jeremy Scott have the legal authority to unilaterally restrict our invited visitors in this way? Did we vote for him? Tuberculosis chest X-rays from US, Canada, or UK doctor means no more Jamaican artists or DJs. No European artists. Nobody from Africa, Asia, or South America. Let’s be honest about who’s left: how many artists in North America or UK are going to be willing to play a one or two night gig in the Cayman Islands, if these are the hurdles? Will working attendees at our FS conferences be next?
CNS: Heads of departments do not dictate or change policy. They overseee the implementation of policy introduced by politicians.
A medical is not required for a temporary work permit.
And yet, “this condition requires the medical to be performed and submitted to the department within seven calendar days of arrival”.
Whether you like it or not or whether it does or not suit you it is the Law now 8:39 aerswipe.
You like many others believe in this Laise a faire open door policy. Of yesteryear. It’s over ya hear and there may be morecoming. It’s time Cayman rise up and take ya stand Cayman. We just mprotecting whstbis ours as it should have been will now be and May we. All flourish in our own land!
How does this protect all of the work-impaired amateur Cayman entertainers that have to navigate the utterly useless CI Music Association religious politburo? Now nobody works, and music dies. Great job everyone.
More BS from this government. Can’t do anything on the economy or cost of living. Just over legislating and more and hoops to jump through.
More fees? More revenues to Govt. Promoters make ticket prices higher; no longer viable to bring in performers. Local entertainment continually being stifled by CMEA. Exposure of and venues to stimulate local creativity is discouraged…..
Who cares?
Comedy Central. Who comes up with this crap.
The mediocre who think their failure is caused by others not appreciating their talent. Applies across most industries.
civil service…who else?….folks that laugh themselves to sleep every night…at the expense of the private sector.
So all performers need them then. Never seen a crowd for a local singer
Poor choice. There is like 3 cayman groups that can perform anything worth a damn. Why would they make entertainment a chore for the entertainers. Dumb.
So are medicals required from all applicants or not? Simple question deserving of a simple answer.
The way it reads now it suggests people with HIV or TB from (for example) Jamaica, India or the Philippines can come without a medical, and be tested 7 days after they are already here, and after they already have a work permit, but those from Canada, The US, or UK will need to have a medical and report its findings to WORC before they have a work permit and before they can come here.
Does everyone need to submit a full medical before they come, or not – with those form unapproved countries having a second medical within a week of arrival?
A temporary work permit, up to 3 months, does not require a medical.
Basically, if you don’t come from the US, Canada or the UK, you will now be allowed to come to the Islands without a medical and have one here within 7 days of landing. So if you do have, for example, TB, or some other notifiable disease you will bring it with you and it will only be picked up once you have arrived and mingled.
Even by WORC standards, this is ludicrous.
Some years ago when I came here from the UK with a work permit and full medical they gave me a 7 day stamp at the airport refusing me the right to work until I submitted another medical performed here. Bizarre.
For temporary permit applications, no medical is required but a police clearance is.
8:52 pm there seems to be a Kleenex interest in your part concerning Medicals for these permits. This May seem strange to you but don’t you think that your curiosity would be better served if you spoke to WORC yasel. Expecting a correct answer from the mob I see here wil in the main definitely be negative .
‘Hello, ? Um yes, Ms Parton, unfortunately new rules. Um, ahh, we’re um, – we’re, — look, could I get you to speak with one out WORC coordinators ?