Driver killed in crash on Queen’s Highway
(CNS): Police are currently investigating a fatal single-vehicle collision shortly after 6:00 Friday morning on the Queen’s Highway in East End. Unconfirmed reports indicate that the silver Honda Fit was being driven by a woman who was alone in the car when it was involved in a crash and caught fire near to Sunnyfield Road. Police said the roadway is still closed as the scene is being processed and traffic is being diverted back towards Frank Sound Road and East End respectively. No further details have yet been released. The woman is the twelfth person to be killed on Cayman’s roads this year.
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Category: Local News
Very sad and condolences to family.
It seems every week we read of one of more single car collisions, sometimes fatal. Far more than we would expect in a small population with limited number of roads.
Are our roads unsafe? Or our drivers not properly taught to drive?
Of course in some cases drugs and alcohol are involved.
Having driven a few hundred thousand miles all over the world IMO our roads are some of the best and many of our drivers some of the worst.
Parents should not bury their children. A tragedy indeed. Deepest sympathy.
Condolences goes out to the family of this promising young lady. Please remember her memories and cherish.
Sincerest condolences to all family, friends and loved ones. Praying strength and comfort in this difficult time.
Sincere condolences to family and friends of this wonderful young lady. Her classmates are heartbroken to learn of her passing.
it is sad to note dislikes when people are expressing sympathy for the loss irrespective he or she might be, even if an enemy. May God give strength to her family to cope with.
They are trolls desperate for a reaction. Not worth your anger.
Always some @$$h●7€ here who would post a thumbs down on comments of condolences.
A family in grieving for the loss of their child, yet some mindless noob(s) will always have the disgusting mentality to add something of no worth to comments.
to 9.35 . They know that they are nothing so they post these dislikes hoping to elevate their status to being trash.
sad time for real
Always a Honda!
Is it the hammer that hits your finger or the hand wielding it?
This is a sad event that took the life of a promising young woman. Let us morn with her family.
Making moronic comments isn’t helpful.
Well to continue your analogy if one make of hammer accounted for 1/4 of sales but almost every serious injury you’d not question if there was maybe something wrong with those hammers?
So sad
and deepest condolences
to her family and friends.
I am shocked to learn of the incident and person involved. very promising young Caymanian. I have been very proud of knowing her excellent manners and her dedication and aspiration towards professional
education.Whatever the cause may be, it is a great loss to Her family and Cayman. I know her family has been very proud of her achievements. My sincere condolences to her family. We may wish to do many things but God has his plan for every one of us.May God give the family to give strength to cope with.May her soul rest in peace.
Incredibly sad. Not all details are stated but I think this is another example of the risk of driving in a tiny car relative to a SUV. Heart goes out to her family and loved ones.
? it says single vehicle collision.
There’s a Heck of a lot more safety in a SUV example Volvo SUV than a cheap tiny car. A friend of mine was in a huge accident during a snow storm hitting the guardrail on the highway. The police officer told him if he wasn’t in his big Ford Expedition he would have been dead being in a compact sedan.
It probably had more to do with being a Hybrid car w/electric battery than being small. Those batteries catch fire easily and can burn for up to 30 hours.
So we should all be driving big gas guzzling vehicles even if we can’t afford to?
And large diesel burning fishing vessels. It’s what all those who spout “sustainability” do.
In Florida, it appears cars damaged by salt water have been catching fire. You don’t see that in gas cars so yes, it appears electric cars have added concerns. I’ve changed my mind on that and won’t be buying one.
NO! An easy alternative is you wear a football helmet and shoulder pads while in those tiny unsafe cars. Jockstrap May be helpful too or use walnut shells.
No,by all means, choose a lithium core battery that is completely unstable once the seal is penatrated and volatile when water hits it. Everybody can choose the level of risk they are comfortable with. I’m sure the commenter was simply trying to educate the masses…a noble yet futile effort.
Very Sad I Pray for her family who is in mouring now.R I P.