Brewing storm could head for Cayman Islands
(CNS): Both the Cayman Islands National Weather Service (CINWS) and Hazard Management Cayman Islands (HMCI) are now monitoring an active tropical wave located several hundred miles east of the Windward Islands. According to the US National Hurricane Center, the disturbance has an 80% chance of development over the next five days as it moves west-northwest over the Caribbean.
Based on the current forecast, this system could track within the proximity of the Cayman Islands by Monday, according to the CINWS.
Posting on social media, HMCI said it is still too early to predict the exact track or the intensity of the storm but urged residents to monitor the developments of this system and to stay tuned to updates from Hazard Management, the National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Centre.
If the brewing weather system becomes a tropical storm, it will be only the seventh or eighth of the season so far and will take the name Gaston or Hermine depending on whether or not TD8, another weather system heading north in the Atlantic, forms into a tropical storm first.
Either way, residents are advised to keep a close eye on the development of this system through the National Weather Service and HCCI, and keep updated on what forecast changes will mean for the Cayman Islands.
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Category: Science & Nature, Weather
Somebody should let “Cayman Prepared” know that there is a threat approaching. Their 6-figure salaries can’t seem to figure this stuff out.
Mr Weatherman on YouTube is certainly giving the Caribbean the coverage we so need during this Hurricane season. Thank you to Brian Shields.
I certainly recommend you follow his daily weather reporting of the Caribbean, including the Cayman Islands.
I recalled the radar shoulda and coulda provide accurate forecasting to save lives, yet its just a big round ball that we keep throwing money at. Where’s the accountability? Why is it we paying for something the provides no benefit to the community?
Still don’t think it will be as bad as shopping at Fosters at the Airport on a Saturday aft, possibly the worst experience in my life.
It is unique and remarkable in cayman that everyone storms (exclude the pun) the supermarkets on a Saturday afternoon and queues for hours to pay after blocking clogged aisles. It’s as if fosters and kirks don’t open 6am to 9pm 6 days a week.
Jesus loves us!
Jesus loves us
Doesn’t the projection of 968 mb right over GC on Monday night mean anything of concern? That would be Cat 3 at least.
As comparison, Ivan was 912 mb over us.
We can hope for a fast moving system but it’s projected intensity is nothing to shrug off.
Wonder when our “national experts” will realize that and warn people accordingly?
I ready as I can be.
Where did you find this projection?
Thankfully modelling 1010-988mb today. Somewhere between TD and light Cat 1. We got this.
is this why Hazard Management is ridiculously racing around the island with blue lights and sirens blaring as if they are emergency responders?
They are not firefighters, paramedics nor police officers
Don’t be a fool, if they are needing to get somewhere in an emergency and the traffic is gridlocked, how do you expect them to do that?
No reason for hazard management to be racing through traffic. Why not place blue lights and sirens on all Lets Eat and Bento bikes, trikes and autos?
woo woo woo
Emergency driver training apparently. And in a hurricane situation they actually are emergency responders.
How so? Do they enforce the law, render first aid or extinguish fires?
Frankly, has not developed in last 24 hrs as yet so don’t panic and go broke hoarding supermarket stuff.
Please be logical and not impulsive.
Most of us know it’s the law of the jungle in advance of a credible threat. You do you.
The logical thing to do is be aware that its about to enter rocket fuel (warm water) and every single forecast is telling us this is going to be very big, probably Cat 3 by Cuba….will it come direct to us or nearby, who knows. But do not underestimate this storm. Losing a few $ to Cost U Less is ok rather than ignore it.
No legitimate forecast is saying that.
there are literally loads of forecast models stating exactly this.
show one.
there’s a old saying ‘better to have it and don’t need it than to need it and don’t have it. when you decide it’s logical to go stack up for the hurricane, there will be empty shelves awaiting you.
Wrong. NHC has this up to a 90% chance of a storm near us by Monday
You can always tell the people who haven’t been through a hurricane by naïve comments like this one. We might not get a direct hit but we are going to get something ranging from wave damage to a Cat 3 storm and loss of power for several days.
No we won’t
Storm looks to be breaking up before it can even form this am
Good, blow some funk outta ya
Too much ungodliness in Parliament.
Is that what caused Ivan too? Grow up – there is no invisible god
To keep getting daily updates, The Weatherman on YouTube gives the most accurate information for the Caribbean I have seen this season. This Channel focuses on ALL the islands not just Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands.
THE WEATHERMAN on YouTube is worth the viewing each day. Subscribing will keep you ‘in the know’ all throughout the season.
I am in no affiliated with Brian Shields but I am so glad that I have him watching out for us and the rest of the Caribbean.
Good recommendation. Very focused on the Caribbean islands. I too recommend The Weatherman on YouTube.
You mean Weather Man
If you search Weatherman you get music videos.
Thanks for the recommendation!
Isn’t it Mr. Weatherman?
Is it Mr. Weatherman, if so, i just subscribed!
Superb recommendation – THANK YOU! I watched the link and was very impressed. This may be the most helpful post I have read on CNS (most others are sketchy, suspect if the opinions are from 4 folks or 40 folks… A strong lack of transparency, of no critique of CNS, this is our reality with social media blending with reporting).
Thank you again – going forward in the years to plan trips, this is a current great resource. Kudos!
my forecast is this Hermine storm will hit Cayman and cause a delay in Mac’s resignation then Mac will do such a great job helping out the community in their time of need that people forget Mac’s past actions and Mac stays in government. Almost like a Walt Disney movie
As of 7:30 am, 21st September,Mac has no intentions of resigning. He has done nothing wrong and his legal team and his wbw supporters have advised him not to resign.
it’s the “Return of the Mac” epic song!
Mac will ride out the storm (pardon the pun) and this time next week, he’ll be old news and planning his next soiree.
We will watch and see. The GFS and ECMWF are in general agreement, and if so should be watched carefully; it’s not unlike the path and conditions in which Paloma was poised to affect Grand Cayman, but ended up smashing the Sister Islands.
The Saharan Air Layer has been our friend, however it is not very strong right now. The same condition was present in November of 2008 with Paloma. Be safe everybody.
The path is nothing like Paloma, which came up from central America and went North. This is coming from the central Atlantic.
Watch and see. I said the “path” not the origin. I hope to be wrong.
You are.
will the Radar be up or down?
I love that to react to this question you must hit a thumbs up or down. Very appropriate.
I would guess down. I hope there are not people on the full time payroll for a part time product.
Upside down would be my guess.