Archive for August 15th, 2022

OAG: Ministers must stay out of procurement process
(CNS): The Office of the Auditor General found no evidence of inappropriate actions by the civil service over the procurement of lateral flow tests to help manage the COVID-19 pandemic last year and that decisions made by Cabinet members were “reasonable and appropriate”. However, Auditor General Sue Winspear said clarity is needed around emergency decisions […]

Tertiary healthcare spending already over $24M
(CNS): Government’s spending on healthcare for people who are uninsured or under-insured is already more than CI$13.9 million over budget and there are still four more months of the year to go. The line item in the annual budget known as NGS55, the allocation of spending on tertiary healthcare at both local and overseas hospitals, […]

Scientists demonstrate new measures for coral disease
(CNS): As scientists continue to research the causes of stony coral tissue loss disease, they are developing various measures to help control its spread. Last week during a workshop on Grand Cayman for scientists on the front line of the fight against SCTLD, a devastating pathogen attacking reefs across the region at an alarming rate, […]

Alarming number of speeders on local roads
(CNS): As Cayman marks the grim milestone of a dozen road deaths this year, the police are appealing to drivers to slow down and stop drinking. The RCIPS is urging motorists to engage in safe driving over weekends and in bad weather, as the number of fatal collisions this year climbs. Aleiny Reve Villegas (20) […]