Panton evades same-sex marriage question

| 16/03/2022 | 75 Comments
Cayman News Service
Premier Wayne Panton at Cayman Pride 2021 (from social media)

(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton has said the ruling by the Privy Council in the Chantelle Day and Vickie Bodden-Bush same-sex marriage case may have established that the Cayman Islands Constitution does not provide a right for gay couples to marry but this does not prevent Parliament from introducing a law to provide for it.

But the country’s leader, who has been a strong advocate for the LGBT community, did not commit to making that happen, nor did he say how he would respond if a legal challenge to the Civil Partnership Act succeeds.

In a statement about the judgment from the UK court, which is Britain’s highest court of appeal for its overseas territories, Panton pointed out that times are changing, but did not say if he will be the leader to make that change happen.

“Many of the younger generations of Caymanians have different views on the issue of marriage and this may become an issue of social justice in time to come,” he said.

“In the meantime, as premier I have an obligation under the law to ensure that all people, especially any minority group, are treated fairly and without discrimination. The Constitution provides clear guidance on the matter of non-discrimination and the Civil Partnerships Law Act provides for legal recognition of same-sex unions.”

But he noted that the law is under threat and if the conservative Christian group led by Kattina Anglin is successful, Cayman will be back in violation of its obligations.

“Unfortunately, the enactment of this act is being challenged by way of a judicial review. Should that succeed, government will be in breach of its obligations to provide a mechanism for a union with functional equivalence to marriage and will be required to respond,” he said.

However, the premier did not state what that response would be, even though it presents an opportunity to amend the Marriage Law to allow for full marriage equivalency.

“The issue of same-sex marriage is an emotive one in our Islands, with strong views held by those in support of and those against same-sex marriages,” he said. “As we process the Privy Council’s ruling, we must remember to conduct ourselves with respect and civility… No matter your view on the issue of same-sex marriage, I ask that you discuss your views respectfully and with due consideration to the feelings and emotions of others.”

The Human Rights Commission also issued a statement this week about the Privy Council’s decision. The HRC said the ruling carried significant implications for members of the LGBTQ community and noted that the Bill of Rights does not prevent the Cayman Islands Parliament from introducing legislation to recognise same-sex marriage.

“This therefore remains an important policy consideration for the elected government seeking to address inequality between same-sex couples and heterosexual couples,” the HRC said.

See the Privy Council’s ruling and all the statements in the CNS Library.

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Comments (75)

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  1. Mikey says:

    I hope yall happy with who you voted into office LOL

    • Anonymous says:

      Should have just stopped the headline at “Panton evades…

      What a do-nothing, say a lot, leader of a useless bunch of wonkers

  2. Anonymous says:

    Religion is a drag on human progress and an insult to decency. This entire problem is the result of grown people believing in fairy tales.

    Attention all sky god fanatics: Your god doesn’t care if two women want to get married. He can’t possibly care because he doesn’t exist. He’s a made-up character in a crazy book of stories written by Bronze Age goofballs. Unna grow up and put real people ahead of myths.


    • Anonymous says:

      Belief in a Creator God and intelligent design, and belief in just godless scientific theory are both ultimately faith-based beliefs. Neither side can disprove the basis of the other’s faith. I challenge you to prove your silly moot that “He” does not exist. (HINT: You are in way over your pay grade on this one, Bobo.)

      • Anonymous says:

        You don’t understand science. It’s a tool, a method of discovery and explanation. It’s an evidence-based process. Faith is a thing religious people use because they have no evidence to prove their claims.

        No one is obligated to disprove your god any more than you are obligated to disprove the millions of gods other people believe in.

        Scientific thinkers do not declare definitively that no gods exist, they simply point out that there is no evidence for their existence therefore they are almost certainly fictional characters and not worth believing in.


    • Anonymous says:

      But there a difference Professor, between one faith that imposes their beliefs on others : the cause of wars, needless deaths, lack of equal rights (as in this case), and countless other problems. The other faith…?

      • Anonymous says:

        Not sure what the point is here, but various religions have caused many wars. We’re still waiting on the first “science war”.


  3. Anonymous says:

    I feel very sorry for the young people of Cayman. No luxury villas, yachts, beach hotels, banks and hidden money will ever make them happy.

    • Anonymous says:

      The premier is answerable to Newlands people and we KNOW how they feel about this topic. The buck stops here.

  4. Beaumont Zodecloun says:

    You aren’t just failing the LGBT Mr. Wayne, you are failing all of us when you fail to uphold the law, which guarantees equal human rights for all.

    Disappointed doesn’t even begin to cover it.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I wonder if Wayne now has any more empathy or understanding of Alden’s position. When you’re in the position of Premier it’s a different ballgame.

    • Anonymous says:

      Easy to talk about what you would do if you were in charge. Far more telling to see what you do once you are.

  6. Anonymous says:

    To settling this matter once and for all, the government needs to put forth a Referendum with ONE simple question:

    1. Should the Cayman Islands allow Same-Sex Marriages?



    That result should then be accepted and we move forward from there.

    On a personal note, I’m really OK with Civil Partnerships as this Law recognizes my union with my partner and affords me and my partner the same rights as a heterosexual married couple in the Cayman Islands. That’s all the two of us wanted. He is allowed to live and work here freely with no need for a work permt and his RERC is for life as long as we remain together. All the other Rights afforded to a married couple also applies to me and my partner.

    As a Caymanian, I am truly OK with this.

    • Anonymous says:

      You cannot put human rights to a referendum and this has been discussed in and out over the entire saga.

      • Anonymous says:

        The issue is that same sex marriage is not a recognised human right. The Civil Unions Act provides the same safeguards as does marriage. The UK only introduced same sex marriage in the last 7 or so years. When the majority is ready it will hapen

    • Anonymous says:

      Human rights shall be applied to everyone in every minority. In a democracy, only the majority would elect a new government administration. Also the majority would elect on a referendum. However, it is the government administration to protect the rights of all individual citizens

  7. D. Truth says:

    Give us some good reasons why same sex couples need a license to get married.

    Now give us some reasons why it isn’t really necessary.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Doesn’t matter. The Order In Council is coming. Y’all not figured out why Roper is still here after so long?

  9. Anonymous says:

    a man who announces policy decisions on cmr …deserves no respect.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Sad that Wayne has no backbone

  11. Anonymous says:

    UK offers same sex marriages at embassies worldwide for British Citizens. So can same sex marriages not be conducted at Govt House on West Bay Road?

  12. Anonymous says:

    The problem is everyone thinks they are on the right side of history, including Putin.

    • Anonymous says:

      How does one get on the right side of history, and what does President Putin have to do with this?

  13. Caymankind says:

    Anything less than full marriage rights amounts to “separate but equal” — which is always separate and never equal. As the long history of civil rights in America proved, “separate but equal” is nothing more that making it very clear that one group is preferred — and another isn’t. Is this what Cayman stands for? If you are having a hard time with this, ask yourself: If Bill marries Jim (or if Alice marries Sue), why is this a problem? Shouldn’t they be able to find their happiness — particularly when it takes NOTHING away from YOU? As for religion, by all means pursue your religion: If you don’t want to marry a same-sex partner, then don’t. But don’t force your religion on me. I am married (yes, married) to a same-sex partner, and I love him with all my heart. You have no right to take that away from me. We should have been able to marry in Cayman, but of course we had to go to another country. Come on, Cayman: Show us that “Caymankind” is more than just a slogan.

    • Anonymous says:

      I wish everyone was just as passionate to have the unemployed Caymanians employed or, have just as much equal rights as those that come to our shores in the work place.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Don’t do it Wayne. It is a set up. Also, you don’t want to be judged by the real boss in the ” Valley of Decision” for going against his rulings.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I fear Cayman is not ready for this. The fact that we’re still having such trivial conversations about such a simple and harmless thing: two consenting adults wanting to tie the knot, just proves that we are still living in the stone ages. I’ll check back with my country in 30 years.

    • Anonymous says:

      Instead of the less costly resolution, as per the CJ’s recommendation—amending the marriage law— we spent thousands in appealing that verdict and then fighting Chantal and Vickie’s appeal to the Privy Council. There was not a lot of sense in that. Needless waste of the people’s money.

      And if Parliament does not address this, we may have another legal fight at the EU Court of human rights.

      Regardless of how we feel, resolution will come one way ot the other. And the least painful the better .

  16. Anonymous says:

    Listen, Wayne seems like a decent guy who wants to do good things for his country. But he also realizes to do that he needs to be in power and stay in power. He sold his soul the second he made a deal with Mckeeva after protesting the PPM refusal to remove him as speaker. Same thing happened with the changing of reopening dates after Covid came back. Same thing happening now. Same is the reason there are ministers with no business running their ministries (education, planning, tourism to start). PACT has proven to not be transparent or accountable, which is unfortunately par for the course with all politicians. Not worse or better than PPM but clearly disillusioned if they or the voters thought anything would be different. Just look at all the minister and members that switched sides so be in power with him. What does that say about them, and about him and about PACT in general? Above all else, they seek power. Full stop.

    • Anonymous says:

      They are just as bad if not worse than PPM. They are still doing nothing for these islands except fattening their pockets.

  17. Anonymous says:

    He’s waiting to receive advice from his press advisor, Sandra Hill from CMR before he comments. Can’t afford to upset her followers!

    • Anonymous says:

      This in spades. Don’t know what’s worse. Having McBeater as speaker or her as the Gov mouthpiece. Both oxygen thieves.

      • Anonymous says:

        At this point, I’d take Keeva over Sandra…and you know that’s bad. Least he’s been keeping his mouth shut and just doing his job.

  18. Anonymous says:

    He evades all questions regarding everythimg in this country. Welcome to equality!

  19. Anonymous says:

    Some of the comments that I have seen from people on both sides of this issue clearly demonstrate a fundamental lack of basic decency.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Can we please move on from Humpty Dumpty, he has no plan other than trying to stay Premier while Kenny & Chris plot to take his job and Mac pulls strings in the background.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Politicians only play to the majority that will get them elected. He needs to see where the voters stand for sure so that he can ensure his maintains his status and get re-elected.

    He won’t have anything to say on the matter until he is sure on that. This is the basics of politics. Anything to get elected, principles and values are casted to the wayside when it isn’t politically expedient to have them.

  22. Cayman political Hypocrites says:

    Wayne like many other politicians need to reminded that theyrepresents the views of all the voters in Cayman and not their own.Smart politicians understand this and adjust their decisions to remain in office. Some are complaining about Sir Alden but yet after the last election the the head of LGBTQ association was his BFF and was even on social media Celebrating the opposition apparent lost.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Wayne understands that the votes count and Roper don’t need voters to elect him as Governor! Constitution puts Cayman First and that’s how it should be Those coming here with they yabba dabb doo politics and agenda Needs to go somewhere else to exercise their rights where they can get away with it .

    • Anonymous says:

      ‘Those coming here’ ??? If you only knew how many LGBTQ born and raised Caymanians I personally know. What planet do you live on? Look around. I have never in my almost 50 years seen so many LGBTQ people in a small place as in Cayman, mostly Caymanians. How can someone be that delusional ? This is why many of us are in the closet. This prejudice and toxic alleged heterosexuality are horrendous. Wake up already. Married men and women around who have same sex partners. I know quite many. They were basically forced to marry so they can shut up the ignorant ones. Being that oblivious you have a lot of surprises to reveal. Just pay a little attention. Careful who you hate, it easily may be someone you love. But then again… some of you can disown a son or daughter or pretend to pray the gay away or any other self consolation. Stay well.

      • Anonymous says:

        What hogwash waffle this is. ‘If only we knew how many’? Why not just say how many?

        • Anonymous says:

          Why? because they remain closeted for fear of being cast out by their own you ignorant homophobic asshole.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are so right 1:13 pm. I am not gay but I am a Christian with gay friends that I love and respect. If many of the hateful people attacking same sex couples were true Christians they would know that it is not for them to judge anyone. The Bible tells us “judge not.” I pray for my friends and treat them with respect. Interestingly, they are all happy with Civil Unions that afford them the rights they want for their partners and themselves I will also say that you are very right about the closeted gay Caymanians. Some in very unhappy marriages; many with children! AND many in high offices. The hypocrisy needs to stop.

    • Anonymous says:

      You sorry fool. Get your skeletons in order before judging.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Let’s hope he does indeed provide a law to allow it. He’s unlikely to be re-elected in the next go round, so he should make a positive impact to those who are unjustly treated. JUST DO IT WAYNE! It’s the right thing to do and you will go down in history for making an injustice right!

  25. Anonymous says:

    Does this mean if you are Christian you will note be gay?

  26. Anonymous says:

    Wayne and Pact remind me Sponge Bobs Fiery Fist O’Pain which warns potential riders it may leave them with spine loss along with amnesia and embarrassing accidents, which if you think about it is exactly what this current Govt is. 🎢🧽

  27. Anonymous says:

    Spineless from the start, sucked into the part
    Circus comes to town, he plays the lead clown

  28. Anonymous says:

    For gay marriage-thumbs up.

    Against gay marriage-thumbs down.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m voting vicariously for Wayne, I hit both

    • Anonymous says:

      We live in a time where human equality in all things matters, not just same sex marriage. The privileged comfortable should already be on notice that the Cayman Islands is a long way from equality in many areas. There are lots of social rebalancing works ahead that hopefully won’t need to be propelled as a consequence of losing judicial reviews. At any time, our MPs could pre-empt those efforts by simply choosing, without outside intervention, to be on the right side of history.

      • Anonymous says:

        History is revisionist and is always managed by the victors and filtered through glasses tinted according to the belief system in place when and where it is read. I do not order my life according to how I imagine those who read my biography long after I am dust might think of me. I care not how I am perceived long after I am dead as long as what I do now, while I am alive, is what I feel is right in my own mind and conscience: as a nation, we Caymanians can set sight on no more lofty an aspiration. As long as my conscience is clear now, I know that, though I may stumble at times, with God’s help, my steps are taking me in the right direction.

    • Caymanian says:

      I am for civil unions not same sex marriage. Marriage is a religious ceremony between a man and a woman.

      If same sex marriage is passed I can see a Pastor of a church being charged with discrimination for refusing to marry a same sex couple which is wrong equally.

      I believe that LGBTQ can have same rights under the law except marriage.

      Civil Unions would be carried out by JPs. It would be a LEGAL joining.

      • Anonymous says:

        There are plenty of churches throughout the world that sanctify same-sex marriages. Are you suggesting that only certain religions get to decide what constitutes a marriage?

        • Anonymous says:

          It is irrelevant to us in the Cayman Islands what churches in what locales “sanctify” gay marriage. Our Constitution excludes a gay union from being a marriage. The people of the Cayman Islands have decided what constitutes a marriage. Nothing more to see here. Move along.

      • Anonymous says:

        ‘Marriage is a religious ceremony between a man and a woman.’ what is religious about a man and woman getting married in a registry offuce by a registrar?

      • Anonymous says:

        Then maybe the term marriage should stay out of the lawbooks and we call everything unions legally.

    • Notta Gay says:

      What has “Marriage” got to do with it? Will the next law to come along prohibit sex without marriage? Get real! Why can’t there be same sex couples without marriage? It’s been that way for centuries, hasn’t it?

      • Anonymous says:

        Do you have any idea what people actually get married for or did you just want to make no sense?

        • facethefacts says:

          Why do these people want to get unionized? 🙂

          Ok, jokes aside, religious folks call there union marriage. Don’t come hijacking there stuff. Call your union whatever else you want. You all got the media and superstars on your side. I’m sure you could make your union even more popular and socially acceptable as marriage.

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