Archive for March 25th, 2022

Ministry secured fair price for waterfront land

Ministry secured fair price for waterfront land

| 25/03/2022 | 121 Comments

(CNS): The Ministry of Tourism’s response to a freedom of information request shows that government secured a reasonable price for the property it recently acquired on the George Town waterfront. The land, purchased last year from Cayman Falls, cost the public purse CI$5.6 million, which was $550,000 less than the asking price of CI$6.15M and […]

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DoE v CPA legal battle confirmed for June

DoE v CPA legal battle confirmed for June

| 25/03/2022 | 54 Comments

(CNS): The unprecedented forthcoming legal battle between two public sector entities, effectively setting government against government, has been listed to be heard in June. The Department of Environment and the National Conservation Council have requested a judicial review of a Central Planning Authority decision that ignored a legal directive not to grant planning permission.

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