Premier warns war in Ukraine will increase COL

| 24/02/2022 | 269 Comments
A woman in Kiyiv, the capital of Ukraine

(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton has warned that the cost of fuel will increase in Cayman, pushing up the already rising cost of living, as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In a statement about today’s military action directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Panton said it would carry a “tremendous humanitarian cost” and war is “usually the worst possible action and least effective option”.

The premier said that the Cayman Islands office in London is unaware of any Caymanians currently in Ukraine and the Scholarship Secretariat said there are no Caymanian students there either.

The increase in fuel prices and broader impact on price rises everywhere will have a direct impact on this jurisdiction and the sanctions imposed by the UK against Russia and several of the wealthy oligarchs who are close to the Kremlin are likely to have an impact on the offshore sector here.

Wealthy Russians, like many high net worth individuals, hold what may be both legitimate and illegitimate assets in the Cayman Islands. Several of the Russian elites that are believed to have been sanctioned also own yachts registered with the Cayman Islands Shipping Registry.

In his statement Panton spoke about the threat that this war poses to the global economy, which is already reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic, and said it will also likely affect the financial services sector.

“We have already seen an increase in energy prices worldwide as oil rocketed past $100 a barrel. If war continues, the prices could go up even more, affecting prices worldwide. Here in the Cayman Islands we will almost certainly see higher fuel prices, which will in turn impact the prices on all goods and services, and therefore the general cost of living. Instead of war, the Cayman Islands would prefer an urgent peaceful end to this situation,” he said, adding that war is not a viable solution.

“At this time, the Cayman Islands Government Office in the United Kingdom is not aware of any Caymanians presently in the Ukraine,” Panton stated. “However, we will continue to monitor the situation as we continue to hope for a diplomatic and peaceful resolution. Our thoughts and prayers are with the innocent children, women and men of Ukraine as they face the fear of this unprovoked attack on their lives and their country.”

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Comments (269)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    28 @ 12:10pm – you demonstrated the “Caucasian” position exactly!

    Excusing the indifference to Black genocide, but justifying the fight against White genocide with…’oh but there’s more at stake in Europe’. Typical!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Nice try, but the cost of living had increased before this war started! Now, wages need to increase ASAP so we can keep up with our bills and survive these cost of living increases!

  3. wee says:

    In mid-1994, over 800,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutu were killed in the Rwandan genocide. The international community UTTERLY failed to prevent and stop this atrocity.. The United Nations failed to act during the 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ days of the Rwandan genocide. 

    DO YOU EVEN KNOW, let alone WEEP for 800,000 of Tutsi and Hutu?

    • Anonymous says:

      The major powers at the United Nations discouraged international intervention. While there was an international media presence in Rwanda, journalists also largely portrayed the conflict as a civil war, and did not highlight the intentional killing of civilians.🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯

      • Anonymous says:

        28 @ 8:35 am – Not exactly! I’m a layman civilian living in Cayman and I was aware of the Rwandan genocide while it was happening. It was portrayed as genocide in the media I saw/read. Perhaps you were tuned to a “denier” channel like Fox News?

        In any case, Bill Clinton, as the leader of the world’s “most powerful and wealthy nation” and the leaders of the G8 (Russia was being allowed to the table then) ignored the genocide because it was happening in a Black nation in Africa! Look how quickly Clinton and allies reacted in Bosnia and Serbia a few years later!! Typical!!

        You can’t blame journalists!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      The sad fact is that African tribes have been conducting acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing since time began.
      The North Atlantic slave trade was fed by African tribes capturing and imprisoning their enemies and weaker, less belligerent peoples. It’s unpalatable and not within modern day group think, but it is none-the-less true.
      Reporting the Rwandan war had nothing to do with colour of skin, it have everything to to with audience fatigue after continuous pan-African conflicts and resultant charity campaigns.
      As for the spurious argument in regard to the Balkan’s. Like Ukraine, this was a war in Europe with the potential to kill millions all over the world, it was a tinder box with the protagonists, the Serbs, openly backed by the Russians.
      Yet another tribal war in Africa isn’t the same as nuclear powers facing off in Europe.

      • Anonymous says:

        28 @ 12:10pm – you demonstrated the “Caucasian” position exactly!

        Excusing the indifference to Black genocide, but justifying the fight against White genocide with…’oh but there’s more at stake in Europe’. Typical!

    • Anonymous says:

      It was a sad thing, but it was not our fault or responsibility.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Please don’t give supermarkets any more excuses to rip us off. They’re already charging us 5 x the original retail cost and selling stuff beyond sell-by dates.

    • Anonymous says:

      Truth! Check dates on every package, especially deli meats and dairy items. Every store has out of dates on shelves and we have inadvertently bought out of date items until we realized that close dated items and expired items were not pulled from cases and shelves.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully, all the Russian yachts are not allowed to fly the Cayman flag!

    • Bobo Baggins says:

      Hopefully any bars or stores won’t do something stupid like pour out Stoli or Smirnoff. Donate them. I volunteer!

      • Anonymous says:

        Smirnoff is owned by Diageo from the UK and produced all over the world and Stoli is made in Latvia, though it has closer connections to Russia than Smirnoff now.

      • Anonymous says:

        Bobo Baggins @ 5:13 pm – Stoli maybe? I saw news reports of bars in America dumping it. Smirnoff, not so much. I think its parent company is American or Canadian.

  6. Anonymous says:

    You can lay the rise is gas prices squarely at the feet of Biden. Day one of his presidency he canceled the Keystone Excel Pipeline. Next he imposed greater restrictions on drilling in Alaska, increased regulations on frackers all in the name of the Green New Deal backed by the radicals in the Democratic Party that got him elected. All of this to drive up oil prices and force people into electric vehicles. Finally he then begs the Saudi’s to pump more oil to lower prices. But here’s the question, when you charging your EV ask yourself where does the electricity come from? Coal, oil, gas, nuclear power plants plants. Biden is simply an old shell of a man who has no idea what he say or signs into law.

    • Anonymous says:

      Move on. Fossil fuels won’t last. Go electric and solar powered.

      • Anonymous says:

        The commenter is not wrong. The current speed of technology will render a preciptious move to solar a boneheaded and uneccessary self inflicted wound. If this was really about rapid climate change, modern nuclear energy would have been widely adopted years ago.
        Slowing down US energy production and turning around and buying it somewhere else is just stupid and evidently not good for Western security either.

        Get woke, go broke.

    • Anonymous says:

      1) How much money do you get paid to lobby “Big Oil” and “Big Coal”?

      2) You do know lobbying in Cayman over a U.S. policy that we have no influence in changing does little to nothing, right?

    • Anonymous says:

      Spot on. Love all the virtue signaling “environmental” people here driving their stupid fing Teslas as they live in a 6,000 sq ft air conditioned house with a heated pool. And fly back and forth to the UK 5 times a year. But look I drive a Tesla. I’m so eco conscious. F off.

  7. MR says:

    So with all this happening are we still planning to spend $22 million to save seven mile beach? Can someone please explain to me where PACT deep pockets coming from? PPM built the surplus in 8 years and PACT spending it off in 8 months…

  8. Anonymous says:

    Remember that, as pertains to Cayman, issues flowing Russia’s attack on the Ukraine are a dry run for, God-forbid, China with Thailand.

  9. Anonymous says:

    What is Bermuda doing about gas prices ?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Canceling Keystone and greenlighting Nord Stream. Brilliant.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Howabout suspending fuel duty for 90 days with a requirement that the savings be passed directly to the consumer?

    • Caymanian says:

      Was just about to say the same. In fact why was this not said in same breathe??

    • Anonymous says:

      11:15 am, gas is duty free in the Brac, its NEVER passed on to consumers,it only makes the Gas Stations owners more richer. Gasoline is higher in the Brac than Grand. Government dont give a s…, never checks.

  12. Anonymous says:

    OK so how about CIG pass an emergency action forcing CUC to allow people to power their own homes with their own solar panels without being kicked off the grid. That would inspire homeowners to invest more in their own home, expand the renewable energy production of the Cayman Islands vastly, increase renewable jobs locally, and not have our populous beholden to the whims of dictators half a world away. Just a thought.

    • Anonymous says:

      The program you’re talking about it available here:

      • Anonymous says:

        Not really. You should note that all the power goes through a cuc meter, even what you produce yourself. This is so they can screw you over with “demand metering”. They charge you for reducing your demand on the grid because they still want you to pay for their equipment you are not using. You’d be better off offgrid and pumping any excess into the ground. Very expensive installation and maintenance in Cayman, however, so it’s difficult to get a real savings.

  13. Anonymous says:

    That’s great Mr Panton now please end mask mandates!

    • Anonymous says:

      There is an escalating war with catastrophic property losses, injuries, and deaths and yet you chime in with an irrelevant moronic comment. Grow up.

  14. Robert Mugabe IV says:

    What’s the difference between Putin invading Ukraine and Bush invading Iraq. The USA lied to everyone about Saddam’s WMD and nobody gave a f***. It was all about oil and money.
    Mr Premier, don’t be saying ‘OUR thoughts and prayers’, what utter nonsense. You do not speak for everyone. It’s 2022, get a grip man.
    Prayer – Does absolutely nothing but still makes YOU feel like you’re doing something. Absolute madness.
    Oh ya the cost of fuel will go up. Woohoo.
    For the last 50 years the cost of everything on this island has been controlled by the few literally at the expense of everyone else. Just another excuse to make the few richer. Pathetic.
    You don’t give one thought about the cost of living for common folk on this rock be they Caymanian or expat.

    • Anonymous says:

      Jog on troll

    • Anonymous says:

      well said.

    • Anonymous says:

      A fair point re the us and Iraq, all tho slightly different in that this time a tyrant dictator is invading a democratic state, as opposed to a democratic state invading a totalitarian state with Iraq. Not that I am excusing the false pretext and fake WMD rationale behind the Iraq invasion. Likely there will be similarities with a Ukrainian civilian insurgence for years to come. On another note I commend the bravery of the Ukrainian president and government… they know they are likely to be assassinated in the coming days but are staying put in Kiev.

      • Anonymous says:

        USA invading Iraq was a far greater atrocity than Putin invading Ukraine. Imagine if Mexico began cozying up to Russia and Russia was supplying Mexico with arms, etc, the US would not tolerate that. I understands Putin’s actions. He had to make his move before Ukraine joined NATO, as if that had happen Russia would be a sitting duck.
        China and N Korea are fully supportive of Russia because Americà and the west are just too strong, some balance needed especially militarily.

        • Anonymous says:

          Ukraine will win! Watch as the occupying forces get slaughtered on a daily basis by armed civilians. The Ukrainians want freedom, not a dictatorship. Russia invading Ukrainian is a move of desperation by a dictator who can’t accept the fact that all his neighbors choose freedom and democracy over a brutal dictatorship.

          • Mainstream Media Consumer says:

            I too am an idiot, consuming all of the corporately owned mainstream media narratives that dumb me down.

            • Anonymous says:

              Occupying forces rarely win, especially if the soldiers fighting don’t believe strongly in the cause. I would be willing to bet that Russia loses this war long term. Ukraine is huge and its people highly motivated. If I were Putin, I’d start worrying about what the Russian mafia thinks about losing so much money.

          • Anonymous says:

            Putin is calling for a meeting because he knows that he’s bit much more than he can chew. He is scared which is why the coward has made the latest nuclear threat. Look at Russia’s military hardware…. old junk! Russian power is a myth just like it was for the soviet union. Ukraine all the way!!!

        • Anonymous says:

          Keep believing that sunshine. You’re deluded

        • Anonymous says:

          Your’te so stupid. Putin has called a Jewish Ukrainian president a nazi, and Ukraine are nowhere near meeting the NATO membership criteria. But enjoy your delusion. Russia, China and North Korea are autocracies .. one man rules, you disagree and you die. Putin also kills people in the uk regularly.

        • Anonymous says:

          “I understands Putin’s actions”

          Idiots and their arrogance 🙄

          I challenge you to explain how Russia would be a sitting duck if Ukraine joined nato. 2) How the hell do you compare USAs relationship with Mexico to Russia and Ukraine? Are you dizzy fam?

          FYI if you don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s perfectly acceptable to keep your uninformed opinions to yourself. Advisable even. #lifehack

          • Anonymous says:

            You have the same attitude as Putin. Because someone disagrees with you, you want them closed down. You are asking them to now, but if you had power and arms? I am not supporting Putin’s invasion, but our Western propaganda press is only reporting one side, the side that agrees with government narrative. There is a long history with Ukraine and Russia and agreements that were none of the West’s doing or business. While the Western woke have been focussing on gender neutral toilets, other things have been going on in the rest of the world we are oblivious to.

    • Anonymous says:

      Robert the US didn’t keep Iraq.

      • Anonymous says:

        Right. The Americans simply killed over 200,000 people, threw thousands into poverty and destabilized the region, all in name of oil and imperialism.

        • Anonymous says:

          The US gets zero barrels of oil from. Iraq. How was the war for oil?

          CNS: Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil
          The oil and gas industry spent $115 million in 2021 lobbying in the US. See here. I don’t know what they ere spending in early 2000’s but we all know it was a lot. Imagine what they get in return.
          More reading: The Iraq War and WMDs: An intelligence failure or White House spin?
          A long read but worth it – Colin Powell Still Wants Answers

          • Anonymous says:

            Hey CNS, the US bought 177,000 barrels of oil from Iraq in 2020. BOUGHT! If the invasion was to take the oil, why would they have to buy it? You’re trying to make it look like the US invaded a country to steal their oil. You may also want to keep in mind that the US spent billions rebuilding Iraq. A massive loss to the US.

            I should also point out that the US consumes 18 million barrels of oil in a single day. The ANNUAL 177k barrel purchase from Iraq isn’t even enough to fill a day’s need of oil in the US. To say that was an oil war is FULL CROCK OF BS.

            CNS: Terrible straw man arguments. I don’t think you understand the debate. This has nothing to do with whether the US buys oil from Iraq or how much it buys generally. No one thinks the US went to war because it needed a bit more oil.

            However, the stated reasons for the Iraq war were fallacious, exaggerated or just plain made up and the Bush administration knew it. (No, I’m not letting Tony Blair off the hook.) By strange coincidence, the oil companies made a lot of money, while the people involved in the unbelievably incompetent/cash-draining reconstruction of Iraq made out like bandits, as did weapons manufacturers, as did many military corporations. Yes, the US taxpayers paid for it in blood and treasure.

          • Anonymous says:

            Zero, really. I don’t call $6.19B exported crude to USA in 2019 squat.


        • Anon says:

          500,000.. mostly children

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh yeh forgot about that, makes it all ok then. You can invade a country as long as you don’t keep it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Iraq was actually hostile to their neighbors, specifically Kuwait. Putin is invading a country that is not aggressive towards its neighbors and hasn’t attacked anyone. Your example is a false equivalency the Kremlin would have you believe.

    • Anonymous says:

      9:39 There’s a big difference you jackass. Ukraine simply wants freedom. Ukraine has never gassed its own people. Ukraine has never invaded its neighbors to steal their resources. You should at least do a little reading before posting a load of garbage on here.

      • Anonymous says:

        Maybe you should take your own advice. same way America felt they were justified to put a naval blockade around Cuba to prevent a Russian military base from being built is the same way Russia feel about Ukraine wanting to join Nato. you puppets drink too much Western propaganda.

        • Anonymous says:

          The US bombed Somalia yesterday and has been bombing it for 14 years.

          US bombs were dropped on residential areas in Yemen the day before.

          These weapons are aimed at some of the poorest people in the world. The ungreivable lives on the other end of business as usual.

        • Anonymous says:

          4:00 We’re talking about a comparison between the US invading Iraq and Russia invading a neighbor that poses no risk to Russia. As for Cuba… The US screwed up in handing Cuba to its people after acquiring it from the Spaniards. The abusive/brutal dictator took it over. Had the US kept it as a territory… It’d of been a hell of a lot better than the poverty stricken hole it is today. Why is Cuba such a dump?… because its big sister Russia has had its back. Dang those Russians sure bring up that standard of living eh?

          • Anonymous says:

            LOL. Afghanistan posed no risk to America, unlike Saudi Arabia, but the Saudis were Bush cronies and they have the oil. America needed the opium in Afghanistan for OxyContin and to make defense contractors wealthier.

            As far as Cuba goes, they posed no risk to America. You should do more reading into how Castro actually improved living conditions for his people, or do you believe it was wrong to seize plantations and teach people how to read and write.

            Castro also fielded off numerous attempts on his life from American agencies by attempted poisoning and the totally hilarious Bay of Pigs debacle engineered by Americans.

            There is an excellent book called the Jakarta Method that you should read if you’re interested in true history.

            • Anonymous says:

              Bin laden? Remember him?

            • Anonymous says:

              Yeah, Castro was great. He taught people how to read so they could read his propaganda everyday. And if they dissented, they went to jail or worse. He promised to turn the government over to the people at the end of the revolucion but he never did.

              Their lives were so improved that to this day people pack into un-sea worthy boats regularly to escape Castro’s workers paradise.

          • Anonymous says:

            Right. United States sanctions on Cuba have been in place for decades and have crippled their economy. Sanctions are simply wars with no bloodshed.

            Fidel Castro never sent forces to invade another country. He never sent drones to bomb weddings.

            America on the other hand, has forced its brand of imperialism on dozens of countries for decades.

          • Anonymous says:

            It isn’t about risk, it is about ‘American interests’. No one went to the aid of the Rwandan genocide, because there was no economic interests, nothing to gain. Same with Cuba, no oil or mineral reserves and therefore no American interests save for it being a missile base in time gone by. Not needed now, Russians can strike the US from submarine based nukes anytime.

          • Anonymous says:

            Hell no. It would just be another Puerto Rico to pour money into.

        • Anonymous says:

          It was nuclear missiles jackass.

          • Anonymous says:

            Nuclear missiles supplied by the Soviets as a deterrent to American threats.

            • Anonymous says:

              America forced the Russians to turn around and take the missiles home. So no more threat. Meanwhile everyone is omitting Castro’s long efforts to export communism throughout Latin America. Why would the US bother to trade with them?

        • Anonymous says:

          4;00 pm, we think you should go and live in Russia or Cuba, please go, we really don’t want you here.

    • Anonymous says:

      Robert Mugabe IV reinforcing the fact that we’ll never know true reality, just a reality created by ones perception.

    • MR says:

      It is an ignorant person who would discredit prayer – funny enough that there is so much attack on Christian believers these days while no one says a peep about satanism being revered in movies, music and children’s cartoons!

      Unlike you, many people in that war torn country appreciate and are asking for prayer because when everything around you is obviously out of your hands it makes the most sense to put your burdens in the unlimited vastness of the Creator of all existence.

      So should we deny the victims the prayer they are asking for because you in your selfish ignorance insist it is useless as you trudge about in freedom and control of your life?

      If you had no control of your life right now and your knees buckled under circumstance, believe me, you would very much be praying.

      A humbling will come about on this planet as it always does and many who knew not, will know.

      Quick history:

      During World War II, Franklin D. Roosevelt prayed during the D-Day invasion of Normandy, June 6, 1944: “Almighty God, our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our Religion and our Civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity…Help us, Almighty God, to rededicate ourselves in renewed faith in Thee in this hour of great sacrifice.”

  15. Anonymous says:

    “Appeasement only makes the aggressor more aggressive
    He understands only one language — action!
    And he respects only one word — force!
    No sign of them stopping, no time for back channel communiqués
    We need all the help we can get, air strikes and invasions
    Retaliate, I say!”
    “The will of good men can not counter the terrible strain of war”

  16. Al Catraz says:

    Just make sure you keep Putin and his friends’ money safe.

    • Duh says:

      You’re thinking of the BVI.

      Get your slander straight.

      • Anonymous says:

        Duh @ 9:42 am – And you really believe there’s no Russian oligarch or Putin-related money in Cayman? Only in BVI?? Wake up!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Wrong jurisdiction dummy

      • Anonymous says:

        Apparently you didn’t read the Compass today about Russian assets in Cayman.

        • Anonymous says:

          Sanctioned entities need to be stomped out. Keep those Russian rats where they belong, in the gutter. Keep that crap out of the global financial system. Their crap $1.7T economy will go to Ranana Republic levels soon.

          • Anonymous says:

            How little you know. The Russian government is filled with millionaires and billionaires and they are still oil and gas rich. Their allies will still buy resources from them.

            • Anonymous says:

              We’ll see about that. They’re now being kicked off swift. They’ll be bartering soon. Hahaha!

        • Anonymous says:

          Did they by any chance post any CIREBA listing… REal Estate agents feel free to post the listing here…

        • Anonymous says:

          Who reads the Compass anymore though? As if….They clearly don’t write to target nor care about local interests, unless it overlaps with international interests (Article A)…and the audacity…

          Give me a drink, my subscription refund, and then a break.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m not starting that putin and his filthy friends have their money in Cayman, but I will say that secret shell companies are the vehicles they will rely on to get around sanctions. All offshore jurisdictions need to step up their AML game to stomp out these rats and keep them off the global financial system.

      • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        Question is, if AML game works, why is it that the City of London, Delaware, Nevada, New York, Chicago, Miami and so on are still some of the biggest hypocrites in the AML fight? Onshore is more of an AML risk than offshore jurisdictions. That being said, all should be playing our parts to stamp out proceeds of crime, especially serious crime.

    • Say it like it is says:

      Putin has one thing in common with our Civil service – when the Ukraine president called him as the invasion started, he didn’t answer his phone.

  17. From Russia With Love $$ says:

    Cost of living rise with all those Russian Funds about the place yah Come on Wayne it’s time to pick Valdamir pocket and GP get Paid and Stop those in London from running away with all that money $$$$ while talking pure foolishness bout stand with the Ukraine ! We stand up against Russia when tek Dey $$$$ from them and spend it on us.

  18. Cayman Sanction says:

    It’s time to Seize that money here dear Gov not stand with Ukraine Sympathy without relief don’t mean a damn thing .Yes all those building Condos along west bay road with Russian money need to be stopped right away. All those Law Firms involved need to declare their Russian interest and hand over the dosh to the Cayman Government why should we suffer COL rise when we got all those Funds right here ?? That’s how we supported UKraine !

    • Anonymous says:

      Good point. Partners in some law firms might be very nervous right now.

      • Anonymous says:

        My thoughts exactly. Especially those Partners, Directors, Corporate Lawyers, Senior Compliance & Corporate Administrators (Cohorts & Team Mgrs), and Fund Administrators who are responsible for services relating to Russian Capital, Assets, Debt Servicing, etc. Even, Cayman Islands Registrar that maintain company records, on a National Level — ALL NOW REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THE LATEST RUSSIA SANCTIONS.

    • Anonymous says:

      Did you read “IN FULL: Putin’s declaration of war on Ukraine”

      Long read though.

      Agree or not, he made good points, however it doesn’t justify his actions. By the way,did Cayman seize their money?

      “You don’t have to look far for examples. First, without any sanction from the UN Security Council, they carried out a bloody military operation against Belgrade, using aircraft and missiles right in the very center of Europe. Several weeks of continuous bombing of civilian cities, on life-supporting infrastructure. We have to remind these facts, otherwise some Western colleagues do not like to remember those events, and when we talk about it, they prefer to point not to the norms of international law, but to the circumstances that they interpret as they see fit.

      Then came the turn of Iraq, Libya, Syria. The illegitimate use of military force against Libya, the perversion of all decisions of the UN Security Council on the Libyan issue led to the complete destruction of the state, to the emergence of a huge hotbed of international terrorism, to the fact that the country plunged into a humanitarian catastrophe that has not stopped for many years. civil war. The tragedy, which doomed hundreds of thousands, millions of people not only in Libya, but throughout this region, gave rise to a massive migration exodus from North Africa and the Middle East to Europe.

      A similar fate was prepared for Syria. The fighting of the Western coalition on the territory of this country without the consent of the Syrian government and the sanction of the UN Security Council is nothing but aggression, intervention.

      However, a special place in this series is occupied, of course, by the invasion of Iraq, also without any legal grounds. As a pretext, they chose reliable information allegedly available to the United States about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. As proof of this, publicly, in front of the eyes of the whole world, the US Secretary of State shook some kind of test tube with white powder, assuring everyone that this is the chemical weapon being developed in Iraq. And then it turned out that all this was a hoax, a bluff: there are no chemical weapons in Iraq. Unbelievable, surprising, but the fact remains. There were lies at the highest state level and from the high rostrum of the UN. And as a result – huge casualties, destruction, an incredible surge of terrorism.”

      Disclaimer: I am just a messenger. I do not support Ukraine Invasion or Putin. The statement in full is published by Daily Mail.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yep. Putin is a mad man.

      • Anonymous says:

        For those who are interested in learning more on this, read The Jakarta Method and seek out an excellent and entertaining podcast series named “Blowback”. Season 1 is on the Iraq War and Season 2 is on Castro. Both seasons are very informative and truthful with cool music and some humor sprinkled in.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sure, I don’t fault your logic but do you want to risk messing with a man’s money? Especially a man who has climbed one of the most corrupt political spheres and has retained power through any means necessary? A man willing to throw countless lives into war to remain on top?

      again, its not wrong for you to think that, I would also like to believe the world can take a strong stance against people who act like this but we have no weight in that argument. We have no defense force, no weapons capabilities. If Russia or anyone were to try and take over Cayman what do you think our government will do? I can assure you every last government official will leave. Ukraine changed their tune on firearms at the last moment. ‘ Oh you can have firearms if you fight for your country, while Russian rolls tanks through the streets’. Our government wouldn’t even do that for us… so I don’t think we have the testicular fortitude nor the resources to simply freeze that man’s money.

  19. Benjamin Bald says:

    Oi Russia. You’re messing up my channel! Keep this up and I’ll soon be bankrupt.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Mr Premier, rather than state the obvious, please state what you propose to do about it as a ‘leader’.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree that our Premier has a lot of nice rhetoric (without following through with substance of results), but it is somewhat limited what he’s able to do to stop the innocent victims in the Ukrainian right now.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Governor urges Cayman to stand with Ukraine.

    I was standing with and praying for people of Iraq, Syria, Lybia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Afghanistan, to name just few past and current war zones. Did my standing help them? Did it change their fate? Did it make me feel good about myself?

    Are humans genetically predispose to kill each other?
    Are we the most vicious killers of our own kind? Yes, we are the most relentless killers on Earth. We not only kill our own, we kill all other creatures.

    We call ourself “sapiens,” (the wise one). Are we? It is nonhumans who are predominantly peaceful, yet we call humans who kill or harm other humans “animals.”

    Why do we keep killing each other in 21st century? How different we are from our primate ancestors?

    What science says about human violence? Will it ever change? When (if) will our genes change? Does anyone have answers, other than “standing with and praying for”?

    • Anonymous says:

      How many people have the British killed?

      Still ordering the slaves around

      • Anonymous says:

        How many Africans have been killed by Africans through history to date? How many Africans were sold to the white slave traders to ethically cleanse weaker tribes? Exactly how did slaves get from the African hinterlands to the coastal markets and ships?
        How many people now die at the hands of their own communities in Jamaica, Detroit, New York, London, West Bay etc..
        How many African despots have destroyed their own countries economies, raped, maimed and killed their own people for personal gain since colonial independence?
        Tell me, exactly how did a nation of a few million during the 17/18 and 19th centuries colonise almost the entire the world without the complicity of native populations?
        Go read a book, learn from history, don’t dictate what you think you know, that’s Hitlers and Putins playbook in Europe.

        • Anonymous says:

          As they say, history is written by the victors. Obviously alot you need to get off your chest there given the response to a single most likely troll.

          Like everyone, we soak up the propaganda from our respective nations but that doesn’t make yours (propaganda) more important than mine.

      • anon says:

        8.02am The British lost more than a million soldiers in the two world wars helping to protect the world from the Germans. They also suffered more than 70,000 civilian deaths in World War 2. Tell me how many Caymanian “slaves” were killed in action?.

        • Anonymous says:

          25 @ 6:30 pm – Many Caymanian “slaves” were killed in action in WW1, WW2, Vietnam. “Slaves” in the context that they were fighting on behalf of a Colonial “master”.

          Please check with Cayman’s Veterans Association or the National Archives for names & numbers. My uncle, torpedoed by Nazi U-boat in 1942 was one, his colleague from Cayman Brac was two!! My cousin who died in Vietnam was three!! There were dozens others! Dozens among a population of a few thousand in Cayman (at those times) equates to a million among the British population.

          Please, when you DO NOT KNOW a thing about Cayman’s history, don’t criticize it!! Perhaps you live here? Then familiarize yourself – spend some time at the National Archives educating yourself!!

          • Anonymous says:

            8:29 am, my grand uncle was killed on D day in France fighting the Germans he was a major, and was bought back to Little Cayman in a led coffin. My other uncle ship was was torpedoed south of Cayman and he was lost to never be seen again.

      • Anonymous says:

        The reality is that past Africans and their descendants are responsible for killing more of their own people than any other country, continent or race could possibly take responsibility for.
        Inter tribal, ethnic and religious wars, modern despots and communist dictatorships, not to mention Africas own complicity in the North Atlantic slave trade, have claimed millions of lives in the past and continue to do so today.
        The British need take no lessons from those who sold their own into slavery and who continue to terrorise their own people in cities across the world. Exactly what have you been doing in the 200 years since the British abolished slavery?

    • Anonymous says:


      • Johnny Canuck says:

        There is a lot of Russian money here though it is well hidden by shell companies here.

        The Russians know how to take care of their money.

    • Author Unknown says:

      There are no easy answers for your questions. I have no love for the Ukraine because of their leadership’s previous actions and I believe that the U.S. President is about as useless as the proverbial tits on a boar.

  22. daniel johns says:

    Here’s an idea, how about for the time being, we stop putting duty on any food coming into the Island, It would be a help to those already facing hardships… Since I am not a politician, I can only think in a way of, what would help most people..Callllll me silly….

    • Anonymous says:

      Basic food items like bread and flour are already duty free.

      I think it’s fair that ‘luxury’ items like candy come with duty though.

      • Anonymous says:

        White bread? Or GF bread as well?

      • Anonymous says:

        Are basic fruits and vegetables luxury items?
        We need a full repeal of import duty on all fruits and vegetables not grown on island.

        This will also help encourage healthy eating which will in turn lower CINCO and HSA health care costs to the government.

    • Anonymous says:

      Saunders have the good ideas from before the election, he will get it done!

  23. Anonymous says:

    Maybe the government can take in a few families who have been displaced by this war.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Putin should have said Ukraine has WMD.
    That justifies it.

    • Anonymous says:

      They supported the freedom truckers, they deserve it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Standard. Everything is political with people like you. ‘OOO NO, someone likes Trump or supports some people in trucks protesting while they use bouncy castles and grill meat in freezing weather…I guess they deserve to be invaded by one of the largest country in the world”

        So damn tired of you low IQ people that have turned everything into a political statement and are willing to support harm or death your opponents’. How are you different from the people you claim to hate?

    • Anonymous says:

      I hate to compare Putin’s intelligent to any of the west’s politicians.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Increase in the COL caused by the invasion… over and above the current blatent gouging by unscrupulous purveyors of essential products and services, some of whom enjoy a monopoly.

  26. Anonymous says:

    In reality, worldwide inflation and supply-chain issues as a result of covid hasn’t really hit Cayman yet. Without this invasion/war we would’ve been facing a challenging year.

    But anyone paying attention over the past year would’ve expected that. Premier Wayne is coming late to the ball!

    Yes, Wayne, we expect higher fuel (and its fallout) prices but why didn’t you make that “warning” when your Gov’t took over? It was clearly on the wall!! Now because of Putin’s war you’re warning us?

    Clearly PACT is getting a head start on blaming Putin for our forthcoming inflation.

    Forward to April 2025, after a 3 years of non-stop inflation and additional welfare programs, a nearly-broke Government seeks re-election. Headlines – “While the election campaign is its final days, Premier Saunders steadfastly asserted that there was nothing else PACT could do curtail inflation in Cayman, because Russia invaded Ukraine.”

    • Anonymous says:

      Nothing to do with supply chain, try printing trillions of US $ from nothing, just to keep wall st in business and out of jail.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wrong. Global supply chain issues are documented as truths literally everywhere.

        • Anonymous says:

          Not to the uninformed idiots who get their information from FauxNews only. I love how Mitt Romney, in referring to the mentality of Trump’s white supremist Republican base yesterday, quoted the movie Butch Casidy and the Sundance kid: Morons. I have morons on my team. The irony of this is that these morons don’t even realise he’s talking about them. They just know that Hilary called them “deplorable” -which they are.

      • Anonymous says:

        Obviously you have not followed the increase in container shipping costs. CNS should do an article on it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Marco was the only real Finance Minister. Great replacement smh.

  27. Anonymous says:

    I hope that ALL Russian assets in and through Cayman Islands banks are frozen! It’ll be billions!

  28. Elvis says:

    Premier warns every single week regardless of world events cost of living will continue to rise whatever.

  29. Anonymous says:

    wow…thanks for that wayne….zzzzzzz
    i wonder how much russian money runs through our financial services???

  30. Anonymous says:

    Re increase in gas prices – seems like an excellent time for this ferry I heard about this week, from North Sound Estates to Camana Bay, to get started. Fantastic idea and I can’t think of a more pleasant way, to get to work – and quickly. I wish I lived out that way.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah but tickets @ $12/person to start is a hefty fee.

    • Anonymous says:

      24 @ 9:48 am – Mike Dise or someone involved with Cayman Kai development started a ferry service decades ago. It wasn’t successful. More recently there was another attempt; same result. Ronnie Anglin tried it before and now again. I truly wish him luck.

      Why doesn’t it work? Firstly, it’s not a car ferry. Secondly, there is no reliable public transportation on the GT/WB end to satisfy users needs when they leave their cars ion North Side.

      As usual, the public service side of this equation, to make it properly functional, is non-existent!!

      • Anonymous says:

        It works in Bermuda

        • Anonymous says:

          25 @ 1:03 pm – the Bermudan ferry service is excellent. It works because it forms part of the entire public land-transportation system, which is also excellent. I’ve used both.

          Cayman has NO public transport SYSTEM, – just a lot of free-for-all independent operators, regulated by idiots, with LITTLE benefit to the general public! Yet! I remain hopeful, but not as long as the present CO in the Transport Ministry and the Director of the Public Transport Unit are remain in their posts!!

  31. Anonymous says:

    We all get a gas stipend now correct?

  32. Anonymous says:

    An immediate prediction of higher prices in response to a crisis is just a way of deflecting, “nothing we could do about it”.

    Reminds of a senior elected official here that said the immortal words “we knew it was coming and we were prepared” during the financial crisis.

  33. Anonymous says:

    We need Sir Alden to lead us thru these terrible times. Please Sir Alden save us from this mess!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah – he will get Putin to retreat.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed! Nothing we can do here is going to blunt this impact. Although maybe it is short term. We advise people to expect and even to anticipate the cost of goods going up.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Hopeless future planning in action again. Solar power has the potential to cover much of energy requirements on the Islands, whilst a single charge of most electric cars will see you from one end of GC and back again. Decent public transport and making homes as energy efficient as possible. And this is not a poor place, there is enough money, effectively allocated, to actually make many of these changes a reality.
    Sadly; utter incompetence in government coupled with endemic corruption will ensure we remain dependant on fossil fuels, driving gas guzzlers, stuck in traffic jams literally burning wages earned from jobs that could be done at home.

  35. Ukrainian expat. says:

    By the way, it’s spelled Kiyiv not Kiyav.

    CNS: First of all, huge apologies for the typo. Secondly, our sympathies are fully with all Ukrainian people today. I’m so sorry.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Zelenskiy had a duty to Ukrainian citizens to prevent this from happening. Instead, he resorted to “barking, like in the famous Krilov fable “The Elephant and the Pug”at the “Elephant”, directly insulting Putin. Perhaps he felt so brave believing Big Brothers are on his side and was seeking an admiration. “To bark at Elephant this Pug
    Must be a real strong mug!”

    Like a toddler, not the Leader of a large country, he was picking at the Minsk Agreement his country signed in 2014, because he didn’t like the “parts”.

    He obviously didn’t attend Diplomacy school before running for office. May be he believed, being an actor, life is like Hollywood movies, the end is always happy.

    Even President of the US didn’t hesitate to call Putin a killer and his cohorts continued with unprecedented insults non-stop. Putin remained calm and was not responding like a bully to the insults, pushing diplomatic resolution of the conflict. All his proposals were ignored or rejected.

    Now, I am not defending Putin invasion of Ukraine, in fact I am shocked just like everybody else. It is always civilians who suffer first, last and in the middle’ during wartime.

    What I am trying to say that no one should be running for office unless he or she if not mastered, but at least familiar with the International Politics and Diplomacy. It is appears Diplomacy ceased to exist in 21st century.

    Do you remember The Negotiator(1998) movie or Hero(1992)? Police don’t negotiate today, they shoot first, at least in some countries. The same is happening in International Politics.

    • Anonymous says:

      6:13 – go spew your stupidity elsewhere. Congrats on your movie derived education.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      If you think what is in the WH now are masters of diplomacy, then your standards must be very low.

      • Anonymous says:

        Millions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen know all too well about the “wars to protect U.S. freedom”

        The Jakarta Method that began in Indonesia set the table for decades of endless American interference and wars, no matter which political party happened to be in power.

        • Anonymous says:

          All shitholes. You do your best.

          • Anonymous says:

            The popular opinion of many in the military or formerly in the military who think they are morally superior to those in countries they invaded and destroyed for nefarious purposes.

            Those who live in those countries, not so much. It’s home to them, just like Cayman is to you.

    • Anonymous says:

      the cobbler should stick to his last

    • Anonymous says:

      what a twat

    • Anonymous says:

      “Now, I am not defending Putin invasion of Ukraine…..”.

      Actually you kind of are. You are sure as hell defending Putin and blaming Zelenskyy. You say he should have prevented it happening! How ridiculous could your argument be? Zelenskyy never had a chance of stopping this, it was pre-planned long ago and Putin now stands to be remembered as a power-crazed butcher like Stalin and Hitler.

  37. Anonymous says:

    War or rumors of war, prices are high in Cayman. The gas companies in Cayman will just use this situation to further justify their price gauging. There could be 300 years of peace, and the the gas prices in Cayman will still be as if WW3 was on.

    • Anonymous says:

      The US stock markets had a nice day. Capitalism loves war.

      • Anonymous says:

        The US isn’t a capitalist country.

        • Anonymous says:

          Well, one could argue it is capitalist just not in the good way. Capital has now accumulated into the hands of the few and they use that to control the many through the government.

          America is capitalist, just not free market capitalist.

    • Anonymous says:

      An interesting tidbit about the fuel companies here. They don’t source the fuel they sell is, off of the open market. They purchase it from their parent companies at a price THEY FEEL we will tolerate!! Facts. So I’m sorry, this individual cannot accept that the PACT Government can’t do anything about fuel prices here.

      It is pure greed.

  38. Sunrise says:

    How about looking into the minimum wage so it will be compatible with the cost of living? Come on, I mean being the fifth financial center and having a six dollar minimum wage, (usually a lot of employers are getting away with $4.50 an hour), is really a joke!! Come on Mr. Premier and deputy Premier, we have to address this problem right away or you will see a different war here, a huge rise in crime. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX AND GET PEOPLE TO A DECENT SALARY!!

  39. Anonyy says:

    PLEASE begin the overdue the Minimum Wage Committee (sans Lem Hurlstone this time).
    Please and tanks

  40. Anonymous says:

    Politicians are so gross. Thanks for the warning, Wayne. The scary thing is that this has been on the radar for a long time, where something like Covid isn’t. But either way, things happen that can have a negative effect on our economy.

    Sometimes it’s an own-goal like getting on blacklists for failing to meet deadlines. Maybe the EU or US wakes up one day and passes a law that makes it punitive to do business here. Maybe there is a massive hurricane. Maybe there is a recession.

    The prudent thing to do is to make it as easy as possible to do business here and to plan for these potential downswings.

    That means not spending money you don’t have. It means not handing money out to people without requiring them to demonstrate need. It means not keeping unnecessary covid restrictions a minute longer than we have to. It means trying to do things that will actually lower the cost of livings for Caymanians and residents alike, like looking for ways to lower import duties and fees. It doesn’t mean going on a spending spree on things we don’t need.

    Instead of just handing out cheques to people who may or not be working, you could just open the economy back up so these people would have no reason not to be making money. You could temporarily cancel import duties on fuel. This tiny island has a billion dollar budget and we can’t balance the books? It’s unbelievable. You want to blame Ukraine for cost of living? Look in the bloody mirror at what goes on here.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Trump’s master at work. What a terrible situation

    • Anonymous says:

      Much bigger than that bobo. Do more research.

      • Anonymous says:

        Duh. But the guy still praised a dictator and that guy that loves him has a lot of ignorant followers here.

        • Anonymous says:

          Ignorance is what is in the WH now and this is all on Biden!

          • Anonymous says:

            Um, speak for yourself Bobo. The orange wanna be king is more dangerous and was Putin’s puppet. Maybe go back and re-read history, such as the events leading up to WWII. Both Putin and the orange wanna be king are molded in the same cloth.

    • Anonymous says:

      WTH are you watching the news? Trump is not in office. You probably one of the democrats that are using “Lucy in the sky with diamonds”? Your president in January said he would use the military (Biden). In February he’s talking sanctions two Russian banks? He is a p@#$y!! What about the people? At least help them to get out.

      • Anonymous says:

        But her emails.

      • Anonymous says:

        Please explain how the hardest sanctions on them ever is a pussy move….

      • Anonymous says:

        Typical response from Trump lover; completely effing clueless. The world’s flat to right?

        • Anonymous says:

          Hey, love is blind. You love your Speaker.

        • Anonymous says:

          Russian tankers are eating javelin anti tank missiles thanks to Trump. Obama/Biden equipped them with blankets. Strange Putin decided to invade after Trump left isn’t it. Same thing in 2014 in Crimea with Obama/Biden running things. Now we all have to eat Biden’s energy policy as well. The poor will suffer the most as usual. You have no clue what you are talking about moron.

          • Anonymous says:

            7:09 that’s BS you ignorant buffoon. Several major weapons shipments were sent by the Biden Administration. The bobo Trump administration stopped all shipments to Ukraine as an arm twisting tactics for dirty political work.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is all on Biden!

    • Anonymous says:

      This wouldn’t have happened if Trump was still in power

  42. Anonymous says:

    How about some bike lanes Wayne?

    • Anonymous says:

      Ukrainian President Zelenskiy decrees mandatory enlistment, number of conscripts yet to be determined.

      Bike lanes? Bike lanes?

      What in the holy hell is wrong with you?

  43. Anonymous says:

    Do we need to start planting fruit trees?

    • Anonymous says:

      It should have been planted already.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wayne is just looking for an excuse to use when he is asked to explain why he did nothing about the high cost of living he will simply say it’s the war and he can’t do anything. This announcement is a little gratuitous

  44. Donkey says:

    Yes this is going to happen, what I would lime to know is our premier going to freeze all and any Russian investment, banking interest ls though our island? I have money on it no!

    • Anonymous says:

      Not up to him. Ask Boris.

      • Anonymous says:

        Funny, Europe, including the U.K. did not want to freeze SWIFT as the U.S. wanted to do. They said let’s wait a month. There will be no Ukraine in a month. And yet there are posters here who only want to blame the U.S. when it is a NATO issue and world issue. Try blaming the world for once and the idiocy of greed.

        • Anonymous says:

          Actually the UK do want to freeze Swift it’s everyone else that doesn’t.
          That is in The Daily Mail today.
          Boris Johnson was the first to suggest.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Except the cost of living was high already. No excuse. The Biden administration caused this.

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