Record number of people still locked down
(CNS): More people than ever before were in isolation last week after taking PCR tests confirming they were positive with COVID-19. According to figures released by Public Health, at the end of the day last Wednesday, 6,545 people were in quarantine as a result of the coronavirus. Almost 1,600 people tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 between Sunday night and Wednesday night, as the virus continues its uncontrolled spread through the community. Hospitalisations remained stable last week, however, with 20 people admitted as a result of COVID.
Included in these numbers are two new cases in the Sister Islands, where active cases have fallen to 67. According to the latest update on the CIG coronavirus website, “All travellers age 5 and over must provide a negative result from a PCR or antigen-detecting rapid diagnostic test taken no earlier than the day before departure when travelling to or in-between the Cayman Islands.
The quarantine period for vaccinated individuals and their children has been cut to seven days, and government is hoping that the impact on the business community as well as government business will be reduced as those who have recovered get back to work quicker.
The Department of Public Health said that while the quarantine period has been reduced, people who test positive still require a negative PCR test to be released. To count days, infected people are reminded that Day Zero is the day a person tests positive from either a PCR or lateral flow test, which must be reported to DPH.
On Day 7 vaccinated people and their children can take a PCR exit test and will be released from isolation if it is negative, but people must still wait for that result regardless of how long it takes and even if people have taken an LFT. Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated people must wait until Day 10 before leaving isolation to attend an exit test clinic.
Interim Chief Medical Officer Dr Autalia Newton recently advised people not to take LFTs while isolating because it was a waste of the tests, given that a negative LFT is not sufficient to be released from quarantine.
Meanwhile, vaccinated primary contacts of COVID-19 positive people do not need to isolate if they are negative but they must take LFT every day during the time their family members are in quarantine.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
Maybe we should do what Kiribati did. Everyone coming in has to be vaccinated, quarantined and tested before coming in. Once in they have to again be quarantined and tested.
Oh wait, that doesn’t stop the spread either.
We must be the only place in the world with these ridiculous arrival tests for vaccinated travellers and the exit PCR tests on Day 7. Absolute madness when the boosted get no symptoms from Omicron. How are the CIG justifying these crazy rules when no other country in the world is doing this.
4:37 – extra revenues? I can’t see why else they have these ridiculous rules. They can’t control their own community transmission and if a tourist is unlucky enough to get infected while there, it’s a guaranteed 10 to 14 days of additional revenues from the poor sucker. I’m not sure why anyone in the right mind would want to visit under those conditions.
Don’t test, don’t tell is the only policy we’ll be following.
Cayman is so far behind the UK on this.
Thank the gods for that!
England’s COVID count now includes reinfection: 588,114 cases, 85% of which happened since early December. Deaths will be added on Tuesday.
7.29pm that’s 4% of the population, a lot less than ours.
I tested 3x as a tourist and the airline never even took my card on departure. How did they even know that I took (and paid the $90.) for the test? I spent the time on holiday to test, guarded that card with my life, paid for the tests and then brought the card home as a souvenir.
See you again soon.
If you come to Turks you might.
Lol. Welcome to Cayman
New guidelines suggest the Lateral Flow Test is now the gold standard to exit isolation not the PCR. This is due to the fact that the PCR goes higher in the nose and swans collect dead cells resulting in showing positive even though you are not contagious.
The LFT on the other hand will test positive if viral load is still high so you are still contagious. This is why Biden is shopping millions of LFTs as PCR not needed to exit.
The community spread is high here as people aren’t reporting positive tests and going to work contagious
Maybe people would act more responsible is PCR exit testing was abolished and not being made to feel like a criminal and threatened with fines or prosecution.
Omicron is burning fast through the community and will burn longer if LFTs are not free and exit PCRs are not squashed.
i wish the govt would realize that. we are prisoners here. Tourists I need a lateral flow test to come in but we need a PCR test to get out of jail
Your own people are now fleeing your oppression PACT.
Once a person contracts covid, the antibodies can remain for many weeks after the person is well. This can cause a positive test result for a long time after the person is over the illness. Is it a 7 day quarantine or is it quarantine until a negative test? How about for travel out of Cayman? If it is a negative test that is required, my medical office told me that healthy people can test positive for up to 90 days after having covid. Are we serious about travel in and out of the country? Are we serious about getting people back to work? Or are we being overly controlling and cautious with no practical benefit?
i hope health minister is reading these comments
0.03% of the population in hospital with Covid. Even less because of it. Most of those unvaccinated by choice.
Does nobody think of the other 99.97%?
“Never was so much owed by so few to so many”
Everyone has the right to be a moron, but I shouldn’t have to change my life for them. After months of these stupid masks there has been no impact. Time to follow Denmark and get rid of all these idiotic rules
Nobody wants to admit what is obvious. The government has failed to control the spread of the virus.
The decisions being made by our political leadership have not always been based on the best available medical and scientific data and seem to have a bias towards the desires of certain segments of the community.
Critically important suppression measures have been prematurely relaxed despite us having a population where a significant number of people have preexisting medical conditions that make them more at risk of negative outcomes from the virus.
What we have witnessed in recent times, in my opinion, is a complete abdication of responsibility on the part of the government as it relates to their responsibility to keep the residents of the country safe from the virus. Many residents also shoulder some responsibility as too many people are not boosted.
No one can control the spread of the virus, neither Government, any Government, nor Genie Almighty. It runs its course, then disappears. People not as mighty as they believe. They can make it last longer though with what they believe “controls”.
Capitalism be like. Do you want to sell your humanity for money or starve?
What’s the point of government enforced quarantine? There is so much community spread and so many people self isolating, government needs to CHANGE THE RULES and move over to a trust based system where people can LFT test to get out of quarantine.
Not until all LFT tests purchased by consumers, they will continue quarantines. Someone has to make profit from the tests sales before they expire.
Not reporting, not gonna:”still wait for that result regardless of how long it takes.”
Gonna take a hoe test if I feel sick and stay home if I am positive and come out after two negative days.
But I don’t get paid unless I go to work, maybe i have a different viewpoint from a civil servant.
What is a “hoe test”?
(fourth word, second line).
Why a ‘hoe” test?
Dear ‘Hoe’ tester – Everybody knows that ‘Hoes’ only get paid when they work but thanks for the laugh.
If you take a hoe test feelibg sick then you probably need one:)
In self isolation now. I’m not notifying government and I am not waiting for them to get their s**t together and issue a PCR result after day 15 or so. Isolate until you get 2 lateral flow tests 2 days in a row and then get back to work.
If everyone was like you we would have this under control and the government wouldn’t need to put these rules in place.
I was standing in the checkout line at the grocery store on Saturday and this woman was hacking up something fierce and constantly wiping her nose and you could see she possibly had fever from the sweat on her face. This is the reason why this virus will keep circulating. Why can’t people just accept some responsibility and do the right thing?
After a full week of healthy/triple vaxed body aches and fevers, you might find that your second negative LFT comes on day 7 or 8 anyway, and then you don’t have a positive test confirm for international travel, or sick leave note to collect HR’s sick pay beyond day 2. You do you.
The numbers are much higher, people are just dealing with it themselves (self isolating etc.) and not telling CIG, for obvious reasons!
You are so correct. There are at least 15,000 persons currently infected.
The only persons reporting are those that need to satisfy their employers.
Where work from home is possible, no employer involved, no kids in schools, etc – people simply don’t report and either continue to live as if nothing is wrong or self isolate and follow rules.
The actual number of infected currently stands at 23,481
Which prolongs the pandemic indefinitely
I have to say that I am impressed by the dozen or so people (max) who rant day after day advocating that the virus is harmless and should be ignored along with our public health law. This small group shows admirable tenacity if not intelligence. Fortunately the vast majority of us simply ignore them. Even more fortunately our political leaders also ignore them.
Our booster rate is 28% — that shows that the “vast majority” of people arent too worried.
I am boosted, but I also am definitely NOT worried.
It is the small minority like you that are paranoid as we approach two years of mitigation.
I’m definitely worried about the inconvenience of getting placed under house arrest with minimal symptoms.
I’d prefer to call in sick for a few days and be done with it a few days later.
And what if the public health law is flawed, should it not be challenged, questioned and ultimately updated? Cayman is at odds with many other countries on this law. If it was so good why do we have 6500 people isolating? Doesn’t sound like the policy is working.
The CITA and business bots are consistent and persistent. They love to use examples of the United States getting on with it and leave out facts such as 17,601 coronavirus deaths were reported in the U.S. during the past week, or 1 death every 35 seconds.
The vaccines don’t stop transmission
Not everybody unvaccinated dies
Vaccinated people can end up in hospital
Unvaccinated people can too
Vaccinated people get covid
Covid is widespread in the Islands
All these things are true
Why are we enabling these rules to continue? Isolation and quarantine time and travel restrictions have no basis in common sense or logic.
This has to end
Half truths.
Unvaccinated die 8 times more than vaxxed. Unvaccinated end up in hospital far more than vaxxed. Unvaccinated get sicker all around more than vaxxed.
This is what you should say to be 100% honest and upfront.
Ooh its easier to catch covid being unvaxxed compared to vaxxed.
Tourist season, bobo. Powers that be letting Covid rip for $$$
@1:03 What tourist season? There is no tourist season and will be no tourist season as long as testing on days 2, 5, & 7 continues along with the possibility of being locked in quarantine for who knows how long waiting for a negative PCR test to exit should someone test positive during their stay.
Add to that the fact that there are plenty of families with children ages 12-17 who will not visit because they have made the decision for their 12-17 year olds to not be vaccinated.
I’m really not sure why anyone thinks tourism is a threat. It isn’t returning until testing during the stay is lifted, PCR to exit quarantine is eliminated, and kids ages 12-17 are allowed to come with their families regardless of the 12-17 year olds vaccine status.
As I recall this outbreak of COVID was not caused by tourists but rather by a local….hmmmm. Oh, but tourism is the perfect scapegoat for all of these problems.
You will have to ask Roper. He calls the shots.
A few morons with an R0 of 15 shouldn’t feel they can defy standing public health orders and disregard all the upstream victims they’ll impact through their selfish ignorance. Herd immunity hasn’t yet applied to COVID, mr common sense.
Your health officials need to read the United States CDC website which states that a PCR test may continue to be positive for up to 3 months after infection due to dead viral particles although you are no longer infectious. Using a PCR test to confirm a patient can no longer transmit the virus has no basis in fact.
We are not entirely sure that our health officials can in fact read at all.
This is going to sound bad but I am going to laugh at all you who are talking now about “get on with your life” when covid mutates again to something far worse and comes knocking on your “get on with your life” door.
Half of you are mental midgets. You think this is done? No it is not. Half of the world is unvaxxed still. Covid is relentlessly looking to survive. Omicron had 30 additional mutations. The next could have 60.
What if we get something like Neocov out there? Something aa dangerous as MERS but with transmissability of Omicron.
This is why you maintain the status quo. We have to keep refining our system of protection where it works and is practical.
We also need be mindful that it is possible for a next complete lockdown. We simply cannot take this off the table if something happens we have no other defense against.
Oh go away……
You go away…. please. I am from here. I doubt that you are.
You first. Permanently.
Truth hurts, bobo
Sure, except our system doesn’t work and is definitely not practical…
So what do you suggest?
Risking sickness and death to keep things humming along seems like the only path we’ve been given. Truly bizarre and reckless
@5:05 Could have just stayed closed off to the rest of the world until Covid was no longer a threat. Yeah that would have made perfect sense
Which vaccine prevents any form of Covid? please do tell us with your big all-knowing brain.
Thank you for the words of wisdom. The ‘just get on with it’ advocates have no understanding of virology or epidemiology. They do however have an excellent understanding of what is convenient for them.
You have a good imagination, but generally if something kills the host its not as widespread. A successful virus is one that can replicate and live on.
This is going to sound bad but good luck living under your bed. Take whatever precautions you want to protect yourself. Just don’t ask me to participate in it anymore.
Signed – getting on with my life
It would probably be helpful to have some natural immunity from a prior infection.
So, Mr. Mental Giant, what would you have us do, cower in fear until the next killer strain emerges at some point?
If that’s as inevitable as you think, what do you think we can do to stop it? Take LFTs and stay six feet away from people? Good luck pal.
Oh I like how the freedom fighters throw the word fear around- no masks, no mandates, no fear- the favourites of this group.
But how the freedom fighters miss the irony of their statements. They too are operating in fear- the fear of losing their freedoms. Fear is fear- there is no distinction. @1.20- you too can continue living your fear based life. Lol
And to expand on this reality the freedom fighters have to accept:
1. They live in fear around the so-called loss of their freedoms (mere inconveniences imo).
2. They fear the Great Reset (despite not accepting that there is hardly a government in the Western world right now that isn’t a minority gov’t and none of the players in any party trust one another let alone believe they can all agree and execute on a ‘Great Reset’). Nevertheless go on and live in that fear as you do.
3. They fear the impacts on their children, families etc. (many of these may be valid and proven out over time but it doesn’t change the fact that the freedom fighters are living and motivated by fear).
I experience the freedom fighters claims to the pro-restrictions camp to be disingenuous in their statements. I challenge them to lose their rhetoric and accept that they are operating in fear as much as the other side.
Fear is fear. There are no qualifiers.
With that established. Let’s now look that when operating in fear, you are also operating in a scarcity mindset. How helpful is that?
You lost your credibility when resorted to insults.
If a new virus does appear, it is those who did not get the “specific target” vaccine stand another chance to fight new invader. But how immune system of those who got jabbed would respond, is anybody’s guess.
Oh Gawd, give me a break
With the rate Omicron is going around providing better immunity than the vaccine alone.
The chances that a new, deadlier variant are looking slim by the day. More and more people are gaining good immunity through Omicron every day. Of course, I’m not advocating anyone to purposefully try to become infected. However, being infected with Omicron while boosted will provide you with great immunity, even against any future variants.
End all restrictions. Make quarantine a 5 day event at home with no exit test. Let’s begin to move on.
You haven’t even mentioned the possibility of an asteroid hit or earthquakes and tidal waves. How about nuclear war? Best thing for you is to just get it over with.
For those who wish to avoid Omicron there is new research that indicates that while it is primarily spread as an aerosol, it is also capable of remaining viable on skin and plastics for far longer meaning that it is probably best to continue using sanitizers unless you welcome getting infected.
Okay, I use iodine solution to sanitize my upper airways twice a day, more if needed. It has been working so far.
I use wine. Still ‘rona free.
I go for a walk every day and so far so good. I guess walking prevents me catching covid. But then again I also use the bathroom everyday, eat food, sleep. Maybe its the sleep that is preventing me from getting COVID. You have absolulely no evidence and there is no logic in your assumption about Iodine solution.
The game is up, the people have spoken.
PACT seem to have forgotten who they report to.
Hey Pilar, how’s this “strategy” working out?
They are people’s representatives. They serve and report to “we the people”
Has quarantine actually been reduced to 7 days or are most people being tested told to remain in quarantine?
Please provide the % of people actually being released on Day 7.
None! it is a way of making the vaxxed feel special for “Doing what the government says”. Does CIG/HSA really believe that on day 7, a person will test negative via PCR, vaxxed or not? This government has promoted fear and division of the worst kind I’ve seen. I feel sorry for all the people in the tourism industry. They will have to go another year without it because Panton is more concerned about punishing the unvaxxed than getting in with business.
4:03. Straight up stone cold truth.
@11:34 – I assume the % of people being released on Day 7 is a big fat ZERO. As the old saying goes, “not a snowballs chance in hell” that people are testing negative on day 7 of quarantine with a PCR test.
This is such a joke.
This is not Ebola. The government has no right to lock up residents and tourists for 2+ weeks. WAKE UP everyone! Your freedom is being taken away.
Stay home if you’re sick. Test yourself and if positive stay home until you have two negative LFTs. Public Health cannot monitor all the COVID. And there is no reason they need to.
Even if it was Ebola, we have a tent. Somewhere. Supposedly.
The exit PCR test is the big issue. What is the point of reduced quarantine when you remain in quarantine for an additional 24, 48, 72…hours waiting for PCR test results? This coupled with the fact that PCR tests can show positive results LONG after a person is no longer contagious will continue to result in quarantine periods being much longer than 7 days, most people will remain in quarantine for 14+ days, many will be there longer waiting for their PCR test to show levels below what Cayman requires to be released from quarantine.
As many others have said, LFT is sufficient for exiting quarantine. I have no idea what CIG is trying to prove by continuing to require the exit PCR test other than attempting to appear to those who support them that they are trying to stop the spread of Covid.
Let’s be real, you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube.
Interesting perspective. Please let us know your pontification qualifications other than TicTok and Instagram.
12:44 – Never been on TicTok, don’t use Instagram or Facebook. My comment is based on the experience of personal friends who have been stuck in quarantine for 14+ and 21+ days awaiting a negative PCR test. They continue to test negative on LFT but are following the governments rule regarding not leaving quarantine until a they test negative on PCR. Fortunately they can work from home but this may not be an option for others.
“It’s widely known that PCR tests, the highly sensitive polymerase chain reaction tests that detect viral genetic material, can pick up “dead” virus — material not capable of replicating — and yield a positive result for weeks after recovery, even when the person being tested is no longer infectious.” – source NBC News.
“People who have recovered from COVID-19 can continue to test positive for up to 3 months after their infection. CDC does not recommend retesting within 3 months after a person with COVID-19 first developed symptoms of COVID-19 (or the date their sample was taken for their first positive viral diagnostic test if their infection was asymptomatic).” – source CDC.,months%20after%20their%20infection.
This article in the compass discusses the PCR values Cayman uses to decide if someone can be released from quarantine:
No TicTok, Instagram or even Facebook included in the above or any other additional reading or research in my world.
They are now allowing CTMH, Total Health and other approved locations to do exit PCR’s so that issue hopefully goes away real soon.
Oh no they aren’t.
This is exactly why I’ve stayed away from Cayman. Locking people down appears to have become a new CIG revenue stream. So if I go there with no covid (NEGATIVE PCR) and test positive at day 5 because the CIG has miserable failed at controlling community transmission, I will be locked down and placed at risk of losing my job and lively hood? No thanks. It’s definitely not good choice for vacation.
As a Caymanian I can say that you are absolutely right. Covid is out of control and until it is brought under control no sane person should visit. We will welcome you back once things are under control which will hopefully occur at some point later this year or next.
It’s hard to get around Cayman with all the Covid dead bodies filling the streets
That’s the dump you smelling
har har
It’s probably more accurate to say the rules are out of control.
and if it happens next year it will be too late for most tourism businesses. Might as well kiss that sector goodbye
haha under control. it will never be “under control” we have to just get on with it. The stress of not being able to pay bills and keeping a job, feeding family etc far outweighs the runny nose and cough and actually being brainwashed to think you will kill off 1000’s of people with your selfishness of not quarantining or wearing a mask.
anyone testing with cig is obviously looking for a paid 10-14 day vacation from work.
stop the testing madness.
CNS: Does the LFT have to be certified? If you self-test with LFT, but weren’t able to make it to the HSA times for PCR, does day 0 count as LFT or PCR? Just want to make sure that LFT doesn’t have to be certified or observed, like for testing that is done on travellers?
CNS: All the answers are supposed to be on the CIG website here. I’m taking it that if it doesn’t specifically say that it has to be certified, then it doesn’t, because that seems logical. Hopefully logic still applies here. But you could try the FAQ chat bot on the site. Let us know how you get on.
chatbot lol. Yes, please do let us know how you get on.
Only 20 hospitalizations – that why we took our shots.
Vaccines are not a magic force field.
They are however hugely successful in protecting people from severe illness, hospitalizations and death.
If you haven’t grasped this yet, why not take the time to talk to any medical professional.
Maybe not Dr. T and some others…
@12:30pm I understand that for a fee you can go to him and the other anti-vax doctor and get a vaccine exemption letter to travel. One of my friends just got one for her son to go to university in the USA. I wonder what happens if this proves to be a fraud?
Alternatively, you can ignore this madness and get on with your lives like the rest of the world.
We started out two years ago to ensure that the hospitals wouldn’t be overrun – they aren’t.
This government needs to stop pretending they are doing anything that’s even remotely impacting this virus. All they are doing is destroying our mental health. Enough!
Time to get the masks OFF of our kids and their teachers. Enough is enough! Go to any bar or restaurant on the weekend. If that is okay, then it is okay for our poor kids to get back to normal.
Our children cannot be vaccinated as yet and they do not attend bars on the weekends..well at least mine don’t..
I suspect that those who wish to pretend that the virus does not exist or is harmless had mental health challenges even before the pandemic.
Do you therefore stay off the roads, because you would have to have mental health challenges (your words) to think that car accidents do not happen and driving is harmless (sometimes no fault of your own).
Nine people died of COVID last year (….I mean of car accidents in Cayman last year).
No – we just didnt live in fear like you do. Keep wearing that mask in the car all by yourself…
Normalization of deaths as acceptable for business is truly psychopathic
What an irrational rant from persons completely out of touch with the fact that people are getting on with their lives in Cayman.
Hint: vaccination rates are extremely high
Hint: a significant number of persons are infected
And yes, hospitalisations are low.
People are getting on with their lives!
… apart from those who have died or developed Long Covid.
@10:12 people are trying to get on with their lives, but we need the Cayman Islands Government i.e. PACT to get out of our lives so that we can move on! Freaking MADNESS.
If after 7 days isolating, our spouse/positive family member wants to incur the $5 diagnostic cost of a retail purchased LFT, to see if they are now safely negative and can rejoin the rest of the family in the negative part of the house, then we will do that with the retail test we bought, and without seeking the CMO’s permission. In fact, the rest of us are already testing ourselves every day, to verify our isolation measures are working, and as a normal public courtesy. These are happily not scarce. Why does Autilia believe there is rationing to be going on with these tests? She doesn’t get to decide whether the retail tests we purchased at the store with our own money are “wasted”. If you want normalcy? Order more LFTs CMO, and CIG/CITA can pay for them and ration if they want!
Dr Newton can say what she likes, doesn’t change the fact that two consecutive negative LFT’s are more than sufficient for self-release and no, we are not reporting.
Can we see the proof of certified negative tests of each member of the delegation prancing around Little Cayman last week please.
Sorry, that’s privileged health information that must be kept confidential.
stop the exit tests. Complete waste of time at this point.
How is the Education Minister faring in hospital, the public should be informed.
That little show was just an attempt to rationalise their nonsense ass-backwards policy changes.
So why is it taking so long for them to do why is best for our community, they should of shut down the island to manage this “UNCONTROLLABLE SPREAD” which is affecting our elderly look at the state the prison is in, it is crystal clear that this government is just a much of rookies. Our island is in a national state of emergency and they are trying to round it! Kick this government out have a NO CONFIDENCE VOTE
National state of emergency? We have a very large proportion of our adult population vaccinated and anyone who isn’t has taken a personal choice not to be vaccinated. We have 20 people in hospital and the old CMO admitted months ago that Cayman is taking a more progressive approach, admitting people who in many other countries wouldn’t warrant admission.
The omicron surge has peaked in the UK and cases are now 50% down on where they were a few weeks ago. Hospitalisations are also down about 40% from the peak and deaths never went up much compared to earlier waves of Covid. Because Cayman has a high vaccination rate then we should see similar results here in the next few weeks BUT even if cases remain high here we should not see any significant rise in death rates.
There is no national emergency, all there is fear and hype being drummed up by mass media and posts like yours.
You are wrong – there is a national emergency, caused by the government imprisoning a significant proportion of the working population well beyond the time period in which Omnicron has been shown to remain infectious, because they don’t have the resources to administer and report on their self inflicted demand for a PCR test before release. Clinical perfection – but not real world realistic.
Time to move to a sustainable, long-term approach, similar to the UK and US recommendations:
– positive LFT, self isolate for 5 days
– if asymptomatic, day 5 self administered LFT, and if negative, leave self isolation.
Never going to completely eliminate transmission, but this is a practical way to somewhat reduce the risk as a sustainable policy.
Absolutely, i agree 100 percent.
This will help restore sensible governance to our islands. Covid is here to stay and circulate, we can’t keep people locked up for weeks when they are no longer infectious.
And ditch the masks!
Lots of insecure people trying to hide their faces.
Stop testing and get on with your life.
A single positive case of Omicron can infect up to 15 others, and so on. So if you are deliberately suggesting people do that, you’re a psychopath.
Hope everyone’s enjoying their incarceration!
Remember, this is what YOU wanted.
So don’t complain now that your 3 shots didn’t do a thing to stop you getting the virus or that none of this makes any sense.
Only have yourselves to blame.
Why do we have to keep explaining to you that the vaccine was never to prevent you from getting the virus it’s to prevent you from death. Which overwhelming studies prove that it has. So go on with your research into Facebook conspiracies because it’s doing you guys well so far. Dingbat….
You’re wasting your time on some of these folks mate.
Don’t the vaccinated die? Can you clarify that point, please?
Actually if you look at statements made by Biden, Fauci et al at the onset of the pandemic (on multiple news platforms), it was explicitly stated as fact that if you get the vaccine, you will NOT get covid.
they then changed their tune quickly…
Wonder why?
That is the narrative now, but certainly not in the beginning. Oh how quick we are forgetting it was the mythical herd immunity that was being pursued and hence the magical 80%. It is now known herd immunity is not possible which is why the narrative is now to prevent death. But statistics are very easy to manipulate. With a huge majority vaccinated we do not have a control group to measure results. And let us not fall into the trap of covid cases vs covid deaths being the same. Chances of survival were in the high nineties even before the vaccines. I took the vaccine, but fully support rights to choose and I do not swallow the government narratives.
The control group are the anti vaxxers. Lol
Oh, how the narrative soon forgets.
I don’t think you guys even understand how studies work and how science evolves. It was like a two second thing that. You guys are such sheep.
We understand that science evolves, which is why you don’t mandate something before you know what the hell you’re dealing with… like 5-10 years of research studies etc. not 3 months.