District sites open for COVID confirmation testing

| 18/01/2022 | 16 Comments
Cayman Islands health worker conducts COVID-19 test

(CNS): Public Health officials have re-established district testing centres in West Bay and Bodden Town for people who need a PCR test to confirm a positive case of COVID-19 from a lateral flow test. With hundreds of people still testing positive every day, the two-hour clinic at South Sound was overwhelmed.

This caused significant public frustrations, since taking a PCR test after a positive LFT is currently mandatory. But despite the raging pandemic, the two additional clinics will be open for only one hour per day.

According to a notice released by the Health Services Authority on Tuesday, the Ed Bush Stadium and the Bodden Town Civic Centre will be open from 1-2pm daily. This is in addition to the South Sound Community Centre, which is open daily from 1-3pm.

These clinics are exclusively for people who have tested positive using an LFT because they cannot access a test anywhere else, given the mandatory requirement that they report the positive result and isolate in the immediate wake of a home test.

These and the quarantine exit tests are still free, but all other tests must be paid for. PCR tests for people intending to travel or other screening reasons now cost CI$75, as government has reduced the cost from $120.

They can be taken at the PCR morning testing clinic at 131 Centre MacLendon Drive as well as at various private clinics and centres. Certified LFTs for visitors or recently arrived travellers who do not need to quarantine cost $25 and are also available at various specially established private locations at pharmacies, clinics and hotels.

For more information visit the HSA website.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (16)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Mask mandates are to end in England today. Why not here?

  2. Anonymous says:

    The UK will be dropping most restrictions by next Thursday. The Cayman Islands should be way ahead seeing that they have sunlight and the fresh sea breeze. Release the fear; snap out of it. Please grant understanding.

    • Mumbichi says:

      ….. because we now know everything will be the same or better, and there will be no new variants. I swear, some of you who have zero ability/desire to assess the full curve of data are so narrow minded.

      Can you not look at U.S. data AND UK data and see how things are shaping up? It’s not good! I too am hopeful, but it’s not currently going very well. UK dropping restrictions seems more a political backlash than an informed scientific response. YMMV

  3. Anonymous says:

    this should be the only advice:
    if lft positve…stay home till asymptomatic.
    end of story.nothing more to be said.

  4. Anonymous says:

    What do the “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” have in common? Neither are ever fully “vaccinated”.

    • Anonymous says:

      I can tell you what they don’t have in common.

      Unvaccinated have a much higher chance of being hospitalized and suffering serious illness through contracting COVID19.

      That is all.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes but only one of those groups is earning all the Herman Cain awards.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I don’t understand why there isn’t mobile testing. People call, you drive to their home, they come out, do the test, pass you back the swab, pay (if they have to) and on your way with the sample and then send them the results. Apparently there are 1000’s of tourism bus drivers and taxi drivers out of work so shouldn’t be hard sticking a nurse with a driver. PACT, i know your reading this, your are making this shit up as you go along so i expect to see mobile testing rolled out in the next 72hrs.

    • Anonymous says:

      We should be training the food delivery drivers to do the tests.

    • Anonymous says:

      @8:06pm yep they have a lot of nurses out of work too that want to cruise around with a bus drivers hoping for a call to do a PCR test..You do realize that most of those bus drivers were expats and long gone or working in some other field now and the one milking the government won’t take a job because they would have to give that up.

      No where in the world does mobile testing the fashion you discussed unless it is for the elderly and shut ins..A drive through testing center is the best option. Quick and efficient.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Just stay you damn ass home for a few days and done.

    • Anonymous says:

      The trouble is that people do not. Positive LFT and they’re out and about with their masks under their chins.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Which public busses can I take to get to these sites? Is it really OK for me to be in the corridor with all the other residents of my building as I move from my room to get to and from testing? Am I supposed to be infecting others?

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