COVID curve still climbing with 239 new cases
(CNS): With another 239 positive results added to the tally of COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, just three of which were in travellers, the eleven week long community outbreak of the coronavirus in Cayman is showing no sign of slowing down, with daily average cases still increasing. As of 8am Wednesday, there were 3,543 active cases of the virus after another batch of 1,167 PCR results.
According to Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee’s daily report, Cayman has now recorded 5,156 cases since the pandemic arrived here in March last year. The toll on the business community also continued, with 4,710 people now in isolation or quarantine, despite the widespread use of lateral flow testing, which allows people who test negative but live in positive households to still go to work and school.
People are making use of the rapid test kits and 1,415 SARS-CoV-2 infections have been identified in the first instance with these do-it-yourself tests.
According to the latest official figures released to the press, there are now 19 patients in the hospital with COVID-19.
Few details are being made public about those patients, but an internal document leaked to the Cayman Marl Road social media pages, which CNS checked was a legitimate Health Service Authority data count, revealed that one of the patients is a baby admitted to the paediatric unit. Four of the patients are currently in intensive care and the other 14 are on the general ward. Six of these patients are receiving additional oxygen and just one is on a ventilator.
That data also reveals that 13 of the patients are unvaccinated, and that over the last 24 hours four patients had been discharged from hospital and two had been admitted.
Meanwhile, in the Sister Islands Wednesday morning there were 54 active cases on Cayman Brac, as Little Cayman is said to be virus free, and no new cases were identified in the previous 24 hours. To date, there had been 105 total cases recorded in the Sister Islands, with 51 having recovered. Out of the total number of cases in the Sister Islands, 55 were fully vaccinated, six were partially vaccinated and 44 were unvaccinated.
The vaccine clinic on Grand Cayman reopened on Tuesday, but despite the gap in service and the ongoing spread of the virus, just 93 new people sought their first vaccine dose, while 106 got their second. The largest group of people seeking vaccinations on Tuesday were those getting a booster, as 742 people got their third shot.
Just three days away from the opening date, 78% of the estimated total population has had a two-dose course of the vaccine, protecting them from the worst effects of the virus.
According to officials, government is expected to host a COVID-19 press briefing on Thursday at 3pm, the first in more than a month, which is expected to deal with plans for the border to reopen Saturday.
During the last 48 hours CNS has received multiple emails, messages and comments regarding the inability of travellers expecting to arrive on Saturday to get any response to their queries about the new protocols that will be implemented at the weekend. These new rules will lift the quarantine requirement for vaccinated travellers and shift to rapid testing as a way of managing more virus outbreaks.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
I have several friends who are now positive for Covid-19. At least 14 of them. It’s about 50/50 vaccine vs unvaccinated. They all showed similar symptoms but reacted differently in terms of how severe they were affected. Thankfully no one needed to be in hospital. However it was is interesting to know that when the vaccinated showed up to do the PCR exit testing on day 11 they were all positive. Everyone is out now but only after testing on day 15. I think it is extremely important to properly monitor the infection period otherwise it would just keep spreading.
100,000 new cases in the United States for the second day in a row. The coming wave is now a tsunami.
Your rate is higher.
Round of applause for the Pact government, we wouldn’t have these outrageous numbers without you!
no. We would have kept our borders closed forever and lived in our rainbow and unicorn filled paradise. Of course, there is the slightly uncomfortable fact that community transmission started before the government opened the border, but don’t let the facts get in the way of your desperate desire to blame someone.
I do think that there are people to blame for this rapid spread. Those that chose to ignore social distancing / quarantine rules and those that decided a trust system would be adhered to. A spread was pretty inevitable but it could have been slowed down or avoided.
Thank you. As Australia, New Zealand and now Cayman have learned, it is impossible to maintain a totally sterile country forever.
Cayman bought lots of time with its quarantine protocol.
Time to move on.
(Full disclosure, I’m triple vaxxed).
Cases rapidly rising across the world, but yeah, let’s return to profitability despite the ongoing pandemic
Reopen Cayman bot has entered the chat
Notice that there are less supporters on their site than there are new infections every ten days in cayman…. No matter how you twist that stat, they are proverbially copulated….
We can thank all the unvaccinated Caymanians for this situation.
PACT made free vaccinations available to everyone however, they did not mandate that all health workers and CIG civil servants should be vaccinated.
That was their big mistake.
Unfortunately, PACT can’t mandate anything for the Civil Service that has to come from the Deputy Governor and he is too politically correct to want to piss anyone off. He should have done that a long time ago.
These are supposed to be people helping us and they apparently are amongst the superspreaders.
A standing ovation for the Reopen Cayman gang for staying the course on the way to a return to glorious profitability. If some get sick or die, that’s just the cost of doing business.
Sure we should have just stayed in lock down and let the Government pay us $1500 a month until the pandemic ends..
It’s time to rip the band aid off! Go and get vaccinated, wash your hands properly and often, social distance. This government and the past have constantly told you this day would have to come. It is your fault if you are not prepared. Covid is here to stay, get used to it.
Using your logic, someone who may be affected by the virus in a severe way, whether vaccinated or not, is at fault if they become sick or die. I suppose they should have had better genetics. Got it.
People need to chill out. There is no need to close schools, do some sort of lockdown, etc. Get vaccinated and don’t be an idiot. Who cares if there are thousands of cases – its not March 2020 anymore. Kids are FINE and adults have made their choices. Any restrictions just kicks the can further down the road to what is inevitable.
You do realize that the more it is allowed spread the more likely there will be break through cases and possibly new mutations. The virus instinct is to survive and the more hosts the merrier. I am not saying there should be lockdowns but controls need to be in place. The controls we have at present are not working.
Profits over people. This is what capitalism is all about.
5 of our 18 in hospital are vaccinated.
The 2, 5 and 10 day LFTs for incoming travellers are super important to stop the virus coming into Cayman, as we are very fortunate to have very very few cases currently. That is why we must test arriving travellers, to stop covid being imported, otherwise we may end up with tens or even god forbid hundreds of positives a day.
Hang on..
That CIG policy, ermm, it’s a load of, well, kind of, illogical, ill-thought out b*ll*cks, isn’t it?
With regard to the LFT, what I want to know is;
1. How will they report the results of these tests?
2. Who will ensure that the tests are being done as and when expected?
3. If someone refuses to do a test as required how will that be dealt with?
CIG needs to have proper answers for questions such as these
With potentially 700 visitors per day these are very important questions. I expect flannel laden answers from the Govt though.
The questions were answered, all incoming travellers, tourists and returning shoppers will have to take a test at a doctors office at $25 each for a total of $75.
So, which businesses are the beneficiaries of this?
The thing about incompetence is that it is potentially infinite – as we are seeing.
I’m kind of excited about this border reopening thing really, in as much that our first arrivals based on the current pandemic protocols should only be giraffes, – think about it. Completely compliant with all vaccination requirements, easy to keep quarantined in a fenced area if they test positive, and they’re the only ones able to maintain almost dbl the required social distancing at all times as the virus rages through our community, – and, no additional burden on the HSA ! Sounds ridiculous ? – maybe, but besides the lampooning going on with our current Govt and possibly the Trolley Roger, it could also become the next best attraction we’ve got.
Has the HSA stocked up on Monoclonal Antibodies? All the money wasted locking people up, testing non-ill people, and this the strategy?
CI should be focused on getting treatments out to people who are compromised and telling everyone once you feel sick – time is of the essence. Get to the doctor and get this treatment – I know many who took it and it was a miracle in most instances.
Presumably the person who leaked the dashboard information has since been fired?
A better question is why aren’t we being told this information. There are no privacy concerns here. So why not just release it to the public?
Fired? No, government doesn’t fire civil servants. They just put them on administrative leave with full pay and benefits for years on end. They then start their own front company so that they can double their income. And the taxpayers pay for it!
CBC Deputy Director Kevin Walton recently stated that fully 66% of Customers & Border Control staff are fully vaccinated.
That is significantly less than the community at large and 12 staff are now positive for Covid-19 and 3 more have “been imPACTed”.
Given that these are front line workers what does this tell us about management of the CBC?
As well as the relative intelligence of those working there?
They get paid to stay at home for weeks on end and if they get sick, they’ll run to the hospital on the taxpayers’ expense. It’s a great deal… if they live through the experience. #worldclass
This tells us 44% of CBC staff need to be sacked immediately.
66% + 44% does not equal 100%.
This. 110% this.
We always give 110%!
44? Are you a member of the PACT goverment by any chance?
Shamefully low number, so travellers and returning residents are put at risk from the moment they deplane smh
Maybe that’s where the first case came from.
cig mandates for vax for expats but not caymanian frontline civil servants….?????
welcome to wonderland.
I am a civil servant. That is their business if they don’t want to take the vaccine. I didn’t and I’m back at work having recovered from the virus. When this pandemic is all over, you will see how rediculous some people took it to extremes.
Hopefully you didn’t give covid to any of the people currently in hospital because that certainly would be ridiculous.
How many people have you given COVID to? Engage your brain turkey.
You should be held legally responsible for giving people COVID you civil servant dimwit.
How many people who are vaccinated and have been going maskless and not social distancing who may have infected someone shall we hold legally responsible?
CNS…..please ask about how the lateral flow tests part of policy works. We’ve received no answer to questions on whether we have to bring our own tests.
If you bring your own Rapid Test bring the CDC / FDA approved one with online medical. At least you can use it to get a verification test to depart back to the USA.
With almost every batch of incoming travellers having some testing positive and with 700 expected this weekend, some will be on an extended stay! Who is paying for this?
And cases are starting to ramp up in the US and Europe. And if they dont bring it in, many will catch it locally. So you are right, some are going to have a long stay.
And the proportion of positive travellers to local transmission is? Who is paying for those unvaccinated locals blatantly flouting isolation rules?
You are missing the point deliberately. That is a separate issue, but for the sake of argument let’s use your boneheaded thought process and let the government pay for the tourists as well.
I haven’t observed anyone having to endure any repercussions for ignoring safety guidelines, regardless of vaccination status (on those rare occasions when I know their status). If we were serious about control, the same standards being haphazardly applied to [some] restaurants would be applied to fast-food places, bars, pubs and clubs. No distancing, and very little masking.
Weekends, even worse. I fear that with the opening up of the country, a significant amount of the population has chosen to declare the event over.
I think our Premier should be shaking hands with all the new travelers who aren’t required quarantine. Wouldn’t that infer confidence in his decisions?
As the saying goes,
“Ye boh, we fok’d.”
Worldwide the average of active cases is 2.3% of the population .
Cayman is the absolute worst with 5%.
We know who is responsible.
Just state it! US!!!!!!!!!!!! No more blaming expats, no more blaming travelers, who are here in few numbers, stop blaming the CIG. It is US, we are woefully unable to take responsibility for ourselves. We can’t manage our own land, we repeatedly elect corrupt officials, we support power brokers with 1500’s morals and ethics, we hide behind ‘going to church’ to mask our behavior outside of the church pews. And yet we crow about how wonderful we are. Cayman, we have a long way to go.
We’re #1! Go big or die!
Yep. The Caymanians who are unvaccinated are
And the government that allows a greater percentage of civil servants to be unvaccinated than the rest of the population.
The elected Government cannot mandate the civil service to get vaccinated. The civil service report to the Deputy Governor not the elected officials and Franz doesn’t have the balls to put it in place.
Have you looked at the latest data ? You will be horrified, and will eat your brash incorrect statement.
Do you !! Please Please share your knowledge with us lesser mortals , Oh wise one !!!!
No doubt pact has set up priority healthcare for themselves and families. They have abandoned the people for the sake of tourism and fully accepting that the price is deaths Even with a high vaccination rate an uncontrolled rate of infection is likely to affect both vaccinated and unvaccinated.
Let’s be honest here, we are ALL going to get covid at some point. The severity of your symptoms will depend if you’ve bothered to get vaxxed and how your health is otherwise. Accept it and get on with your life.
How do you arrive at that conclusion? Even the biggest pandemics in history did not affect everyone!
More accurately, we all are going to be exposed to COVID, many of whom will get infected. And many will not, able to clear the virus before infection.
He’s a graduate of YouTube University.
@10:15am and a follower of FOX News..
Ireland is 93% vaccinated and uses vaccine passports. And yet they’re having an outbreak that is forcing them into a semi lockdown.
It’s almost as if none of these mandates work at slowing the spread? So get vaccinated, get back to normal and let the virus spread.
Fake news. Ireland is not 93% fully vaccinated. It is less vaccinated than Cayman:
To be fair statistics can be used for whatever viewpoint is needed, the original poster probably got that number from a subset of the numbers. So potentially 93% of adults are fully vaccinated, but if you include children in the population then the % drops to around 70 something percent. The 93% will be used by the skeptical without a side note on what the number represents.
93% of adults…cayman has more than that.
Math and science people… They are seldom wrong… But y’all to focused on the dollars.. Get vaccinated, protect those in your community who are more likely to get this virus and suffer immensely…
That math and science you are referring to wasn’t taught in Cayman, was it?
Oh dear…
At this point, with full community spread, testing of asymptomatic people is a waste. As we see, the testing and isolation isn’t slowing the spread.
Get vaccinated, wear a mask and wash your hands
Correction – voluntary testing that is not enforced is a waste. That policy is about as sensible as bank withdrawals on a non-enforced honor system.
So less patients in the hospital then. How many of those really need to be there?
The vaccine will save us
Most of us, yes. But we’re ok with trading a few dozen lives for profit and convenience.
Yes far better to close the border completely and never let Covid here again! I hope fishing can sustain us all for the life time of Covid – if it ever goes. Staying locked down indefinitely means fishing will be the only industry on island. Not sure there is much profit in it though
Ummmm…. I like to fish and then go on the meta verse trade some crypto and generally sit back and watch my staking and protocoling earn interest…we can also farm and mine too. No covid in the meta verse yet…
It’s not that clear cut, if you accept that the virus will be with us for a long time then it was inevitable that we would get it on island at some point. If you think it will just disappear, then might I point you to the Spanish flu outbreak in 1918 that killed between 17 and 50 million and infected 1/3 of the worlds population (before airlines were a big thing). That virus is still with us today (H1N1). We can’t outrun this.
Indeed we can’t but it appears we were only a month or two away from a vaccine approved for kids aged 5-11. Much of the current spike is being driven by kids in that age group. Had we simply waited a few month, we might not have quite the same wave we’re having now. It really doesn’t matter that tourists are coming without quarantine at this point – they’re probably more at risk of us than we of them. However, where the government has failed is in mandates that would have prevented the current wave, and a total lack of enforcement of what mandates they do have. Other countries are requiring verified vaccination status to enter certain public places – it’s a reasonable way of opening up. Why not here? That’s the profit and convenience point I’m making.
PACT asked for it and the people allowed them do it.
Did I understand correctly that the government has indicated that there would be no future lockdowns? If so, I suspect that the commitment is a bit premature based on reports of what is happening around the world.
We are going to do it PACT’s way so we can surpass Brazil as the world leader in Covid stupidity.
He said on marl road that we might lockdown if hospitals get overwhelmed. I just hope they try locking down the unvaccinated before locking down all of us that did the right thing.
Have you not seen what the effect in Austria was? It achieved nothing.
PACT also indicated that there would be weekly press conferences and stated that they were prepared, etc. etc. Don’t believe a word PACT says. Remember Kenny’s blatant untruth??
Why do we need weekly press conferences? Do you need someone to hold your hand?
Australia’s government could be forced to spend tens of millions in payouts after receiving more than 10,000 compensation claims from people who suffered side effects and loss of income due to Covid-19 vaccines.
And you “could” be taken in by propaganda. No claims have been filed and it’s speculative fearmongering.
and you are happy to believe a news article on russia today….. propoganda channel for putin…. go find your tin hat and a dark hole
What point are you trying to make? All responsible countries leading in vaccination programmes should also have a national compensation programme for those who claim serious injury from a vaccination. The idea is to make people feel secure about being vaccinated knowing they can make a claim if they are injured According to the US CDC, since 1988, over 24,538 petitions have been filed with the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Over that 30-year time period, 20,400 petitions have been adjudicated, with 8,439 of those determined to be compensable, while 11,961 were dismissed. Total compensation paid over the life of the program is approximately $4.6 billion. So the fact that any country is facing claims from people claiming vaccine injury is nothing out of the ordinary. What is your point?
hospitalisations is the only relevant number.
if medical professionals on island are not concerned why should we be????
400 beds available…..
How many Doctors available is more relevant.
They are concerned. Very concerned.
What quack doctors do you speak to? YouTube doctors? Mine is appalled at the lack of readiness of the HSA.
Why do people seem to feel it is government’s responsibility to protect them? If most of us follow the simple rules that we did last year there will be less transmission all around.
Because government is responsible to enforce rules
People are not as meticulous with wearing masks as they were last year. And those that have had covid are busy carrying it around because they feel bulletproof/invincible/immune/untouchable .. some of the terms I’ve heard.
The rules have never been simple and it would appear that the rules for quarantine for certain people arriving here are very lax, which appears to have our dear premier in a complicated situation which he is choosing to put our lives at risk just to please others! He is doing this whilst blaming others . So this is why the Caymanian people are right holding the government responsible for what is happening to them!
I call bull corn.
It’s another fear tactic to control. I hear another hospital is being considered in Best Bay?
It’s quite simple.
Question what you have been taught.
Question what you have been told to listen to from streamline media.
Live a healthy lifestyle…and you beat the odds. Fact.
I cannot wait to visit back home (Grand Cayman)….but not doing so until this rubbish is lifted.
Thanks Gov for taking down local businesses that have survived natural hurricanes over the years but…yet…you let this nonsense take over. Shame.
That’s most of the problem today, people are too lazy to question anything and they get angry with those that do because it makes them look bad.
I certainly appreciate your lucid comment.
Mandatory vaccines now for all health care workers and CIG civil servants.
No other thing to do now if health disaster is to be averted next month.
We are highly vaccinated. Time to accept our first wave and move on. We are in the best position right now. Keep calm, carry on.
What is the positivity rate? That information is not published. The WHO advice is to maintain a positivity rate of 5 percent. It would be helpful to see how we are trending and when we start to see a decline.
The suggestion that the WHO says Maintain a positivity rate of 5% is BS – Source please.
It was in the Compost, we have moved from 1.76% (start of October) steadily upward to 17.80% now.
This is known in the business as uncontrolled spread.
The positivity rate chart was in The Compass a couple of days ago.
Run, everybody run for your lives. Literally. and eat less unhealthy shit- then you’ll be fine
Section 167 of the Penal Code says:
“A person who unlawfully or negligently does any act which he knows or has reason to believe to be likely to spread the infection of any disease dangerous to health commits an offence.”
Does that mean that someone ought to arrest the government for doing nothing as everyone knows that is likely to result in the spread of this disease and out of control spread is clearly what is happening?
We should be holding each other accountable. The majority of the cases are in the workplace. Are people really acting responsibly by wearing masks, keeping proper distance etc. Government is not responsible and cannot monitor when people act recklessly but we can insist that those around us follow the protocols. Quit pointing the finger and start ensuring those around you do the right thing.
According to this logic, we should have no need for traffic laws because people should just hold each other accountable. We need guidance and leadership. The government should be putting in the necessary restrictions to control transmission rates. Just as other governments across the world have done.
We should be holding PACT accountable!
Maybe we should ensure those around us are vaccinated.
How to describe PACT’s unique approach to community spread of this virus? What is less than incompetent – counter-competent?
Increasing daily cases week after week. We are the champions – GO PACT!
PACT has been instructed to do nothing that might interfere with profits for the few so nothing is what they are doing.
PACT needs to focus on implementing measures to slow the community spread of this virus.
No press conference in almost a month, a month of unbridled community spread.
Border reopening is secondary.
PACT is tone deaf, AWOL and showing criminal negligence.
It’s hard to believe that they are doing so little. Most countries would have implemented some sort of restrictions to lower the infection rate long before now. The border opening will make little difference with this level of community spread.
9:42 Can PACT do what the World can’t do!
Clearly the Facebook immunologists on here think they can. Can you not see the headline ‘Cayman Government first in World to be able to handle Covid’ I mean it’s reasonable to assume the Gov can do better 18 months after everyone else started dealing with the pandemic.
What would you suggest they do? The vaccination rate is very high, boosters are being rolled out, lateral flow testing is taking place in both private and public sector workplaces, at the same time as mask wearing and social distancing have been bought back in. Do they take the kids out of school again and bring back the curfew/lockdown measures we had in 2020? I strongly suspect that most people wouldn’t abide by those rules again.
I’m no big fan of the “open the borders at all costs approach” or the we’ve just got to live with it rhetoric but I just don’t really see what more we can do to stop the spread- covid is here now and I think the vast majority in the community want to get back on with their lives as best they can.
Mandatory vaccinations for civil service, vaccines passports for adults, curfew from 1 am – 5 am, capacity limits for inside bars
Agree with you but the CIG has already clearly shown that it will not bring in such regulations which would upset a key voter base i.e the world class civil service. Also the curfew wasn’t particularly effective first time round, again because the people already here were moving around between each other’s houses regardless and those caught have mostly not been prosecuted anyway.
Exactly. These rates of infection are much too high. They are likely to so overwhelm healthcare that persons who would have survived may not.
This is their plan. It has to be. Otherwise it would be ineptitude on an incredible level if it wasn’t.
Let Covid wash over us all, possibly at the expense of a few lives, so that we can reopen the borders.
If this wildfire spread while the borders were open, can you imagine the screaming to shut them again? They know they can’t risk the wrath of the VIPs on the Reopen group.
Well written!
Could not agree more.
And the “curve” is more like a spike to the heavens.
If they don’t resolve the community then by Christmas we going to be in lock down like the UK is speaking about.
The sickening humor behind it is that we are taking their advice. A true case of blind leading blind. Or are we blinder??
Border reopening won’t have any impact. The problem is Uneductaed idiots in cayman not getting vaccinated, buying lateral flow tests and isolating if positive, and social distancing and avoiding crowded venues. If everyone followed the rules here we would have less cases. Having said that, cases don’t matter and we are doing just fine in terms of hospitalizations.
“Unbridled community spread”.
Until everyone has immunity, whether from catching it or vaccines and boosters, it IS going to spread. That’s the nature of a virus.
People need to take personal responsibility.
• stay home if positive
• wear a mask and social distance if concerned about catching it
• get vaccinated and greatly reduce chance of being seriously ill
No you must wait for Govt to tell you what to do? Take personal responsibility- tsk tsk. I mean you would continue to eat contaminated food until the Govt forced you not to wouldn’t you?
Another herd immunity believer, it seems.
If there was such a thing – that would be great – the flu may have disappeared but now – at least in some parts of the world.
But it hasn’t.
Never said that the flu and COVID were one and the same, though.
There is no such thing as herd immunity with COVID. Christ, even the madman in the UK has stopped talking that shyte!