Dozens of families now in COVID isolation

| 04/10/2021 | 192 Comments

(CNS): With 38 new community transmissions of COIVD-19 discovered over the weekend, including more students and teachers across several schools, dozens of households are now in home quarantine with parents unable to go to work and siblings unable to go to school. Several classes and year groups at Triple C, John Gray, Clifton Hunter, Cayman Academy, Prospect and a number of pre-schools are now impacted by local transmission, as well as several adults who have become infected. Another 14 travellers also tested positive for the virus this weekend

Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee, confirming the latest figures as of 9am Monday, revealed that there were 113 active cases of SARS-CoV-2, the highest number since the virus arrived in Cayman in March 2020. Of these, 50 people have symptoms but only one person who tested positive on 8 September remains in the hospital being treated for other health issues.

“In view of the fact that infection is fairly widespread, I wish to remind people to please take good care of themselves and their community members by wearing masks in indoor places, keeping distanced, using appropriate cough and sneeze etiquette and practicing appropriate hand hygiene,” Dr Lee said, as the results were released Monday evening confirming the extent of the community spread.

“Those who are clinically vulnerable and the elderly need special attention to this for their own part and those who interact with them. Please follow Public Health’s guidance if you are asked to isolate; this is vital to reduce and slow the spread of infection through our community,” he said, explaining that by slowing the spread it will enable the health services to cope with any serious cases of the virus and treat those who become seriously unwell without overwhelming the hospital and the ICU.

Dr Lee warned that it could now be many months before the virus burns itself out in Cayman or the increase in treatments and vaccinations for children are rolled out, making it less of a concern. But with 90% of over18s already vaccinated, he said Cayman is well protected.

According to the latest figures, 74% of the entire population is fully vaccinated and 78% has had at least one shot. Over 100 people, largely those who are vulnerable and have compromised immune system, have had boosters. Meanwhile, the vaccination clinic has moved from Camana Bay to the Lion’s Centre.

See the vaccine schedule on the HSA website here.

For more information on vaccines contact the HSA Communications team at

See here for more information on securely verifiable vaccination records.

Anyone with flu symptoms is urged to stay at home in the first instance and contact the 24 hour Flu Hotline or your general practitioner to speak to a health professional about those symptoms before visiting the flu or testing clinic.

Flu Hotline: 1-800-534-8600 or 345-947-3077 or 345-925- 6327 or email
Callers will be screened for travel history and advised on what to do next.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (192)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Until we determine that it is overreach to quarantine the entire household of the entire class when a student tests positive, we need to stop the interaction between classes, schools.

    No more after school dance, judo classes, and all the mid term camps need to be cancelled.

    If not all the parents on the island will unnecessarily be in quarantine.

  2. Anonymous says:

    If two kids test positive in a classroom all of the class and their families quarantine.

    If two adults test positive in a work place nothing happens.

    Why is the burden falling on school children who have the lowest risk?

    • Anonymous says:

      THANK YOU!!!! This is madness. Just wait until those traveling for the fall term break get their pre-flight PCR tests. There will certainly be a number of so-called “positive” results in parents and students and the rest of us will be thrown into an unreasonable quarantine. I can see it coming and it makes me crazy!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Legitimate question..not trying to start anything..

    Currently any contact of a positive case has to quarantine for 14 days, even if they are vaccinated.

    Yet Government is proposing that we open up to vaccinated travelers with zero quarantine

    The US had a million cases last week, and 2,000 people are dying each day. It would seem that US citizens have a far higher chance of having come into contact with someone with Covid.

    Surely we should either subject incoming travelers to 14 days quarantine or stop asking our own people to quarantine?

    I’m not sure what Government is trying to achieve anymore….

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