Delays expected at A&E due to upgrade work

| 27/10/2021 | 10 Comments
A&E at the George Town hospital

(CNS): The Health Services Authority is urging patients not to go to Accident and Emergency unless they are experiencing a true emergency. The hospital has embarked on the next stage of its multi-phased project to expand the A&E department and improve the service. Due to the upgrade work, walk-in patients are warned of potential delays and asked to attend the Acute Care Clinic in the General Practice Building for less severe injuries or illness. Officials said those facing a critical or life-threatening situation needing urgent medical attention should still attend A&E.

Anyone suffering loss of consciousness, persistent, severe chest pain, breathing difficulties, severe bleeding that cannot be stopped, severe allergic reactions, severe burns or scalds and unexplained, acute drowsiness should be brought to A&E, officials said.

While A&E is still open 24 hours a day, the Acute Care Clinic is open from 7:30am to 8pm, Monday to Friday, and 8:30am to noon on Saturdays.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    so only emergencies at a&e????
    makes perfect sense….another day in wonderland……zzz

  2. Anonymous says:

    Not like going to A&E wasn’t an all day affair to begin with.

  3. Anonymous says:

    All last year with not too much to do…

  4. Anonymous says:

    Had a recent experience with A&E and the ambulance service. They were absolutely fantastic and faultless in transporting me to the hospital and the subsequent treatment I received.
    It’s easy to troll and criticise but I can only praise the treatments I’ve had.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ive heard horror stories about Ambulance responders and the unprofessional behaviour so I wouldn’t be so quick to praise.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Why wouldn’t they expand the acute care clinic hours so that people rely less on A&E? People do get sick on sundays and Saturday afternoons

  6. TB says:

    perfect timing. it’s not like you are spiking covid cases for the first time in 20 months or anything. seriously, who plans like this? pray for cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      And this is why Cayman is clearly not ready for what is coming and I expect deaths to exceed what would be expected in places with good healthcare. I really expect the mortality rate of the unvaccinated to be double or triple what it is in the US.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly what I thought. Either appalling timing or getting ready for what happens next. I would suspect the former.

  7. bill says:

    How ironic, delay to be expected at A&E ain’t that the truth!

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