POF keeps focused on nature’s needs

| 08/09/2021 | 2 Comments
Some of the damage at the Botanic Park caused by TS Grace

(CNS): Protect Our Future, the local student-led NGO that is keenly focused on creating a sustainable future for these islands, persuaded the student body of Cayman International School (CIS) to donate the money raised in the first dressdown day of the year to the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park’s (QEIIBP), which was badly damaged in Tropical Storm Grace. General Manager John Lawrus received the donation at last week’s school assembly, where he explained how badly damaged the park was.

“Regrettably, we did suffer immense damage and we are most likely going to put this towards repairing a portion of our greenhouse structure, which is completely gone,” he said.

POF member Nicolas Corin indicated that the group hopes to get further involved. “We’re super passionate about our work and we’re proud of how this all went. I think it was a success and we are looking forward to possibly working with the Botanic Park in the future,” he added.

Another member, Thomas Dickens, explained that the group’s goal is to raise awareness on certain issues and create change around what we need to conserve.

“Our slogan is education, refining legislation and vocalization. We’re known very much for conserving the environment, but culture is also a significant aspect of what our organisation stands for. And, of course, the Botanic Park is saving and maintaining Caymanian heritage and Caymanian flora and fauna, so it’s critical to us that it’s protected and that we get it back to where it was before Grace hit,” he said.

Teachers at CIS allow the students to choose what they want to do for community service, and Andie Urquhart, CIS Middle School Counsellor, said the passion and motivation comes from the students.

“Some of our most impactful groups have grown out of student interest and what they want to see happen,” she said, noting that the teachers just help them connect with people in the community to support the initiatives.

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Category: Land Habitat, Science & Nature

Comments (2)

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  1. Sandy Corin says:

    So wonderful and inspiring to know that these caring youngsters are so involved in
    protecting the environment They are the future!
    Well done wishing you success and the ‘Will’ to keep doing what you have set out to do 👏👏

  2. U.B. Strong says:

    Sadly given the rest of the articles posted, it really is our youth that have any sense of protecting ours and their future.

    Perhap these bright minds be the new planning board.

    Thank you for helping out what is going to be the central park of Grand Cayman in the future.

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