PACT is a kinder government, says Panton
(CNS): In a statement to mark the United Nations International Day of Democracy on Wednesday, Premier Wayne Panton said his government was “showing itself to be kinder” but not afraid to address vested interests that may be holding the country back. He said April’s elections showed true democracy was at work in Cayman when voters gave PACT a constitutional and moral responsibility to ensure that the will of the Caymanian people is reflected and respected in its policies and priorities over the next four years. Panton said the government was responding to the daily concerns of the people and rising inequality.
In the statement he said the government was addressing quality of life, environmental considerations and the rising cost of living.
“We are confronting failure, liberating the aspirations of our people and fighting for opportunity for all,” Panton said. “We have brought more openness in the way government business is done, which is the hallmark of good governance. Our citizens are part of the process and we are letting them know the actions of government on their behalf. We know that free and democratic societies have healthier citizens, less violent conflict, and more prosperous communities.”
He said that democracy delivers for the many, not the few, and allows people to advocate for their rights and hold government to account, noting that free and fair elections, freedom of expression and the rule of law are the foundation of a healthy democracy and help ensure the rights of all.
“Democracy does recognise that as a people we will always have differences, disagreements, discord and dissent. But it also recognises that we should have debate, discussions and dialogue to arrive at consensus,” Panton said.
See full statement in the CNS Library.
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Category: Politics
What are these “vested interests that are holding the country back”??
Specifics please.
Does he mean the people who spent huge amounts of time, energy and money over many years building good businesses here, and providing countless jobs? I hope not.
Keep the border closed until the countries around us that CAL flies have the c-virus under better control.
They are so kind that they are finding ways to do another lockdown to demonstrate how much better than Alden they can do a lock down.
oh just what we need a Caymankind Gov. that doesn’t have a clue what to do, bro life is not only about Covid, we have far more important topics to resolve than just this Covid stuff yall stuck in one gear.
Well they’re certainly kind to property developers
You don’t even have to develop. They are also kind to those who want to rip out mangroves just in case they decide to develop later.
Be a lot more kind to reopen the borders and let us see our families and relatives without having to risk our livelihoods and weeks of quarantine…
….oh but wait, I’m just a productive, hard working foreigner building this country with my own hands, I don’t get a vote so no one cares.
Yes. Our main competitor Bermuda is eating our lunch in that regard.
How can we claim democracy without rights for young juvenile prisoners, and no voice or independent representation for the entire civil service. And dont tell me about silent Cicsa.
Self praise is no recommendation
You voted Woke, you got Woke, now choke on it
What the heck is woke?
The most surprising thing about this article is that the Premier didn’t use the word resilient. How disappointing.
But I’m quite sure the Governor agrees with everything he has said.
Naaah..”Sustainable” is the new fashionable word.
Kinder? Keeping me in this Gilded prison. F-city Pact.
Majority of people here don’t even get a vote.
7.16pm Why? Did they give up their right to vote in their home countries?
Kind? Is that what we want? I’d prefer capable and efficient,and tough when toughness is warranted.
Leaders can’t afford to be liked, they have to be respected, like them or not.
This bunch are running around trying to be popular, instead of being respected leaders.
“…the will of the Caymanian people is reflected and respected in its policies and priorities…”
Well if that’s the case open the damn border. You are pandering to a minorty Wayne.
5.12pm Not he’s not. If he opens up now he will definitely be catering to a minority.
@5:12 well said!
Fix the damn traffic
Who ever this guy is that keeps putting this in every comment type scenario, I think your the best. And yes, fix the traffic situation. Its sad and pathetic. Im sure this could be solved by 2 kids with crayons.
Kinder? Didn’t you mean to write kindergarten? That might be more accurate at this point.
The German word for children is “kinder”. Ironically that explains PACT’s level of experience and demeanour.
It is not kind to keep children and loved ones apart with the border closure and not to uphold their end of the bargain when people have done their part in getting vaccinated.
How bout doing something about permit abuses? PPM was happy with us digging ditches and our professionals filing……we need and opportunity in our own country. Not sure what WORC stands for but the first letter is definitely Waste.
The PPM/Progressives were not very transparent and, in my opinion, did not accomplished many of the things that I think they should have accomplished for and on behalf of the Cayman people.
A promise from a politician is only of comfort to a fool.
Really Wayne? Demonstrate some kindness and courtesy and respond to emails. Or have some of your PACT ministers respond to emails.
Oh, silly me, I am not Marc from the Ritz, so of course I will never get a response to my emails.
I am so tired of the hypocrisy from these rich idiots. Cayman is well and truly (insert expletive of your choice).
More like a dormant PTA than a “progressive” government no pun intended. Sometimes we need more kick ass than kinder platitudes! Kinder is akin to being hoodwinked.
Rising cost of living….Yeah so we’ll just extend the stipend and throw phree munny at people. Who pays for that? Get them vaccinated and back to work and contributing to the economy or take their phree munny away!
@ 1:08pm…
If you are going to insult stipend receivers the correct spelling is “free” NOT “phree” and “money” NOT “munny”…geesh!
You want them to get back to work but you need to go back to school it seems!
PACT is silent about the dump. We need some leadership.
Aww isn’t that nice? Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, NOT! Now flagellate me to death with a limp piece of spaghetti!
Instead it’s time to grow some backbones and gouhlies and snuff out corruption in these islands.
Quit trying to deflect from campaign promises that seemingly have flown out the window. Or is it your trying to subtly glorify Lodge Brethren’s public image?
Get back to work and stop patronising the people which you need to be serving!
It’s ‘kinder’ to be so focused on Covid, Covid, Covid? It is the only thing we hear from you about. And usually complete over reaction, counterproductive to long run health: mental + financial also.
What about the TRAFFIC???
And now the mess at the Port raises it’s head again.
Maybe if compartmentalized Covid, there wouldn’t be such overreaction.
Just what we need in a crisis. A “kind” Government that can’t make decisions
One should never bestowed accolades to oneself. Get the people off the stipends and into active employment.
I wish someone in this Government could define the term “vested interests” which keeps being bandied around. It often sounds quite menacing and far from kind. Who are you going after???
Its a code word for Dart – the Voldemort of the Cayman Islands, who cannot be named directly for fear of the ramifications
A vested interest is a personal stake in an outcome. It is not just code for Dart.
So Mr Panton is not holding the country back and is ensuring that the will of the Caymanian people is reflected?.This may apply to our politicians and civil servants, but the rest of the country are up in arms, just look at the results of the polls.
yep…you are very kind to convicted to woman beaters.
Kinder my a$$
They’re a chocolate egg with a toy in it?
I thought that was banned?
A Woke government
Just not to the tourism industry… lol.
you got the short stick
The shitty end of it
Kindness don’t pay bills. Open the damn border. Fix the damn dump.
you dont have no kids
I have kids, and say open the damn border. Covid is very low risk to kids.
Correct, I have two.
Kindness can kill!