Resident wakes to armed raiders
(CNS): A man living on Oakmill Street in George Town awoke to find two masked armed men searching their home just after 6am on Monday. According to an RCIPS press release the burglars fled on foot with a quantity of cash, jewellery and personal items, but no one was injured. The suspects were said to both be tall and slim, with dark complexions, wearing black clothes and masks. One of the home invaders also appeared to be armed with a handgun.
Police said that they received a second report of the same incident later on the same day, which was described as an armed robbery. However, they did not explain that confusion, which suggested there may have been more than one victim at the home that had been invaded by the men. CNS has requested further information and we are awaiting a response.
The matter is now under investigation and anyone with any information is asked to call George Town CID, 949-4222.
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Keyboard Warriors 101 & 102
Waste man/waste girl defending criminals as usual 101
You prob got a good job – keep it! Stay out the streets with your pay-check to pay-check lifestyle son. You ain’t ready.
Its better to live pay check to pay check than to be selling drugs and being a waste man who sponges and uses people all the time and let’s not forget driving y’all girlfriends car like its yours
people like you are afraid of work and can’t even stand in the sun for an hour or even 30mins and you talk about I’m not ready!?
Ill never be ready to be a waste man like you “SON”.you people from central and Windsor park don’t have an ounce of ambition to do anything with your lives instead trying to be like those waste men in the states and wanna be rappers as well
But you know in reality, if you were to stove in the head of an intruder with a baseball bat, or spray them with homemade pepper spray, you’d probably not be prosecuted.
This story is unusual in that it was a burglary in an inhabited dwelling which is fairly rare. It wasn’t a robbery. Actual aggravated robberies are extremely rare.
Home invasions aren’t exactly rare here.
Go on, I’ll bite. How many home invasions in the last 5 years?
It’s really not a big problem.
Yet we are not even allowed to have capsicum spray. I guess axe handles are still legal to brandish in your own home.
Beaumont – why stop with the handle?
Cayman likes crime, they marches about Gays. Some tree or another being cut down, can’t see the sea while driving, etc, etc. Do they ever march against crime , or demand Government do something about it. I can’t recall ever seeing or hearing any marches against crime. The Police and Government knows who are doing the crime but they never makes them really do the time.lock them up for a long, long time with hard labour.
The biggest crime here is your spelling, punctuation, grammar and diction to be perfectly honest.
I like capitalized Gays!
At least the Grammar Police are doing their job!
Two sever and protec
713 pm, the biggest crime here are stupid people like you that probaly a criminal or supports criminals, one way or another. You are part of the problem, never part of the solution.
I bet if the traffic department did half of what is expected of them they’d catch the criminals driving like maniacs with guns in car.
Anyone I find in my house who’s not supposed to be and may potentially threaten my life will not be walking out or seen again for that matter and I will have no sympathy for grieving family members when thier thug children pplay stupid games and wins stupid prizes.
You better have a gun or a machete cause more than likely they will be armed and won’t hesitate to use it.
They don’t expect anyone to fight back so I doubt they know how to use the gun.
I will and I do.
9:12 Are you bragging about being a home invader who’s ready for violence? Here in my house in the USA, a home invader will be the unhappy recipient 12 gauge slug. Enter uninvited at your own risk!