Voter registration extended for election roll

| 21/12/2020 | 10 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): The Elections Office has extended the deadline for eligible voters to get their names on to the next electors’ roll, which will be the one used for the General Election in May. The deadline was 4 January but, given its importance, officials have pushed that date back to 20 January to give more people a chance to make this list, which will be published on 1 April.

The office said Governor Martyn Roper had given his approval to extend the deadline to Wednesday, 20 January, adding more than two weeks to the final opportunity for qualified people to clear a path to participating in the 2021 national ballot.

“For some, 2021 will be their first opportunity to have their say in Cayman’s democracy, including many who turned 18 after 2017,” Roper said. “By extending the deadline, we hope to encourage more Caymanians to come forward to register and exercise their right to vote in the next General Election.”

Individuals wanting to register to vote can contact their Registering Officer, visit the Elections Office website, call 949-8047 or visit the Elections Office at Bay Town Suites, George Town.

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Category: 2021 General Elections, Elections, Politics

Comments (10)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    1:26, you said “evil prevails when good men do nothing” but your entire post argued that you will not be voting.
    You may not like the list of candidates in your district (or island wide for that matter) but if your not going to get off your ass and participate in democracy by voting, you have no right to complain.
    Case and point, look at the 2016 US Presidential election. Many people sat on the sidelines because they did not like Hillary, and the world suffered 4 years of Donald Trump as a result. Vote for the best candidate you can.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Voting is great, but if you think voting is transparent in Cayman, think again.

    Unless you put your names to your votes and they are made public, you have NO idea what is going on.

    Defeat the Lodge, announce the names!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Vote NO!

  4. Crooks & Scoundrels voted in by ignorant and corruptible says:

    I would feel more confident of better results next year if an independent foreign body conducted political comprehension test before one can be allowed to vote. The test might also include questions to gauge ethical and moral values so as not to be condoning such aberrant behaviour as assault against women, improper use of CIG credit cards etc.

  5. Anonymous says:

    My child who was born here and has lived here her entire life will not be able to participate in the next general election as immigration has not even scheduled the hearing of her application for the right to continue being a Caymanian after reaching age 18. She will therefore not be able to register before the deadline next month. One could view this as a form of voter suppression when administrative bureaucracy results in a delay for several months and consequently a missed opportunity to participate in the elections.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I am one of those un-registered voters. I have never felt any candidate for my district was worth voting for, it would be a wasted vote. The recent court case and stupidly light sentence imposed on one of these representatives and total silence of the LA demonstrates the level of corruptive practices going on. i am not talking about monetary corruption, I am talking about moral corruption. I will not be registering until there is positive action against corruption. Unfortunately, I am beginning to believe this will only come about by direct rule. Those of you who support your local candidate need to be asked why they have not acted against a person in high office beating a woman while intoxicated. Evil prevails when good men do nothing.

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