Corruption is a growing problem in Cayman

| 11/12/2020 | 139 Comments

Johann Moxam writes: In my opinion, unfortunately, corruption is systemic in the Cayman Islands. The lack of leadership demonstrated by elected and non-elected leaders and the application of a sliding scale used to investigate, charge and convict public officers is consistently displayed for all to see.

It is clear that “political expediency“, protecting the status quo and chosen few or special interests that fund the campaigns, drive government policies and contribute in part to the alleged corrupt act(s) is the modus operandi of those who act as the gatekeepers.

It is important to note that private sector participation is key in any corrupt act as they are the partners (at times the beneficiaries of the decisions/policies and actions) which in exchange reward the ethically compromised public officers and help to protect their various pecuniary interests and financial standing. Allegations of corruption in Cayman are growing at every level, which some describe as “business as usual” and the alleged corrupt acts are no longer covert.

Therefore, the UN convention against corruption being extended to Cayman is a nice theory but merely window dressing.

  1. How many senior officials, elected officials, public officers and those in private sector that engage and benefit in these alleged corruption acts have been thoroughly investigated, charged and convicted?
  2. Does the Anti-Corruption Commission/Unit and all other relevant agencies or commissions have the appropriate resources and support to effectively do their jobs? Is the leadership of these boards/commissions compromised in any way that may impede investigations and key decisions?
  3. Will the politically appointed board members allow for robust investigations or are certain persons and entities on the “untouchable” list? In Cayman it’s all about who you know or who owes you a favour, like any small community in any part of the world.

Look at the evidence. It is clear elected officials and senior public officers and politically appointed board members seem to have received a pass, despite the lack of logic and transparency in the decision making process.

We need one standard that is applicable to all persons, rich or poor, Caymanian or foreign investor, where the rules and focus of investigations to fight the scourge of corruption must apply to all at every level of society.

Follow the money…

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  1. Anonymous says:

    David Leggae called the corruption in Cayman out a few years ago while editor of the Compass and was vilified for it including politicians in the house calling for retribution. Now a political hopeful calls it out and is praised from all corners. WTF!

    • Anonymous says:

      Interesting you should raise Deve Legge’s editorial and the response to it because the one thing the Cayman Islands lacks that might have impacted corruption here years ago is (and no disprespect to CNS here) any large, influential independent media outlet. Prior to the now defunct NetNews (and they weren’t exactly squeaky clean) the Compass was little than an extension of CIG and after Legge’s departure it seems to have gone back that way. There’s plenty of material online showing that a free press is bad news for corruption but the way things are going here that’s something we haven’t got now.

    • New Caymanian says:

      Mr. Moxam has consistently been calling out real issues including the corruption and double standards that exists for over a decade. He has offered solutions on national issues. He shows consistency and concern about the future of Cayman and Caymanians. Johann is logical and seems ready for politics as a natural born leader.

      • Anonymous says:

        Guess the election season has officially started and someone’s campaign is in high gear through CNS.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Where is the proof? Where are the court cases? We read and hear of unrestrained corruption , but it is only alleged…not one iota of proof is ever put forward. Show us the proof or shut up.

    • Anonymous says:

      Fair enough, can Moxam confirm in this media if he has provided the authorities or any of the agencies with proof of corruption and in response they sat on their hands? Not interested in rumors by the way. I would like to know.. Slagging off for the sake of slagging off isn’t good enough because its election time.. What’s worst is that other entities such as the FATF whether you like them or not, troll through the media looking for exactly this sort of allegation to hang us. Foreigners take the opportunity to agree that we are a cesspool (thats evident from some of the comments here) and we unwittingly agree that Cayman is cesspool! But does anyone here honestly believe that? Yes we have our challenges but no one seriously believes we are on the same level as most of our Caribbean counterparts. So whilst Moxam might have contributed to charities, employed many and meaningfully helped to build Cayman, this sort of incendiary commentary really is not helping.

  3. Chris Johnson says:

    Corruption has been rampant since I arrived in 1968. Initially I saw sales of swamp and plots submerged to innocent purchases. Soon corruption arrived with Jean Doucet when his bank went bust and many banks have folded since including First Caribbean Bank where a well known politician was involved. I just forgot his name but he reminded me of Chancy the Gardener but with a good deal less intelligence.

    Unfortunately over the years corruption has grown substantially both in the private sector and the government sector.

    It is basically attributable to the accumulation of wealth and influence. Having arrived so many years ago I am aware through reading and talking to friends of what it was like in in the old days where Caymans bent over backwards to help each other particularly Caymanians returning from sea to build their homes.

    My first experience of Cayman kindness was when I had a flat tyre at night amongst the millions of mosquitos. Several people stopped to help but took me home only to help me change the tyre the following day. I doubt that would happen today.

    Unfortunately I see no end to corruption unless we have more enforcement. All the new laws introduced this year will have no effect unless we have enforcement.

    In conclusion Johann keep up the good work and stand in West Bay. We are desperate here to bring up the average IQ. Please bring me a new fridge.

  4. Anonymous says:

    It’s hard to stop this kind of theft when the authorities look the other way.

    We need new authorities!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Politicians aided by their goverment.
    Next year, we will be cancelling elections and sending the politicians all home.
    They will have to get real jobs and then we will slim the Uncivil Service right down.
    Unnecessary expats will be sent home and a new standard of transparency will be implemented in law enforcement.
    The Governor will probably get bored, so after he has his vaccine, he can shove off.

  6. Anonymous says:

    But what about that missing billion? Anyone still trying to find it? 💵

  7. Cayman Signals Corps says:

    I see we have Alde and Mckeewa’s 7 voting idiots out in full bloom “singhging” see no corruption hear no corruption and feeling no corruption.Early recipients who are already Numb from that Pfizer Covid vaccine we are paying the UK for to try out on us. Boy dem side effects working quick eh???

  8. Anonymous says:

    Well, it’s a bit apologetic to pretend corruption is a new thing in the Cayman Islands. Long before banking, Cayman’s central industry was deliberately wrecking ships and negotiating their salvage. By late 1800’s it was bigger than turtle ranching and thatch rope. Holding one’s nose when dealing with a deceitful neighbour was a useful cultural necessity during storm recovery, home fires, and other hard times. Graft, and a social hierarchy based on grades-of-belongership – ranking all informally by surname lineage, and Caymanian purity – have been Caymanian hallmarks for centuries. One only need read the Storm of ’32, the Captain’s logs, negotiation reports, and Lloyd’s claim registers, going back the last 300 years, to see the same unchanged patterns. It’s going to be really hard to undo centuries of bad rational programing in just 20 years, especially when the apex predators of that leadership style are still commanding their own “troops” of followers, in government, church, judiciary, business, etc.

  9. Catcha Fire says:

    410pm and 411pm take a breath nah? You are posting too fast bro. Its said that the accomplice to the crime of corruption is frequently our own indifference please apply it when necessary in both your poignant post.You sound like a benefactor also from corruption that is transpiring right ya so! Don’t know all about who is benefiting and who is not but i will tell you this our precious environment is taking a terrible beating and suffering destruction on an unprecedented level or scale from this corruption, which unfortunately effects the entire planet since you brought it up! Your comparisons are pure ignorance and the trouble with ignorance as it goes along it picks up confidence.Johann wrote to inspire others to act you wrote to frustrate and stop others from acting.Look at the votes and see exactly which one is needed or wanted??

  10. Anonymous says:

    Cayman islands has a pirate based culture with its own Pirate King and court still. It is part of the charm. The outside world (Dart, Hotels, restaurants, pretty much any business run by expats) is still learning about doing business with pirates as they close down and leave. The plan is to shut down everything not Pirate(government) sponsored and take back the island. It is the Pirate way and the only way they know. Why the surprise now?

    • Anonymous says:

      I smell a pirate that likes to steal Cayman checks but not follow Cayman rules.

      Argh, give me a break matey!!!!

  11. Anonymous says:

    The law requiring locals must be offered mostly government jobs is a prime example of corruption.

    • Anonymous says:

      Whoa…..wait a minute.

      I don’t know if you have to come off your high horse, perch, or throne (or not) for this one. However, have you stopped to think that the reason this is in place, aside from possible mutiny or conflicting interests of jurisdiction, is because the majority of Caymanians are NOT BEING EMPLOYED ELSEWHERE?

      The Work Permit Law has a gaping wide loophole that allows employers to not hire Caymanians WITHOUT any detailed or justified reason why.

      Some of the biggest hoteliers, law firms, real estate, development and private financial institutions in Cayman exploit it. They use it to basically smuggle their own and other nationalities in and either: pay them the exorbitant six-figure or near six-figure salaries they would never offer a Caymanian (if they were actually hired or qualified) or the unrealistic $6 per hour minimum wage required by law, respectively. (Breaking news: They have also been doing in Government for years too)

      All job openings can be advertised in the smallest corner of the newspaper for the required time, tailored to a foreigner’s exact resume, and when submitted for approval, does not always disclose a Caymanian even applied or is simply listed as “overqualified” without proper and fair vetting procedures to truly determine if overseas applicants are necessary or their credentials truly valid.

      Caymanians have been forced silent for too long under the ‘Caymankind’ brand (we were always ‘Caymankind’ long before the tagline was invented), while corrupt people and corrupt companies laugh at all of us, constantly backing us in a corner of OUR OWN COUNTRY and finesse around the technicalities of our law, just as these groups of self-serving attitudes and their plush bank account balances see fit. (We all aren’t flushed with cash like CITA and CIREBA like to tell the world’s biggest publishers including the New York Times and The Guardian and all the other rose-tinted tactics they use when selling our goodies from underneath, above and behind locals’ reach)

      It is very hard not to become defensive with this leveraged playbook against us every step of the way.

      The overall moral caliber of foreigners allowed to visit, work, and reside here desperately needs to be raised, and I sincerely apologize to any of the good ones out there who have been caught in the crosshairs and who may been offended.

      The above is also a prime example of corruption.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why should one human get special treatment over another human?

        It’s just creating a badly run government and lazy workforce.

        If the locals are too inept to find a decent job, who’s fault is that?

        • Anonymous says:

          Because Caymanians have rights in Cayman the same way Brits have rights in the U.K. over foreigners, the same rights Canadians have over expats in Canada and all other countries have similar immigration policies including the USA. Remember Make America Great Again

          • Anonymous says:

            Foreigners with a visa have the same rights as a British born person in the UK.

            Once you have status, expats should have the same rights as locals, the law is discriminatory and needs changing.

          • Anonymous says:

            That’s absolutely right. But don’t cry when the job you want isn’t given to you because you lack the expertise that’s needed. Get the skills you need and try again. It’s happened to just about all of us. Whining about it just makes you look pathetic

          • Anonymous says:

            Lol. Who are you trying to kid? If a company in any of those countries wants to hire a foreigner they can do so quite easily and with no work permit tax. Employment rights are heavily stacked in favour of Caymanians like nowhere else in the world. For such a small island that’s probably necessary but don’t pretend it doesn’t exist. In fact BOTCs can live and work without any restriction in the UK and for the time being EU.

            • Anonymous says:

              This is absolute nonsense. You do have to justify bringing in persons into the UK to work! This is simply not true. Persons coming into the UK are at about 9% that includes workers. Caymans work permit populous are at over 50% and many of those will move on to become Caymanian. Unfortunately that includes persons such as yourself that have a strong distaste for Caymanians. You will likely move forward and increase the social issues for Cayman which is unfortunate. The EU is under mounting pressure by their own because they dont like unmitigated immigration let alone persons coming into their own country to work or seek asylum. Makes me wonder who took out a permit for you and approved your permit as you clearly dont have much common sense.

        • Anonymous says:

          Any country providing for its own people first before allowing others to get any extras is only fair and should never be vilified (but here we are).

          Do you donate food before feeding yourself? Thought not.

        • Anonymous says:

          If the status holder is qualified and can perform the job, that’s fine. But the crying of expats or WPHs stealing jobs has to stop because it’s just not true. There’s status holders in the top jobs in Cayman. I don’t see what all the crying is about. Is it the lazy unmotivated ones wanting something they don’t qualify for?… Very Likely! They’ll probably respond to this saying those top job holders are “paper caymanians”. Well, take that up with your elected winners.

        • Anonymous says:

          Who IS at fault? It is the fault of our education system….. and lack of care and guidance by a lot of parents! Sad but true!

      • Anonymous says:

        Your post is a complete pile of bs. Just look at the overwhelmingly large amounts of Caymanians in the financial services firms. A Caymanian with a college degree can get just about any job on island over an expat, any day. Twice I have seen situations where an expat was bumped from a good job he/she held for more than 5 years because a “qualified” caymanian applied for it. In both cases, the caymanian left the job in under 6 months (I’m guessing they realized it required work). Sadly by that time the hardworking expat who did well at the job couldn’t take it back because he/she repatriated. Stop with your crybaby bs and rest assured that no expat is taking any job that a caymanian is qualified for.

    • Anonymous says:

      And the practice of people lying on job adverts to bring their friends and family from back home is a clear example of corruption.

      • Anonymous says:

        Corruption is dishonest behavior by those in positions of power, such as managers or government officials. Corruption can include giving or accepting bribes or inappropriate gifts, double-dealing, under-the-table transactions, manipulating elections, diverting funds, laundering money, and defrauding investors.

      • Anonymous says:

        No it’s not. But the failure of the authorities to do anything meaningful about it, is.

        • Anonymous says:

          The kicker here is that the politicians do NOT do anything about it……..other than join in on the theft.

          • Anonymous says:

            And the supposedly impartial professional and world class civil service just goes along for the ride.

  12. Anonymous says:

    How many people have been drug through the mud by the keystone ACC and they have nothing to show for it except utter foolishness. The ACC has far to broad of a reach and is a mechanism of Government to keep its bootheel on the necks of good Caymanian people that get a little too successful. It is only going to get worse with 5G and its vast spy network.

  13. Anonymous says:

    See lack of transparency in the second phase of the business grants program. Gov’t picking winners – what possibly could go wrong. Can you say nepotism.

    • Banana Republican says:

      Joey and Alden will play god and reward the faithful followers in the run up to the election. There will be no transparency and it is all politically motivated. That is how it works but they don’t call it corruption. This place has become a banana republic.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I’m assuming that we are supposed to vote based on our actual knowledge that the public has provided substantive reports of real corruption to the relevant agencies such as the commission and how they’ve handled those reports ? How do I vote other than based on what’s in the news re the various investigations and convictions in court. Otherwise I would have to vote based on the usual rumors and innuendo. You can’t go to court with that but I suppose I can vote here. Also are we voting on every board, agency and commission including the police, that touches on corruption? Im not quite following this.

  15. EdB says:

    Wow, after reading all these comments now for days I have changed my mind about Cayman. And I thought that only the U.S. was corrupt. Looks like the same exist all over. Here in the states cities are in shambles yet the corrupt politicians keeping getting elected. We have a corrupt president elect that voters favored even though his entire family is corrupt,and he’s senile and suffering from Dementia. So…I know hoe you all feel.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dry your eyes snowflake

    • Anonymous says:

      EdB, are you upset that your orange gorilla’s meritless claims to overturn the election have been laughed out of court.. including the US Supreme Court? Hey hick, go back to the sticks. Repulsive troll!

    • EdB says:

      After much thought it came to mind that maybe I should be clear about my comment. In no way was I being critical of Grand Cayman residents. GC people are wonderful people. In all our visits to GC we found everyone to be wonderful folks. We have even made friends that we stay in contact with over the years.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Come on Johan, you can do better than this. Sounding off as though corruption isn’t ‘par for the course’ in every single nation on the planet is a bit like complaining about our fish market smelling.. fishy or our dump being smelly.. its no news!!
    You are selling wares that nobody can buy and you given an opportunity to ‘serve’ will surely be no different.
    Give us something more creative than just this drivel meant to disparage the incumbents and make it sound like you have a remedy for things. You DON’T!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually that (strong and pungent) fishy smell/taste that people attribute to fish is actually not an inherent natural smell that comes with fish obviously all meat will invariably have some smell or another but the fishy smell (that stinks) is actually a result of chemical decomposition cause primarily by killing fish via suffocation which stresses them out and also by allowing blood to remain in dead fish after they are caught especially for extended periods
      The Japanese have a method of killing fish without stressing them out and then subsequently immediately draining the blood to avoid that taste and smell called “Ikejime”

      The fresher and better caught and prepared the fish is the less of the fishy smell

      • Anonymous says:

        I have no idea what you’re saying!

      • Anonymous says:

        Interesting. Thank you

      • Anonymous says:

        The lactic acid in the dead fish meat matters less, if after the fight, the flesh itself is spoiling from human apathy, ie. heat, sunlight, microbial bacteria, parasitic worms, and other neglect.

        More fundamentally: anyone that is worried about animal self-awareness, their stress and suffering; their lactic acid buildups on the continuum of animal fights and deaths, isn’t being honest with themselves about modern meat and dairy food production.

      • Hancock says:

        Tell it to the fishmongers downtown to minimize fish poisoning.

    • Anonymous says:

      Moxam seems to have a troll on CNS. Where is the lol button?

      • Anonymous says:

        He has multiple because he speaks truth including Joey, Wayne and their minions. Too funny yet very sad.

    • Anonymous says:

      That is absolutely no excuse for an isolated island nation of roughly 60 thousand in a world of 8 billion people. (It is not like corruption can walk in from neighboring countries, over a land-locked border)

      If we can’t handle corruption at 60 thousand, why does Alden and Moses (and apparently this doofus) think we can handle it at 100 thousand?!!!

      If we don’t like the thought of migration elsewhere as refugees, we need to get it together Cayman!! Last chance.

    • MI6 in Paradise says:

      Joey is that you? Stop hiding and match wits with Moxam in the open

    • Pharaoh of Savannah says:

      Your Eminence is that you?

      Stop hiding like a coward and face Moxam straight up

    • Anonymous says:

      Come on Weenie P you gots to do better than dat bobo!

    • New Caymanian says:

      Mr. Moxam must have to mashed your toes with his op editorial. Are you the beneficiary of the bribe or the rich business man or politician offended that this type of discussion might be too close to home or is he messing with your plans?

  17. Anonymous says:

    Johann you are breathe of fresh air. You are truly someone I can watch and listen to without cringing and wanting to throw up. I wish you and Shirley Roulstone would throw your hats in and restore some decency to the house and this country. An uneducated, alcoholic, woman beater, homophobe, egotistic, bloated, little tyrant and his ass kissers are stearing the good ship Cayman into an iceberg. SOS!!!

  18. Anonymous says:

    People need to take personal responsibility for opposing corruption: it only flourishes where individuals are willing to accept the benefits that are corruptly offered.

    Can I suggest as a first step that anyone who is offered money, a Christmas ham, an iPhone or anything like that by a politician, elected or prospective, between now and the general election immediately reports that approach to the police?

    And perhaps CNS would be an appropriate medium through which to ask all candidates in the forthcoming election to publicly commit to not offering any handouts of any sort to voters, and instead to run exclusively on their policies. It might be instructive to see who refuses to do so.

  19. Anonymous says:

    No accountability hence the reason why they can do what they want. When you bring it up to senior level a blind eye is turned. Daily occurrance in Cayman.

    From a Caymanian

    • You know who says:

      Oh corruption there is in abundance,huh and the writer reminds us that it it is those who know and don’t tell that are corrupt as those they talk about!!

      Pluck it out before someone plucks it Oita you bredren. cha! And remember birds 🦅 of da feather ride together in all
      Kinda craft.

      • Elvis says:

        Corruption and friends promotion is happening. I know .
        It happened to me several years ago Nd ill never forget the day. But guess what. Karma came years later.

      • Anonymous says:

        Anyone who establishes here for more than 10 minutes, has read the news, chatted with a Caymanian co-worker, or had a firsthand taste/observation of how things really work, will already know there are deep widespread problems that won’t resolve with under-resourced, toothless committees. Who do you call, or blow the whistle to, when the police, governor, and politicians have the worst of Cayman on their speed dials, and party favour lists? Some people start drinking a lot once they figure this out – and they drive around drunk. Others compromise their nature by holding their noses, going to work, and keeping to those with a semblance of shared morals, ethics, and values. Some leave. Others stay, in hopes that one day, conditions for justice will eventually improve for their kids.

  20. PO'B says:

    “A commander is obeyed by his officers because he himself is obeying….If he does not obey, the chain weakens.”

    The problem is one of bad leadership. Too many senior public figures abuse their positions. Civil Servants own and operate side businesses on their employer’s time. All manner of civil servants use their employer’s vehicles for personal transport. Politicians are known to abuse their expense accounts. And, of course, we have now have public affirmation of a violent assault perpetrated by the Speaker of the House. The list goes on and on.

    The good ship Cayman is badly infested with parasitic worms but the rot started at the top.

  21. Anonymous says:

    The problem with corruption is that it starts with society. When someone gets a speeding ticket and tries to talk their way out of it when they know they’re wrong, that’s corruption. When someone bends and twists processes to hide unflattering information, that’s corruption. When someone uses connections and get a job for which they are unfit, that’s corruption. In order to combat corruption, we as a people have curb it in ourselves as well as call it out when we see it being displayed by our friends and family. Only then will corruption be minimized/cut-out of government.

    • Deutscher Hund says:

      You say corruption starts with society? I don’t whole-heartedly agree. Corruption is not so easy when you don’t have the means to hide your actions. It seems the people who are elected to government positions have the opportunity to get a lot of assets on the sly by working with or paying off friends and relatives with little or no chance of any action by the watchdogs, and sometimes the watchdogs are even part of the action! And let us not overlook the gravy being offered by various people who have enough cash on hand to work with our leaders to agree with their “plans” to construct various projects to “help the economy”. Yeah, sure!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Have you looked around Cayman society lately? No one “hides” anything anymore, even the newcomers. The perception of a first-world society the Cayman Islands purports to be is being tarnished daily by the apparent acceptance of systemic corruption. Couple that with the double standard of accountability based on the prevailing local social dynamics of money, skin color, and political power, it’s not difficult to determine where the islands that time forget are headed from here…

  22. It’s gonna take a big club to clean the clubs says:

    I wish all of our politicians were as grounded as Johann.

    When business as usual is corrupted and is allowed to continue without so much as a raised eyebrow it clearly is the norm. Many people in Cayman can’t see corruption for what it is since they’ve grown up seeing it as normal. Some perpetuate corrupt behaviour since it’s the only way they know how to operate.
    Expats are not immune to operating corruptly either. Some would never prosper doing what they do in their country of birth but in Cayman they join the club, a club, not just any club and are seemingly protected and in some cases encouraged.
    Those in positions of power, with influence, and money set the example, but if the example is bad the problem grows and others will follow suit.

    • Anonymous says:

      And yet we complain when persons are convicted for corruption. Somehow the suggestion is they are actually victims because of their economic position so it was okay to accept a bribe.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Term limits for all politicians please.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Does the definition of corruption extend to the deliberate non-payment of employee pensions and things like that?

    • Anonymous says:

      It surely does when you know you are going to get away with it because of who you know.

      • Anonymous says:

        Again this isn’t true. Stealing employee pension funds is exactly that – theft!!! It’s not corruption so don’t look to the ACC to solve it. Why employers aren’t thrown in jail for stealing their employees money rather than put on a payment plan by the courts is a mystery to me.

        • Anonymous says:

          And when the police refuse to investigate and charge the high and mighty for stealing pension monies, what is that? Ineptitude, or something else?

          • Anonymous says:

            It might possibly be by a long stretch maladministration but please don’t suggest it’s corruption unless you actually understand what corruption is and know the police are benefiting somehow. And if you do know something the rest of us don’t please report it.

            • Anonymous says:

              OK. So when millions is stolen and reported to the police and they do nothing, over decades, it may be maladministration. And who the actual F does anything about that around here? And is the fact that no one ever does anything itself maladministration, or does that eventually get called something else?

            • Anonymous says:

              Anyone arrested and charged in connection with the well publicized gas boy affair? You know, when a substantial number of civil servants stole gasoline for private use?

            • Anonymous says:

              Reports have been made to the police about stolen pension monies. They refuse to do anything. What might be the natural inference when sometimes influential and connected business persons steal money from their employees, and the police refuse to do anything, ever?

              • Anonymous says:

                These matters have gone to Court, on several occasions. So what exactly is your point??!!

                • Anonymous says:

                  Taken to court (rarely) by pension regulators for non payment of pensions. NEVER by the police for the crimes of theft and fraud where pension monies are deducted from employee salaries and then spent on nice cars…Spot the difference?

                  • Anonymous says:

                    Sorry, I will not let you get away with this sort of misinformation (although there is a lot of it here already). The Pension Law does provide for offenses where they can pay up to $20,000 and be sent to prison for up to 3 years. This isn’t really a police matter. Spot the difference. The matter must be dealt with by the proper authorities. So now are you suggesting they should be looking at the judges?! Please dont spread more cow manure than what’s been published here already. Manure only does well in gardens.

    • Anonymous says:

      It may when the authorities routinely and consistently fail and even refuse to enforce the law. That includes the police who are yet to arrest a single business owner for the theft of their employee pension monies despite the issues being drawn to their attention on numerous occasions.

    • Anonymous says:

      It still feels like the government stole my private pension a few years ago too!

    • Anonymous says:

      How is the case against Champion House going. Did they settle non payment of pensions case ?

  25. Say it like it is says:

    The phrase “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” puts it in a nutshell. All our politicians have skeletons in their cupboard so they cannot call out a colleague for fear he will retaliate in kind. This is why we have a proven alcoholic, woman beater and lesbian hater in the Speaker’s chair.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Corruption is one thing. Flat out mismanagement is another. Do you know HM Customs is taking a half day off today? The busiest month of the busiest year in its history, and they’re taking a half day off!

    All well and good that its holiday season but why can’t they postpone their party to January? (hell take a whole day in Jan if you want!). Its thoroughly reprehensible how Government agencies (other than the obvious health agencies) have responded to covid. For example it now takes 3 WEEKS to get a police clearance (used to be 2 days), and when you ask why they blame covid…that tish doesn’t fly in the private sector…but I digress.

    There is no sense of customer service, nor of getting the job done right and on time. No accountability. And we all know I’m not just talking about Customs.

    I’ll be the first to admit that there are a few world class people working in the civil service. But as a whole it is laughable to use the term “world class” to describe our Government!

    Sorry Johann I went off on a tangent…you were saying?

  27. Anonymous says:

    only blind people can’t see…

  28. Anonymous says:

    I suspect that the corruption problem is even worse than most people realize. It is unlikely that things will change for the better as the largest beneficiaries of the corruption appear to be untouchable. It is also important for the people of the Cayman Islands to have confidence that crimes are not just crimes when they are committed by specific segments of the community.

  29. Anonymous says:

    I agree with Yohan 100%

  30. New Voter says:

    Johann Moxam for GTN in 2021

    • Anonymous says:

      If he can lead the territory out of this mess, then Yes.

      He has to start with instilling moral values in very young children. If they haven’t learned basics by 5 or 7, it might be too late.

      Today, only draconian laws that are enforced and continued anti-corruption education might stop those who are older than 20.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Time to vote out each member that fails to condemn McKeeva and Alden management of the country they only looking out for themselves

    • Anonymous says:

      Our economy is operating at 75%

      Unemployed tourism workers are getting assistance

      We have a vaccine on the way

      Banks are lending money backed by government guarantees

      Government has a healthy bank account

      No civil service layoffs

      Schools are open

      Cayman is Covid free

      Leave the Government alone We are doing just fine compared to the rest of the world.

      We don’t need a Johann out there destroying all they have built

      Thank you

      • ppm DISTRESS SIGNAL says:

        LOL that mix of kool aid is extra strong. Why don’t you tell us about the magic unicorns too

      • Anonymous says:

        The author asked relevant questions for us to ponder and there is too much evidence for you to dismiss the facts. You do not need to like him but he is a better leader than those currently in the LA that much is certain.

      • Anonymous says:

        He won’t destroy it. He will clean house and make it work effectively, we hope.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Does this include your you know whose employer?

  33. Anonymous says:

    We needs people like Mr. Moxam that speak the truth and is prepared to fight for equality amongst Caymanians. This lot of sellouts needs to go I mean all of them

  34. Anonymous says:

    I do find it odd that whenever I read of corruption in CNS it is some low-level civil servant. Apparently, those higher up the political and civil food chain are not partaking… 😉

  35. Ethics says:

    Or lack thereof, is the problem. Many people have no idea of what is right/wrong, acceptable/not acceptable and downright dishonest. Ethics should be taught in all schools as early as Year 8 or 9, that is when our individual set of values–our moral compass–are coalescing. By the time we are 30 is too late.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Johann you hit the nail on the head again. Bravo en fuego keep spitting the truth

  37. Anonymous says:

    Corruption is ingrained in the fabric of society here. We often don’t even realize it.

    Big up to Johann for writing this.

    • SSM345 says:

      So ingrained people have voted for it, accepted it our entire loves in Cayman; and they continue to defend it in 2020 against the wishes of those who will be running it when they are dead.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Well said Mr. Moxam

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