COVID-19 negative streak ends with 2 positive tests

(CNS): Two positive tests for COVID-19 have ended a more than week long negative streak for results. Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee reported on Monday that of the 552 tests that were carried out since Friday afternoon, 550 were negative. One of the two positive samples came from a returning traveller currently in isolation, the other from a resident who is presumed to have acquired the coronavirus through community transmission.
Both individuals are asymptomatic, the CMO said, and they are now the only two active cases in the country. The last positive test acquired through community transmission was on 1 July and since then officials have carried out 2,660 tests, all of which were negative until the two samples today.
Cayman has now completed 26,729 tests across the community, which turned up 203 positive cases since the first test in March. With just one fatality, which was ‘patient zero’, 200 people in Cayman have been infected but have now recovered from coronavirus here.
But even as Cayman seems to have run the virus to ground, officials are warning people not to be complacent, as they continue the test screening and tracing front-line workers and others.
Anyone can now request a COVID-19 test by filling in an online form here to register and make an appointment.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
For sure for sure we can only occur in real time
Nut yes yes
May we please have statistics on how many of the tests that are being done are re-tests of people previously tested and how many are people being tested for the first time. Re-testing people previously tested is not a particularly good way to estimate the prevalence of the virus in the community.
Thank God someone else with sense. I have been saying the same thing, in order to establish prevalence in the community, wider testing needs to be conducted. More sectors of Cayman need to undergo testing not just construction, frontline etc.
“How can a disease with 1% mortality shut down the United States?”
There are two problems with this question.
It neglects the law of large numbers; and
It assumes that one of two things happen: you die or you’re 100% fine.
The US has a population of 328,200,000. If one percent of the population dies, that’s 3,282,000 people dead.
Three million people dead would monkey wrench the economy no matter what. That more than doubles the number of annual deaths all at once.
The second bit is people keep talking about deaths. Deaths, deaths, deaths. Only one percent die! Just one percent! One is a small number! No big deal, right?
What about the people who survive?
For every one person who dies:
19 more require hospitalization.
18 of those will have permanent heart damage for the rest of their lives.
10 will have permanent lung damage.
3 will have strokes.
2 will have neurological damage that leads to chronic weakness and loss of coordination.
2 will have neurological damage that leads to loss of cognitive function.
So now all of a sudden, that “but it’s only 1% fatal!” becomes:
3,282,000 people dead.
62,358,000 hospitalized.
59,076,000 people with permanent heart damage.
32,820,000 people with permanent lung damage.
9,846,000 people with strokes.
6,564,000 people with muscle weakness.
6,564,000 people with loss of cognitive function.
That’s the thing that the folks who keep going on about “only 1% dead, what’s the big deal?” don’t get.
The choice is not “ruin the economy to save 1%.” If we reopen the economy, it will be destroyed anyway. The US economy cannot survive everyone getting COVID-19.
Minnesota senator Scott Jensen who is a doctor being investigated by medical board for questioning state guidelines recommendations on how to code hospital’ deaths.
And what about the other estimated 28 million people in the USA the have had it and did not even know it!
That now reduces your percentages a lot!
None of that is happening.
And the bitchiness that is Cayman goes on.
Don’t worry,, Mr. Roper will have you all lined up for the vaccine soon.
That goes for all of you pro-Trumpers and anti-Trumpers.
You seem to deserve each other. Bags of t*rds. And you teach your children the same.
Don’t even deserve a beach.
If you hate Cayman so much then why are you following what is happening here?
Take your negativity else where and be quiet.
It’s humorously ironic that you bitch about other people’s bitchiness while sitting on a fence trying to project the high ground.
Did someone drop you on your head when you were small?
Or recently
Nobody died in a car crash yesterday, lets’ all stop wearing our seatbelts.
For crying out loud, the high and mighty cynics on here are beyond belief. Wear your mask or stay home, its really not that hard.
I choose neither of the above.
I’m soooo sad our business owners are NOT taking this seriously.
Gas station cashiers – mask around neck not nose (Peanuts)
Coffee shop cooks – masks around chins?? Arrrgggh WTF…
Come on people- the safer we get the faster we get our economy back
It’s a lot more places than that. I was especially surprised to see a busy bank didn’t insist on their tellers to wear a mask – yet everyone else was wearing them.
Stay yo ass home then. There is no justification for a mask requirement in the Cayman Islands.
Don’t be silly.
8:52 am
back at you.
Wear your mask or stay home, its really not that hard.
The virus that’s so dangerous you have to get tested to find out if you have it! Sarcasm intended.
Like a silent fart
Or a heart attack? Ridiculous. Take this seriously to keep others safe please.
Officials are warning people…Officials are warning people. … ⚠️
Take is seriously, wash your hands, maintain distance, wear a 😷 ….. Take is seriously, wash your hands, maintain distance, wear a 😷 …..
Anything new officials want to say? Because it is getting tiresome…..
Our MLAs all need to be at work daily!!
Let’s get serious CI voters…
September school safety?
Vocational training to replace tourism revenue?
Bring back the police commissioner to tell us About the crowded bars problem (rule breaking) – lets see businesses fined!?!
Our Police need to be enforcing
Don’t let up…
False positive?
Donald? I was under the impression that you only thought it was a hoax originated by Democrats? This is Cayman
Yes Hillary, it is me Donald.
Glad it’s you..the loser that paid someone to take the SAT. Your niece is filling in the blanks on how dumb you really are. HAHAHAHA
And you are still just you hahaha
Ok, 12 – 13 days without a positive, then one community-spread case. We can only watch and see the trend for the next few test batches/weeks to see how it goes.
Now, I wonder if the community-spread positives start trending upwards, what the “re-open now” and “no-mask” proponents will say? Will they see the logical connection between the reopening of indoor bars (especially the reckless and irresponsible behaviour of some patrons, as reported) and other indoor close-quarter locations as the primary contributor, or will they blame it on the tooth fairy’s period?
More to come.
Hope so, wouldn’t want to have crippled the economy for nothing.
Our positive cases are less than the fail rate of the test .. they should be testing the positives twice to confirm they really are positive..
They are, including then sending for overseas confirmation test.
Technically what are reported are presumed positivities based on initial testing. But since we want numbers now, and their accuracy rate is high, we can take the # positive/negative as accurate until shown otherwise.)
They do get re tested – have to have 2 negative tests to be declared recovered.
How can they say there’s only two cases on island? Maybe two reported cases but not everyone has access to testing, so that really isn’t an accurate figure. I’m at home now experiencing some of the symptoms but I don’t know if I would test positive or negative for Covid19 because I don’t have access to the test.
BS anyone can get the test now and especially if you have symptoms.
Go get tested!!!
The Doctors Hospital will test you in a few hours for free
10:31 Are you dumb?? ANYONE can be tested and everyone has access to the test. It is even free, so try again with your nonsense of not having access to the test. Must have your head stuck under a rock.
Boo! I had planned a a whole mask burning ceremony.
Oh Alden will have us wearing them for quite a while yet. Once we stop wearing them people might start to focus on other issues. Why do you think the press conferences have edited a death.
Looks like this virus is less like other viruses than thought. It is not looking like it it going away with either time or temperature. So we may have to find a way to live with it. A vaccine may not even prove useful. This virus almost seems to be the perfect virus to elude resolution. Hmmm.
I think the Trump haters should stop wearing masks now that he has decided to wear one. A full on protest, with no social distancing, should commence immediately.
Really no need for the Trump haters to come down to Trump’s level. The public health care nightmare America is now in is mainly because the buffoon President decided to politicize a basic health issue. When I look at the success of EU countries and Canada today I can only shake my head.
Incredible that in no other country in the world did wearing a mask and practicing social distancing become a full fledged political issue. This is not a right or left issue, it is just common sense.
I have never been so pissed off by my American leadership in Washington and a Governor in Florida working against medical experts and scientists.
He hasnt worn one this whole time then you praise him for the one time he does? Trump is an idiot and I hope the Americans get him out of there.
Why don’t you go to the States, not wear your mask, disregard social distancing and tell us how that works out for you in a couple of weeks.
Two cases. One from someone flying into the island and has to quarantine in a government facility. That person cannot leave till cleared. The other (yes there is a second for those who care to read, or do not wish to comprehend) case is community spread where that person could go almost anywhere and associate with anyone. No mandatory tests. Yet the paranoid comments focus on incoming flights. If a person flew in, quarantined at home, that person would post a far smaller risk to Cayman than the person who has Covid in the community spread! There is still the matter of no deaths, empty brick and field hospitals.
There is no guarantee that people would actually remain at home. We have already had a case where the individual did not stay home and jeopardized their entire apartment complex. Or do you have short term memory loss?
All positives should have to go into a Government facility and remain there until they are negative.
Remind me, did everyone in the apartment complex die?
So people have to die for you to care about their health being unnecessarily jeopardized? Wow, aren’t you a real POS.
Of course it is on flights into Cayman. That’s why there is a shutdown. The question is this. Where do you go from here? You have apparently successfully created a covid free bubble. Do you want to be the North Korea of the Caribbean from here on out? My wife and I made it back to Florida in April from the islands. We take precautions, social distance, and wear masks. We have not gotten sick, and indeed the death rate has been very low. So far only about 80 people in our entire county. We also took a trip to St. Petersburg and to West Virginia since we returned without problems. Life has risks, but I have been very glad that I am here.
I hope that it works out for you all. Good luck.
Oh well you’re trapped too just on a bigger piece of land. Plus you can’t travel to NYC or the entire North East states. You might have to stay in Florida or the South. Not sure how you like that but seems pretty stuck to me.
So it is still here and in the community. Keep the masks on people we are not out of the woods yet!
we are doing great Cayman . the positives were returning people not found in the community. keep being respectful of this virus people and it will pass us
One who traveled, one community spread! The most dangerous one is the community spread as who knows where they were and who they were in contact with the past two weeks.
Totally. If people do what is required, use common sense and follow simple hygiene measures it will all be good. Absolutely
You do realize that it’s Caymanians coming home on these flights? And the flights are from the UK as well? And they don’t get out into the general public until they have spent xxx number of days in quarantine to ensure they are negative? It’s not like there are a bunch of Zombies from the walking dead on the flights……..
Are you sure everyone has to quarantine?
Apparently pro-level quarancheaters can get a doctor’s note for claustrophobia, and hire a sleepy $80/day guard for their home. Cheaper than the hotels.
A guard can work 24 hours for 80 dollars?
Maybe the community spread is someone who works at a quarantine facility? Think about the people that work in an environment where all customers likely have Covid. We need to stop bringing people in, especially from Florida.
There is nowhere in Cayman where all customers are likely to have Covid – give you head a rattle.
Just cos you flew in from elsewhere doesn’t automatically mean you have the virus
They must be escaping from quarantine. They need to be stopped from flying in. We are all in grave danger to these Covid carriers.
Mid July 2020 and the UK decides that masks might be a good idea.
They are a waste of time
Time for a 14 day hard curfew. Lock it down Alden!
Have you considered locking yourself down forever?
Thank you at 6:12 pm. Who ever wants a lockdown should lock up in their house.
Lock down your mouth…we did the curfew and now we all wear the stupid masks like lemmings. The paranoia is far scarier than the virus
No it is not… we need to be Covid free for our Economy and our People!
Are teachers coming back?
Are we retraining our Tourism workers?
Need a living wage for local workers (Chamber businesses need to give up cheap expat slave labor!!)
Support Cayman, Stay Safe so we can thrive 2021
If you don’t open the airport the economy will die!.
Thats a fact so there is no option.
But pretesting works and a test after 4 days of arrival.
Well Done Cayman!
But we’ve got to keep those Americans out. Is it still true that Covid has been on every flight into Cayman?
We have to keep those Americans out of America’s health system is beginning to implode. Amazing to think that as of today there are more coronavirus cases in Florida than in all of the countries of the European Union.
Trump is destroying America by his utter stupidity on public health policy.
How far America has fallen in the world in less than four years.
You’re just jealous because Trump is the greatest world leader ever. Better than Abraham Lincoln. #MAGA!
2:17 You are such an idiot. 😂 There is nothing even remotely great about Trump. I can assure you that no one is jealous either, quite the opposite. America has become the laughing stock of the world. Perhaps you haven’t noticed since your head is clearly in the clouds but the American passport is basically worthless as no one wants any of you Americans traveling to their countries.
@ 2.17 Troll…lol…lol…lol…the entire planet is pointing at the USA and laughing. Just like Nelson from the Simpsons. An imbecile for a president and an army of redneck sycophants hanging on his every mispronounced word. Please keep your borders closed and never leave. We don’t need you.
Garbage. He was right on hydroxychloroquine. I am sure he has been taking it and stupid left wing governors in the US banned it costing people their lives.
Please don’t start rumours