Number of new COVID-19 cases remains small

(CNS) There were just four more COVID-19 positive results reported Thursday, as the national screening of workers continued this week. Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee released the results of 745 samples today, with one positive result coming from a contact of an existing positive person and three more from the random screening that are community acquired. But all four people are asymptomatic. All of the patients are now in isolation and their contacts are being traced.
The latest batch of results reflects a steady but small increase in positive people to 160 but none are in the hospital, few have any symptoms of the virus and 85 of them have formally recovered.
In total, Cayman has tested 13,253 people, largely from the workforce, and as public health officials inch towards testing the target of 20% of the population, there appears to be no evidence that the virus is widespread. While cases continue to pop up as batches of results are completed, in almost all cases the individuals are symptom free.
If the trend continues, Premier Alden McLaughlin has said on a number of occasions that there will be no need to reverse any of the easing of restrictions and more can be lifted, opening up more social activity and work places without people having to fear that they could be infected and get sick.
Cayman has navigated the pandemic with only a very small number of people becoming very sick. Only one person has died since the virus reached our shores and that was ‘patient zero’, who arrived in Cayman carrying the virus from a cruise ship and suffering serious underlying health conditions.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
A company got tested last monday (1 June) and have still not received the results a week later!! WHAT is going on? The numbers that are being reported – are they over a week old???? Is that how long it’s taking to process the tests? Zzzzzzzz…..
what really concerns me is that we are obviously collecting specimens in large amounts, where are the results. After a specimen sits for 48 hours it is no any good or testing. Where are the results for all the samples collected. Perhaps I am not understanding Dr. Lee’s reporting.
Cayman Islands is #4 in the world for testing per 1mln pop.
So what?
Maybe so, but a company whose employees were tested last monday are still waiting for their results. That’s 7 days and still waiting.
Johnny L. rockin’ 7/7 in Cayman. Those fools still not figured you out bro’.
Gotta say tho’ that guvnor boss man ting.
He won’t rest till guillotine in heroes square. Oops. said too much.
I wonder, if any of those who say “stay at home” or “stay under a rock and live your life” or “go hide under your bed” were to ever catch the virus, would they post “oops, me and my big mouth caught coronavirus because of not taking it seriously”.
I’d be anxious to hear from them!!
Take it very seriously. Just not delusional!
We’ll hear from them when we hear from someone that was hiding under their bed wearing 6 masks in layers and still got infected but didn’t get sick.
Maybe it’s the toxins from Mt. Trashmore, already lined our lungs with slow-acting, long- effect heavy metals that covid19 can’t penetrate. Something will getchya!
It would have been funny if it wasn’t tragic.
Initially, mostly in March, high number of deaths among not in a risk group category people were contributed, and doctors admitted that themselves were:
– using ventilators on people with healthy lung muscles function and damaging it
– improper use of ventilators due to lack of certified and experienced personnel and around the clock monitoring
– sedating people on ventilators for an extended period
– putting people in medically induced coma for an extended period
– not knowing that virus causes blood clotting in alveoli, that was only discovered in autopsies..
This is exactly what happened to Amanda Kloot’s husband. She is desperately trying to find brilliant minds to save her husband, who, in my opinion, was misdiagnosed, put on a ventilator, 6 weeks in a medically induced coma, 2 mini strokes due to blood clots, leg amputation due to clots and now lung infection and dysfunction due to damage. I have no idea who these people are, it is in the news, but it is tragic.
Boris Johnson was lucky. He went from mild to critical when doctors already knew that ventilators are not the answer for 80% of C19 critical patients, especially in their prime with healthy lungs function.
Alden laughin…killed the… economy…whacked it…Never..convince me it didn’t happen….
Favors.. civil servants….they slackin….What’s happenin?….Alden laughin…
We were appalled to be invited to a private indoor party tonight with eight other households. It seems there are a lot of privileged and selfish people, who despite their intellect and holding positions where they ought to know better, have decided their curfew, and thus, everyone’s curfew is now over.
You can thank the first lady.
If this is true, then you need to out them.
It’s generally not advisable to narc-out neighbours and social circle in the Cayman Islands. Especially on a police complaint where police routinely pass accuser info on to perpetrators.
I have no idea who you’re talking about, so this comment is pretty useless.
The point is: private gatherings are not allowed right now, and in some circles, few seem to care.
I’m appalled at your appalledness.
Appalled, but not surprised.
We are having one tonight and probably another tomorrow if you want to stop by
Sure, a good session sounds great! – where do you live?
Does the host get the $27,000 fine, or does each guest couple cover their $6,000?
You haven’t figured out yet that even the police don’t give a shot anymore. Not worth the paperwork. Plus, the DPP have clarified that it’s just fine.
Just say no
This is now no longer a thing. Lets get back to work before there is no work to go back to.
You are a fool if you this is no longer a thing.
No one is hospitalized…so…..
Just because no one is currently hospitalized doesn’t mean this virus has vanished, stupid.
Damn. I didn’t realize I should wait till it’s vanished. I’m going back inside and locking my doors.
…break the law, defy social duty, and risk a huge fine?
These numbers mean nothing to the premier. He will lockdown what he wants and open what he wants on his schedule. Because his bills are paid. His income is secure.
He will keep us locked down until he gets…. 100 billion dollars. Mwaaahaaahaaahaaa
According to Trevor Noah, one (so far) unsubstantiated research in Canada has preliminarily revealed that ganja (perhaps its CBD derivative) might possibly prevent Covid19!
Now we know why Cayman hasn’t been severely impacted by the virus – all the weed-heads and second-hand smoke!! Lol!
I am surprised that the UK or any other major foreign government isn’t interested on what is going on in Cayman. Obviously the WHO don’t know everything on the virus and with the number of asymptomatic people here, there must be some use of analyzing what’s going on here.
I know Sweden’s herd immunity experiment didn’t work, but maybe Cayman could be different given the climate? There really should be some sort of studying done here.
The sample size is pretty small to spend a lot on studies here. Maybe the climate/salinity of the air causes a less virile mutation. Maybe it’s Scotch bonnets and jerk that keeps Covid at bay. Maybe the virus doesn’t like people who complain about nearly everything, which is why it wants nothing to do with any of us!
Use the Caribbean as a whole. Same results different approaches.
Maybe it’s some weird combo of drinking from PVC pipes, mosquito agents, and aerosols from dump fires?!? It is curious, but in a thank goodness kind of way, for a change.
Lol! Good one😊
I don’t buy the weather theory. The entire northern hemisphere of the planet is in humid spring-summer mode now. Tropical India, Mexico, Brazil, Central America, would suggest ambient temperature and humidity aren’t a huge inhibiting factor to transmission and/or death. I think we might just be lucky to have a weaker form loose. Thankful either way.
All places with massive slum populations where social distancing is near impossible. You get an F for logic.
Who cares anymore? Only opening of sectors that benefit certain people only.
The best thing we could do, given the asymptotic nature of the virus locally, is to try an achieve herd immunity.
Hello, this is not Ebola. Why are we reacting like this is the Black Plague? It is not, and the costs of this shut down will be far more deadly than the virus.
There is now evidence that asymptomatic people are not contagious.
As the months go by, 500-600 asymptomatic people will be randomly found to have the virus. Another 500-1000 will have the antibodies.
No one Is sick.
The only thing now is how long it with take the powers that be to figure it out. Hopefully before I lose my job forever.
It is incorrect to say no one is sick here. Some people are; they just don’t need hospitalisation. But look what’s happening in Brazil and Mexico, and what has happened in Italy, Spain and New York. This virus can be a killer. No one knows yet why it’s worse in some places than others.
So true. I’m sick, and tired, of my fellow Caymanians not being allowed to return home.
What evidence is this exactly?
If you test positive I’d immediately demand a retest. Chances are good that it’s negative.
Alden Mclaughlin. Cayman’s answer to King Canute. The virus was never dangerous or deadly as once feared, and it is working its way through the population in spite of Alden “Canute” ‘s ridiculous and MORE deadly commands to lock up his sujects. Well, One might as well order the tide not to come in. Remember that the test only shows persons who have the virus right now. Thousands of “negatives” have doubtless had it and recovered.
There once was an old king called King Canute,
And he was a very bossy old brute.
“Bring me my crown, and hurry!” he would say,
He told everyone what to do all day.
He said to the queen “I like being the king
And being in charge of everything.”
The queen looked at King Canute, and she laughed.
She said “Not everything, don’t be daft.
You couldn’t command the wind not to blow,
You couldn’t command a tree not to grow.
You’re not in charge of the birds or the bees,
The sun or the moon, the skies or the seas.
“Oh yes I am” said the King, getting cross
“I am, I’ll prove it; I’ll show you who’s boss!”
He called the servants together and then
He bellowed out an order to his men:
“Pick up my throne and take it to the beach,
There is a lesson that I want to teach.”
So they carried his throne down to the ocean
Followed by crowds, there was quite a commotion.
Canute sat on the throne facing the sea
And spoke to it with great authority.
“I am your king and I give this command –
Stay where you are, do not come on this sand”
But the sea didn’t listen to the king.
No-one can stop the tide from coming in.
As the waves kept advancing up the shore
The red-faced king tried to halt them once more.
“I am the King, you must do as I say,
I command you to go back, right away.”
But the waves still came, right up to his feet.
Canute sighed sadly, admitting defeat.
He faced the queen and said “You won the bet
And I have got my royal slippers wet.
I did my best, but no, I came up short.
I guess I’m not as powerful as I thought.”
@ Amón 8 27pm Sadly, like COVID 19, there is no cure for idiocy such as yours. Even worse, unlike COVID 19, you will never get over it, although like COVID19. it might kill you.
If Covid doesn’t kill him, I’m going to go out a limb here, at some point, something else will. It’s called life!
It seems the number goes up about 10 each week.
Just 4 more but rising slowly and quietly.
Be careful because once this claims a life we have lost control. Stay home. The roads are like everyday 2019 now. Crazy. Everybody out going no where mostly. Meeting people they don’t need to and shopping when they don’t need it. Be careful
160 and counting is far too high, especially when we don’t know how many positive are being responsible with their isolation. Since most are asymptomatic I would bet that some of them are not isolating and thus could be further spreading the virus. Government can require isolation but does not have the resources to enforce or monitor isolation in every single case. Personal values must play the most significant part in persons who test positive staying isolated.
But, alas, high risk persons will continue to be put at further risk as they carry on their lives, as they must (shopping, banking, collecting meds and other essential activity), by some insensitive and careless positive cases who feel that others should stay at home while they roam around and spread their virus!!
Regardless of how few serious cases have materialized, how few have been hospitalized or how many are asymptomatic don’t develop symptoms, no one knows how the virus could affect any given high-risk person and NO ONE has the right to jeopardize those people’s lives, nor dictate to those people that they must stay isolated instead of the virus-carriers!!
Sorry but both groups should stay at home! If the current infection rate of those being tested is representitive of the wider population then there are potentially 100’s more of us with it.
Omg, go hide under your bed.
hide under a rock please and live your life accordingly
Something doesn’t add up here. How can we have this many community infections but no-one is sick and there is hardly any spread? It would be really good to know if any of these asymptomatic positives have other infected people in their households. If not then it must be possible these are false positives.
It would be better to know if asymptomatic turned symptomatic for any of them.
Because this virus is highly contagious we will find that many more people have been exposed than initially estimated. Yet, the virus as it is not as lethal as the fear mongers would like you to believe. Most exposed will not show symptoms. But the reality does not fit the narrative, and politicians are recalcitrant to admit their errors.
I think that’s my biggest issue with all of this. Considering what was happening in Europe and New York in March/April, I don’t blame CIG for its actions. In fact, a lesser response would have been irresponsible. However, it became apparent last month that the virus, for whatever reason, isn’t a virile here. At that point, CIG should have started revising its approach. There’s nothing wrong with taking a different course when new evidence presents itself. That’s a sign of wisdom. But I think you’re right; CIG, and Alden in particular, have dug in. It’s not even a matter of admitting errors – no one can say for sure that what CIG did in March and April were errors – maybe they were, maybe they weren’t – but not to take a different approach now seems more much about hubris than anything else.
We have accurate picture of virus, its not much deadly than influence. The current estimates for serious form of corona are between 0.1-0.78% persons dying. Yes, its novel virus so there will be a peak of serious cases for those most vulnerable. These vulnerable groups (elderly and those with certain medical conditions) should continue to isolate. the virus poses smaller risk than getting killed in car accident for healthy adults. And no its not selfish to want to go back to work, companies can not survive indefinitely without selling their products and services. Its also easier for me to look after my gramma and sister with diabetes if economy is open. we will make sure they are safe as so far the only thing my Government has done is locked down healthy adults. Opening economy and allowing families to help to isolate those that need to will ensure we will still have money in the pot for hospital and for prevention of other (deadlier) diseases.
Can anyone recall how many people Alden thought would die / need hospitalization from the virus? If I recall correctly, the amount given was prior to the additional temporary hospital beds.
MOH said 800+
Vaguely remember Premier saying thousands
I remembered from one of the very first Briefings. Thousands could die, 800+
He said thousands could get SICK and 800+ die IF they didn’t have a lockdown and let the virus rip through the country. No one ever said that 800+ would die with the lockdown. The whole point of the lockdown was to prevent that.
There are none so blind as those who don’t want to see.
That’s what he said, moron.
Sweden has proved 800 was never going to happens, kind Sir.
Well that’s the premise all our policies are based on. His paranoid, selfish supporters will yell loud and clear that our numbers are low because Alden acted so harshly. Of course, it doesn’t explain why we are middle of the pack compared to other islands in the Caribbean in terms of covid deaths per population. And the big difference. Other islands are looking for solutions while we justify our actions based on a false premise.
Where are they hiding all the bodies?
And the positive tests fall in line with the expected false positive rate for this PCR test… we are going to be in lockdown until the end of time chasing ghosts because those in charge don’t understand math.
So we “found” 4 more asymptomatic people out of 745 tested. Are they still contagious? Is the Specificity of the PCR test being used 100%? Lots of questions but most likely the wirus is not a real threat at this point.
How free will they let us be while borders are closed?
The infographics list these as confirmed cases not positive test results so there is zero chance these are false positive results!
Government propaganda is always 100% accurate! We don’t need confirmation from CARPHA or other clinical confirmation procedures when we have infographics!
It is being widely reported the scientists believe the 80% of the COVID-19 infections are responsible by 20% or fewer “super-spreaders” and that most infections happen in closed places, not outdoors. Could our continued rise in numbers of positive cases here in Cayman be attributed to Church gatherings where people who are signing and who are close together, as identified as one of the major causative situations ideal for the spread of COVID-19?
Could be. Churches invite close contact, the expelling of saliva droplets through singing, the touching of things (like collection plates) by everyone attending, and then the hugging and handshaking that goes on afterwards.
Church gatherings are still prohibited except for funerals with control on numbers and social distancing, masks, etc. All Pastors I know are still holding virtual services only.
It is hard to say how contagious individuals there are whilst asymptotic. Studies are conflicting. But what we do know is that no one has been seriously ill from this virus on Island for at least 5 weeks. No one has died from a locally transmitted case ever. No one is in hospital with this disease. And we continue to wantonly destroy our economy under the guise of ‘saving people’. People who as far as we know are not at any significant risk.
A neighboring Prime Minister once said “Laws should not shackle us.”
Can we use the temporary hospitals to house the poor, stranded and jobless people? Or don’t they matter?
Of course they don’t matter as long as Alden can pay his mortgage
Yet still no plan
I’m afraid we’re in for the long haul. It’s difficult for most people to admit when they are wrong. Near impossible for Donalden.
This is our unfortunate existence until things go too far…. but when will that happen?
Will it be when a minister’s wife’s curfew violations get brushed under the rug while 800 of your fellow citizens and residents are lectured in front of a judge, on the importance of following the draconian legislation and unwritten decrees of the Police Commissioner (which exceed his authority under the stated law)?
Will it be when the speaker of the house’s alleged assault is casually forgotten?
Will it be when your basic rights are forfeit and justified because leaders take a test result below the expected false positive rate as gospel?
Will it be when there is no accountability from CARPHA in confirming positive test results?
Will it be when the appointed governor agrees with every statement made by tyrants without exception?
Will it be when you and your family go to bed hungry?
Will it be when you loose your company, job, retirement, and savings due to un-gazetted laws and regulations from the “Competent Authority”?
The US reached the boiling point last week, I don’t think we are far behind. When the time comes I hope the police at the front lines understand that what will come to pass is due to the oppression all of us are under for months.
True true. He will hold his ground as he is a fool and not a leader.