No test results, 2nd patient hospitalised

(CNS): There were no new test results ready for Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee to announce at Monday’s COVID-19 press briefing, but he said several were still being processed and were expected later. Dr Lee said there are now two people in hospital on Grand Cayman who have tested positive for coronavirus, one patient who has been there for some time and one who was admitted this weekend.
The CMO said the contacts of the first patient to test positive on Cayman Brac have all been traced and isolated and they are currently all doing well.
Meanwhile, as government battles to press home the ‘stay at home’ message as the most effective way of preventing the spread of COVID-19, Dr Lee spoke about masks, which remain a topic of significant public debate.
As they are not yet freely available, the HSA is not issuing any formal advice but Dr Lee said that, in general, they can prevent the wearer from spreading the virus but will not stop them from getting the virus. Masks are a small part of the bigger picture of social distancing and hygiene, he noted.
Dr Lee said that medical professionals here were continuing to look at drugs such as chloroquine that may have potential for helping manage the treatment of COVID-19. He said a group of medical staff is researching the evidence that exists now to create a unified approach to the treatment of coronavirus patients.
See the press briefing below on CIGTV, set to start at Dr Lee’s prepared remarks:
Category: Health, Medical Health
Last time I had flu – 20 years ago, I got rid of it in one night by drinking a full bottle of brandy washed down with 6 paracetamol. Have scientists tried putting the virus in a Petri dish and filling it with a safe to drink alcohol to see what happens to the virus? Belarus still playing live sports and advice from government there to drink vodka and go to saunas!! No joke – saw it on the bbc last night! That’s why the liquor stores here folks are ‘essential’!!
Baking soda protocol (google) has been used for at least 100 years to treat flu and cold. I dissolve it in hot water, not cold then drink it warm. I use Miller brand. 3 of my niece’s friends in Miami, early 30s, got C19. One had a mild case, but other 2 not so mild. They immediately started the protocol. All 3 have recovered.
Drinking baking soda before drinking prevents hangover. Tested. It works.
CNS: Baking soda can relieve symptoms. There is no medical evidence that it cures flu or COVID. As with all home remedies, they can help with the symptoms but they should not replace any of the medical advice about staying home, social distancing and good hygiene, especially frequent hand washing. If you are feeling unwell and you are in the Cayman Islands, call the flu hotline.
Hi Dr Lee
Do you not think it would be a good idea to BAN leaf blowers especially during this time of the virus. It has been done in many areas of the US. We should do this now and not wait.
Are you for real?
They should really be permanently banned but that’s got nothing to do with the ‘rona
They keep blowing in Florida. Nobody complaints..
So are there now 3 patients hospitalized with COVID. 2 at HSA and 1 at Health City?
Why are we even making people believe in non N95 mask false hope…….New report just after some people told to wear cotton masks below.
“Neither surgical nor cotton masks are effective at stopping the new coronavirus from spreading when a person coughs, a study suggests. The authors of the paper, published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, said more research is needed to determine whether such masks prevent the bug that causes COVID-19 from being passed on.
To test whether certain masks prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 (not to be confused with the SARS virus), researchers asked four COVID-19 patients in South Korea to enter negative-pressure isolation rooms. The volunteers, aged between 35 and 82, were asked to cough four times each on to five separate Petri dishes positioned 20 cm (7.9 inches) from their mouths. The first time they wore no mask, then a surgical mask, followed by a cotton mask, and again no mask. The disposable surgical masks used in the study measured 180 mm × 90 mm and had three layers, while reusable cotton masks measured 160 mm × 135 mm and were comprised of two layers
After the participants finished coughing, the researchers took swabs from the inner and outer surfaces of the masks.”
Any mask is better than no mask. Check out any video of China right now. It reduces spread and that is what is needed. So put on your mask, scarf or what ever you have.
Video don’t prove S–T dumb dumb BUT Science does.
Put one one a child and see how often they touch their face.
They also eat Dog and Cat and any other animal there so will you do that too???
The feral cats are making a strong comeback, mosquitoes next. Thanks Alden
What happened to the body of the deceased Italian that had Covid-19? Any more info on the status of his wife’s health, and possible plans to be repatriated?
Do you really really want to know….or is this in the competition for stupid questions.
Agreed – like the majority of questions raised on the daily press conference, either repetitive questions or purely irrelevant. I’m feed up of people still raising curfew questions, it’s not hard.
Ware a mask…..and stay at home if you can. Stop thinking of stupid questions. Is there a competition going on for who can ask the most stupid questions. If they payed attention to the report rather than trying to think of something stupid.
Don’t be stupid.
So says the genius spelling wear as ware.
Paid as payed.
Nine times out of ten, you’ll probably find that evolving CDC best practice is more dynamic than the WHO advice, which can lag behind by weeks/months.
So why wait for Dr. Lee to tell you to wear a mask when you go out? You can only be in control of your actions so wear your mask and maybe soon the other guy will do so as well, and so on…..
Where can you buy masks?
7.16pm Almost impossible here, there is one pharmacy on the West Bay Rd selling surgical masks for CI$36 each but they can only be worn once!.
CNS: There are a couple of videos on YouTube on how to make masks without sewing, useful for those of us who are rubbish at such things.
Wuhan Province
Why is my office of 12 people more dangerous than the supermarkets where every person is going and leaving the hand prints?????
Work from home
Your office is not essential to people staying alive. Access to food is.
How do you know that we’re not The Bee Gees?
don’t ask awkward questions that alden can’t answer.
just look at the pool cleaning issue. stubbornness and ignorance trumps common sense.
Because each of you twelve may have been exposed to at least 10 persons… it from home, neighbours, children, family etc etc…..each of those 10 persons in turn were exposed to another 10 persons and so forth!
Stay Home!!!!!!!
To be fair he is making a comparative comment, not saying its risk free. To which the answer is that if those 12 people were to all agree they could go to the office but never go to the supermarket then he might have a point – but the reality is that its an additional exposure that is unnecessary – not an alternative. Bit like saying if I meet 12 people its less dangerous than when I come in contact with 50 – but not if you are contact 62.
Dr Lee needs to be more assertive. He advised us to assume we had it and everyone else we come into contact with. So with that logic we should all be wearing masks. It would seem to me that a little protection is better than no protection.
Think Magic Johnson
correct but the international community and the w.h.o have been equally confusing in this regard.