British prime minister in intensive care

| 06/04/2020 | 35 Comments
Cayman News Service
Prime Minister Boris Johnson

(CNS): UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson (55) has been admitted to intensive care at St Thomas’ Hospital in London after his coronavirus symptoms “worsened”, his office in Downing Street said Monday. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab is now deputizing “where necessary”. Johnson was first admitted to hospital on Sunday, when his staff played down concerns over his health.

A statement from government officials at 10 Downing Street released Monday evening read:

“Since Sunday evening, the prime minister has been under the care of doctors at St Thomas’ Hospital, in London, after being admitted with persistent symptoms of coronavirus. Over the course of this afternoon, the condition of the prime minister has worsened and, on the advice of his medical team, he has been moved to the intensive care unit at the hospital.”

Speaking at the press briefing Monday, the premier and governor both sent their best wishes to the UK leader and his family.

Premier Alden McLaughlin said this illustrated the unpredictability of the disease as Johnson was a relatively young, fit and energetic person. “This virus is no respecter of persons,” he said, noting that Prince Charles (71) had had only very mild symptoms and had bounced back quickly while Johnson is now in intensive care.

Governor Martyn Roper also said the news showed how dangerous this virus really is, as he and the premier both urged people to stay home and avoid catching the disease because no one knows how it will effect them.

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Category: Health, Medical Health, UK, World News

Comments (35)

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  1. Brian O'Hanra-Hanrahan says:

    Can’t get too excited about this one: Johnson caught bad Covid not good Covid: he was shaking hands with known carries. Not like the innocents who catch it through no fault of their own.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Release the trolls!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Some of these comments are unbelievable! The British government quickly introduced an unprecedented financial stimulus package in an effort to save peoples’ jobs and the effort to build the 4,000 bed Nightingale Hospital in two weeks was extraordinary.

    Boris Johnson a buffoon – I don’t think so. The country rallied around him in the December general election and gave him a massive majority in Parliament. Most people (even the neo-liberal political commentators) think he has done a good job so far and his approval rating from the public is high.

    So for all those expats – living the high life in Cayman – who want to express these disgraceful comments about the Prime Minister’s health, why don’t you just keep them to yourself!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Not sure where you get your news (possibly the Express or Sun newspapers) but like his fellow clown to the north they got their majority by default. If the electoral system was fair neither would have achieved the popular vote.

      • Anonymous says:

        Majority by default! – the electoral system isn’t fair….Snowflake, you forget there was a UK-wide referendum on the Parliamentary voting system in 2011 when the people chose to retain the first past the post system. That is the UK’s electoral system and BJ won the election fair and square. Not sure where you get your news – Hugh Grant?

        • Anonymous says:

          The people ( including Labour voters) did not want to go as far left as Corbyn ( whose extreme views clearly ‘shot him in the leg” ). The only alternative was to vote Tory. They however did not vote for the leader of the Tory party. The choices were few and all candidates seemed generally unsuitable to lead the country…… so in the end ( after so much infighting in Parliament ) the Tories chose a comic to bring unity to the country.

    • Anonymous says:

      10:07 Well said! Imagine if we (and I mean Cayman when I say we as it effects us to) ended up with a Labour government. Would be an utter S&%t show…

    • Anonymous says:

      Why don’t you 10:07, just look at Boris Johnson’s views on the virus in January and February. A smart ass who ignored what his top medical authorities were advising him and his Ministers. He was even shaking hands with everyone a couple of weeks ago.
      Sorry, you need to look at the facts and not let your political views blur your ability to see what really happened in the U.K. in January and February related to the virus.

      A buffoon by any standard.

  4. Anonymous says:

    While we all wish everyone afflicted with this horrible virus all the best with their recovery, I don’t understand why this U.K. gov’t would fuel reports that Boris is occupying one of the scarce ICU beds, as well as the time, attention and energies of all the best critical care doctors in the UK. Especially if he doesn’t actually require the special intubation and/or encephalopathy treatments needed by much more seriously triaged ill “common folk” who might stand to die without access to that room. The message is hard to reconcile. Oxygen can be wheeled into any hospital room, indeed even brought to Downing St…what are we missing?

  5. George Town says:

    Come on folks! The man could be on his death bed, and all you can think about is his political affiliation.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I trust when he recovers and reassume his political rant, he will be filled with empathy and compassion for everyone who is fighting to survive this monster and will be at the forefront of ensuring that every life counts.

    It goes to show, that noone is immune to this monster. Not even the arrogant and the privilege.

  7. Anonymous says:

    a total buffoon…that has cost hundred of lives in the uk.
    karma bites back hard.
    one can only hope the same will apply to the orange clown up north.

    • J.C. says:

      What a turd you are, 1:09, but you still shouldn’t wish that for anyone.

      • Anonymous says:

        The hypocrisy of Boris Johnson is beyond belief considering his position on the virus in January and February. A severe lack of national leadership was demonstrated. I understand why so many people are having a hard time now showing sympathy for the PM. Arrogance does have a way of turning people off politicians.

    • Anonymous says:

      1:09 you’re a disgrace. Run along now you tedious troll.

    • Anonymous says:

      He may be a total buffoon but I will take him any time over the “stable genius”.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Boris get well soon. You are doing a good job. Best Prime

  9. Anonymous says:

    Who really cares?

  10. Anonymous says:

    So much for “herd immunity”.

    Wish him a speedy recovery🙏🏼.

    One dumbass human being, just the same!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Dummy had to shake everyone’s hands didn’t he 🤦‍♂️


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