Miller urges big business to support workers

(CNS): Public Accounts Committee Chair Ezzard Miller (NS) is supporting government measures to curb the spread of COVID-19, but he has urged larger businesses to step up and support the wider community. Urging business owners to put the country and its people first, he encouraged them to rise above the letter of the law, to avoid enforcing sick leave or vacation, and to pay workers for as long as they can.
Concerned about the economic as well as the health impact of this novel coronavirus pandemic, Miller said he “wholeheartedly” supports government’s contemplation of a relief package for small businesses, as he is very concerned about their survival. But he said everyone must do their part.
“I hope sectors of business and commerce will continue to devise creative arrangements for work to continue out of office or off site where there is reduced risk of exposure to the current health threat,” Miller said, and encouraged bosses to take responsibility for the work permit holders they employ. He reminded employers that these workers “have contributed to your business’s profitability”.
Miller said employers are “duty bound, legally and morally, to treat employees fairly and humanely”, as he urged them to also consider their employees’ living conditions. He called on bosses to alleviate those conditions that may place their health at risk.
In a message to all employees, Miller encouraged them to be considerate in their expectations in return.
“Beyond the business side of this unfortunate and serious health risk, every one of us should take careful note of government’s instructions and health care professionals’ advice, especially with regard to self-quarantining,” Miller warned.
“The Cayman Islands now has four confirmed cases… traced to an imported case, and there is no sign so far of community spread. But we must individually do our part. We each have a responsibility to protect ourselves and our families, and our wider communities,” he added, as he warned people to limit their movements and to maintain social distancing.
He said that by taking responsibility to limit opportunities for the virus to spread we will will each contribute to the optional functioning of health professionals and our health facilities with its limited resources. Miller urged people to think about the health and well-being of others in essential services, as well as supermarket staff and those in gas stations and pharmacies who are keeping these essential private sector services going too.
“The continued stability and steadiness of all these public and private essential services can only be maintained if each of us continues to be diligent in our responsibility to reduce any potential for the spread of this dangerous virus,” Miller said.
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Category: Business, Health, Medical Health
Unreasonable expectations. Businesses have to plan to make it past the next 12-18 months with little to no income. Government is who has to step in just as all over the world.
How about Mr.Miller donate half of his very generous salary to the NAU to show that he will put money where his mouth is, beyond that stay out of the private sector, many businesses will go out of business due to this.
I work for a small company, guess it will be closing, premier won’t even comment on releasing pensions wtf am I supposed to do for money. My landlord says he can’t afford to stop or reduce rent and now I can’t fly home. Guess those wild chickens will finally be useful. no idea where I will live. at least the 20 rolls of toilet paper I have will be worth something !
Who asked him?
No one needed to ask him. He cares about his responsibilities to Cayman.
Who asked you?