Medical chief orders isolation under law

(CNS): Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee, as most senior public health official in the Cayman Islands, is using the Public Health Law to order returning residents to follow the 14-day self-isolation period, creating some legal authority over the situation. Dr Lee made the announcement at Friday’s COVID-19 press briefing, when he also confirmed another 23 local samples tested for coronavirus over the last 24 hours were all negative.
Having tested less than 100 people in total, it is still difficult for public health officials to assess the true picture of possible infection rates already in the community. But the authorities now believe that the biggest threat to the community comes from Caymanians and residents who have recently returned home from overseas or are due to do so this weekend.
By making a mandatory direction under the Public Health Law, this enables government to legally require people to isolation for a period of 14 days, either at home or in one of the facilities provided, without having to introduce a mandated curfew for everyone.
This means that anyone who is known to have come back from overseas over the last week or so who is seen leaving isolation could be prosecuted and fined up to $1,000 or even face six months in jail.
Following the news that everyone at Health City Cayman Islands is now clear, with the exception of two members of the medical team that nursed ‘patient zero’, who died of COVID-19, government’s goal is still to try and contain the virus here. This is why the focus has switched to returning residents.
Given the virus could already be in the community from those who have returned and without enough testing to help authorities in Cayman to understand transmission rates, the isolation of people who have returned is critical. Dr Lee said mandating self-isolation was driven by the concerns in the community that people have not been isolating.
“There appears to have been a lot of concerns and reports that people may not be complying,” the doctor said. “But because it is of such utmost importance to protect the health of the people of Cayman we felt it was necessary to compel people to stay put.”
He stressed that the most important thing and the wider goal in the containment effort is to stop people from mixing in groups, and he urged the community to stay within their homes and families. He said even when walking, go alone or only with your immediate household.
Premier Alden McLaughlin said the actions government has taken to close Cayman down in the way it has and the aim to stop people mixing is because of the lessons learned from countries like Italy, the UK and the United States. These countries were slow to restrict the movement and mixing of people and as a result faced another grim day on Friday. More than 630 people died overnight in Italy, which, not unlike Cayman, has an aging population.
“Here we are doing everything we can to get ahead of the spread of the virus by imposing the measures that we have. So far, so good, but this has a long way to go and a long way to run,” McLaughlin said. Given the number of visitors to Cayman each week, even though they have stopped now, plus the returning residents, “we are still at real risk of community spread”, he added.
McLaughlin said the mandatory direction was to ensure that everyone who returns takes their obligation to isolate seriously.
Dr Lee stood by his comments that those who may have COVID-19 but who are asymptomatic are less likely to spread the virus, which is disputed by other medical professionals. He said it remained the advice coming from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the US and other international health agencies, largely because asymptomatic people are not coughing and sneezing.
“That advice may change in time,” he said, but noted that the restrictions in Cayman will help control the spread by everyone who could be carrying the virus.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
From the comments below:
“This isn’t a difficult choice but you continue to want to hold on to the economy like your life depends on it. It doesn’t and countless billions of poor people throughout history have proven that.”
I don’t know if they stopped teaching world history, social studies and economics in school, but this is the type of mentality that worries me nearly as much as the virus.
what is your problem with that? What kind of mentality is that?
On one hand it is comforting that we’ve come so far to think that our lives do not depend on the economy, on the other it shows how naive we’ve become.
How many people die from malaria for example in countries lacking resources?
There are 9M starvation related deaths each year. Tell those people the economy isn’t a life or death matter…
HMCI deliberately lied to the public by making up a story about a medical evacuation of the now deceased victim and falsely professing all 2000+ on that “death ship” did not disembark on Feb 29 at Spotts. We can’t afford to bet health and lives against the bullshit and lies still being spewed by this untrustworthy regime. That’s why Alden mutters about “containing” the community spread. They know what’s subsequently happened on that ship, and that all passengers were out mixing in our community that day.
Perhaps a little more honesty about the risks we are facing may help people understand the importance of social distancing – too many seem to be treating this as an inconvenience that can be safely ignored, simply because they believe we have been completely insulated from any contagion risk. I get that the authorities want to avoid panic, but when you dont tell the truth it doesnt help instill confidence in subsequent messages, nor should you be surprised when people dont take the situation seriously. What makes me think its not about avoiding panic as much as avoiding criticism for letting those passengers disembark, or people continue to enter the islands from high risk countries like the UK until Sunday on a promise they will self isolate.
If the Illinois study holds any water, what about Filipinos housing in tight quarters? They have double occupancy.
Due to the UK not enforcing proper policies Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine and other countries including caribbean have banned entry to UK travellers. Just a few days ago they had concerts with thousands of people. Asking people to self isolate is a joke and people aren’t doing it. Should of closed the airport earlier instead of importing tons of people from highly contagious countries.
Feels like only yesterday this article surfaced detailing the outbreak of the Chinese pneumonia within Wuhan. From 44 cases to 300k+ infected now.
Your point!
I went to Fosters in Camana Bay today and there was school children at each checkout helping shoppers to pack! What the F**k!!!!!
You have got to be kidding me!
All of this chaos because someone in China wanted to eat a magic anteater? So surreal.
Darwin had it wrong; some people apparently devolve.
“Unless there is widespread coronavirus testing of all key health workers, there will not be a functioning health service, a senior nurse has warned.” (BBC Coronavirus: Call for widespread testing of all key health workers)
Quite the opposite will happen! If nurses and doctors without symptoms test positive and will be forced to self-isolation, there will be NO doctors and nurses left! They wear protective gear to protect themselves which also protects patients from whatever they might have.
Humanity is now officially getting dumber.
CNS: No, the healthcare workers in the middle of this are not getting dumber, the epidemiologists and pandemic experts are not getting dumber. What’s happening here is you have decided this reaction is overblown and will not change your mind, all evidence to the contrary. At some stage you need to consider whether you are just plain wrong, but sadly that may not happen until someone you know is very ill.
When asymptomatic healthcare workers test positive, they have to go into quarantine for 14 days. This is better than infecting their colleagues or their family, who might get very sick and some will die. We know this from the example in Italy, where healthcare workers make up 9% of COVID-19 cases.
Even though they take precautions, covid is thought to be much more infectious than the flu and much more deadly.
Read this from the International Council of Nurses (not the evil media): High proportion of healthcare workers with COVID-19 in Italy is a stark warning to the world: protecting nurses and their colleagues must be the number one priority
We’re in trouble. Too many people here base their worldview and actions on the Bible and Fox News.
That is for sure.
You are right. The most powerful man in the world in Washington, is still at war with the media and the truth, rather than fighting a war against a worldwide health emergency.
We are in big trouble as we have no leadership in time of crisis.
Why listen to a professional? I can get all I need from Marl Road, WhatsApp and Facebook.
Idiots who do the above. Please don’t. Please.
What the world is doing is futile and destructive. The focus all along should have been placed on isolating the high risk people, the old and the sick and let everyone else continue with cautions in place. The fallout from this global shutdown will be ten times worse than the financial crisis in 2008 and indirectly will probably cause more deaths and misery than the covid-19 could have ever caused if it continues for much longer. I hope I am proven wrong.
You’re not wrong.
I also in my comment predicted that new pension law would leave expats with nothing in the long run should another market crash or unforeseen event take place. Imagine 10 years of contributions to pension fund matched by employer’ contribution reduced to nothing? You could have purchased a house if your pension money were returned to you upon repatriation. Now it may be not enough to buy a pair of socks.
Imagine Working 12-16 hours a day with no weekends for 10 years and being left with nothing in your pension plan? You know who to thank for that.
Don’t tell me it will recover, because it won’t.
What are yu basing this on exactly? I want my pension money. I’ve worked damn hard for that!
You will get it when it is due. When you retire!
And those of us who aren’t planning on living here forever? And maybe want to take home what we’ve earned?
Which other Country allows you to do what you’re asking ? – just wondering…
Then you will get it “at home”, when you retire.
You already have been proven wrong. Ask Italy and the UK
No, actually neither Italy nor the Uk employed the stategy of isolating high risk people. Perhaps they will employ that when they find out that isolating everyone is completely unsustainable.
You and so many others are not hearing what experts are explaining everyday.
No attempt to slow the virus means a runaway pandemic that would quickly overwhelm and collapse healthcare systems. That means unimaginable suffering and death. It’s not only about people getting covid19.
Imagine breaking your leg, being seriously injured in a car crash, or going into labor with twins and being told you can’t come inside the hospital because it’s full and all doctors and nurses are occupied (or sick).
Why is this so hard to understand?
And you and many others are completely ignoring the reality of the economic situation. We get it, the plan is to “slow” it down”. Ok, fine the global economy comes to a halt while we slow it down. Once we’ve decided it’s slowed down enough, we switch the global economy back on again? Has the virus been irradicated at that point? I don’t think anyone is saying that it will be. So then we go back to what’s left of our shattered economy and try to get it going again. Meanwhile covid-19 is still out there and still infecting people. Once it starts to ramp up again, we go back into hibernation mode again? Or is the plan to just stay in shut down mode indefinately? Do you really believe that is an option?
Pardon me and the rest of us that don’t see this plan as a better option than isolating high risk people while we at least keep the economy going. I don’t think you people realize that without money, we may end up fighting this thing for a very long time and at some point without any resouces. What we are doing now is completely unsustainable. I don’t understand the end game.
Look, we all want the best outcome and shouldn’t be attacking each other for putting out our opinions.
If we shut down now for two or three weeks we stand a prospect of ridding our shores of the virus. That must be the priority.
I may have missed it, but I haven’t read “ridding our shores of the virus” is the goal. My understanding is we are trying to contain the spread. But let’s pretend that elimination is the goal and we actually achieve it, what then? We remain insolated until the entire globe has ridden itself of the virus? And since we are pretending, just how long do you think we can do that before every resource is consumed and we are dealing with cirumstances that are likely more grave than the virus itself. We normally have an in flow of money (resources) and an out flow of money(imports). Right now we have virutally zero in flow,it’s entirely out flow, we are bleeding money. At some point we will run out of money. (resources, food, fuel) What happens when CUC shuts down because there is no money to buy fuel. Where do we get water without electricity. Do we beg Dart for a bailout?
Experts are very concerned that this virus will not obey the normal flu season and may rage on through the summer. In any case it ramps up again in flu season.
If an effective treatment is not made available to the world in an extremely short period of time, you are going to see the USA, Europe and Asia abandon the current stategy because it is clearly unustainable.
The correct solution for Cayman is stamp it out entirely. When there is no risk of local transmission, put the kids back in school and open the restaurants etc to serve the local population. We then carefully reintroduce long term visitors through a quarantine/testing system, and take it from there.
That sounds doable but nobody is saying that. They have a test now that gives results in 45 minutes. Perhaps it is a pre-condition to gain access to Cayman.
The plan being discussed now mentions nothing about this direction.
Oh FFS people are doing the best they can, there’s no crystal ball out there and who the F knows what will work at this point. Complaining helps no one so shut the F up
Ah, but you and I are discussing it. It has serious potential, and if more think about it and discuss it, then it might just happen.
No, you are looking out for your own best interests, which appear to be financially based. The medical world, and governments are more concerned about saving human lives and reducing suffering. You think economic suffering is worse than death? If so, you will have options when the money to maintain your precious lifestyle dries up. I will bet the people dying of this disease would give up all their more if they could live. Is that so hard to understand?
Well, I do try to live in the literal world where everything I need to live costs money.
We all need the ability to survive, and that means food, shelter, medicines, clothes etc. But so many of us either live above or means or elevate our lifestyle to correspond with our means. In the end, living lives closer to what is essential is better than dying and perhaps it is even good for the soul. I that regard, maybe this situation provides us all with an opportunity for self-reflection about what is really important in our lives – and life itself should be on top of the list.
Right, and what many are saying is it will not take long before there is no money, not even for life essentials if this continues. Perhaps you aren’t in that position and can’t imagine what that would be like.
You sound like Donald Trump. “Many people have said…”
And your comment is a pretty good example of someone with incurable TDS who is incapable of making a rational argument about anything.
“As Kucharski, a top expert on this situation, sees it, “this virus is going to be circulating, potentially for a year or two, so we need to be thinking on those time scales. There are no good options here. Every scenario you can think of playing out has some really hefty downsides. … At the moment, it seems the only way to sustainably reduce transmission are really severe unsustainable measures.”
When you are ready to get real about what we are up against, have a read.
Ok – I have read it. Twice. I understood what it said before I read it the first time. If there are no good options because these are hefty downsides to the all, you choose the one that gives the best chance of saving lives. You flatten the curve to allow the medical infrastructure a chance to save more lives rather than being inundated and facing the situation that Italy faces and the situation Spain and New York are going to go through this week. This isn’t a difficult choice but you continue to want to hold on to the economy like your life depends on it. It doesn’t and countless billions of poor people throughout history have proven that.
No, and you are completely missing the point. “The only way to sustainably reduce transmission are really severe *UNSUSTAINABLE* measures”.
Those are not my words, they are the words of an expert and they he’s far from alone and if you do some reading. It’s also common sense.
This is not about holding on to the economy so we can go to Camana Bay and hang out and pretend nothing happened.
What you don’t seem to get is that the strategy has no long term benefit when you consider the cascading and yes, deadly consequences of complete and utter collapse. In short, unless a cure or adequate treatment is introduced very soon the strategy we are currently using is absolutely futile and the faster people accept that reality the faster we can come up with a sensible plan B.
Why did we not protect the vulnerable people by segregating them away? You cannot just shut down the world economy. The fallout from this is more death and despair then the initial pull.
You think that they can’t? Watch..
Common sense will not be tolerated.
Having said that,
Regular old flu stats:
COVID-19: Approximately 286,932 cases worldwide; 19,624 cases in the U.S. as of Mar. 21, 2020.*
FLU: Estimated 1 billion cases worldwide; 9.3 million to 45 million cases in the U.S. per year.
COVID-19: Approximately 11,906 deaths reported worldwide; 260 deaths in the U.S., as of Mar. 21, 2020.*
FLU: 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide; 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. per year.
Difference being is that thus far, we don’t burn down world economies and destroy peoples finances and livelihoods for the flu.
When you can definitely tell me without conjecture or with science-base algorithms that Coronavirus, if left largely unchecked – as the common flu is – won’t cause higher numbers of cases or fatalities, then I will listen to you. Until that time, shut the F up. Your Quija board medical analysis puts people a risk. Maybe some idiot believes your sophomoric number crunching and puts us all more at risk. You don’t KNOW anything about this and unless you want to start every one of your posts with “I am completely full of S***” then you shouldn’t be posting.
And meanwhile, why don’t you go buy some more toilet paper.
Stupid Fox News viewers and their stupid CDC statistics….Why can’t they shut up and blindly ignore 1 Billion flu infections per year and 500K+ deaths…
Shut up, drink the koolaid, resign yourselves to the fact that there is no price too high to TEMPORARILY slow down this virus including destroying the global economy. When it doesn’t work and we find ourselves in worse condition in 6 months and broke we’ll give you your next directive.
What could go wrong..?
Good stats but you left out how much more contagious the new virus is than the flu and also how difficult if not impossible to treat. Also the flu will go away on its own and the virus??
Exactly. Idiots watch Fox News and can’t understand this.
Yes, but Fox News in in one week has completely changed their tune. A week ago the virus was a “hoax” and a “scam”. Then half a dozen of Fox News employees in NYC come down with the virus, two seriously, and everything changes.
The virus is no longer a plot by the Democratic Party to destroy Trump.
What a relief.
Over 30,000 cases of the virus in the USA and 400 deaths in America. Fox finally gets it. Let facts reign.
Obviously you’re a CNN idiot – believe everything the Conspiracy News Network spews out – that’s why they’re continually having to settle multi-million Lawsuits for False reporting !
Please give me an example of a multi million dollar reporting lawsuit won against CNN for false reporting.
Covington Boys – they settled out of court.
Do you know how many lawsuits Donald Trump has settled out of court in the past 25 years?
A grand total of 42. People who live on glass houses should not throw stones.
and that of course exonerates CNN for all their false reporting ?? Get real
Donald Trump is not FOX news ! The subject was FOX news and CNN not Donald Trump vs Don Lemon
Yet another case of TDS ! – You asked about CNN Lawsuits and responded citing DT Lawsuits – completely veering from the subject which was FOX News and the Clinton News Network.
Yeah that was an amazing pedophile ring Hillary was running out of a pizza restaurant basement in Washington a few years ago. Great reporting Fox News. An incredible conspiracy.
Fox news reported on a ‘Fake Conspiracy theory’ started and promulgated in FB, Twitter, Youtube and Reddit…they did not initiate the story as factual – they reported on ‘the Fake Conspiracy Story’ which was circulating.
yes you outsmarted the entire world and only this website can witness your pure genius clearly it’s the same as the common flu
Please show some respect, not pure genius but “a very stable genius”.
When the death toll reaches 1 million and far exceeds flu stats, plesse do come back and remind us how we took this too seriously!
As long as governments provide people with enough to eat, the economic fallout will not create more death and despair than from those dying from the disease. You might not have the same uppity lifestyle for a while, but you will survive.
This person believe that “Governments” provide food. Laughable.
Get planting Cayman!
To be fair to these guys, they have little choice but to act according to the world panic and media hysterics.
If they don’t they would be crucified be the hysterical press.
And soon enough, this will be linked to Global Warming and the hysterics will continue.
the first executive order should have been to control panic. CNS is doing good so far and restrains from instilling state of panic in people’s minds. Yet, you can’t help but sense fear in their response to some comments.
CNS: What you interpret as feat is irritation plus concern. The efforts here are to contain the Covid-19 virus. People who downplay the risk to the community are endangering all of us. If everyone takes this seriously, we should be OK. If they don’t we are in trouble.
Fox News is calling. They have another conspiracy theory they would like you to spread.
The Chinese got a few as well.
Death is the wrong yardstick. Everyone is vulnerable. 40% of intubated ICU cases in USA are jackasses like you, aged 20-50 that thought this wouldn’t manifest in them, or believed the myth that it was equatable to a normal flu. Deniers like you, are why Asia, Europe and soon North America will be trenching mass graves for those with existing comorbidities that your skeptical dumb ass displaced.
Cayman please, please, I implore you #StayHomeCayman and protect the people of your beautiful island. Do your part to keep the outbreak to a minimum, don’t be like Itlay, or the US, take this seriously…you can see what happens when it’s not taken seriously.
I will not
You are a jackass
We may very well find out at the end of this panicdemic that the “cure” was far more devastating than the flu itself.
A) It’s not a “flu.” B) Economic hardship is not worth than death or permanent disability. C) People like you are actually causing more harm, so please, go read up on COVID-19 and stop spreading ill-informed messages.
Speak for yourself. All other people with different health conditions are “sacrificed” to coronavirus. It seems OK to die from other conditions because you should not see a doctor or go to ER today. Telemedicine my a$$!
In the US in 60 days 210 people died from the COVID complications. How many died from the lack of Medical care, early discharge from hospitals, suicides from panic, etc.?
So please keep your right-informed messages to yourself.
I agree with 10:45 completely!
MAGA man!
Yes a real MAGA Man. Attack the messenger which is the media, excluding FOX, rather than the sickness.
Agree – especially as we have no choice but to sign away our civil liberties as new “temporary” laws are drawn up to deal with this without proper scrutiny.
We’re in a catch-22 globally with too many balls in the game to keep an eye on – (put tin foil hat on) if this was planned, they’ve done a good job.
Not sure about the Italian man’s wife. However, apparently two other Italians from the same cruise ship who were taken off in Puerto Rico days before it stopped here have tested positive also.
We should pray for the recovery of the two HC staff, not just that it’s the humanitarian thing to do but their survival could present opportunities for researching vaccines from their blood. Perhaps HC has the resources or at least the overseas connections to have their blood researched – if they survive. God wiling.
Did the Italian man’s wife test Positive or Negative for the Corona Virus?
I have not heard of any other cruise passenger from that ship coming down with the Corona Virus.
What is the breakdown of those who were tested and why were they tested?
Are they testing Government or are they testing sick folks presenting Flu or Virus-like symptoms?
Please release your medical records first, then we can talk about everyone else’s.
Be prepared for the beaches to be shut……
Meanwhile we should pray for the recovery of the two healthcare workers who’ve tested positive.
I will tell you this much, I don’t really care who u fa..If I see any the university students I know out in the open I’m calling the Police so prepare to get your ass arrested..
No you won’t.
But people who have flu symptoms, and people who are awaiting the results of their tests, and their families, do not have to be isolated…just persons who have been on an airplane? OK then.
8.57pm All those others have to remain isolated
I agree they should, but where is that mandated?
I wish they wouldn’t refer to that poor man as ‘patient zero’. He was a human being with a family that loved him. So sad that he is now just a statistic to these people.
CNS: No one is forgetting that he was a human being, nor should we, but in order to prevent more people dying, this situation has to be looked at as a practical problem with hopefully practical solutions. ‘Patient zero’ is how everyone has to look at a possible exponential spread. It’s not to forget the man or those who mourn him, it’s part of the mindset to protect the living, which is the responsibility of those in charge, but also the responsibility of all of us in the community.
We needed to do like hong Kong -put an arm band on the incoming!
More like prisoner ankle bracelets
I hoe all parents will follow Dr Lee’s enforcement, strategy and advice. Just do it for the elderly, for yourself and for the future of our youngsters. Remember, there are consequences and you don’t see it now but will see it in YOUR future!!! Follow him. Follow us, the parents who provided for you. The elderly who adore you. Make them proud. Stay isolated please.
The civil service has responded well to this crisis. While i have been working from home many civil servants have been working at our borders trying to keep us safe at great personal risk.
I will never complain about our civil service again. Thank you CIG!
I sure as hell will.
To 10.53 I guess you cant help yourself eh.
Do the right thing Cayman, teamwork, just for once? Please?
That’s very good but we should invest in more test kits and test as many people as possible. That’s what they’re finding out in the US – inadequate testing
Locals and jamaicans are still not keeping a distance from me.
Most of them are simply not informed or follow idiots like Anthony eden and juliana whatever.
Your god is not going to help you here folks.
Stay home and avoid people..
A local young man at the gas station came up to the window while I was paying, his face literally inches away from mine as he tried to talk to the cashier while she was getting my change. I sternly told him to “back off” and stay at least six feet from me. He looked at me like I had antlers growing out of my head. The cashier, a Jamaican, gave me a dirty look and instead of giving me my two dollars back in cash, she took one of the dollars back and gave it to me in quarters instead, as if to punish me for telling the young guy to back off. At the grocery story, there’s a local guy pushing his cart through the aisles repeatedly coughing into the air, his hands never leaving the cart. If this virus takes hold here, it will spread like wildfire unless people get with the programmme.
@ 1.15pm BA has a flight out tomorrow. Take it. Yhen you can ride the ‘tube’ and rub elbows with your own kind of locals.
Typical Caymanian response to criticism. Grow up. Your people are going to start dying if they don’t take this seriously.
How about you get on it. It’s my country and we don’t like you.
This ain’t no country bobo. It’s a speck of sand in the middle of the ocean. And it belongs to Britain. Remember that.
How does that have anything to do with the discussion at hand, Bozo.
Actually, three substantial pieces of coral in the middle of the sea, with some sand around some edges, and some people on top. Most of the people are wonderful.
Tried to get on that BA flight. Fully booked.
Like I still see some stupid Jamaica s hugging
Dr. Lee thank you for your sensible observations and comments.
It is quite clear that you are the only person who understands the serious nature of the pandemic
need a tip line
Here’s a tip. Mind your own business.
Are you having a good party tonight? Planning a secret session next week?
A small island self isolating itself from the entire world would have to remain self- isolated until the # of active cases reduced to nearly nothing. This could take who knows how long.
You would have no choice but re-open your borders before the virus “extinguished” to prevent dire socio-economic consequences and cabin fever.
All these measures would only work if you remain isolated, quarantined until the entire world stops reporting new cases. This could take years.
you have immigrarion still open post officr othergovt entitiee banks bars snd u sont hink it can spread
Or the whole Island self isolates for two weeks and we get an all clear. An investment in our security well worth making.
I’d like that outcome, but it could also be two weeks to a full lockdown that last 5-6 weeks. We just don’t know the scale of local transmission, or even if it exists.
But if we lock down now we stand the best chance of it being shorter and more effective.
They will work in Cayman if we close down here for two weeks. We can then get back to semi normalcy, with our borders effectively closed until the rest of the world catches up.
Dr. Lee, you are truly a very professional man.
Keep up the good work and may God Bless you sir.
What makes him so special?
Competence in a time of crisis. Be grateful.
You will never understand. Its OK. Be special to your tribe.
No expat can ever be special to some folks around here.
Actually, Tom Russell proved you wrong 50 years ago and a great many have gained the Caymanian public’s love and admiration since. Dr. Lee is just one of the latest examples.
He is the only person with any expertise in the virus area on this island. That’s why he is special.
But we’ve got Dwayne. He’s the health minister. And it’s nearly Gaypril!
Epidemic management is a process of anticipating, preventing, preparing for, detecting, responding, and controlling epidemics in order that the health and economic impacts are minimized.
Although epidemic management requires adequate knowledge of medical and/or public health, effective management requires proper coordination of all the specialty areas involved in response activities.
For an effective epidemic response, expertise in epidemiology, clinical medicine, health education, and laboratory medicine are required
He may be a truly world class medical professional, but not an epidemiologist and certainly not an epidemic management specialist. He simply is doing what others are doing under the circumstances. This doesn’t mean that he can’t become one after having hands-on experience right here, right now.
Agree. But… may the people of the world, who actually exist, bless you.
I love Dr Lee!
Won’t work because there is no way of telling who’s who out and about and some people will ignore this order, guaranteed. They need to isolate everyone for 14 days after the airport closes.
No, but others will be aware of instances where people have returned and aren’t obeying the law, and they should report them to the police accordingly.
How many weeks will it take them to investigate?
Are you kidding, this is Cayman, we are a small country and we know our neighbors. If you know someone that has come back on island in the past 14 days and you see them out and about call the damn Police…This is about life and death.
It still amazes me how some people can be so selfish as not to do this to help save others maybe members of their own family..
I have chosen to self-isolate for two weeks and I have not travelled but I think it is my best interest and to others that the less opportunity this virus has to travel from one person to the next the better..
Let’s start to get some sense about us and do as the doctors tell us and stay home, please!
Yeah, right. Like policing your own really works here. How many times has a crime been committed and people KNOW who did it but say nothing because it’s their brother or sister or cousin or uncle or father or friend. Given that a lot of young people think this is only an old-person’s disease, they aren’t really concerned. They think this is all overblown politics and that it’s cramping their style, not letting them get their party on. And with all the parents staying at home, who’d going to be out and about to rat on them?
We are not / not a country but a dinky island also a colony or Overseas Territory. Remember that when things get really bad.
This is an easy one. Just look at the immigration records for those who are returning home, and find out if they’re complying with the order.
Keep up the good work!
Ha ha. Like they can enforce that. Has anyone told the dirt bike mafia? I see they have resurfaced