Carnival cruise ships crash in Mexico

| 20/12/2019 | 75 Comments
Cayman News Service
Carnival ships crash in Cozumel, the moment of impact captured from another ship

(CNS): Two cruise ships belonging to the Carnival Corporation, the cruise line partnering with the Cayman Islands Government over the proposed controversial cruise project here, crashed in Mexican waters just before 9am Friday. The Carnival Legend and Carnival Glory collided in high winds as they were docking at the berthing facility in Cozumel. The Royal Caribbean’s Oasis of the Seas narrowly missed being hit in what could have been a cruise ship pile-up.

The Carnival Glory, which was in Cayman yesterday, reportedly smashed into the side of the Carnival Legend, which was due to come here on Christmas Eve but has been badly damaged.

It is understood that some passengers who were in a dining room at the time of the smash were injured, but so far the cruise line has not released any information or statements about the collision, which was videoed and posted on social media by dozens of passengers who witness the event.

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Category: Business, Central America, Tourism, World News

Comments (75)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    So Carnival CEO says it was a freak storm that caused this…same thing Joey told us about the containers floating off the dock here…You can’t this $hit up.. things that make you go hmmm..

    Both situations were careless mistakes..Stop blaming Mother Nature!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I just wonder, how many accidents will happen when the two ships have to pull into the “inner” berths? Outside, may not be a problem… Better get here first…

  3. Anonymous says:

    It was the CPR at it again !!! Payback to Alden for tossing those shipping crates in the sea !!!

    It’s WAR !!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Piers required these ships to be in such close proximity. Without piers there would have been no accident like this one.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Conspiracy 1: God is for the Port Expansion, see how he knocked the containers off the dock?

    Conspiracy 2: God is against the Docks, see how he knocked those cruise ships together?

    Knock yourselves out in the responses.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Really proves nothing. Anyone can have a bad day. It could have been equipment failure. We have more car accidents in Cayman than most places in the world. Most of it due to inexperience, drugs and alcohol. We have had more reefs hit by ships and we don’t care about it. Building a pier facility would help the coral reefs that so many people claim they care about. But thats just not true.

    • Anonymous says:

      Help the reefs? What are you on? I’d consult your dr immediately as it’s making you delusional.

    • Anonymous says:

      8:11, Yes, I guess the Carnival boys had another bad day in June in Venice, Italy, when they wiped out a tourist boat and the dock there too.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Cruise ships are such a good idea In theory. But the reality sucks. They’re gaudy barges bursting at the seams with the decadent and the obese. Like festering wounds they spew toxic pollution into the sea and ooze obnoxious humans out onto the land.

    Cruise ships show us so much of what is wrong with the world. They poison nature, exploit developing societies, abuse labour, the excess of all you can eat buffets, the absurdity of casino gambling as entertainment, etc. No intelligent government with principles and foresight would have anything to do with this industry.

    Imagine being so lost that you think a typical Caribbean cruise is a great idea for a vacation. You work hard all year in some meaningless job, then you spend thousands of dollars to take your family on a cruise so that you can come ashore in the Cayman Islands for a few hours where your Jamaican driver will take you to Burger King or Wendy’s, then maybe to a gift shop where you can buy an authentic Cayman coconut monkey (carved by in Honduras, of course) and a Cayman Islands T-shirt (imported from Panama). And maybe there’s still time for a sting ray city excursion to abuse the marine life and soak up the authentic island vibe with the thousands of Americans standing next to you.

    Why do these people do this? Oh right, I forgot. All-you-can-eat buffets.


    • a says:

      7:23 in 1912 the Cruise line Titanic sunk 1500 lives was lost that did not stop the cruise industry!

      • Anonymous says:

        12:38 Titanic wasn’t a cruise ship – in those days it was the only way to cross the Atlantic. Passengers didn’t have a choice. In fact, it wasn’t until well into the 1960s that air travel started to overtake shipping as the main long-haul carrier. Your argument is childish.

        You could say the same about the 1987 Zeebrugge capsize but the fact remains that ferries were, and still are, the only option if you want to move large volumes of traffic between the UK and Europe.

        • alaw says:

          3:50 Google, says RMS Titanic was a British Passenger Liner, to make you feel better. My simple point was, it did not stop the building of passenger liners up to this day!
          I am searching for your point.

          • Anonymous says:

            alaw I don’t see any point in any of your comments. You’re just Trolling this thread. Do your parents know you’re posting here?

          • Anonymous says:

            You know, funny thing there with the sinking of RMS Titanic – it spawned over 100 years of robust safety changes to Maritime Law, particularly in regards to lifeboats, access doors, emergency disembarkation designs, and standardized universal “rescue” tendering ability. Contrary to the prevailing lies of this gov’t, all passenger liners must retain the capacity to tender as a matter of normal evacuation protocol. It’s the law. Cayman gives every liner a free test of their emergency protocols at every stop, without any distress or alarm to passengers.

  8. Anonymous says:

    dah wha unna get!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Why is it so difficult for people to record basic competent video with their phones? It’s really not that hard.

  10. Anonymous says:

    First the containers fall in the ocean now two of the cruises crash. This is the same cruise line working with CIG to get the port built. I wouldn’t put it passed a multi-billion dollar company to pull a few stunts for their benefit!
    Well they can’t fool us.

    VOTE NO!!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Even if there is never a collision whilst visiting Cayman there will inevitably be evasive manoeuvring, a simple percentages equation. So still no concerns about that prop / thruster wash seen in the video stirring the silt up in, around, and beyond GT Harbour Aldart, Mo$e$ ?

  12. Anonymous says:

    It’s almost as if God is trying to show something these past couple of days…

  13. Anonymous says:

    Soon to be witnessed in Cayman!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Honestly, i wish they had both sunk

  15. Dah wha da @#%$ unna get. says:

    Hey Carnival, karma much?

  16. Anonymous says:

    This is tragic. Apparently the lunch buffet had to be suspended. People went hungry!!!

  17. Anonymous says:

    Let me guess, its because of the dock?

  18. Anonymous says:

    Tell us again how the Cayman cruise pier design leaves enough space between the piers.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Better video here – Love to see the official incident report on that :-0

    I hope the officers in command were drug and alcohol tested.

  20. Anonymous says:

    This is a sign

  21. End of Dayz says:

    The nor’easter and this incident are all a sign from God.

    Moses are you listening?

    Alden there is a greater power than you?

    McKeeva now is time to repent!

    The rest of the unity sheep in Govt are condemned to losing their their seats due to blind loyalty to their political cult leaders. Save yourselves REPENT!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Anyone else catch that “oooh maii gaadd” from the Minnesotan tourist in the bottom video. Didn’t know Sheila Broflovski was a real person. America’s finest, brought right on top of your shores – that’s the Verdant Isle promise.

    More to the point, the whole cruise ship industry is looking so pathetic these days. The only reason cruises are popular now is because of how much they offer older people who can’t afford better vacations. Younger generations’ values will kill off these companies in due course, that’s a guarantee, so we should not sacrifice anything to accommodate them now. Any cruise pier will become a white elephant and permanent reminder of the greed and stupidity of our species in time.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry, meant Principal Victoria. Sheila is from Jersey.

    • Anonymous says:

      12.27 ever been on Seabourne, Silverseas or Regent cruise ?
      Try it, then you’ll know what you are talking about.

      • The original Truthseeker says:

        I (not original poster) have had the privilege of being on Regent cruise. This is the type of cruise business that we should be persuing, high end, low volume.

        Instead we seem to be focused on quantity over quality. I remember as a child visiting the UK seeing tourist establishments displaying “no coaches” signs in an attempt to ward off the arrival of masses of low end visitors who overload the facilities and spend little money.

        It seems that our government is keen to hang out the “coaches welcome” sign with complete disregard to our lack of infrastructure, beach and stingray city capacity, and ongoing traffic meltdown.

        Abandon plans for the dock. Spend the money (it is our money, even if the cruise lines are willing to “front” it ) on a traffic overpass at Grand Harbour!

        In the next election, I will only vote for a candidate/party that prioritizes a realistic solution to the east side traffic nightmare. Eastsiders, tell your representatives that you have had enough.

        The original Truthseeker

        • Anonymous says:

          Unless there is a fundamental change in our democracy whereby Lodge is rejected (because they are treasonous), nothing will change and you will be responsible for electing another bunch of idiots.

    • Anonymous says:

      12:27 there has been more accidents and lost of lives by planes, check!

  23. Anonymous says:

    Carnival Glory has a new hole.

  24. CaymanQT says:

    Keep those monsters off Cayman shores.

  25. Anon says:

    Cayman drivers?.


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